Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • Laurathabomb
    Laurathabomb Posts: 44 Member
    Happy Friday friends! Having a crappy month so far... ( Not weight loss related ) Things will get better. God always provides :indifferent:
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    It's so easy it is almost stupid! Sauté up 1/2 cup chopped onion with 1 cup sliced mushrooms til tender with a tablespoon oil. Then add a package of frozen sugar snap peas thawed 1 cup cherry tomatos halved and a package of refridgerated beef tips with gravy, heat til warmed through and serve over hot cooked noodles or rice. You will have to look at my diary to get the nutrition
    info as I am using my phone to type this. Hope you enjoy.
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    I got home from work at 11:30pm, only ate 2 tbs of hummus and did 45 mins on the elliptical all so I could eat a whole pint of ice cream.
    Yeah, it was one of those days :(
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I got home from work at 11:30pm, only ate 2 tbs of hummus and did 45 mins on the elliptical all so I could eat a whole pint of ice cream.
    Yeah, it was one of those days :(

    Hey at least you got on the elliptical, better than eating the ice cream and doing nothing. lol
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    thanks ladies yes its a good thing, i guess its like ive always said once you quit trying well thats when it happens! i was going to the doctor to get birth control but now we will have a different appointment! hehe im scared dont get me wrong with having a special needs baby boy already i dont think its gonna b easy but i know we can do and i am very happy but also very scared! i do plan on talking to the doc cause i need to continue to lose, but also make sure baby is healthy, i plan on walking alot!!

    OMG congratulations!! :) That's absolutely thrilling news, and I'm so happy for you :)

    On my happy news, I am now officially in the 270s :) No more 280s for me!!
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Here I am being a bad pal again... If it's not studying it's Simming and if it's not Simming, it's being social with actual people! :-) I'm happy though because I've always been kind of "shut in" probably because of my fear of not being accepted. Thanks to all of you, who've accepted me for who I be!
    Still losing, I just reported to Miss Virgo, so I hope she got that message.
    I'm actually really happy because according to my diary's "You'll be this much in 5 weeks" thing I should be quite less than I have set a mini goal up for myself. I want to be 235lbs by December 21nd (when we fly to Cali) and apparently my diary says I'll be between 229 and 233...IN 5 WEEKS!! That's really nice. Dec 21st is about 8 weeks away so I could be in the high 220s by that time!! :-) Has anyone's diary really predicted their future weight right? I might start marking my calendar to see if it's truly working out!
    My mom informed me today that there are about 70 more days left in 2011... Which means I'll be a pescatarian for another 70 or so days... It was my 2010 new years resolution to be pescatarian for a whole year... I've enjoyed it, but I really miss certain meats and it sucks because I feel so bad for the animals... :-/
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    well there was more to the depression and mood swings, i'm pregnant! find out monday how far along!

    How exciting!! Congrats! Do let us know when you are due! ;-)
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    well there was more to the depression and mood swings, i'm pregnant! find out monday how far along!

    Congrats! and God Bless:heart:
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    Hello ladies! Sorry I was AWOL for a couple of days... Was out getting my daughters 16th bday party planned, decorated and all the other stuff that you have to do.... It was fantastic...she had a great time....It is something I'm hoping she will remember for the rest of her life...I"ll post pics as soon as I get them developed ( I am so bad at that!)

    @NeurticVirgo- totally bombed on the challenge....too busy to do it the right way....Haven't had any changes in weight:mad:

    @NaeSae- Glad everything is good! I'm sure that did take a load of your shoulders!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Hello family, Lost another 2.2 lbs this week and am now down to only 37.4 lbs til its baby making time!!!!! I'm excited about this. Even more excited about getting closer to the 250's I haven't been there in YEARS!!!!!!! I hope you all are having a fabulous day and have a fabulous week.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Hi ladies. Sorry I've been MIA and have missed SO much! I have refused to step on the scale in 2 weeks (which is the reason for not having a weight in the group spreadsheet). I'm pretty sure though that I've gained all the weight I had lost since July back again. I've never felt so unhealthy. I'm having problems breathing at night because it feels like my double chin is suffocating me and I'm winded now by just putting on a pair of shoes! I also found a picture of myself about 6 years ago and I almost cried. I looked so good then. I decided that I do not want to look like this anymore... I want to go back 6 years and look like the girl in the picture. So... that's what I'm going to do!
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Weigh in previous weight 265.1 current weight 263.2 I was sick that's why it wasn't in yesterday.
  • Finigan84
    Lost .8 this week. But for it being my TOM I am ok with that. I haven't seen my TOM for 4 months due to some health issues so I am actually glad to see it return even if I feel like a marshmellow and I am fighting not to give in to stupid cravings.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Ok, sorry for posting late. Here is this weeks challenge. And you get a WHOLE week to do it, and you can post anytime (you don't have to wait till the end of the week, if you do it today, then post today).

    While some of us are doing fantastic! YAY! Others are starting to slip away, and it always seems to be LIFE that does this. We're busy, we don't have time to exercise or eat right. By the time we get home, we just want to microwave something, eat and sleep. lol. So this weeks challenge is PLANNING. Each of us should make a plan for next week, something to help us stay on track. Meal planning is really a good tool. If you already know your going to eat tacos on Monday, Fish on Tuesday, and Meatloaf on Wed...that makes grocery shopping that much easier. It also means less "thinking" while you are tired, or stressed...which often leads to things like ordering pizza. And though we can't always plan for unexpected events, we can plan around events we know are going to happen. Don't let that Birthday party or Halloween catch you off guard. Make a plan!

  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    NSV Monday: Yesterday I jogged for 1 minute and 45 seconds straight. And that was after doing five 1-minute jogging intervals. AND it didn't kill me! Now, to put this in perspective - I haven't jogged in over 15 years! It was hard... but I could DO it. Totally surprised myself! This was part of the Couch to 5k (C25k) program I'm doing with a few other MFP peeps.

    On another note, I'm back state-side! Another week's vacation would have been glorious... I know, I'm greedy. :) On the other hand, it'll be good to be back on a schedule with more healthy foods (although, I didn't do tooo badly while on vacay) and able to keep up with YOU and the various challenges.

    Have a wonderful week everyone!
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    So frustrated with myself tonight. I didn't read about the challenge in enough time. I usually do plan my meals every week and while I will sometimes deviate from them I usually get pretty close. This week I didn't do that and so I was thinking on the way home I just wanted to not eat at all. Y'all ever think like that....that you wish you could just not eat at all. Eating and planning is so much work. I hate going out to eat now because I know that I will always be over on those days but I am just too tired to cook. So anyway, I did cook what I thought would be a healthy meal. Here is the meal:

    Chipotle Chicken with Onions and Peppers (just chicken, chipotle salsa, tomato paste, onion, bell peppers, & a little olive oil)
    Bush's Black Bean Fiesta
    Rotel Mexican Rice (rice, rotel, and tomato sauce)
    Corn tortillas

    Turned into a 900 calorie meal for me. I know that I should have stayed away from the cheese and koolaid and eaten a few less tacos. I am frustrated that I am struggling with this especially when I thought I was making a good for me meal. The meal wasn't too bad but I just ate too much of it. Add to that 1 too many snacks today. Otherwise a fairly healthy day. UGGHHH!
  • andijohn
    Hi everyone!

    Sorry I have been MIA for a few...I had a hard week last week and just took a break from (everything) including MFP. But I am back, I am 2lbs lighter (267) and I am ready to work more off!

    now...to make some time to THINK, love this weeks challange!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    weighing in at 220.3 as of this morning!!!! I am so close to 50 lbs lost its driving me batty! ! hope you're all doing fantastic!!!! I will be checking in more regularly now that I've dropped out of the biggest loser challenge;)
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    So I love this challenge this week and I so needed it. Although I am not done with it yet I decided to do it raffle style. I broke up Breakfast, Lunch , Dinner, and Snacks, and also did Chores, and Laundry. I want to try to make my life a little more organized.

    So for breakfast I chose these 7 things to pick from and wrote them on pieces of paper folded them up and put them in a bowl and drew them out for each day, Eggs, Smoothie, Oatmeal, Cereal, Bread, Out, Egg Bake. I decided to put going out as an option cause I would like to make a weekly breakfast date with my hubby.

    I did the same thing with the rest of the catagories. Lunches choices are, soup, salad, sandwich, leftovers, packaged, fast food, and out. On Sundays we always go out to lunch so that will always stay on Sundays.

    Dinners are Poultry, Pork, Beef, Crockpot, Leftovers, Packaged, and Out. I know it sounds like a lot of going out but we have had weeks where we went out to eat every night of the week (and I'm not talking about on Vacation) If this is a lifestyle change then I need to still keep part of my lifestyle in it.

    Now for snacks I did it a little different I only came up with five different ones and I have three snacks a day. So I drew for each days snacks and then put them all back in to draw for the next day. My snack choices are, Fruit/Protein, Veggie/Protein, Bread/Protein, Dessert, and Salty.

    My chores are Living room, Dining room, Kitchen, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, and Office ( don't clean on Sunday) and laundry choices are Towels, Bedding, Whites, Colors, and Darks ( no laundry on the weekend) I have all of the catagories picked out for each day of the week now I just need to figure out what specifically I am going to make. When I get that done I will post it. I think I might keep this system and I will let Clara help me draw out the choices for the week on Saturday.
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    I bought a digital scale this weekend and it is not my friend. It scales me 3 lbs higher than my spring scale boo!