Stay-at-home Moms 1/12-1/18



  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Well the snow just keeps falling here. I thought maybe school would be cancelled or delayed, but it didn't start til about 7 and its still snowing at 9:45. I not sure if they will send the kids home early from school, but is just going crazy here.

    I already had a 1.5 mile walk in today and plan on doing another 1 mile and have either Jillian kick my butt or the biggiest loser boot camp kick my butt. I have to work out extra hard because we are eating out tonight.

    Well hoping everyone has a great day!!:flowerforyou:
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Well it only took about 5 minutes to thaw the pipe out which wasn't bad. Thankfully it was only one pipe and it only one spot. The kids wanted pancakes this morning so that is what I fixed and I fixed myself Fiber One pancakes they were pretty good. I am very proud of my weighin this week, I only got 3 days in of working out so to be down 2.4 lbs I was thrilled. Now I think I should lock the kids in there rooms so I have some sanity today :laugh: :wink: They are already arguing.:noway:

    Dana I hope you get to feeling better quick.

    MM I actually love to go grocery shoping I am not sure why but I do.

    Hope everyone has a good day:flowerforyou:
  • ChristyMomx3
    Hello ladies, I just joined MFP yesterday, I hope it's okay if I jump on in this group. I have been a SAHM for 3 years. I have a 6 year old daughter, 4 year old son, and a 13 month old daughter. I really have let myself go since quit work. Before I worked in a carpet factory creeling. Creeling is very physical, I did not realize it but I have lost a lot muscle since quitting that job. When I creeled I lifted cones of yarn between 2lbs and 20 lbs and put them on a wrack. The rack was 6 foot high so I had to step up and down.. This went on for 8-12 hours a day depending what shift I worked for 6 years. So I got quite a workout during the day and did not even realize it. So it was pretty easy to keep the weight off. I am now 204 lbs. My highest weight ever was 210 and my lowest was 143lbs. So here I am ready to face the weight loss and hope it will make me a better and happier mom to my kids.

    What are some of the symptoms of Autism? Some of the things I read make it run across my mind for my son, but I am afraid I look for symptoms sometimes. Does that make sense?

    I find myself have to yell at him to get his attention, and I don't with my other kids.
    He repeats his self a lot. He will say something over and over and over til you respond.
    He has speech issues, and is in speech class.
    Very hyper but can sit sooo still and concentrate on certain things..

    There are other things, but I am not sure if it could be a symptom or just normal things 4 year olds do..
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Good morning ladies. Boy am I draggin butt this morning. It's my own fault. Hubby is working nights this week so instead of going to bed at a decent time I stayed up late. I rarely drink coffee for breakfast but today it was needed. I'm trying a HG recipe for breakfast, butternut squash and apple cereal kinda thing, smells delicious but too hot to taste yet.

    boy oh boy some of you sure are having one heck of a winter arent you. If my son was out of school for 3 weeks I would probably murder him...not really but he would be nicely told to go play in his room for the majority of the day. :laugh:

    MM-I'm sorry you hate grocery shopping. I love it as long as I don't have to take the kids...maybe that's why I love it. Going grocery shopping without the kids is rare but when it happens I thoroughly enjoy every minute of it.

    Dana and Roni-Checkbooks UGH! Honestly I haven't balance my checkbook in over 3 years. It drove me crazy so I quit doing it. I just keep an eye on my account online and know roughly how much I have to spend after bills are paid (usually nothing).

    MrsBuzz-dont stress the doritos binge hahaha I do it all the time. The last time I did it though I noticed that they weren't as good as I wanted them to be so it probably wont happen again for a while.

    abetterme-Hungry Girl has a great pancake recipe that I'm sure your whole family will love. For 3 pancakes it's less than 250 calories, and believe me 3 is all you will need!!! Unfortunately the recipe isn't on their website so if you are interested PM me and I'll send it too you.

    Hubby is home today so I don't know how much I will be online today. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    oh gosh-- my kingdom for about three hours to sit here and catch up with you all. :grumble: There's so many of you here, now-- this is too cool. What a great community--

    Life here is-- hmmmmm-- I'm pausing here, not sure how to finish this sentence. This time last week I would have said crazy, nuts, stressful. But, my heart is so light today that life is-- ummm-- well, I guess still all of those things, ha, but I'm rolling with it just fine. Go figure.

    Need to get to work-- hello to all-- have a great day--

    Oh-- MM-- one quick giggle-- I was scanning through the thread really quickly when I breezed through one of yours-- I thought I read "Alex's horse's therapy-- " I'm thinkin', "Huh? She's getting therapy for the horse?" Duh-- slowed down a bit and read it-- :noway: Hope he's doing okay-- you, too.

    Later, gators!
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    morning:yawn: im dragging today.

    we usually go to church here on wednesday morning's for a mom's group that I enjoy but by the time we got there church was half over. so we went to savers( a second hand place) and got 3 workout videos and 2 kids videos.oh and two pairs of sunglasses all for 18$.

    i have now dressed sam 15 times since 7 am. nate keeps throwing his food on the floor and I am ready to run away.

    on a plus side my weight has stabalized!

    abetterme- we have stoooopid cold coming our way. not fun. i hate cold...
    mm - i hope you find the light at the end of your tunnel. i love grocery shopping...ALONE! that's fun and quiet!
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I like to go grocery shopping alone too. That's the only time I get to myself a lot of weeks. Sometimes I will take a few extra minutes to browse the racks at Goodwill for a nice pair of jeans, or go to a coffee shop and sit and enjoy a cup. That's my little secret though.
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Dana--My 14 year old and my 8 year old see a counselor, it was suggested by the doctor when they were diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. I also see a counselor and am slowly trying to get hubby going with me. He is 12 years older than I am and there is major communication issues with him. He would rather walk out the door and go to the barn than sit here and have a discussion about our troubles.:grumble: Sorry that kind of turned into my own little rant.

    Hope everyone is having a good day. It is still below zero here and the wind chill well I won't even go there:mad: :angry: :grumble: I am going to go do my workout before lunch and then I have my counseling session at 1:00. Have a wonderful afternoon ladies:flowerforyou:
  • DaniellaAnn
    It has been a couple days since I last posted in here. My TOM is finally over and I weighed in today and I am finally down to 230.2. My last weigh in before that was 231.5. But while it was TOM I weight myself and I went up to 237. I couldn't believe that I gained that much (obviously water) during that time. It was shocking. I think I will just skip the weight in weeks when it is that time.

    Today is a clean house day, that is if I can get it done with the kids I babysit. The one is really grumpy today and throwing fits, so it doesn't help. But I need to wash my kitchen floor and I want to do it on my hands and knees so it gets a really good scrub done. That Im sure will burn some calories. HAHA.

    I hope everyone has a good day.
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    How many calories can you burn from yelling and arguing with kids:laugh: :grumble: :grumble:

    I thought the day was going to get better after we got the pipe un froze this morning and I did good with breakfast and I just got my 2 mile WATP done and I no more than got done and hubby called from the barn to tell me one of the cows died flat in her stoll this morning:noway: :noway: :grumble: :grumble:

    Some how this day has got to get better:ohwell:
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    It has been a couple days since I last posted in here. My TOM is finally over and I weighed in today and I am finally down to 230.2. My last weigh in before that was 231.5. But while it was TOM I weight myself and I went up to 237. I couldn't believe that I gained that much (obviously water) during that time. It was shocking. I think I will just skip the weight in weeks when it is that time.

    Today is a clean house day, that is if I can get it done with the kids I babysit. The one is really grumpy today and throwing fits, so it doesn't help. But I need to wash my kitchen floor and I want to do it on my hands and knees so it gets a really good scrub done. That Im sure will burn some calories. HAHA.

    I hope everyone has a good day.

    When you are done scrubbing your floor could you come do mine PLEASE!! Great job on the weight loss:flowerforyou:

    Man I wish I had the time and energy to do that cause mine desperatly need it also.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I had 3 chocolate chip cookies (homemade, Nestle Tollhouse) and 3/4 of a bag of TJ's reduced fat cheetos. This totaled to about 550 calories. All I had left for the day. :noway:

    Damn girl, you got some willpower... I woulda ate ALL the cookies in the house and the WHOLE BAG!

    :tongue: :devil: :laugh: :laugh:

    Woo hoo! Yay for me not eating a bazillion cookies and four bags of cheetos!! :drinker: :drinker: Thank you, dear person for helping me to look on the bright side. :wink: :bigsmile: I'm just so glad its morning so I can eat again. :tongue:
    am not sure exactly what is good about it, hubby just called me from the barn and we do have a frozen pipe this morning so he is asking me to bring the hairdryer down. FUN FUN!! They have also cancelled school for the day and I won't beable to send them outside to play cause the windchill is suppose to be a b%$#@.

    Yikes! Hairdryer? :ohwell: I won't talk about the wonderful Los Angeles weather we are having at the moment... and I certainly wasn't thinking of going to the beach this weekend... :wink: :laugh:

    Maybe plan a fun inside activity for the kiddos? Arts and crafts?Holy cow, I love arts and crafts. Or even better... put them to work. :bigsmile: And congratulations on the weight loss! :drinker:

    Very said about the cow though. :frown: :sad:
    I started my new thyroid medicine today n it will take bout a week to notice the change but I hope it works fast...I'm so sick of bein tired n grouchy all the time...And so is my bf lol...My kids have been sick the last few weeks but I think we are finally gettin over all that..I dont have much to say this mornin I have given myself a headache over my checkbook..I may check in later...Hope everyone is havin a good day...

    I'm so glad you're feeling better. :flowerforyou: I keep meaning to go to the doc to get my thyroid checked. Its been about 7 weeks since my scale has budged, and I'm doing everything I should. (Okay, maybe I should be drinking a LITTLE more water)
    Good morning everyone!! Well the snow just keeps falling here. I thought maybe school would be cancelled or delayed, but it didn't start til about 7 and its still snowing at 9:45. I not sure if they will send the kids home early from school, but is just going crazy here.

    I already had a 1.5 mile walk in today and plan on doing another 1 mile and have either Jillian kick my butt or the biggiest loser boot camp kick my butt. I have to work out extra hard because we are eating out tonight.

    Half a mile in snow? How terrible. :indifferent: You and your determination are quite the inspiration to me! :flowerforyou:
    we usually go to church here on wednesday morning's for a mom's group that I enjoy but by the time we got there church was half over. so we went to savers( a second hand place) and got 3 workout videos and 2 kids videos.oh and two pairs of sunglasses all for 18$.

    Oh my gosh, I am an obsessive second hand store shopper. You know women who must have name brand stuff and spend bazillions of dollars? Yes, I am the exact opposite. I squee with pride when I can get something for 5 cents. :tongue:
    It has been a couple days since I last posted in here. My TOM is finally over and I weighed in today and I am finally down to 230.2. My last weigh in before that was 231.5.

    Congratulations!! :drinker: :drinker: I am not actually losing anything myself, so I am having to live vicariously. :wink: :bigsmile:

    Welcome ChristyMom!! :flowerforyou: I'm so glad you joined us! I'm not sure what the signs are for autism, but I believe there is one (or maybe more) mom on the board who has a child on the autism spectrum.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    My son is 3 and he was diagnosed with autism almost a year ago. His symptoms were meltdowns that lasted for hours, repeating/copying everything (people, doors closing, car starting), he quit looking at us in the eyes, opened and closed doors and pushed cars back and forth for hours (still does that a lot), wouldn't listen (found out he had a "dog's hearing" and learned to block things out), would not socialize with other kids, had digestive issues (constipated easily), and mostly was in his own little world and sometimes just spaced out. I know there are a lot of websites out there that will help you. Here's one that has signs of autism:
    Check your sons diet. It could be certain foods he's eating that could be a problem. My son has been on a wheat and dairy free diet for almost a year and it has made a huge difference. I am wondering about checking for other foods as well.
    We went through a program called Early Childhood Intervention for about 9 months. It stopped when he was three, but the therapists were very insistent on having his hearing checked. That's when we found out he had very sensitive hearing.
    I hope this has been helpful. I understand about not wanting to look for the signs. We didn't either, but the earlier you find out, the more you can help him. If you have more questions you can PM me! :flowerforyou:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Morning all,

    Im so lazy, its 10:30 and I just woke up.. :laugh: I didnt sleep well the night before though. Its been hard for me to get to sleep before 1am the past week or so and last night I zonked out at 11 1/2 hours of sleep!? ok.. now I really feel lazy!

    Anyway... Im off to the gym again to squeeze in my 500 cal burn. Today is weigh in day and Im scared that I havent lost anything since I pigged out yesterday. Im feeling yesterdays walk in my rib area tho which is bizarre, but I have been trying to really pump my arms while Im walking to get my heartrate up. Its also the wierdest thing.. but for some reason while Im on the treadmill.. the first 1/2 hour I find it hard to get into it... then like someone switching a flip at 30 minutes something kicks my *kitten* and says "Whoohoo!! You can do another 30!!" Anyone know whats up with that?? LOL Its happened the past few days to me.

    Dana- Your welcome! Isnt it wonderful how everyone else seems to think they know whats best for our kids... especially when it comes to telling us we are wrong? LOL Whats more messed up is that they think counseling will do more harm than good. Obviously, they have never been there! Some people think that to go to counseling you have to be seriously messed up or if your kids go, then they have to be seriously messed up and that is just simply NOT TRUE! When I first started going I felt like I had failed...mainly because I thought that I should be able to do it all. Find a counselor that you all like and that the kids feel comfortable with. Sometimes we went together, sometimes not...but we all felt comfortable talking to him and that made a huge impact on how it worked for us. :) I always talked to the kids after and asked things like "how was your talk with ___?" so I could determine if they felt good about thier visit. I didnt pry about the conversation... just checked in with them so I could make sure they were comfortable. 9 times out of 10 that started a converstation about what they talked about with him tho which made me feel good that they shared it with me too :)

    Sorry for all who are getting our nasty cold weather we had a couple weeks ago. I know its fun at first... but gets old REAL fast!

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Oh and I guess what I really meant to say is that I dislike having to make the grocery list, not that I dislike the shopping so much. Although about 6-12 months ago I was afraid of taking Alex because he could meltdown at any moment and make a scene. I don't dread it as much now. And going alone is wonderful but it doesn't happen that often. It's just the whole list making thing. We're pretty picky eaters (especially me) and Alex is on a special diet so it makes it hard and boring. lol
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Ok ladies I am getting ready to go out and do chores. It is a -7.6 and with windchill it is -31, I know it probably sounds like I am whining BUT I really don't want to go out in that cold but I have too.:cry: If you could send some warm thoughts that would be awesome:wink::laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    hey-- where's Sara been the past couple days? Sara???? Where you are???
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    somebody please shoot me-- I'm typing an interview with words like "fusion, fission, palladium, nanoscale-- " I'm dying. somebody-- anybody-- WAKE ME UP-- Please!!!!!!!!!

    :noway: :yawn:
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    somebody please shoot me-- I'm typing an interview with words like "fusion, fission, palladium, nanoscale-- " I'm dying. somebody-- anybody-- WAKE ME UP-- Please!!!!!!!!!

    :noway: :yawn:

    wakey wakey!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Somebody say something?