Stay-at-home Moms 1/12-1/18



  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Hi ladies..Just checkin in..I have a sick on still..I thought we was done with all of it but my lil girl got up couching this morning n she sounds like a dog braking..Then my pipes was frozen this moring if tis not one thing its another..Also I got my 30 day shred in the mail today n I'm sad I couldnt even do the whole 20mins of level one...flippin sad I tell u but what I did do of it I can feel it..ouch:frown: tomorrow is another day...hope everyone elses kids get better soon..
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Dana glad your workout finally came. The first day is rough, I was hurtin the next day but if you can push thru the pain and do it again tomorrow it will get better. I think you were asking about workout music (I don't remember who asked) but I found a website called where you can buy it in digital form so you can download it to your computer and load it right to your MP3 player. If you are broke like me you can just look at the songs on each of the "cds" and see if you already own them. Between my hubby and I we have quite an eclectic mix of music so I just copied and pasted a bunch of their suggested stuff to a word document and will make a workout playlist from stuff we already have.
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Dana glad your workout finally came. The first day is rough, I was hurtin the next day but if you can push thru the pain and do it again tomorrow it will get better. I think you were asking about workout music (I don't remember who asked) but I found a website called where you can buy it in digital form so you can download it to your computer and load it right to your MP3 player. If you are broke like me you can just look at the songs on each of the "cds" and see if you already own them. Between my hubby and I we have quite an eclectic mix of music so I just copied and pasted a bunch of their suggested stuff to a word document and will make a workout playlist from stuff we already have.
    Thats cool..I was the one asking bout music..I'm gonna try again tomorrow to do more of the 30day shred..I HAVE to get this weight off...I still look nasty n feel nasty...:sick: Thanks for the music idea..I've burned a few cds but want more..I NEED motivation..Thanks
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    OK...Here goes...I have a lil ranting I want to do....I this site..I have made many new friends and found alot of new things to help me out...I know we didnt put this weight on over night n its not gonna come off over night..Thats my lil sayin at the end of every post...But have you ever just felt like no matter what you do at times you suck...Well I'm not tryin to bring neone down this is just the way I feel right now at this point in time...I got the 30 Day shred finally today in the mail..I couldnt even get through level 1 how flippin sad it that ..Really sad in my book...I want to be healthy but my bf is not helping matters much...He's glad I'm losing weight n wants me too but he cooks like you wouldnt beleive..He really should of been a chef, I'm not kidding he cooks that good...But he knows I want to lose weight but yet n I quote "I'm glad you are losing weight and getting helathy, But I dont want you to skinny" end quote..What the heck is that about..Come on I want to be as skinny as possible..I'm SO SICK OF BEING A FATA$$...I'm done, I'm tired of being tired, I'm sick of the fat clothes the looks the stares the comments..Other mothers thinking they are better then my cuz they wear a size 2 ...Please what is wrong with the world today...I'M SO SICK OF BEING JUGDED!!!!! I feel like a failure cuz I am a failure..Theres just days like today I want to walk away n throw in the towel...I'm not looking for flippin sympathy here I am just ranting like a mad woman..This is one place I can go n no one yell at me or anything like that...I'm sorry if I crossed the line on nehting or offened anyone..Hope everyone is having a better day then me..
    Thanks Dana
    I put this on another thread but wanted to share this with the SAHM's
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Dana-- your boyfriend loves you for how you are, that's a good thing. But, you have to love yourself, too-- so politely thank him for his love, but tell him you need to do this for you, for all the reasons you just stated.

    DH and I had a similar conversation, and I was able to explain to him that while he sweetly thinks I'm just perfect the way I am, and is afraid of me getting too skinny and losing all my-- ahem-- fringe benefits, my goal was to lose 50 and to fall short of that for any reason would make me feel like a real failure. He's a doll, and saw how much it means to me to keep working towards my goal.

    Your guy sounds sweet-- there are worse guys out there, guys who verbally abuse their women because of being overweight-- so count your blessings today, my dear lady.

    God bless-- hope your day gets better.
  • supermom1114
    Good Morning Ladies!!! So another one of the things I did yesterday was give about half of my wardrobe to one of my friends whos like an inch shorter than me and 130 like I used to be. I know I'm going to make it back to where I was but with pregnancy n breastfeeding, my breasts have gone from a B to somewhere inbetween a C or D so I'm just not going to fit in any of my old clothes even when I do lose the weight.... hohum, man she was trying stuff on and dang, I know I used to look like her and I thought I was fat... gosh I shouldve appreciated what I had.... and her dr wants her to lose another 20lbs because shes in the healthy BMI range, but closer to the unhealthy and her dr wants her on the low end... I mean she'll admit she could lose 5 lbs and be in the middle but 20??? Thats insane, what an idiotic dr.

    But giving all that away just pumped me up to lose the weight so I can buy more cute clothes!!!

    ok I have a question though, how do you entertain a 2 month old? Ayden is now having long spurts of being awake during the day and I feel like I need to be stimulating him and entertaining him all the time, so I read him books, we sing little songs, walke around the house and show him stuff, look in mirrors n make funny faces, n like all of maybe 45min to an hour has gone by and hes still awake for the next hour.... ugh I just dunno what to do with him, I never played with baby dolls, I've never babysat, the first diaper I ever changed in my entire life was his diapers in the hospital!!! I just dunno what to do with him anymore I just feel like I'm not doing enough if I just hold him and rock him and let him watch TV with me, all though hes content doing it and he just looks around at the world but I feel like thats me being lazy and I should be doing other stuff... ugh I just feel like Im failing as a mom n Im a horrible person for being bored with reading the same books or the same songs n just not knowing what to do anymore..... after about 3 or 4 Im constantly watching the clock til my mom or dad gets home because they always like to hold Ayden and talk to him and it gives me a break... Am I horrible for not knowing what to do or for wanting a break?? ugh
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! So another one of the things I did yesterday was give about half of my wardrobe to one of my friends whos like an inch shorter than me and 130 like I used to be. I know I'm going to make it back to where I was but with pregnancy n breastfeeding, my breasts have gone from a B to somewhere inbetween a C or D so I'm just not going to fit in any of my old clothes even when I do lose the weight.... hohum, man she was trying stuff on and dang, I know I used to look like her and I thought I was fat... gosh I shouldve appreciated what I had.... and her dr wants her to lose another 20lbs because shes in the healthy BMI range, but closer to the unhealthy and her dr wants her on the low end... I mean she'll admit she could lose 5 lbs and be in the middle but 20??? Thats insane, what an idiotic dr.

    But giving all that away just pumped me up to lose the weight so I can buy more cute clothes!!!

    ok I have a question though, how do you entertain a 2 month old? Ayden is now having long spurts of being awake during the day and I feel like I need to be stimulating him and entertaining him all the time, so I read him books, we sing little songs, walke around the house and show him stuff, look in mirrors n make funny faces, n like all of maybe 45min to an hour has gone by and hes still awake for the next hour.... ugh I just dunno what to do with him, I never played with baby dolls, I've never babysat, the first diaper I ever changed in my entire life was his diapers in the hospital!!! I just dunno what to do with him anymore I just feel like I'm not doing enough if I just hold him and rock him and let him watch TV with me, all though hes content doing it and he just looks around at the world but I feel like thats me being lazy and I should be doing other stuff... ugh I just feel like Im failing as a mom n Im a horrible person for being bored with reading the same books or the same songs n just not knowing what to do anymore..... after about 3 or 4 Im constantly watching the clock til my mom or dad gets home because they always like to hold Ayden and talk to him and it gives me a break... Am I horrible for not knowing what to do or for wanting a break?? ugh

    You sweet thing-- you're doing just fine-- holding and cuddling and loving is about all he can handle right now. Talk to him, make eye contact, smile at him, hold him, rock him, sing to him, watch TV with him-- he's just thrilled to be with his mama-- -- and just love him.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    ok I have a question though, how do you entertain a 2 month old? Ayden is now having long spurts of being awake during the day and I feel like I need to be stimulating him and entertaining him all the time, so I read him books, we sing little songs, walke around the house and show him stuff, look in mirrors n make funny faces, n like all of maybe 45min to an hour has gone by and hes still awake for the next hour.... ugh I just dunno what to do with him, I never played with baby dolls, I've never babysat, the first diaper I ever changed in my entire life was his diapers in the hospital!!! I just dunno what to do with him anymore I just feel like I'm not doing enough if I just hold him and rock him and let him watch TV with me, all though hes content doing it and he just looks around at the world but I feel like thats me being lazy and I should be doing other stuff... ugh I just feel like Im failing as a mom n Im a horrible person for being bored with reading the same books or the same songs n just not knowing what to do anymore..... after about 3 or 4 Im constantly watching the clock til my mom or dad gets home because they always like to hold Ayden and talk to him and it gives me a break... Am I horrible for not knowing what to do or for wanting a break?? ugh

    Aww, cute! You have to remember that EVERYTHING to a 2 month old is new and interesting. Watching you walk around the house is interesting, seeing you move a toy in front of his face is interesting, simply moving from one spot to another is really cool!

    At that age, they aren't really 'interacting' they are observing. And like any other baby animal, they learn by watching. Even with my son at 15 months, a lot of time he just likes to look and explore on his own. Every baby is different, but he HATES being held and having books read to him, he would rather toddle off somewhere and play with a toy or make faces at himself in the mirror.

    It doesn't mean we are mommy-failures, just that our children are content and feel secure. Thats a good thing. :drinker: So play with your baby, but remember a lot of it is for your amusement. :wink: :laugh:
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    Good Morning Ladies!!! So another one of the things I did yesterday was give about half of my wardrobe to one of my friends whos like an inch shorter than me and 130 like I used to be. I know I'm going to make it back to where I was but with pregnancy n breastfeeding, my breasts have gone from a B to somewhere inbetween a C or D so I'm just not going to fit in any of my old clothes even when I do lose the weight.... hohum, man she was trying stuff on and dang, I know I used to look like her and I thought I was fat... gosh I shouldve appreciated what I had.... and her dr wants her to lose another 20lbs because shes in the healthy BMI range, but closer to the unhealthy and her dr wants her on the low end... I mean she'll admit she could lose 5 lbs and be in the middle but 20??? Thats insane, what an idiotic dr.

    But giving all that away just pumped me up to lose the weight so I can buy more cute clothes!!!

    ok I have a question though, how do you entertain a 2 month old? Ayden is now having long spurts of being awake during the day and I feel like I need to be stimulating him and entertaining him all the time, so I read him books, we sing little songs, walke around the house and show him stuff, look in mirrors n make funny faces, n like all of maybe 45min to an hour has gone by and hes still awake for the next hour.... ugh I just dunno what to do with him, I never played with baby dolls, I've never babysat, the first diaper I ever changed in my entire life was his diapers in the hospital!!! I just dunno what to do with him anymore I just feel like I'm not doing enough if I just hold him and rock him and let him watch TV with me, all though hes content doing it and he just looks around at the world but I feel like thats me being lazy and I should be doing other stuff... ugh I just feel like Im failing as a mom n Im a horrible person for being bored with reading the same books or the same songs n just not knowing what to do anymore..... after about 3 or 4 Im constantly watching the clock til my mom or dad gets home because they always like to hold Ayden and talk to him and it gives me a break... Am I horrible for not knowing what to do or for wanting a break?? ugh

    it sounds like your doing just what your supposed to do. at that age I put my muffin in the sling or wrap and just went about my day singing to him. when I was doing dishes or laundry I would lay him on the floor on a blanket and just talk to him while I did my thing. sounds like your doing great!

    on a side note. I think I had candy for breakfast.
    i got mother's caramel rice cakes put 1 TBS of natural peanutbutter on it and half a banana. like having a sundae so yummy.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    yummy-- need to try that-- mmmmmmm.
  • supermom1114
    Im about to have a PB and banana sandwich for lunch! And I throw some raisins in there too, so good! Isnt PB and banana such a great combo!!! :bigsmile: I wish they had a smiley face liking its lips lol:tongue: close enough
  • supermom1114
    Oh and thanks for the encouragment ladies it helped me feel better, at least I'm not totally screwing my kid up lol... And i lifted weights while Ayden sat in his bounce and watched me, he seemed to enjoy it, yay! ok I'm going to make n eat lunch before he wakes up again!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Wow, I am frozen. I just went out to shovel snow. How many calories did that burn, lol. I havent' exercise today so that is about all I will do today.Anyways, has anyone had a bad eating day and few mess up during the week and still lose weight. I am just struggling right now. I really want to do this, but I am just so depressed and in that "life isn't fair" mode. Also AF isn't helping. I feel good about finally have some muscle show up in my arms and legs, but this takes forever to lose weight. I just want to be HAPPY!!! I am so obsessed with this it's driving me mad!!! I know I have said this all before, but I am really struggling right now, I dont know what to do.:sad:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    supermom-all the ladies that responded so far are right, EVERYTHING you will entertain and educate your little one. A sling or baby carrier is great because you can do what you need to with the baby right there with you. Talk to him and just tell him what you are doing. "mommy is wiping off the counters, sweeping the floor, walking down the hall...." it doesn't matter. Change it up and sing every once in awhile. And honey you aren't going to screw up your child. I remember when Adi started staying awake for longer I thought the same thing...what do I do? So you aren't a terrible mom...your a typical mom.

    Dana-my hubby said the same thing to me...but by skinny he meant celebrity bones sticking out gross kinda skinny. Good thing I don't wanna be that skinny either. Don't feel bad about not making it thru the Shred it's a tough workout. Today is the first time I did the entire workout with no modifications...and I don't mean their modifications I mean MINE...wall push ups, cheaters jumping jacks, not doing butt kicks....and I seriously thought I was going to die...and I'm on day 9!!! It'll get easier just take it a day at a time.

    Parents are coming this weekend so I need to go clean house.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Wow, I am frozen. I just went out to shovel snow. How many calories did that burn, lol. I havent' exercise today so that is about all I will do today.Anyways, has anyone had a bad eating day and few mess up during the week and still lose weight. I am just struggling right now. I really want to do this, but I am just so depressed and in that "life isn't fair" mode. Also AF isn't helping. I feel good about finally have some muscle show up in my arms and legs, but this takes forever to lose weight. I just want to be HAPPY!!! I am so obsessed with this it's driving me mad!!! I know I have said this all before, but I am really struggling right now, I dont know what to do.:sad:

    here's a good website to figure our your shoveling cals--

    I love it. Who knew typing burned so much-- go me!!
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    OMG I am so far behind today:noway: Woke up this morning and it was -26 :noway: well thankfully we left a little water run in the sink in the milkhouse last night so none of the pipes froze in the barn:smile: It was SO cold doing chores this morning:grumble: I didn't want to go anywhere today but with the kids being home the last few days (all day) and they cancelled school for today and they have a scheduled day off tomorrow, so I looked in the refrigerator this morning and found we only had 1 1/2 gallons of milk left so I went out to see if the van would start (it didn't want to but it did if that makes any sense). Well I enjoyed my couple of hours of running errands, wasn't happy that when I got to the pharmacy they didn't have the 8 yr olds med's that they told me they would have on Tue. and now it is Thurs. so she called a couple of other pharmacies well while she was on the phone she found out she didn't have the med's for my 14 yr either so I ended up having to go to 3 different pharmacies to get my kid's med:grumble: Other than that it has been a good day so far, by the time the weekend is over with the kids will have been out of school 5 1/2 days:grumble: I need to find time this afternoon to do my workout cause I didn't get it in this morning.

    Hope you all are having a good day:flowerforyou:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Evening all!

    My weigh in was yesterday and I was hoping for more, but I lost another pound. I busted my butt at the gym extra hard yesterday because today was my day off. I spent the first half of the day painting my living room (did the dining room the day before) and finally got it done! I looks so much nicer!!

    Not much going on... stayed in my calories today, which was really hard for me since I didnt have the exercise calories to add on.. lol.. drank tons of water. Borrowed a weight watchers cookbook from a friend so I could get more dinner idea's. Im tired of the same ole, same ole and Im afraid if i dont start adding some variety.. I'll get bored and go back to my old habits.

    I cant WAIT to get back to the gym tomorrow. Even tho I was busy painting, I really missed my workout today!

    Sorry for you guys who are stuck in the frozen stuff. That just sucks! I couldnt imagine being in the negative temps... that would drive me batty!!

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Dana-I found another website for you (I haven't personally looked it over, it was mentioned in a magazine) Also
    Hope these help you get motivated.

    Well it's just after 10 here in ID and from about 1 until 6 I busted my butt cleaning house. If I would have been thinkin straight I would have put on my HRM and watched the calories. At 6 I feed baby and then fed my son and myself. He wanted Wendys which is great I love their salads, except when I ordered I was a complete idiot. I forgot to ask for grilled chicken and low fat dressing! :grumble: Luckily I burned A LOT of calories working out today so I didn't go over but I was so mad at myself for not bring more aware. Oh well. After dinner my intention was to do laundry but my butt got stuck to the couch and I just couldnt move for a couple hours. once I found that I could move again I got down on the floor and played with my DD hoping to wear her out, apparently I failed because here we are at the computer (yes we if there are typos its her fault). She is not even remotely tired. Ugh! Hopefully she will sleep in tomorrow morning.

    I will be lurking so if anyone else is out there feel free to say hello
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I know how you feel abetterme I live in MN and we have been -30 or colder sometimes. The cars won't start and ugh I just hate it. Right now its either cold or we get snow. Got to love MN that is for sure. Im in the BL challenge but I would love to be in this group too. Im a stay at home mom for two wonderful kids. Hope everyone has a wonderful friday. :drinker:
  • msvallon
    msvallon Posts: 35 Member
    Mornin ladies...

    Well lets see..I'm a lil peeved with myslef:mad: I have gained 6 pounds over the last week...I'm so freakin ticked...:explode: :mad: :explode: I'm tired all the time, I'm hungry all the time, I'm just peeved all the time....I have been so stressed the last 6 months..I dont know if I've comin or goin right now..Saturday night I went to bed at 6pm got up @ 9pm to eat (nothin but fruit) then @ 10am I was back in bed til 8am the next morning..I wasnt depressed when I slept I was so freakin pi$$ed off:explode: :mad: that I was seeing red and crying, so I figured it was best if I just went to bed..I felt emtionaly drained and the sleep did help me feel better..But it doesnt mean I was so depressed I needed to sleep...But let me tell the the dreams I had that night where awful..You know it just really ticks me off ppl on here have told me I'm an inspriration* to them..I'm glad I can make ppl happy but I dont feel like I'm %hit right now...I feel like a big flippin faliure not with just my weight loss but with a few things in my life what lil life I have..You know I'm a sad lil person, I was gonna cancel my internet but then I thought no u cant cuz then u have no one to talk to..Thats how sad my life is..I have 2 friends in the real world..Yeah I have ppl who I talk to when I'm out but I only have 2 real friends...Gosh my life is sad:cry: If it wasnt for my kids I dont know what I would do..They are the only reason I breathe..No I dont want to freakin die...I just want , I dont know what I want..:indifferent: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am so done with it..I dont think I will be back for awhile...I'm not sure..I'm sorry I poured all this out here..I just needed to get it out before I really blew up..Thanks for lettin me vent..I maybe back around later I'm to addiacted* to this site to stay way to long..I hope everyone else is doin ok and sorry ladies....

    I'm really sorry you're having a tough time. I must say that I am having a rough time as well right now. Just wanted to let you know...