Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    For those of you who have kids....do your kids eat? I know that sounds silly, but I know my daughter can have an appetite (I've seen her eat a 10 oz steak all by herself, or if we got to a buffet, easily down 3 plates of food). She is super skinny, mostly active (she is kinda lazy at home, plays on the computer a lot, but at school she runs around, she's also in a fit club for 45 min mon-thur and they do sports, games etc). But lately she is not eating it seems like, and its really starting to bug me. She skips breakfast, and has only been eating half her lunch. At least she eats dinner. I mean, so she's eating...I guess I just feel like she's not eating enough...(but then look whos talking, I'm the one with the opposite problem). I asked her why she's not eating her lunches and she just said it was because she's not that hungry.

    I don't know, I guess I just worry, because she's getting at that age where girls start to worry about their appearance, develop scary crap like eating disorders. And you really never know whats going on in there heads as parents, or what all their friends are telling them at school etc. She's already going through phases of wanting to wear make up, I catch her tying her shirt up so her belly shows or rolling her shorts up so they are super short (and she's 9!) We've been trying to nip that stuff in the bud real fast (no hoochie 9 year olds in my house thank you). But that's what a lot of the girls at her school dress like, so its kind of us and against "peer pressure"...ugh....

    Then I started thinking, I wonder if its just she doesn't want to eat certain foods. I'll be honest, its usually cereal or oatmeal for breakfast because I don't function early enough to whip out pancakes, eggs, bacon type breakfasts before school. So then I think, well if I were a better mom, would she be eating better... Sorry to go off.

    Its probably fine, I mean kids are usually better at eating when they are hungry or not eating when they are not than most grown ups I know. Like I said, it just freaks me out. I play out that one episode in nip/tuck when the little girls step sister tells her she's not pretty and is fat, and then shows her how to stick her finger down her throat. *shudder*
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Caroltina - Wow!! I'm impressed. What 10 day plan did you do to get that kind of result? Congratulations, you must be so happy :)

    Nikkie - Have a great time in Germany, you know how to contact me while you're gone :) Recipe looked awesome by the way!

    Adteachtx - Interesting recipe, thank you :)

    Finigan84 - I'm sorry you're having so many issues :( I can only imagine that it would be so frustrating. Hope you are able to push through it, I'm sure if you can you'll benefit greatly.

    Tonnina - I love Christmas too, and am getting excited :) Baking time is upon us though, and I have to be careful not to over-indulge, lol.

    NeuroticVirgo - I wish I had some sage advice to impart, but alas we have no children yet :(

    Small NSV for me, finding it easier to get up and down stairs without getting winded. Also able to turn over in bed easier, as though there isn't as much mass fighting against me when I roll over, lol
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    Hia all so the 10 day pan came to an end and I weighed - I LOST 8 LB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't had loss like that for a year! 6 stone 5lb off in total now or 89lb. I am so happy I can not express. Let's hope it continues - I will not be stopping, learnt loads of lessons e.g
    1. Plan your meals at least the day before and STICK TO IT (as much as poss)
    2. Last meal of the day doesn't need carbs!
    3. 5 smaller meals are better and I get less hungry
    4. Protein doesn't mean high cal.
    5. Protein shakes are helpful to recovery after the gym.
    I feel so well, so full of energy, a fab change for me

    That is awesome!! Congrats! I think I might have to try this...
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    I am officially under 270 for the second time but this time I am afraid to log it for fear that it will go back up tomorrow. It has been two weeks to get bck to this. Granted we had a wedding right after the last time and then TOM and then a death and then my biopsy but still it took TWO WEEKS. I just don't want to jinx myself by logging it. What do you all think? My weigh in for here and my challenge is Sunday so should I wait til Sunday?
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    Hi all....Hope you had a fabulous work week....Can't wait to be done with it! I have sooooo much to do, my daughter is turning 16 next week, and we are having a "Halloween" themed party ( her idea...who knew?) so I have TONS of stuff to get done by Saturday of next week.....literately getting so stressed OUT...it is unbelievable! We have the place, and that is about all...I need to order her cake, get the costumes, get the food prepared, decorate, and get the chocolate fountain ( I KNOW ) and about a million other things to done also...:sad:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I am officially under 270 for the second time but this time I am afraid to log it for fear that it will go back up tomorrow. It has been two weeks to get bck to this. Granted we had a wedding right after the last time and then TOM and then a death and then my biopsy but still it took TWO WEEKS. I just don't want to jinx myself by logging it. What do you all think? My weigh in for here and my challenge is Sunday so should I wait til Sunday?

    I'm glad you logged it. Your going to keep moving forward, and soon that number will go from 50, to 52, to 54 and so on. Just think about how good you are doing so far, and keep it up :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Hi all....Hope you had a fabulous work week....Can't wait to be done with it! I have sooooo much to do, my daughter is turning 16 next week, and we are having a "Halloween" themed party ( her idea...who knew?) so I have TONS of stuff to get done by Saturday of next week.....literately getting so stressed OUT...it is unbelievable! We have the place, and that is about all...I need to order her cake, get the costumes, get the food prepared, decorate, and get the chocolate fountain ( I KNOW ) and about a million other things to done also...:sad:

    Craziness! But that party does sound like a cute idea! Are you renting a place for the party?
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Looking at the sheet, I see you've missed me, I did weigh in last week. I was 248.6. I'm guessing you missed that. I'll go ahead and let you plug it in since I'm no good with spread sheets. I've gained this week and I'm at 250 again.

    I'm not worried about it, stupid TOM and salt :-P I'm just gonna do my thing, work out, eat 1200 cals and see what happens! ;-) Please don't forget to log my numbers! :-D
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    *~* Don't forget to enter you weight for this week. Last week we were missing at least half of everyone on here :frown:*~*

    Link: (Or private message it to me and I can enter it if you want).



    AND .... We've lost over 150lbs as a group so far! How crazy is that!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Having a really rough time right now. Some things in my life need to change. My weight loss has slowed down and I am struggling to stay under calories every day. I want to be done with grad school NOW! Anyway, I might not be on as often as I was before. I am not sure what is going to give to get my life back on track but I am overcommitted right now and sleep deprived to boot. Just send healthy thoughts and vibes my way. Maybe they will cut through all the crap!

    You can do this! I know lots of people of in school, and stress from homework and late nights is hard to overcome. Do you cook with a crock pot? Its an easy way to get in healthy meals without having to really think or put to much time into it.
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    Hey All--

    I'm having a rough/busy/hectic work week...
    I will do my best to catch up with everyone this week!

    I did do 4 miles on the eliptical this morning... and I've felt great today, why can't I remember that feeling when I don't want to get out of bed every morning to go to the gym???

    Happy Friday!
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    Hi everybody - how's it going? sounds like a lot of people had a rough week but stayed with it - that's awesome.

    It's Friday - cheers to a new week! WOO!
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    I am officially under 270 for the second time but this time I am afraid to log it for fear that it will go back up tomorrow. It has been two weeks to get bck to this. Granted we had a wedding right after the last time and then TOM and then a death and then my biopsy but still it took TWO WEEKS. I just don't want to jinx myself by logging it. What do you all think? My weigh in for here and my challenge is Sunday so should I wait til Sunday?

    LOG IT!! If you don't, it's almost like you're expecting yourself to gain and then you will. It's all about the subconscious mind...
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member

    AND .... We've lost over 150lbs as a group so far! How crazy is that!

    That is crazy... We are kind of awesome!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member

    AND .... We've lost over 150lbs as a group so far! How crazy is that!

    That is crazy... We are kind of awesome!

    We are totally crazy, wicked-awesome! What a group! :)

    I showed a gain this week, but I'm blaming my friend's scale for it! Actually, I had a rough week and ugly food diary, but I'm feeling a little saner despite being on vacation. :)

    Hope everyone's having an awesome weekend!
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    Hi all....Hope you had a fabulous work week....Can't wait to be done with it! I have sooooo much to do, my daughter is turning 16 next week, and we are having a "Halloween" themed party ( her idea...who knew?) so I have TONS of stuff to get done by Saturday of next week.....literately getting so stressed OUT...it is unbelievable! We have the place, and that is about all...I need to order her cake, get the costumes, get the food prepared, decorate, and get the chocolate fountain ( I KNOW ) and about a million other things to done also...:sad:

    Craziness! But that party does sound like a cute idea! Are you renting a place for the party?

    Yea....but still a million things to do...Got her cake ordered yesterday...She is such a DIVA, that it's tough going....but a good kid...straight A's and very focused on her future =)
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Hia all so the 10 day pan came to an end and I weighed - I LOST 8 LB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't had loss like that for a year! 6 stone 5lb off in total now or 89lb. I am so happy I can not express. Let's hope it continues - I will not be stopping, learnt loads of lessons e.g
    1. Plan your meals at least the day before and STICK TO IT (as much as poss)
    2. Last meal of the day doesn't need carbs!
    3. 5 smaller meals are better and I get less hungry
    4. Protein doesn't mean high cal.
    5. Protein shakes are helpful to recovery after the gym.
    I feel so well, so full of energy, a fab change for me

    I got a plan from my beach body coach but it is so easy - you eat a 40% protein 40% Carbs (but good carbs) and 20% fat. A typica day for me would be:
    Breakfast : Multigrain home made pancackes with fruit and creme fresh or yoghurt with fruit, or an omlette.
    Snack 1 (11am) : 10 almonds and dried cranberies/ apple and almonds/ peanut butter and carrots or cucumber
    Lunch : chicken salad (4 oz of chicken) - chicken and guacamole wholemeal wrap / ryebread and beef and salad
    Snack 2 - Protein shake - 8oz of rice milk, yoghurt, 1 scoop protein (I buy unflavoured as it has no sucralose) and fruit - 1cup (I keep blueberries and raspberries in the freezer) blend
    Dinner - pork (4 oz) and apple (bramley in microwave with a drop of water for 1 min) Brocolli/ chicken kebabs/ turkey burger etc. With veggies or salad (no carbs in this meal)

    I have cooked pretty much everything myself, I plan my meals the night before or sooner if i can, and basically try to eat clean - ittle additions and nothing from a packet if I can help it! I feel so well I can not tell you, and 8 lb is testiment.

    So proud of you! That's an amazing loss! I missed what you were doing for those 10 days though... insight? Maybe I'd like to try it! LOL!
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    Having a really rough time right now. Some things in my life need to change. My weight loss has slowed down and I am struggling to stay under calories every day. I want to be done with grad school NOW! Anyway, I might not be on as often as I was before. I am not sure what is going to give to get my life back on track but I am overcommitted right now and sleep deprived to boot. Just send healthy thoughts and vibes my way. Maybe they will cut through all the crap!

    You can do this! I know lots of people of in school, and stress from homework and late nights is hard to overcome. Do you cook with a crock pot? Its an easy way to get in healthy meals without having to really think or put to much time into it.

    I haven't really found a lot of crock pot recipes I really like. I find that the crock pot makes things too watery. Hey here is a challenge if anyone wants to oblige me... Recipe Wednesday this week will be all crock pot recipes????
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Last week weigh in 267.2 this week weigh in 265.1
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I haven't really found a lot of crock pot recipes I really like. I find that the crock pot makes things too watery. Hey here is a challenge if anyone wants to oblige me... Recipe Wednesday this week will be all crock pot recipes????

    I think this would be a good idea.