Foods you eat that others here probably wouldn't touch!!!



  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
    Five years in the Philippines, I tried a lot of different foods. Balut was one I couldn't get to though. Every culture has it's own thing. Loved most of the food though.
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    i must say that looks nasty! i was thinking odd veggies and stuff when i clicked on this :sick:

    Exactly! I really can't think of anything that I eat that others wouldn't. Guess I'm just boring :happy:
  • SaltyPlusSweet
    You tried dog before. seriously :(
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Who the hell let the egg get fertilized?? That's effing NASTY. Poor little guy!! I feel bad for the bird, that's a rough way to go... The blood and intestine thing is just wrong... Thanks for sharing, now I have no appetite WHATSOEVER!:sad:
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    For all the "throw up" and grossed out people, you should take a picture of balut (duck embryo) and stick it on your fridges during times of hunger and binges cravings. I am doing you a favor..............:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Thanks for the tip, but I think I'll pass on that! I can control my urge to eat bad food a lot better than that picture can. All it'll do is make me not want to eat, period. YUCK!!!!
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I just threw up
    I'm with you, who would eat this!!!!
    Me and lots of other Filipino people. Don't knock the culture.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    yeah, some of you guys are being really rude! There are a lot of cultures that eat things that aren't something that we would, but that doesn't make us better in any regard. There are also some cultures that think eating fish is nasty because the fish swims in it's own urine and feces, so before you knock another culture, think about some of the foods that we eat that may be strange to them.

    Along with that, a lot of cultures don't see how we Westerner's can eat anything deep fried. That's worse than a duck, IMHO.

    You've obviously never tried deep fried Oreos, Twinkies, or Snickers bars... Come to the south, you'll find them EVERYWHERE!

    Hey, if other countries want to knock fine American cuisine, let 'em. Let us have our fun, too! All cultures have different specialty foods or delicacies. I think it's perfectly fine if I find one of their treasured delicacies absolutely putrid when they would probably do the same with one of mine. It's mutual disgust, see?? :tongue:
  • ConnieM20
    ConnieM20 Posts: 493 Member
    ehh, ive seen worse.
  • Momma2fourunder5
    Momma2fourunder5 Posts: 98 Member
    WOW, that looks soooo gross...but like you said if you grow up eating it I guess you wouldn't think anything about it. The worst thing I've ever tried (not something I eat daily) was rat. Don't think sewer rat like in NYC, it was field rat in Mexico. And a very poor family killed it and cooked it for us, so we definitely couldn't turn it down...but getting it down my throat was definitely a mind over matter thing-haha!!
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I've seen both foods used in reality tv shows like Fear Factor and Survivor and the Amazing Race. I wouldn't want to try them on a regular day, but in a competition like that, I think I could handle it just fine. Aren't the duck embryos also really old?
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I just threw up
    I'm with you, who would eat this!!!!
    Me and lots of other Filipino people. Don't knock the culture.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    yeah, some of you guys are being really rude! There are a lot of cultures that eat things that aren't something that we would, but that doesn't make us better in any regard. There are also some cultures that think eating fish is nasty because the fish swims in it's own urine and feces, so before you knock another culture, think about some of the foods that we eat that may be strange to them.

    Along with that, a lot of cultures don't see how we Westerner's can eat anything deep fried. That's worse than a duck, IMHO.

    You've obviously never tried deep fried Oreos, Twinkies, or Snickers bars... Come to the south, you'll find them EVERYWHERE!

    Hey, if other countries want to knock fine American cuisine, let 'em. Let us have our fun, too! All cultures have different specialty foods or delicacies. I think it's perfectly fine if I find one of their treasured delicacies absolutely putrid when they would probably do the same with one of mine. It's mutual disgust, see?? :tongue:

    Oreos: good but fried, no. Twinkies: nasty anyway, fried, definite no. Snickers: good but fried, no once again. And people wonder why Americans are fat...
  • carolynmittens
    wow... all of the scintillating adjectives everyone is using to describe their repulsion to another culture's food staple is completely unnecessary :\
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    RE: Krispy Kremes - yeah, I won't touch those. Seriously, the last time, it felt like I had a half-inch of crisco glued to the roof of my mouth. Ewww

    RE: Goat - also known as Chevon. I used to raise goats, and prepared correctly, chevon is tasty. Makes great shredded meat for enchiladas. Now that I'm vegan, I wouldn't eat it, but I am not the kind of vegan that tells others what to eat... though I am very opposed to "factory farming" and huge feedlot operations, & the way most meat is processed in the "first world". If you gotta eat an animal, either go hunt it yourself, raise it yourself, or buy it from someone who actually raises them in grassy pastures - and has them processed by real people (not machinery) in small operations. You'll be amazed at how much better it is, healthier, and how much less you need to feel satisfied.

    RE: Lutefisk. Yup, used to live in Minnesota. Sure, it has the consistency of a wet diaper, but it lacks the appealing aroma of one. Seriously, that stuff stinks. Yes, I've tasted it. Once was enough.

    RE: Balute... every culture has its own way of getting enough protein in the diet... traditional cuisine is full of stuff that sanitized fast-food eating Americans over-react to. If you really want an eye-opener, try watching "Food, INC". You would be surprised how disgusting our very own food supply chain is. I won't eat unborn ducks, but if someone grew up eating it and it makes them happy, oh well... more for them, then!

    My own "unusual" food, beyond tofu, tempeh, and chia-gel pudding ( I LOVE it, even just plain!), is kumquats.

    Yup. Kumquats. Tried them for the first time last year. Looked up "How to eat a kumquat" on google, just to make sure I knew what I was getting into. OH MY GODZ, they are fabulous! You just pop them whole, peeling and all, in your mouth and munch them. Be warned, you gotta like sweetly sour stuff... they are tangy good!

    I also eat Kiwis whole - fuzzy skin and all.

    Durian is great, too... smells a bit like dirty gym socks soaked in old garlic, but tastes like vanilla/gym sock/garlic pudding. Durian is one of those foods, like cilantro, that you either like or hate... my DH cannot tolerate cilantro, and I can't tell the difference between it and old parsley... he hasn't tried Durian yet, since they are not easy to find where I live, but someday he will...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,668 Member
    You tried dog before. seriously :(
    People in India ask us why we eat cows......................seriously.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,668 Member
    You've obviously never tried deep fried Oreos, Twinkies, or Snickers bars... Come to the south, you'll find them EVERYWHERE!

    Hey, if other countries want to knock fine American cuisine, let 'em. Let us have our fun, too! All cultures have different specialty foods or delicacies. I think it's perfectly fine if I find one of their treasured delicacies absolutely putrid when they would probably do the same with one of mine. It's mutual disgust, see?? :tongue:
    Lol, thing is I'm an American..........born and raised. Personally I don't find others peoples "delicacies" disgusting, but rather interesting to hear.
    I have thick skin, so it takes alot to bother me. Some others might not take it that way. Just saying that if someone looked at you at your fattest and said "man that person is disgusting to be that fat" within ear shot, you probably wouldn't think that was okay. There is a such a thing as mutual respect.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    brave soldier.. lol
  • mauigyrl
    mauigyrl Posts: 86 Member
    I thought of this as I ate dinuguan today. So here are my two:


    BALUT- duck embryo


    DINUGUAN-pork blood stew with intestine

    grew up with filipino cuisine. I can say I have not had balut. However, when I go home to visit I ask my parents to make dinuguan. They don't add intestines but pork with extra fat for flavor and extra peppers. Yum!
  • SachaMichel
    I've eaten black fungus before and liked it. I also love eel, especially when it's barbecued and sauteed :love:

    Other weird things I've eaten: Cow stomach, jellyfish, and escargot.

    I'm Canadian and think poutine is delicious, but other people have told me it looks disgusting. Obviously they haven't tried it! :laugh:
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    For all those grossed out about these foods, think about hot dogs and bologna. Real American food, made with what my Father in Law the Butcher called "Floor sweepings" ALL sorts of parts in there... It's just in what you know and are familiar with.

    May have to make a run to Costco for a hot dog this week now...
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    For all those grossed out about these foods, think about hot dogs and bologna. Real American food, made with what my Father in Law the Butcher called "Floor sweepings" ALL sorts of parts in there... It's just in what you know and are familiar with.

    May have to make a run to Costco for a hot dog this week now...

    Yeah this is what I was thinking. I'd rather have most of the stuff in this thread, it might be "weird" or foreign, but at least it's real and natural food. Who knows what's in some of the processed foods people love to eat.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    This thread is a great appetite suppressant.
    haha agreed!