Stay-at-home Moms 1/12-1/18



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    oh, sweet Jesus-- for the love of man-- make it stop!!!!! "Quantum chromodynamics-- " wahhhh. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Marla are you awake? you shouldn't be at this hour. I hope you got your work done.

    Okay so DS goes to bed at 8, hubby leaves for work at 8:30, DD goes down around 9 and of course the first thing I think...what's for dessert? BAD HABIT!!! I'm not even hungry, so I grab my water bottle and take it into the kitchen to refill it and of course I see ALL these wonderful things that I logically COULD have because i have left over calories, but I'm not hungry so why. UGH!! Old habits die slowly!! So I'm sitting at the computer, keeping my fingers busy, my mind off food and resisting urges to just have a 60 calorie pudding. I'm NOT HUNGRY!!! **guzzling water**

    My parents are coming this weekend and I'm kind of excited to make some of my HG recipes for them while they are here. But what I'm really excited about is I might actually get a date night with my hubby. My mom said she is kicking us out of the house. WAHOO!!! I know we are tight on money but we need a night out without the kids. Oh heavens I guess that means I should clean house tomorrow UGH!!! anyone wanna make a few dollars?? I hate cleaning.

    I guess it's bed is so cold without my hubby in it :sad: Night all!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla are you awake? you shouldn't be at this hour. I hope you got your work done.

    Okay so DS goes to bed at 8, hubby leaves for work at 8:30, DD goes down around 9 and of course the first thing I think...what's for dessert? BAD HABIT!!! I'm not even hungry, so I grab my water bottle and take it into the kitchen to refill it and of course I see ALL these wonderful things that I logically COULD have because i have left over calories, but I'm not hungry so why. UGH!! Old habits die slowly!! So I'm sitting at the computer, keeping my fingers busy, my mind off food and resisting urges to just have a 60 calorie pudding. I'm NOT HUNGRY!!! **guzzling water**

    My parents are coming this weekend and I'm kind of excited to make some of my HG recipes for them while they are here. But what I'm really excited about is I might actually get a date night with my hubby. My mom said she is kicking us out of the house. WAHOO!!! I know we are tight on money but we need a night out without the kids. Oh heavens I guess that means I should clean house tomorrow UGH!!! anyone wanna make a few dollars?? I hate cleaning.

    I guess it's bed is so cold without my hubby in it :sad: Night all!

    Yep, still here-- you should be very proud-- guzzle that water, and keep that refrigerator door shut. !!

    You know what hubby and I do for date night, because A) money is tight and B) restaurant portions are SO huge we don't need them and shouldn't have them, is we always go in and split an entrée. It always comes with salad, and then we order a bowl of soup for him, and I take the salad. There's always bread served, and then we split the dinner-- and drink water-- we're out for usually under $20, and still stuffed to the gills.

    Food for thought-- ha.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    That's a good idea and I know lots of people that do that...problem is, my hubby is a pig. The man is 6'1"ish weighs about 210 and is solid. Since his job is labor intensive most of the time (carrying pipe, digging holes, etc) his metabolism is very fast. He eats about 7-8 times a day. When we go out I eat half of what I order, he eats all of his and my remaining half. I wish I could eat like that and not gain anything :grumble:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    PS haven't seen Sara today...hope everythin is okay
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    That's a good idea and I know lots of people that do that...problem is, my hubby is a pig. The man is 6'1"ish weighs about 210 and is solid. Since his job is labor intensive most of the time (carrying pipe, digging holes, etc) his metabolism is very fast. He eats about 7-8 times a day. When we go out I eat half of what I order, he eats all of his and my remaining half. I wish I could eat like that and not gain anything :grumble:

    seriously-- I sniff 1/10th of what hubby eats and it goes right to my hips.

    Sighhh-- life is so unfair.

    Ditto on the Sara concern-- oh where oh where has our Sara gone?
  • supermom1114
    hey everyone, just poppin on real quick, I had a amazing day with 2 out of my 3 best friends in the entire world. I actually felt like I was a regular 19 year old again until my baby began to cry and the motherly duties kicked in but hey it was all good.. We can talk for hours n hours n it feels lik nothing we've been hanging out since about 2 this afternoon and I just went and dropped the last girl off, ugh it feels like time flew by! It was a great way to get my mind off of missing Phillip and they are both skinny minnies like I use to be so I'm pumped up now to lose this baby weight to get back to my lovely 125 130 that I used to be! Well I've been losing about 3lbs a week consistently since I've joined and I did the math and I keep that up I can be right around the 125 range in March when hubby comes back!! I know I'll probably plateau somewhere along the line but I'm hoping that I won't if I keep up with the breast feeding, I'm so excited and motivated now, what an awesome and refreshing day!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    eh, you young punks drop the weight like nothing-- :grumble: it's so not fair.

    So happy you had such a nice day, and that it helped you through missing your sweetiepie-- losing your weight now is sooo smart. I'd always heard when I was your age that it would be harder at my age-- and boy they were right-- ugh.

    Nite nite-- finally hitting the hay.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Good Morning!!! :yawn:

    Well we have a 2 hour delay, but no sleeping in for me. Both the boys were up by 7 after my oldest was up a lot last night complaining of a belly ache. He is up playing, but then says my belly hurts. Not sure what to do, do I send him to school or don't I. He says he is fine after I told him that if he didn't go to school then he wasn't going to be able to go to grandma's. Being a mom is difficult.

    Well good old AF is here, yippy!! I am so crampy it isn't funny. I really don't even want to think about what i eat today, I just want to eat and be happy!!! I am so obsessed with what I eat and how much I need to exercise if I do it this or that. I am so emotionally and physicially exhausted. Well that's my morning so far.:huh:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Well I don't have to worry about if Trey should go to school or not. Schools closed!!!
  • harlequsngirl
    Hi everyone! I'm going to jump right in and introduce myself. My name is Krista and I am a SAHM. I have 5 children 15, 12, 10, 6 and 2. I started going to the gym at the end of November and started working out with a trainer twice a week about a week after I joined the gym. Since I started working out and watching what I eat more closely I have lost 19 pounds, dropped my body fat down by 4% and have lost inches like crazy everywhere. I have a lot of stress in my life right now and being in a new area and not knowing anyone here hasn't helped me one bit LOL.

  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm going to jump right in and introduce myself. My name is Krista and I am a SAHM. I have 5 children 15, 12, 10, 6 and 2. I started going to the gym at the end of November and started working out with a trainer twice a week about a week after I joined the gym. Since I started working out and watching what I eat more closely I have lost 19 pounds, dropped my body fat down by 4% and have lost inches like crazy everywhere. I have a lot of stress in my life right now and being in a new area and not knowing anyone here hasn't helped me one bit LOL.


    Welcome Krista!! :flowerforyou: This is a great site with lots of awesome people. They have been a big supporter in my weightloss journey. Need anything we are always here!!!

  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    FYI..."saw" Sara on facebook yesterday. So, she is alive:smile:

    Had a good day yesterday...40 minutes BL Cardio Max and 30 minutes of pilates. I did great on my calories and then later in the evening my knee started killing me. It feels worse today...may have overextended it:sad: I'm planning on letting it rest today (which will kill me:laugh: ). Have a great day all!!!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Welcome Krista and any other new people I may have missed!
    Marla did you get some sleep?
    Supermom, I'm glad you had a good day with your friends!
    Mrsbuzz, I hope you have a good day and that your little boy is feeling alright!
    Good morning to everyone else! Hope today is a good one for you!
    I think I am getting sick. I used to rebuke it till my rebuker was worn out.:laugh: It would come anyway. My throat hurts. I'm tempted to take the day off from exercise because I don't want to do anything. But if it's a cold there will be worse days ahead. I do hope that it's what my son has had so he won't be getting sick again from me. I am going to the store to load up on stuff. I will probably end up getting comfort foods because I don't feel well and I know what's coming up.
    I am having fun with the wii of course. I unlocked free time running or whatever it's called, so now I can run for 10, 20, or 30 minutes. I will try the ten today. I was sweating yesterday from running and doing the hula hoop. I don't really feel like I am exercising, but after my last two months of doing nothing I figure this is a good way to get back into it. Next week I am going to try to add taebo and Shred back in.
    You all have a good day! I will check back with you later!
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    MORNING ALL! it's been a nice morning. sam got dressed for school and out the door without drama. nate slept in until 8 this morning. life is good.
    I'm waiting for my mom to get here so I can go to an appointment with the lawyer for my injury case (we were hit by a drunk driver 3 years ago and I have damage to my back now)its stooooopid cold here so I dont want to take the baby out

    mechanicmom- so sorry you aren't feeling well. when I start getting sick I take echinacha and goldenseal and these things called fizz-it immune boosters. it is usually enough to fix me up

    hi krista nice to meet you

    i know someone asked about symptomology of autism.
    it's different for every child. but most kids make poor or no eye contact, have repetative behaviors (sorry my spelling is so bad) have odd behaviors like lining up toys obsessivly,flapping their hands walking on their toes.

    with sam he was different from day one. he never slept. all the babies in the nursery were crying but not sammy. he never looked at me when he nursed. he was always in his own world. there were moments of sheer concious where he made sense but those didn't come often. he would flap his hands and walk on his toes. he never learned to point on his own. i taught him at 3.5 how to. he had a ton of food issues and allergies. he would throw fits that lasted for hours over things I couldn't understand.

    the site mechanicmom gave you is a good one. if your concerned i suggest you ask your child's doctor for a formal eval with someone who understand the spectrum
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good Morning!!! :yawn:

    Well we have a 2 hour delay, but no sleeping in for me. Both the boys were up by 7 after my oldest was up a lot last night complaining of a belly ache. He is up playing, but then says my belly hurts. Not sure what to do, do I send him to school or don't I. He says he is fine after I told him that if he didn't go to school then he wasn't going to be able to go to grandma's. Being a mom is difficult.

    Well good old AF is here, yippy!! I am so crampy it isn't funny. I really don't even want to think about what i eat today, I just want to eat and be happy!!! I am so obsessed with what I eat and how much I need to exercise if I do it this or that. I am so emotionally and physicially exhausted. Well that's my morning so far.:huh:

    AF just arrived last night, too-- but I think her accommodations are so worn out, thankfully, there's no muscles left to cramp!! I can live with that.

    My kids have had belly aches and diarrhea this week, thankfully no puking.

    Yes, indeedy, got some sleep, MM. Not as much as I should have-- I fiddled here way too much, so today back to the straight and narrow.

    My 15 year old's throat is positively swollen shut. She never complains and told me the other day her throat hurt. Her glands are the size of golfballs and inside her throat was hideously swollen. I have some antibiotics left over from somebody else's bug recently, so put her on that. And my 13 year old fell in basketball practice and can't use his right wrist without pain-- ahhhh-- life without health care since DH got laid off, ain't it grand.

    This is where rubber meets the road for faith, friends-- mine has been so weak. If I give up hope that things will improve, then what do I have? And yet, I'm having a real hard time trusting you know who to get us through this-- sighhh.

    Oh well-- there was a great quote from someone's grandma on Fitness_Chick's Inspirational Quotes thread about hope, and not giving up-- so, I press on. If I keep on here, though, I'll cry--

    So, suck it up, Marla, and press on--

    Have a great day, friends-- love to all.
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    big big hugs

    Good Morning!!! :yawn:

    Well we have a 2 hour delay, but no sleeping in for me. Both the boys were up by 7 after my oldest was up a lot last night complaining of a belly ache. He is up playing, but then says my belly hurts. Not sure what to do, do I send him to school or don't I. He says he is fine after I told him that if he didn't go to school then he wasn't going to be able to go to grandma's. Being a mom is difficult.

    Well good old AF is here, yippy!! I am so crampy it isn't funny. I really don't even want to think about what i eat today, I just want to eat and be happy!!! I am so obsessed with what I eat and how much I need to exercise if I do it this or that. I am so emotionally and physicially exhausted. Well that's my morning so far.:huh:

    AF just arrived last night, too-- but I think her accommodations are so worn out, thankfully, there's no muscles left to cramp!! I can live with that.

    My kids have had belly aches and diarrhea this week, thankfully no puking.

    Yes, indeedy, got some sleep, MM. Not as much as I should have-- I fiddled here way too much, so today back to the straight and narrow.

    My 15 year old's throat is positively swollen shut. She never complains and told me the other day her throat hurt. Her glands are the size of golfballs and inside her throat was hideously swollen. I have some antibiotics left over from somebody else's bug recently, so put her on that. And my 13 year old fell in basketball practice and can't use his right wrist without pain-- ahhhh-- life without health care since DH got laid off, ain't it grand.

    This is where rubber meets the road for faith, friends-- mine has been so weak. If I give up hope that things will improve, then what do I have? And yet, I'm having a real hard time trusting you know who to get us through this-- sighhh.

    Oh well-- there was a great quote from someone's grandma on Fitness_Chick's Inspirational Quotes thread about hope, and not giving up-- so, I press on. If I keep on here, though, I'll cry--

    So, suck it up, Marla, and press on--

    Have a great day, friends-- love to all.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Im sorry to hear for those of you that have sick little ones:cry: Theres nothing worse than seeing them feel so terrible and not being able to make it go away. My youngest is home with an upset stomach and a fever today, hopefully it isnt a flu bug coming in here:noway:
    We're having a birthday party/dinner here tonight for my 2 boys. My oldest just turned 19 Tuesday, and my youngest turns 14 on Monday. I have so much to do here in the house to get ready for that! And its soooo cold outside here today! We have a HIGH (yes, I said a HIGH) today of -12. To cold for me and unfortunately I have to go pick up the birthday cake this morning and do some shopping for the dinner. Boy, I do not like January birthdays!:grumble: I always wanted to be able to have their parties outside, but the weather around here NEVER allows for me to do that:ohwell:
    I hope everyone has a great day:flowerforyou:
    BTW, where is Sara today? I havent seen her anywhere on the boards:ohwell:
    Take care all!
    Oh and Marla...thank you so much for the kind words on the other board....:heart::flowerforyou:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Marla I can't believe you are up already. I have to tell you that I think you have amazing strength...physically I don't know but definately spiritually and emotionally. I don't know how you manage a houseful work at home and still maintain a positive attitude. I know you have been going thru hard times and yet here you are cracking jokes and making us all laugh. Your hubby is a very lucky man and your kids should be thankful that they have such a wonderful mother. I know you poke at God frequently lately but just remember he knows what you can handle even if you think you can't. (hugs)

    MM-Sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you get thru it quickly and that your son doesn't get it again.
    Have you ever tried Emergen C or Airborne? I haven't personally (I don't get sick very often) but I know people that swear by those products. Says it cuts their colds/sore throats/what have you in half.

    I have a little gripe this morning. It's kinda two the last 30 days I have lost 7 lbs. I'm starting to SEE a difference in the mirror and I can definately FEEL a difference in my clothes. Don't get me wrong I'm thrilled. The down side is I've only lost like 2 inches. I really thought that I would lose more inches. Granted I'm only talking about the last 30 days....30 days that included 2 holidays. I guess since I'm losing weight I shouldn't be too concern about the inches cuz I know they will come off eventually, I just thought there would be a bigger result. Oh well pressing on.... I am happy to say I've lost all the baby weight and she just turned 6 months and now I'm working on those last 10 lbs from the first baby 6 YEARS AGO! hahaha and after that it will be 10-15 lbs just for me :smile:

    Hope everyone has a great day