Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Having a blah week. Up 0.2 pounds. I know that is nothing in the scheme of things but it the first time in almost 100 days that I weighed in up anything. I had 1 week where I stayed exactly the same but none up. I weighed in on Wednesday which is my normal day but didn't like what it said so I weighed again today and it was still the same. Oh well. That is not the real reason why I feel blah. I am overwhelmed with everything that i have to do and I never get enough sleep. I am so tired! School is kicking my *kitten*. I also struggle at this time of the year, every year. I am not looking forward to the battle of the foods. Food for me is an addiction and so feeling not in control is like a binge for me. At the same time, the need to be hypervigilant about being in control is exhuasting! The mental part of why I eat (good or bad food) is such a huge part of my issues with my self image and subsequently my weight. For me it is not as simple as making better choices for a short while. I am having to totally retrain my brain and my responses from what I put in my mouth to what I think about when I do it or don't do it. So the holidays add an extra stress onto these issues. Couple that with seasonal effective disorder, stress, recurring depression and I have an uphill battle in front of me. So bah humbug! I need a weekend to not get out of my PJs and nap when I want then someone to force me out of that rut that I will get myself into and make me rejoin life and not wallow in my own self pity. And don't sing me a damn Christmas song!

    OMG I think me and you are on the same wave right now!
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Hey everyone I just wanted to let you know that I am back... I am working on getting back in the swing of everything with MFP... But I want you to know that I am back on track now.
  • rae_mayer
    Hey everyone I just wanted to let you know that I am back... I am working on getting back in the swing of everything with MFP... But I want you to know that I am back on track now.

    Welcome back Chrystal!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Great to see you back Chrystal! It might take a little bit to get in the swing of things, take it one step at a time. :flowerforyou:

    Weighed in at 219 today. That water weight is coming right off, can't wait to see what the scale says next week. :bigsmile:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Also, Virgo - I haven't seen the postcard challenge since I've been gone, when does the next one start?
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    Having a blah week. Up 0.2 pounds. I know that is nothing in the scheme of things but it the first time in almost 100 days that I weighed in up anything. I had 1 week where I stayed exactly the same but none up. I weighed in on Wednesday which is my normal day but didn't like what it said so I weighed again today and it was still the same. Oh well. That is not the real reason why I feel blah. I am overwhelmed with everything that i have to do and I never get enough sleep. I am so tired! School is kicking my *kitten*. I also struggle at this time of the year, every year. I am not looking forward to the battle of the foods. Food for me is an addiction and so feeling not in control is like a binge for me. At the same time, the need to be hypervigilant about being in control is exhuasting! The mental part of why I eat (good or bad food) is such a huge part of my issues with my self image and subsequently my weight. For me it is not as simple as making better choices for a short while. I am having to totally retrain my brain and my responses from what I put in my mouth to what I think about when I do it or don't do it. So the holidays add an extra stress onto these issues. Couple that with seasonal effective disorder, stress, recurring depression and I have an uphill battle in front of me. So bah humbug! I need a weekend to not get out of my PJs and nap when I want then someone to force me out of that rut that I will get myself into and make me rejoin life and not wallow in my own self pity. And don't sing me a damn Christmas song!

    OMG I think me and you are on the same wave right now!

    I weighed in on a whim this morning and was down 2.4 pounds. I went ahead a recorded it even though it was not my day to weigh. Don't get me wrong, I am happy but I hope that I am not disappointed when I weigh later this week.
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    Where is everyone lately? It seems like this group has really slowed down. Come on ladies!!!
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Where is everyone lately? It seems like this group has really slowed down. Come on ladies!!!
    I KNOW!!! I'm so sorry!! I'm a bad inspiring pal!! :sad: I need to be better about talking to you folks!!! You are all wonderful people!!!:heart:

    I'm at a NO LOSS Which is both good and bad... Bad for the group (but yay at losing over 200lbs as a group you guys!!) and good cause I didn't gain! :wink: I've lost inches again so I'm assuming it's a little bit of the muscle I've probably gained from doing the strength training... I sometimes think I shouldn't do it, but then I love doing it so I'll keep at that.

    I'm hoping to lose this week, any tips ladies and gents?:flowerforyou:
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Where is everyone lately? It seems like this group has really slowed down. Come on ladies!!!

    Yeah, I'm guilty! I feel like I got behind with this thread on vacation and never quite caught up. School's been crazy busy too - I've been overwhelmed with homework.

    So how about a belated fitness Friday update? I did my very first spin class this morning. I've been both interested and totally intimidated since the classes are full of super-fit people! However, it was cool! The people on either side of me were nice and helpful in getting my bike set up. It's been about 4 hours and I'm still not walking straight LOL. Seriously, it was a kickass workout!

    I want to attend more classes (spin or otherwise) because with an instructor hollering at me, I work harder AND longer than I do if I'm left to my own devices.

    Hope everyone's doing well and having a great weekend!

  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    *bounces into the group* Hey everyone, sorry I've been so quiet. Lost 2.6lbs this week though, woot woot.

    Nicely done with the spin class Nikkie :) Bet your legs are buuuuuuuuuurning, lol.

    Hope everyone is doing really well :)
  • rae_mayer
    Ok, so I know I probably shouldn't have... but I weighed myself this morning and it read 249.8. I just had to enter it! So as of today, I've lost 45 lbs, I now need to lose less than 100lbs to reach my goal and I'm out of the 250's! I'm one less big block (50lb) move on the scale! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Anyway, sorry! The more I thought about it, the more excited I got (as you can see above!). I hope everyone else's weekends are going well!
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    I know, I've been kind of distant as well :( Great job on the weightloss ladies!!

    @Nikkie- awesome job on the spin class. I've always wanted to go to one, but I've been afraid I would just keel over and pass out or something.

    So I hopped on the scale today (even though my weigh in day is tomorrow) and I have officially lost 101 lbs from my heaviest (recorded) weight! I knew last week when I was -99lbs I would hit it this week, so I couldn't help but peek before weigh in. It took me 10 years! Well, I lost a bunch of weight in 2005, then gained, then lost, then gained, then lost, then gained, but I've never gotten this low. Sad thing is, I still have a lot of weight to lose...
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    I planned the next two week's meals which takes me to the end of November (since I will be on vacation for Thanksgiving week). Next week is going to be a killer so I am going to prepare extra portions of this week's meals so that my hubby or son just need to heat up the left overs for us for dinner. I am on dead week from my classes although I have a ton to do to get caught up on laundry and my internship. I will be out of town next weekend at my father's wedding. I can't say that I am looking forward to any part of that but it will mean one step closer in the healing process for me toward forgiveness. It has been a hard road!

    Anyway...no NSV's this week. I was really frustrated with myself earlier in the week but then Saturday morning on a whim I hopped on the scale and it rewarded me. That is something I don't normally do...I usually weigh on Wednesday mornings. I went ahead and recorded it so I might be down just a small amount this upcoming week. Today I had a tummyache all day so I didn't eat too much. Was feeling slightly better by dinner but I stayed way under calories today. I am thinking that with a little work I might be to my wedding weight by Christmas instead of Spring Break. That would be awesome.

    Anyway, gonna hit the sack now...I hope that you ladies have a wonderful week!!!
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    Posted twice...sorry!
  • pattynava
    Hi everyone!
    @Nikkie- Great Job on the Spin Class!:drinker:
    @ November Birthdays- Hope they are Blessed!:heart:
    I also had an AWESOME week...Walked 1.5 miles EVERYDAY, and drank my water quota and am down to 250.1:love: That means for this WEEK ALONE...I have dropped 5.6lbs:noway: I weighed myself twice to be sure....couldn't believe it....
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    HI guys sorry for not posting in a while I have kind of been stalking the board not really having anything to say so I didn't post. Today I start Turbo Fire I decided to start it a week early because I decided that I was going to start with the 9 week prep program and then do the full 20 week program. That will take me all the way out to my Anniversary. I'm hoping that by my anniversary I am looking smoking hot! It would be awesome if I could get beyond the 230 and maybe into onederland by then and I think with this exercise program that it might be possible. So technically I am still on vacation as I write this but will be leaving here in about 2 1/2 hours to head back home. It has been a nice relaxation I needed it. Didn't really log my food while here but we had a kitchen in our suite so I cooked all of our meals. Hope you all have a fantastic Monday and I will be back in later after I do my first Turbo Fire workout and let you know how it went.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    NSV Monday!!
    So yesterday I went to goodwill and I gave away 3 bags of my old clothes and my husbands old clothes. THREE BAGS! I felt like Ba-Ba black sheep!
    Anyway I wanted to see if I could find some 18s because I only have 22s, 20s, and one pair of 16s. It's hard for us tall girls to find pants that fit and are long enough so I looked and looked... I found them. A dark wash, pretty bronze and gold beading on one leg and gorgeous butt pockets.
    I took them to the dressing room and they fit! I pulled them up, buttoned (after sucking in a little bit) and zipped them! I showed my Ma, who was shopping with me, and she liked them a lot! I bought them and when I got home I put them on for my hubby to see. He likes them too! I'm still a tad too big in the hips to wear them all day comfortably, but I can tell you this. NO MORE 22S! I don't fit in them any more!!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Holy crap! I've done so horribly lately. And it's my own fault. Stopped logging, stopped exercising completely, stopped eating right all together. Sucks. And it's showing on the scale. I gained 2 pounds this week. You know what though, I'm not going to let it get me down! I'm going to use it for motivation!! Here's to a great week!!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hi everyone!
    @Nikkie- Great Job on the Spin Class!:drinker:
    @ November Birthdays- Hope they are Blessed!:heart:
    I also had an AWESOME week...Walked 1.5 miles EVERYDAY, and drank my water quota and am down to 250.1:love: That means for this WEEK ALONE...I have dropped 5.6lbs:noway: I weighed myself twice to be sure....couldn't believe it....

    That is amazing! Great work!! :flowerforyou:
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    TurboFire WOW what a workout! I sweat my butt off! I was able to make it through the whole workout and it wasn't bad at all! I did peak and watch the whole workout yesterday so I knew what I was in for. I did have a few miss steps as the routine switched sides but other then that it was awesome. I might even go ahead and do the 20 week program instead of doing the 9 week prep then the 20 week program. I'm going to watch over the workout tonight and see if I think I can do it. Love you all have a wonderful night.