Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Catching up!

    @ naesue - thanks for posting your pics! Your hard work is totally evident. You look lovely. :) Sounds like the funeral went as well as could be expected, and you've done remarkably well for yourself with it all. Good luck with your biopsy... i'll be thinking of you!

    @ BrendarB - thanks for the recipe. Hope you're feeling better by now!

    @ RussDev - the massage sounds like a nice treat! Awesome of your employer to put in exercise facilities! It'll be great to have that available right at the office.

    @ kimberly702 - all that with hangover? You're super-girl! :)

    @ caroltina - good luck with your weigh-in on wednesday! It sounds like your new plan is going well for you. That's awesome!

    @ finigan - sorry you've been hurting so. Happy Thanksgiving! My mom had 24 for dinner on Saturday. I'm in Ohio, and rarely get home for Canadian Thanksgiving. Makes me a bit homesick. I'll be heading up there for U.S. Thanksgiving and have dreams/plans to de-bone and stuff a chicken.

    @ andijohn - wow - how'd you get such a vibrant blue? congrats on your mini-goal! :)

    My week was pretty good! adt81 and I are partners in the Biggest Loser challenge, and the goal this week was to burn, burn, burn. I managed over 5,000 calories according to MFP which is a personal best. :) Gonna brag about my partner a bit who did over 8,000 - amazing lady! :) It was a fun challenge, but largely due to some technical scale difficulties (ie, a broken scale) we were eliminated. But, we'll play along and maybe get back into the fray in a few weeks. :)

    I'm also very excited because I'll be leaving for vacation this week - 10 days in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. I'll be a bit out of touch over the next couple of weeks, and might not log my food diary every day. Some days I think it will just be too darned hard to guess with unfamiliar restaurant foods in the land of sausage. There'll be lots of walking and hiking and climbing through castles though - which should offset my indulgences a bit. ;) I'll still check in periodically and can post links to my flickr site if you have time (and care) to see pics. :)

    Have a great week everyone!

    Sorry you guys were the first to get eliminated. you are both rockstars. . Have a great time though on your vaca as it sounds amazing. . will look forward to hearing all about it when you get back!
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Catching up!

    @ naesue - thanks for posting your pics! Your hard work is totally evident. You look lovely. :) Sounds like the funeral went as well as could be expected, and you've done remarkably well for yourself with it all. Good luck with your biopsy... i'll be thinking of you!

    @ BrendarB - thanks for the recipe. Hope you're feeling better by now!

    @ RussDev - the massage sounds like a nice treat! Awesome of your employer to put in exercise facilities! It'll be great to have that available right at the office.

    @ kimberly702 - all that with hangover? You're super-girl! :)

    @ caroltina - good luck with your weigh-in on wednesday! It sounds like your new plan is going well for you. That's awesome!

    @ finigan - sorry you've been hurting so. Happy Thanksgiving! My mom had 24 for dinner on Saturday. I'm in Ohio, and rarely get home for Canadian Thanksgiving. Makes me a bit homesick. I'll be heading up there for U.S. Thanksgiving and have dreams/plans to de-bone and stuff a chicken.

    @ andijohn - wow - how'd you get such a vibrant blue? congrats on your mini-goal! :)

    My week was pretty good! adt81 and I are partners in the Biggest Loser challenge, and the goal this week was to burn, burn, burn. I managed over 5,000 calories according to MFP which is a personal best. :) Gonna brag about my partner a bit who did over 8,000 - amazing lady! :) It was a fun challenge, but largely due to some technical scale difficulties (ie, a broken scale) we were eliminated. But, we'll play along and maybe get back into the fray in a few weeks. :)

    I'm also very excited because I'll be leaving for vacation this week - 10 days in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. I'll be a bit out of touch over the next couple of weeks, and might not log my food diary every day. Some days I think it will just be too darned hard to guess with unfamiliar restaurant foods in the land of sausage. There'll be lots of walking and hiking and climbing through castles though - which should offset my indulgences a bit. ;) I'll still check in periodically and can post links to my flickr site if you have time (and care) to see pics. :)

    Have a great week everyone!

    Yeh, we had fun, and will continue to have fun playing along with all the challenges. Who knows, we might even get called back in!! :) If not, hell, we still had fun, lol. So proud of myself as well as Nikkie for all we accomplished together :)
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    So....I was so excited to meet my first mini- goal of looseing 10lbs. I said I would get my bangs trimmed (and boy did they need it) But I decided to get all of my hair done....I have always liked bright colors so I went for lots more blue and purple! Here are my before hair and after hair from this week!


    I lost another lb this week so I am at 269 and feeling great.

    You look AWESOME!! :-D I love the color and cut! :-) Keep it up!!
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    Having a really rough time right now. Some things in my life need to change. My weight loss has slowed down and I am struggling to stay under calories every day. I want to be done with grad school NOW! Anyway, I might not be on as often as I was before. I am not sure what is going to give to get my life back on track but I am overcommitted right now and sleep deprived to boot. Just send healthy thoughts and vibes my way. Maybe they will cut through all the crap!
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    I don't wanna get lost :-P Still, if any of the ladies have bra suggestions, message me please! :-)

    Check out herroom.com they have LOTS to choose from and a big selection for bigger sizes... and also helpful videos and ratings on stuff like bounce control.
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    Well...I am finishing up my TOM...thank you very much ladies:grumble: I've gained 2lbs....isn't that fabulous:devil: So my official weigh in is 258.6....:mad:
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    NSV Monday!

    Just a little one - but I noticed in the past week that I can sleep on my tummy much more comfortably these days. Woohoo! :)
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    My NSV is that I can button my jeans with out them being so snug...at least an 1/2 inch bigger than before....I'll take that! :happy:
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    andijohn - love the blue, had it a couple of times and I always love it - you rock the look!
    nikki - have fun in Germany - it's a great town, but keep in mind there are some towns that pretty much close down at 10pm, so if you are a night owl, make sure you know the town you are in.
    naesue- hang in there girl, btw, you look great in that dress

    I'm still sick and I learned that I am a carb hound when I'm sick - ate bread, doughnuts, anything with cheese in it, I don't think I ate a veggie at all this weekend. This week is going to be a bust, I'm going to try to get back to my weight from Friday for my next Friday weigh in, but I have a feeling it's going to take me 2 weeks to get it back off.
    Oh well, back to square one. It's a new week and a fresh start everyone
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    Weighed in! Love that Google doc... it helps me see the big picture. I am 3 pounds down from last week, woo hoo! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    ************* Don't forget to enter you weight for last week *******************



    Sorry I'm slacking this weekend, its been busy. Then that TOM came, and then apparently I got sick from the fair. I was fine yesterday morning, went to the fair, came home and got a fever. Ugh.... :sick: This is really going to mess up my schedule, I just want to stay in bed.

    So this weeks challenge

  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    Excellent Job Kate:happy:
    @neuroticvirgo.....UGH...my weakness...WATER...but I'm in :sad:
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    Having a really rough time right now. Some things in my life need to change. My weight loss has slowed down and I am struggling to stay under calories every day. I want to be done with grad school NOW! Anyway, I might not be on as often as I was before. I am not sure what is going to give to get my life back on track but I am overcommitted right now and sleep deprived to boot. Just send healthy thoughts and vibes my way. Maybe they will cut through all the crap!

    In the exact same boat!! I've even been considering just letting MFP go for a couple weeks while I knock out a few things by deadlines. Bleh.

    Anyway - down 1.2 this week, so at least that's good. Hope everyone has an amazing week! :)
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Awesome challenge this week. When the cold weather comes, water becomes less important. This will keep me on track :)
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    I have kind of a funny NSV while flexing my biceps in the mirror this week i noticed that I could make my boobs lift with my pec muscles. I have never ben able to do that. I can actually lift my big heavy boobs! I am getting stronger every day.
  • andijohn
    Love the challange this week! Water is my weakness, I SUCK at it, but I just bought myself a new water bottle so hopefully this will help!
  • rae_mayer
    rae_mayer Posts: 226
    Congrats for everyone who has had NSVs this week! I had a little one. Yesterday I put on a shirt I haven't worn since late Winter and it was pretty tight then. It was loose! I was pretty excited about that. :drinker:

    Also this will be a great challenge for me! I never drink as much water as I need to!
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Awesome NSV Rae!! :) I had a similar one yesterday. Well, it actually kind peeved me a little, because I had bought a cardigan at the end of last winter and was looking forward to wearing it again. It was really big on me! Was slightly upset that I couldn't wear it but then I was thrilled, lol
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Getting really scared and nervous about my biopsy later today. So much so I can't sleep! My sister says it hurts and you are really crampy after. On top of the fact that I am so scared I feel like the family has completely forgotten about me. I know they are worried about lynnshea my sister in law and the kids but I need some support too! It's funny they all talk about keeping their family and friends closer after my brothers passing but it seems like I am the first to be let go and left behind and forgotten! Unless I am in their face on a daily basis I am out of sight out of mind! I'm so scared!!!!!!!!!
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    I have kind of a funny NSV while flexing my biceps in the mirror this week i noticed that I could make my boobs lift with my pec muscles. I have never ben able to do that. I can actually lift my big heavy boobs! I am getting stronger every day.

    I had this happen a few weeks back - majorly nuts feeling isn't it! It was involuntary the first time but I keep checking I can do it!!!!!