Stay-at-home Moms 1/12-1/18

Happy Monday, Mommies! :drinker:


  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Happy Monday, Mommies! :drinker:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Welcome to the group, LosingItForGood! Sounds like you have a busy life will all those little ones around...and the teenagers. :noway: I'm not looking forward to those years very much.

    Supermom - Hang in there, sweetie! Try not to care too much what the scale says. With you being under stress, your body might not be with you in the weight-loss adventure right now. You'll get there. You have more important things to focus on right now. *hugs*

    Wanda - You crack me up! LOL About time you figured out you're a SAHM! Glad to see you over here! Good luck with going back to school!

    Hello to everyone else! I'm sleepy this morning due to a 3yo that was throwing a party in my kitchen at 2am. "What are you doing?!"...."Making milk shakes." :indifferent: Riiiiiight.
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning to all.

    Supermom - I have REFUSED to step on the scale this week knowing full well that it's not going to make me happy given my TOM and overindulging. It will just make me work harder for next weeks weigh in. I think scales were created by the same people that created three inch heels.

    3babybeans - What flavor was the milkshake? My son did something similar at that age. I ran to the 7-11 at like 5 in the morning while I thought everyone else was sleeping. Must have took too long because I walked through the door to the sight of swirls of chocolate syrup that led into the kitchen and probably about a teaspoon in the cup of milk, less than what was mixed into the floor milk on the floor. He was so cute sitting in the middle of it playing that I just ended up laughing. Thank goodness for hardware and linoleum floors.

    Welcome to all the newbies out there. New week, new resolve, new stresses. 'Morning glories...
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Luckily, he didn't get too far. He was throwing a fit during bed time last night & when we thought he was asleep, my husband started making himself a milkshake. Z heard the blender & came busting out of his room screaming that he wanted some. Therefore, he thought 2 am was a good time to try to do it himself. BAH!

    He has SUCH horrible sleeping issues, I'm about done with him. I even gave him a mealtonin last night to help him sleep b/c I think he's fighting an ear infection. That lasted all of six hours. I'm about to give up. He's always been a bad sleeper, but during the day he's dragging butt b/c he's so dang tired! Don't even get me started on naps. :grumble:
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    My son was always harder to get to sleep than my daughter. My daughter is my firstborn so she spoiled me. Even now, he is six, and argues with me every night at bedtime and any time that I force him to take a nap because he's a walking zombie. He will keep telling me he is not tired right up until the first snore. I always laugh. Some kids bodies and minds just never seem to shut down. I hope the ear infection doesn't kick in too strongly. Hey, I'm one of those bad mothers who is not opposed to a little nyquil now and again for a sick child so they can rest and I can rest. Didn't our great-grandmothers use rum or whiskey in the bottles of their kids? Here's hoping you get some rest soon. *hugs*
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I could write a book about Z's ears but I'm thankful that he's finally to an age where he can tell me where it hurts & how bad it hurts...most of the time. The last time we went to the dr. for his ears was a little traumatic for him so he holds back sometimes & just gets whiney instead. :grumble: I have mixed feels about nyquil, but I'm nearly to that point. We'll see what today brings. Thanks for your kind words!
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Good Morning !!! How is everyone? Things my way are finally getting better! Christmas vacation was CRAZY!!! Some day when I have an hour I will give you some information into my crazy life!!! To just get an idea I have two girls with my husband and he had 2 girls and a boy when I met him, they live with their mom. So full time it is just Cali & Maeve who are 6 next sunday and 20months !!! So its hard to find time to exercise, but my baby Maeve loves the workout channel it is soooo cute she trys to do what they are doing... Other than that we play alot dance around anything to just move it!!!

    My goal for today is to drink 8 glasses of water.....
    workout atleast 30 mins ....
    do 3 loads of

    Well I hope to get to know you all ....
    Everyone have a great day!!!
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Mornin ladies...

    Well lets see..I'm a lil peeved with myslef:mad: I have gained 6 pounds over the last week...I'm so freakin ticked...:explode: :mad: :explode: I'm tired all the time, I'm hungry all the time, I'm just peeved all the time....I have been so stressed the last 6 months..I dont know if I've comin or goin right now..Saturday night I went to bed at 6pm got up @ 9pm to eat (nothin but fruit) then @ 10am I was back in bed til 8am the next morning..I wasnt depressed when I slept I was so freakin pi$$ed off:explode: :mad: that I was seeing red and crying, so I figured it was best if I just went to bed..I felt emtionaly drained and the sleep did help me feel better..But it doesnt mean I was so depressed I needed to sleep...But let me tell the the dreams I had that night where awful..You know it just really ticks me off ppl on here have told me I'm an inspriration* to them..I'm glad I can make ppl happy but I dont feel like I'm %hit right now...I feel like a big flippin faliure not with just my weight loss but with a few things in my life what lil life I have..You know I'm a sad lil person, I was gonna cancel my internet but then I thought no u cant cuz then u have no one to talk to..Thats how sad my life is..I have 2 friends in the real world..Yeah I have ppl who I talk to when I'm out but I only have 2 real friends...Gosh my life is sad:cry: If it wasnt for my kids I dont know what I would do..They are the only reason I breathe..No I dont want to freakin die...I just want , I dont know what I want..:indifferent: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am so done with it..I dont think I will be back for awhile...I'm not sure..I'm sorry I poured all this out here..I just needed to get it out before I really blew up..Thanks for lettin me vent..I maybe back around later I'm to addiacted* to this site to stay way to long..I hope everyone else is doin ok and sorry ladies....
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    hi, i'm a stay at home mom of 2 boys, 5 and 2. i'm doing my best to stay motivated, but i've been sick about 5 times since christmas. right now we're going through a pinkeye epidemic. i can't wait till january is over!!!! i just got back to excercising this week, and i am so hoping to see a loss on weigh in day.
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good morning all!!!!

    We had a fabulous weekend...b-day part, night out w/ just the DH, and yesterday took the kiddos sledding. Tonight, we are heading out w/ friends to dinner ( a Japanese/Sushi place). I need to get the house picked up prior to my grandparents getting here to watch the kiddos for us.

    Sara...milkshakes at 2am?! Zeke is something else:tongue:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies! Glad to see you here!
    I'm sorry to hear about all the little ones not sleeping well. I don't really have any advice. Alex has always been a good sleeper (with the exception of a few bad nights) and even when he's not wanting to sleep he'll play in his room with his stuffed animals. I am sure my turn is coming!
    Lenece, I'm sorry you are having such a hard time! I sure hope something gives (before you do) or comes through for you soon!:flowerforyou:
    My weeks are about to get a little crazier. But that's okay I guess. It's just for a season. Alex starts tumbling tomorrow as long as he feels up to it, and that goes for 8 weeks. There's horse therapy on Wednesdays. Bible Study is suppose to start back up on Friday and go till the end of March I think. Maybe longer. Monday and Thursdays are my only "free" days. Usually Mondays are spent catching up from the weekend, and Thursdays are shopping days.
    Alex has been a pill. He's regressed a lot since before Christmas. I don't know what's going on. His diet hasn't changed. He's been sick the last few days but that doesn't account for the last three weeks. I want to see some more breakthroughs and progress. (He has mild autism and sensory issues.) I am going to try to spend some time with him working on things today. Maybe that's what he needs.
    I was looking at adoption stories last night on the web. I got more excited but I also got more scared. lol. I think it sort of hit me that this is what we really want to do and this is what we will be going through over the net several months. One step at a time. I don't have to deal with everything right now!
    There's my book for the day. Have a happy flappy!
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    hi. can i just jump in?

    i do actually work nights but i am off for a bit. I work nights to be at home with my 4 boys (13,10,4 and 19 months) 2 of my four kids are on the autism spectrum (good times I tell you) my four year old being the most involved.I also have a 17 year old girl that adopted us a few years back and she is with us 85% of the time these days. she's great.

    those of you talking about sleeping issues. we find melatonin is great to get them asleep but doesnt keep them asleep. we give him theanine to keep him sleeping and sleepy time tea. like a charm
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    hi, i'm a stay at home mom of 2 boys, 5 and 2. i'm doing my best to stay motivated, but i've been sick about 5 times since christmas. right now we're going through a pinkeye epidemic. i can't wait till january is over!!!! i just got back to excercising this week, and i am so hoping to see a loss on weigh in day.

    Hey, musicmom! I'm glad you jumped in over here! I've been through the pink eye epidmeic (as has gottaluvboyz). That junk spreads like wild fire! Welcome to the group!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good Morning !!! How is everyone? Things my way are finally getting better! Christmas vacation was CRAZY!!! Some day when I have an hour I will give you some information into my crazy life!!! To just get an idea I have two girls with my husband and he had 2 girls and a boy when I met him, they live with their mom. So full time it is just Cali & Maeve who are 6 next sunday and 20months !!! So its hard to find time to exercise, but my baby Maeve loves the workout channel it is soooo cute she trys to do what they are doing... Other than that we play alot dance around anything to just move it!!!

    My goal for today is to drink 8 glasses of water.....
    workout atleast 30 mins ....
    do 3 loads of

    Well I hope to get to know you all ....
    Everyone have a great day!!!

    Good luck meeting your goals today, Crystal! We all had a hard time in the beginning finding time to exercise, but you'll figure it out. Once you make it a priority, like you did on your list, you'll find it is much easier. If you say, "I'll workout when everything else is done" it'll never happen. As you know, a SAHM's job is NEVER done! There's always something, ya know?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    hi. can i just jump in?

    i do actually work nights but i am off for a bit. I work nights to be at home with my 4 boys (13,10,4 and 19 months) 2 of my four kids are on the autism spectrum (good times I tell you) my four year old being the most involved.I also have a 17 year old girl that adopted us a few years back and she is with us 85% of the time these days. she's great.

    those of you talking about sleeping issues. we find melatonin is great to get them asleep but doesnt keep them asleep. we give him theanine to keep him sleeping and sleepy time tea. like a charm

    I've never heard of teh theanine! I'm getting some TOMORROW! I thought the same thing about the melatonin, but thought it was just me. LOL Thanks for the tip! You're more than welcome to jump in any time! There's also other moms on here with children with autism so you aren't alone. Hope you'll post more often!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good morning all!!!!

    We had a fabulous weekend...b-day part, night out w/ just the DH, and yesterday took the kiddos sledding. Tonight, we are heading out w/ friends to dinner ( a Japanese/Sushi place). I need to get the house picked up prior to my grandparents getting here to watch the kiddos for us.

    Sara...milkshakes at 2am?! Zeke is something else:tongue:

    You've been a busy woman, Kelly! Goodness sakes! Have fun with house picking up. BLAH. Which Sushi place are you going to?

    Oh, yes. Milkshakes at 2am. WTH? At least I heard him & stopped him before he got TOO into it. *eye roll*
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    My weeks are about to get a little crazier. But that's okay I guess. It's just for a season. Alex starts tumbling tomorrow as long as he feels up to it, and that goes for 8 weeks. There's horse therapy on Wednesdays. Bible Study is suppose to start back up on Friday and go till the end of March I think. Maybe longer. Monday and Thursdays are my only "free" days. Usually Mondays are spent catching up from the weekend, and Thursdays are shopping days.
    Alex has been a pill. He's regressed a lot since before Christmas. I don't know what's going on. His diet hasn't changed. He's been sick the last few days but that doesn't account for the last three weeks. I want to see some more breakthroughs and progress. (He has mild autism and sensory issues.) I am going to try to spend some time with him working on things today. Maybe that's what he needs.
    I was looking at adoption stories last night on the web. I got more excited but I also got more scared. lol. I think it sort of hit me that this is what we really want to do and this is what we will be going through over the net several months. One step at a time. I don't have to deal with everything right now!
    There's my book for the day. Have a happy flappy!

    I saw happy flappy & immediately thought of a body part...I will spare you the details, but I'm :laugh: over here right now. LOL Maybe Alex has been feeding off of your stress the past few weeks & is acting out b/c of it. I know Z gets that way sometimes. *hugs* Hang in there. You're very intune to him so I'm sure you'll figure it out. I'm excited to hear more about the adoption journey! Good luck! You know I'm praying for you, girl!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Mornin ladies...

    Well lets see..I'm a lil peeved with myslef:mad: I have gained 6 pounds over the last week...I'm so freakin ticked...:explode: :mad: :explode: I'm tired all the time, I'm hungry all the time, I'm just peeved all the time....I have been so stressed the last 6 months..I dont know if I've comin or goin right now..Saturday night I went to bed at 6pm got up @ 9pm to eat (nothin but fruit) then @ 10am I was back in bed til 8am the next morning..I wasnt depressed when I slept I was so freakin pi$$ed off:explode: :mad: that I was seeing red and crying, so I figured it was best if I just went to bed..I felt emtionaly drained and the sleep did help me feel better..But it doesnt mean I was so depressed I needed to sleep...But let me tell the the dreams I had that night where awful..You know it just really ticks me off ppl on here have told me I'm an inspriration* to them..I'm glad I can make ppl happy but I dont feel like I'm %hit right now...I feel like a big flippin faliure not with just my weight loss but with a few things in my life what lil life I have..You know I'm a sad lil person, I was gonna cancel my internet but then I thought no u cant cuz then u have no one to talk to..Thats how sad my life is..I have 2 friends in the real world..Yeah I have ppl who I talk to when I'm out but I only have 2 real friends...Gosh my life is sad:cry: If it wasnt for my kids I dont know what I would do..They are the only reason I breathe..No I dont want to freakin die...I just want , I dont know what I want..:indifferent: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am so done with it..I dont think I will be back for awhile...I'm not sure..I'm sorry I poured all this out here..I just needed to get it out before I really blew up..Thanks for lettin me vent..I maybe back around later I'm to addiacted* to this site to stay way to long..I hope everyone else is doin ok and sorry ladies....

    Dana, don't be sorry. If you need to get it out here, DO IT! You can't keep everything inside. There's no way those 6# are REAL #s. If you're under stress, your body will feel it & probably start holding onto extra water & not be metabolizing things as well. You are not a failure. Give your friend a call today & see if they can talk for a little bit. *hugs* Don't stay away! You never know when someone might have just the right thing to say.:flowerforyou:
  • abillings9
    Good morning all! :drinker: I'm going to jump in too and say that this is going to be a great week!
    I'm not usually so cheery but I'm feeling good and ready to go this week and work hard. :tongue:

    I understand about the sleep issues too. My ds is a great sleeper but my dd is up 2-3 times in the middle of the night. She doesn't like to sleep in her own bed so we are currently struggling with getting her to stay in her bed all night. Luckily last night she stayed put so I got a full nights sleep, but this is only one of the few nights that it's happened like that!
  • mommabuzz
    Good morning ladies. Another SAHM here who wishes she could post more but I do read your replies and you ladies crack me up and inspire me with each one.
    I am giddy this morning because I have left my stall stage and lost .5 lb....:laugh: Simple things amuse simple minds!!!! It totally inspired me though to get on the excerise bandwagon even more and to watch what I eat.
    My problem is though, and I am wondering if you ladies can offer me any tips......I cannot eat 1200 calories a day. I am typically at 1000, even if I excercise BUT my fat content is usually over the goal. Help me chose healthier higher calorie meal ideas please.