Stay-at-home Moms 1/12-1/18



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I'm glad to see someone else that struggles as I do. I also went on a 3 day binge and gained 6 pounds, I have a really hard time forgiving myself for these binges. I have lost weight several times in large amounts and gained the weight back in large amounts, never achieving my goals. It get's harder each time I gain or fail to pick myself up again. I am very much like an addict, once i start I can't stop. I was also feeling like completely giving up today. My weight has consumed my energy and thoughts for years, IT'S FRUSTRATING and makes a person tired. Then I think of the reality that if I don't pick myself up for the 1000th time, I am once again going to have to buy new clothes and I will never get rid of all the aches and pains in my body. As for friends, 2 good friends are all you need. I don't have any answers for you, just letting you know that you are not alone. You and I both need to learn to forgive ourselves and love ourselves. When I am feeling depressed like this I also like to shut myself away from the world because I don't want anyone to see how I feel and I'm ashamed. This wave of depression will pass, go shopping, read a book, take a bath, play some music, scrapbook, do something or anything to take your mind off your weight and something to make yourself feel good. I know how "consuming" trying to lose weight can be. Take Care, take a break and I hope to se you back. Your post has given me a boost knowing that there are others out there who are suffering as I.

    Jackobean - I'm glad you're posting with us & thanks for the encouraging words to Dana. Some of us "try" but sometimes a person needs to hear things from someone else that's gone through something similar! You are doing a great job & continue to work on forgiving yourself! We ALL make slip-ups in our life. *hugs* :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I just got done playing on the wii! Love it! I might try yoga or something tomorrow. And the long distance run. I got 139% on the short run. :happy: I wonder if I will be sore tomorrow? lol
    I'm so glad it works now! Alex likes it too. He was grinning while I was helping him bowl. He bowled a 197! :laugh:
    Just had to tell you all!

    Woo! So glad the Wii is working & that Alex loves it! How fun! I assume you got the Wii Fit, too?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    To all of you with sick, needy, or just fussy children/babies, I hope we all can get a good nights rest soon! Ayden only poops every 1-2 days, it varies, but he just seems so uncomfortable n gassy, n I think I've tried taking every possible thing out of my diet and still no help. Gripe Water has helped a bit but theres still a few fussy times that he seems like hes in pain... I'm wondering if its teething, I know hes only 2 months but he drools SO much and here lately hes calmed down a few times when I've given him his pacifier which he NEVER liked before so I dunno, Dr's appt Wed. so I'm going to ask about it.

    SO today was a LONG day. Got up and had to balance showering and getting ready with taking care of Ayden, both my parents go to work early so Im all alone. Then had to pack the rest of hubby's gear that he needed then had to get all of Aydens stufff n finally I left for Austin. Got there and ate lunch n went to the mall with hubby... then came back n Ayden was fussy about half the time on the trip back ugh, I HATE driving with my baby crying and I feel like I cant do anything, it was at night on 290, going through "the sticks" out in booney land with no lights and very few gas stations to stop at to try and comfort him on the way ugh..... I'm finally back home, Ayden is asleep in his bassinet so I'm hoping he stays that way and as soon as I'm done pumping I can go to bed.. ugh and slap on top of all of that I won't see hubby until Mar 23, then hes home for only a week and thens hes gone to Iraq...... both Ayden n I were crying on the way home, ugh ok I'm done pumping, I'm off to bed hopefully Ayden stays asleep I really just need to crash I'm emotionally and physically drained:yawn: :yawn: :frown: :frown: :indifferent: :indifferent: :sad: :sad: :sad: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    I'm glad you made it home okay. Be kind to yourself today no matter what the scale says. *hugs* All my kids were car criers, too. I don't know why & I've found NOTHING that fixed it. Oh, how I hated that. I hope he grows out of it soon! Still thinking of you & praying for you & your family, sweetie. :heart:
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Hey ladies..I didnt get to read everyones post cuz I am exteremly tired..I did not sleep worth a darn last night n I dont even have a cryin baby during the night..I woke up about 3am screamin and cryin in pain..I'm still hurtin actually..I'm 32 and they tell me I dont have athritis in my knees...bullhockey I've had it sence I was a kid always had problems with my knees...Well I got up n got in the tub n put the water as hot as I could get it n just cried:cry::cry: I stayed there for bout 20 mins...When I got out I put bengay on both my knees n went to the couch so I didnt wake my bf...Needless to say its gettin ready to rain or we are gonna be gettin some good snow cuz thats only when my knees hurt....I'm still hurting bad...So more ibproupen* n bengay my best
    I also found out that my thyroid is off again...It was .28 which is low and when your level is low that means your hormones are to high..So I've went from .112 mcg to .100mcg dose..My dr said this is one reason I'm actin so nutty..She said if its off just by a lil bit it can do all sorts of things to your body...So I'm not totaly nutts lol That makes me feel a lil better..But I'm off back to bed I need sleep n I'm still hurting...Hope everyones problems are gettin better..
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    hi to all the mummys out there
    im a sahm in sydney, australia with a little 4.5 month old boy

    totally relate to the thoughts of bub growing up so quick - my boy is on the big side and is in cloth nappies, so was in the next size very early (all the bub clothes are now made for little disposie bums.

    gee you guys all post lots - takes a while to read.. but gives me something to read while b/f-ing.

    re the pink-eye - is that the same as conjunctivitis? if you can produce any, mooju (mummy-milk) will sort that right out in a flash - better than any store bought or saline solution!!!

    anyway, got dinner on the go - indian lamb meatball curry with rice - yum


    I have a friend that lives here that is origianlly from Austrailia & reading your post put Kira's picture in my head! Welcome to the group! Pink eye is the same thing as conjunctivitis. I've never heard of using breastmilk for that! I'll have to try it if we get an outbreak again in the next 3 months. Thanks!

    yup breastmilk works like a charm for it. it has all sorts of amazing uses!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good morning!

    Sara, did you guys end up taking the kiddos sledding?

    You ladies are some crazy posters...I cannot keep up lol! (((hugs))) and prayers to all that need them:flowerforyou:

    Not much planned here for the day...we may take the boys snowmobiling later (we really should get some things done around here). I ate out last night and feel like a blimp today. Planning on working out while the kiddos nap.

    Have a fabulous day to all!
  • supermom1114
    Wow I didnt know breastmilk had so many amazing uses! But the one I am particularly loving is weightloss!! SO I thought I was going to hop on the scale and have gained 3-4lbs but to my surprise I LOST 3lbs!! It definitely can't be from what I'm eating or any kind of exercise because I've totally not been focusing on that. I'm chalking this one up to breastfeeding!! I'm so excited!!!! I've lost over 10 pounds since joining the site!! I'm so pumped!!!

    :flowerforyou: Welcome mazzle!!!

    Hope everyone stays on track with calories today and gets in their workouts, I'm going to try and get one in today while Ayden is napping and then go on a powerwalk tonight n see how messed up my heartrate got, I was just working up to where I could run some and still keep my heartrate in the limits it was supposed to be in but I have a feeling I'm going to have to go back to walking most of the time again.
    Have Happy and Wonderful Days!!:bigsmile:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    hi, thanks for the pinkeye advice...i've been out of breastmilk for a while, i'll just have to stick with the eye drops. at least it's me that has it and not the kids. all of us finally felt healthy enough to play in the snow yesterday...i even put on my snow pants and ran around with them. i actually had energy to play with my kids. that was awesome. it's one of the main reasons i'm trying so hard to stick with it this time. i'm gonna try to get them back out today at some point. have a good morning everyone!
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Good Morning Mommies,

    Well school has been delayed 2 hours :ohwell: so now that messes with my schedule, I have a hard time doing a workout with them all around cause it seems just when I think it is quiet enough I got put my dvd in and with in 5 minutes there is a war about something:grumble: So now I will be waiting til I get back from dropping the kids off at school. This will make for a short day. I would like some prayers PLEASE!!! This week is going to be extremly stressfull around here cause of the weather, they are talking negative temp. all week and that makes it very hard to do chores and hope we don't get any frozen water pipes and that the tractors all start and run like they are suppose to. Woke up this morning and it was -15 :huh: It is hard to put enough layers on when it is that cold out.

    I will report back later after I get my workout in, so if you don't here from me by lunch start yelling at me to get my butt in gear:laugh: :laugh: :happy:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member

  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Good morning all!! Well I was hoping for a delay so I could sleep in, but no. So I got Trey off to school and Evan wasn't up yet, so I went back to bed. I love my little guy, he let me get some extra sleep. I am so exhausted today. I feel so weak and tired, oh not to mention sore from Jillian kicking my *kitten* from the 30 day shred.

    Wow,you all can right on here. Sorry I can't respond to all. But my thought and prayers are with all you.

    Now I am trying to wake up enough to at least do my leslie sansone (spelling) walk the walk. I need to strech or do something my shoulders are killing me.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Now whenever I see your av "tequilla makes her clothes fall off" is going to play in my head. LOL

    That's funny that's the song that came in to mind when Marla first made the comment :laugh:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Supermom-great job on your weight loss.

    MM-glad you are enjoying your WII, and did you say Alex got 197 bowling??? Good gosh that's awesome, I can't even do that!!!

    Not much to report here. The day will be similar to other days, workout, lunch, get son off to school, hang out with baby, pick up son from school, send hubby off to school, dinner, and then Biggest Loser!!!

    Wishing all of you a healthy happy day!
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    I did it I got it done and now I feel SO much better:flowerforyou: I bought a new Leslie DVD (Walk Strong) it was awesome IMO. I am tempted to do another one this afternoon. Hope everyone is having a great day:flowerforyou:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    That's great abetterme! I'll have to look into one her dvd's:smile:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I did it I got it done and now I feel SO much better:flowerforyou: I bought a new Leslie DVD (Walk Strong) it was awesome IMO. I am tempted to do another one this afternoon. Hope everyone is having a great day:flowerforyou:

    Just when I was getting ready to get out my butt kicking boots, too! WTG! :flowerforyou:
  • supermom1114
    I need to find some DVDs for home, I'm thinking either the Jillian 30 day shred or Turbo Jam, I dunno ugh and I need to get a yoga DVD too. I started doing prenatal yoga and it really made me feel good and relaxed , Anyone have any suggestions??
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Okay, so tumbling class was rather embarrassing and amusing as well as cute. I know Alex isn't feeling great so I am trying to keep that in mind. During the stretching part, he spent the first half staring at me through the glass (he did the same thing the first time he took a class last summer), and the second part laying on the floor playing dead. It was just him and one other girl so that was kind of nice. She did a LOT better than he did. He did start to do a little better. Here's a link for one of his videos. It should only take a few minutes to download. If it takes longer, let me know so I can fix it!
    I have been feeling attacked mentally about my son and about me being a mom. I am pretty selfish and lazy so I prefer the days when Alex used to play alone just fine and we didn't know he needed therapy. I guess what I am really getting at is that I know in so many ways I am blessed because he is super sweet and easy going, but I am also frustrated that he's autistic and has so many quirks. He's probably at least 6-9 months behind other kids. People have been telling us for several months that Alex will be almost normal and just have a few quirks. He won't be hindered in life by his "disability" or whatever you want to call it. But then he regresses and I wonder if he will always be like this and I just need to accept it.
    I am sure what I am feeling is just hormones balancing out. I think I feel insecure about being a mom because we are looking to adopt and I will be analyzed and asked all these questions and taking on a mom role to a new child or two. I want to adopt, but I don't feel that I am who I should be and not feeling confident in my mom abilities to take care of 2-3 kids at a time. Probably sounds silly to some of you who have 6 or 9 kids, but it's how I feel.
    I'm done venting. Just feeling insecure. I think right now I just want to see some progress in my son.
    I'll be back later after I go eat carbs for lunch. Ha!
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Hi guys, checkin' in here. My DD Natalie has had the flu for the last week and today is the first day back to school. I thought I was getting it as well but I woke up this morning feeling great, so I guess my immune system did its job this time around. Back to normal with the exercise and the daily feels great! I did my workout today, burned 350 calories according to my HRM. I have been trying to eat really 'clean' for the last few days (no junk food, lots of fruit, lean protein, veggies, and water) and it has made a big difference in the way I feel.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Okay, so tumbling class was rather embarrassing and amusing as well as cute. I know Alex isn't feeling great so I am trying to keep that in mind. During the stretching part, he spent the first half staring at me through the glass (he did the same thing the first time he took a class last summer), and the second part laying on the floor playing dead. It was just him and one other girl so that was kind of nice. She did a LOT better than he did. He did start to do a little better. Here's a link for one of his videos. It should only take a few minutes to download. If it takes longer, let me know so I can fix it!
    I have been feeling attacked mentally about my son and about me being a mom. I am pretty selfish and lazy so I prefer the days when Alex used to play alone just fine and we didn't know he needed therapy. I guess what I am really getting at is that I know in so many ways I am blessed because he is super sweet and easy going, but I am also frustrated that he's autistic and has so many quirks. He's probably at least 6-9 months behind other kids. People have been telling us for several months that Alex will be almost normal and just have a few quirks. He won't be hindered in life by his "disability" or whatever you want to call it. But then he regresses and I wonder if he will always be like this and I just need to accept it.
    I am sure what I am feeling is just hormones balancing out. I think I feel insecure about being a mom because we are looking to adopt and I will be analyzed and asked all these questions and taking on a mom role to a new child or two. I want to adopt, but I don't feel that I am who I should be and not feeling confident in my mom abilities to take care of 2-3 kids at a time. Probably sounds silly to some of you who have 6 or 9 kids, but it's how I feel.
    I'm done venting. Just feeling insecure. I think right now I just want to see some progress in my son.
    I'll be back later after I go eat carbs for lunch. Ha!

    I do have 6 kids but I couldn't even begin to imagine what you go through. I do have 2 that have ADD/ADHD and there are days I would like to just hide. I have my days when I wonder how and the heck am I going to do it all. Each time I got pregnant I wondered how in the heck was I going to beable to take care of one more but you find a way to manage/juggle it all. I have faith in you that it will all work out the way it is suppose to. You are a great mother for getting Alex involved in things that will stimulate him and help him grow and move forward. I probably wasn't much help but I wanted to let you know that I think you are an awesome mother. {{HUGS}}:flowerforyou: