Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • fit4everyoung
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    Happy Saturday! Convinced myself to go to workout even though I had a little bit of a hangover this morning... so glad I did! Got in 80 mins on the eliptical! Haven't been checking in with the group, sorry! Things have been more crazy/emotional/stressful than usual... but this journey isn't just about weight, I'm learning more self confidence and am trying not to let people get to me. So anyways... that's that. Gotta clean house then I think I'll take a well deserved nap!
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Yay, Happy Saturday! :) Would love to weigh in today but my scale decided it didn't want to weigh me anymore and instead committed suicide (aka, it broke), lol.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi everyone. . Hope you are all having a lovely weekend~. .
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Posting now so I can find it again later. Still reading the past couple days posts... I've fallen off track and gained 2 lbs this week. I'm at 217 =( Some of it might be TOM bloat but I'm not counting on it. Time to get my butt back in gear, I'm really tired of being in the 210's... and I'm tired of getting frustrated and going off track for days at a time.

    Hope everyone else is still rocking it!
  • rae_mayer
    rae_mayer Posts: 226
    Posting so I can find again!! :)
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I don't wanna get lost :-P Still, if any of the ladies have bra suggestions, message me please! :-)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I really like the danskin ones from Walmart...I got some with a front clip. They hold everything pretty good...and actually make my boobs look better than a regular bar. Its a sports bra.

    Look like this...if I get a chance to go to walmart I can tell you the actual name

  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    I don't wanna get lost :-P Still, if any of the ladies have bra suggestions, message me please! :-)

    I know my other recently been buying them from Amazon and found them good value (this is uk site not sure of the value on usa site).

  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I just have to say...all you ladies who've been mentioning that TOM lately... you totally suck.... Thanks for sending esp waves or whatever to my body saying that we needed to be synced... :grumble:
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I don't wanna get lost :-P Still, if any of the ladies have bra suggestions, message me please! :-)

    I know my other recently been buying them from Amazon and found them good value (this is uk site not sure of the value on usa site).

    I really like the danskin ones from Walmart...I got some with a front clip. They hold everything pretty good...and actually make my boobs look better than a regular bar. Its a sports bra.

    Look like this...if I get a chance to go to walmart I can tell you the actual name

    Thanks Russ! I didn't even think of Amazon! Ha! I'll look in to that too! Virgo, I don't shop at wal mart very often, but I'll keep an eye out! Thank you too! I just feel bad for altering my $40 VS bras and I don't want to spend another $40 on a new bra that gets worn out because it's the only one that fits me well enough!! :-P
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    So I'm still here! The funeral was crazy yesterday. There were so many people that showed up that they had to open up both rooms of the funeral and show the funeral on a TV in the other room. We decided to rock out the funeral as it was Jason's last "gig" ( he was a musician in several bands of the years) Many of his former band mates played songs on his guitar to honor him and many people said some very nice things about him. It went two hours long or longer. But it was a great send off for him. But as the funeral was finishing up we got a call from my mother telling us that one of her cousins passed away of a heart attack at only 50. So here we go again! And on top of it all I have my biopsy scheduled for Tuesday afternoon at 4 pm. Tom finally decided to start Friday on my way home from the gym my trainer must have worked it out of me. Hoping it is done by Tuesday or I will have to push it back again.

    Today is weigh in day for the biggest loser challenge thing that neuro and I are doing. My weight isn't so good but I managed with everything to still pull off a 5732 burn for the week. I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm hoping that Neuro can keep us up there and out of elimination. Anyway I am off to the shower now and then on to church. Have a glorious Sunday all.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    So glad I found this by accident! Hia all hope your al good :) No weight for me this week as I have pledged not to weigh till my 10 day plan is up which is wednesday :) hope the scale is kind, really really hope, send me vibes please!
  • Finigan84
    No change in weight this week. Ugh! Its been a rough week though. Lots of pain, change in medication and change in my workout...All I can do is hope for better next week.

    I have baked 4 pies to go with the giant turkey dinner my family has every year. Luckily they're all gluten filled and I will have no temptation to eat them. I am determined I will stay under my calorie goal today. Turkey breast meat and vegetables only.

    Have a great day to all of you! Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian MFP's!
  • almawr
    almawr Posts: 77
    Can anybody Join who wants to support and motivate ? :)
  • andijohn
    So....I was so excited to meet my first mini- goal of looseing 10lbs. I said I would get my bangs trimmed (and boy did they need it) But I decided to get all of my hair done....I have always liked bright colors so I went for lots more blue and purple! Here are my before hair and after hair from this week!


    I lost another lb this week so I am at 269 and feeling great.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Oh almost forgot my weight this week was 271.2 it is up from last week. Can someone post the link to the google docs page to put in the weigh in as I can't find it now.
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Catching up!

    @ naesue - thanks for posting your pics! Your hard work is totally evident. You look lovely. :) Sounds like the funeral went as well as could be expected, and you've done remarkably well for yourself with it all. Good luck with your biopsy... i'll be thinking of you!

    @ BrendarB - thanks for the recipe. Hope you're feeling better by now!

    @ RussDev - the massage sounds like a nice treat! Awesome of your employer to put in exercise facilities! It'll be great to have that available right at the office.

    @ kimberly702 - all that with hangover? You're super-girl! :)

    @ caroltina - good luck with your weigh-in on wednesday! It sounds like your new plan is going well for you. That's awesome!

    @ finigan - sorry you've been hurting so. Happy Thanksgiving! My mom had 24 for dinner on Saturday. I'm in Ohio, and rarely get home for Canadian Thanksgiving. Makes me a bit homesick. I'll be heading up there for U.S. Thanksgiving and have dreams/plans to de-bone and stuff a chicken.

    @ andijohn - wow - how'd you get such a vibrant blue? congrats on your mini-goal! :)

    My week was pretty good! adt81 and I are partners in the Biggest Loser challenge, and the goal this week was to burn, burn, burn. I managed over 5,000 calories according to MFP which is a personal best. :) Gonna brag about my partner a bit who did over 8,000 - amazing lady! :) It was a fun challenge, but largely due to some technical scale difficulties (ie, a broken scale) we were eliminated. But, we'll play along and maybe get back into the fray in a few weeks. :)

    I'm also very excited because I'll be leaving for vacation this week - 10 days in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. I'll be a bit out of touch over the next couple of weeks, and might not log my food diary every day. Some days I think it will just be too darned hard to guess with unfamiliar restaurant foods in the land of sausage. There'll be lots of walking and hiking and climbing through castles though - which should offset my indulgences a bit. ;) I'll still check in periodically and can post links to my flickr site if you have time (and care) to see pics. :)

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I really like the danskin ones from Walmart...I got some with a front clip. They hold everything pretty good...and actually make my boobs look better than a regular bar. Its a sports bra.

    Look like this...if I get a chance to go to walmart I can tell you the actual name


    Would love to know about this.. I could totally use a new sports bra that is comfortable~