Stay-at-home Moms 1/12-1/18



  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    Okay, so tumbling class was rather embarrassing and amusing as well as cute. I know Alex isn't feeling great so I am trying to keep that in mind. During the stretching part, he spent the first half staring at me through the glass (he did the same thing the first time he took a class last summer), and the second part laying on the floor playing dead. It was just him and one other girl so that was kind of nice. She did a LOT better than he did. He did start to do a little better. Here's a link for one of his videos. It should only take a few minutes to download. If it takes longer, let me know so I can fix it!
    I have been feeling attacked mentally about my son and about me being a mom. I am pretty selfish and lazy so I prefer the days when Alex used to play alone just fine and we didn't know he needed therapy. I guess what I am really getting at is that I know in so many ways I am blessed because he is super sweet and easy going, but I am also frustrated that he's autistic and has so many quirks. He's probably at least 6-9 months behind other kids. People have been telling us for several months that Alex will be almost normal and just have a few quirks. He won't be hindered in life by his "disability" or whatever you want to call it. But then he regresses and I wonder if he will always be like this and I just need to accept it.
    I am sure what I am feeling is just hormones balancing out. I think I feel insecure about being a mom because we are looking to adopt and I will be analyzed and asked all these questions and taking on a mom role to a new child or two. I want to adopt, but I don't feel that I am who I should be and not feeling confident in my mom abilities to take care of 2-3 kids at a time. Probably sounds silly to some of you who have 6 or 9 kids, but it's how I feel.
    I'm done venting. Just feeling insecure. I think right now I just want to see some progress in my son.
    I'll be back later after I go eat carbs for lunch. Ha!
    I totally get where your at. Every time my son has a melt down and people see it I just want to melt into a puddle. I feel like everything is on me some days. I liked it too when sam would play for hours in his room with the door hinges and make and remake a puzzle.

    we have major aggresion issues here. It makes me crazy and it always feels like my fault.
    some how I think I am important enough to cause his autism. He is 4.6 and he functions on the level of a 2-3 year old. it makes me crazy that I just want him to get it.I end up not having enough patience and then I feel sad and guilty becuase he doesnt know any better. it makes me nuts:frown:
    i have a blog for him
    come on over and check it out. your not alone dear.
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    supermom...I have the Biggest Loser Cardio Max and LOVE it. I want to get some of the turbo jam dvd's as well. I don't do yoga, but do pilates. I LOVE my "Pick Your Level Weight Loss Pilates" dvd. Good luck in your search!:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Abetterme, Thanks for your encouragement. It cheered me up. You are an awesome mom too! All of you on here are!!!
    Mommachag, Thanks to you too. I will check out your blog. I have thought about blogging about Alex. Does that help a lot? I do journal every once in awhile, but not consistently at all. Maybe a blog would be a good idea. Don't know if I would stick to it though.
    Alex still drives his cars back and forth most of the day if I let him, but I have to work hard on not allowing him to do that for long. He used to open and close doors a lot. Thankfully, he's not very aggressive, unless he gets really super mad and starts hitting himself. His meltdowns have gotten a lot better since being on antiviral meds. He'll be getting off those in about a month. He's come a long way, but I guess I expected more. One year ago he was considered severe. Now he's mild, so I shouldn't be complaining. It's the hardest when he's around "normal" kids and I see how far behind he is. But, like now, at this moment, he can make me laugh so hard. He was singing twinkle twinkle little star and messed up. Then he said, "oops." Just cute. I used to tease that God had to make our kids cute, otherwise we would return them.
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Just checkin in for a few...I've lost 2 of the 6 pounds I gained back...WOO HOOOOOO..I did find out my thyroid level is off again..It plays with so much in your body its crazy...I wanted to give everyone my yahoo id and myspace id but is it ok to post that on here..Could someone let me know..I check that more to and the friends I made here would love to keep in contact with whenever I can...

    An you moms that want to melt when ur kids throw a fit I'm there with you..My son's are both finally growing out of that my oldest is 9 and the other is 6..Let me tell you my redhead can throw some fits when he thinks its needed...Thats the 6 yr old...I'm takin my boys to a counsler Friday..The last year of our lives have been turned upside down n inside out and the termoil is gettin worse in parts of our lives..I think its best they go talk to someone now before they turn to someone or something they shouldnt..I know they are only 6 n 9 yrs old but I've read horror stories of childern who dont get help in time...My kids are not like out of control but they are just lil people who dont know the right ways to express thier feelings like we do..They are scared they want held or hugged or just a high five or you did a great job...They want that affection n I'm as gulity as the next to say I'm to busy at times...My parents did that to me when I was younger n the things I did..Ohh my goodness I hope n pray my kids never ever do the things I did..Thats why I'm working on gettin them help and tryin to make sure I MAKE the time for all 3 of my childern...I'm not the perfect parent n I have my demons but I thank God that I changed my life...I'm sorry ladies I have no idea where all that came from but it felt great to get all that out..Sorry if I crossed the line with anything..I hope everyone is doin ok...An prayers n hugs go out to all you who need them..
    :heart: Dana
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    I just wanted to say hello!! Also I have lost 2 of the 4 of the lbs I gained over the weekend. ARRR so tired of always thinking about what to eat if I do it this how will I work it off. I am so mentally exhausted. I am struggling everyday to stay with it. I just want to give up. I just want to say that I haven't had any fast food for 1 week. I did have pizza, subway, panera bread, and a big dinner at a resturant. But I haven't went through a drive through. So that is progress. Somedays it sounds good, especially when I am seeing it on tv, but somedays I am no that sounds gross.

    Well hope everyone has a great day!!!:flowerforyou:
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    Abetterme, Thanks for your encouragement. It cheered me up. You are an awesome mom too! All of you on here are!!!
    Mommachag, Thanks to you too. I will check out your blog. I have thought about blogging about Alex. Does that help a lot? I do journal every once in awhile, but not consistently at all. Maybe a blog would be a good idea. Don't know if I would stick to it though.
    Alex still drives his cars back and forth most of the day if I let him, but I have to work hard on not allowing him to do that for long. He used to open and close doors a lot. Thankfully, he's not very aggressive, unless he gets really super mad and starts hitting himself. His meltdowns have gotten a lot better since being on antiviral meds. He'll be getting off those in about a month. He's come a long way, but I guess I expected more. One year ago he was considered severe. Now he's mild, so I shouldn't be complaining. It's the hardest when he's around "normal" kids and I see how far behind he is. But, like now, at this moment, he can make me laugh so hard. He was singing twinkle twinkle little star and messed up. Then he said, "oops." Just cute. I used to tease that God had to make our kids cute, otherwise we would return them.

    journaling helps me so much. some times it can seem sad to other people who read my journal. I dont intend it to be that way but that is really the only outlet i have.
    one year sam was diagnosed he is moderate now and was severe then with global delays. he's come a long way.
    it's a mourning process when you have a child with special needs. you have to grieve for the child you thought you had
    they can so make us laugh...and cry...and want to strangle them
    I had to laugh at your comment about making our kids cute. somedays its what saves him

    to the rest of you with sick kids and freezing weather be warm and get better fast
  • jackobean29
    jackobean29 Posts: 28 Member
    It gives me such a feeling of peace to know that I am not the only one that has kids that get sick often and are terrible sleepers. When I hear all the "trials" that everyone is experiencing it helps me to appreciate everything that is good and that I am grateful for. I hope eveyone has a great week, I am scrambling to clean up my house, it's my daughter's first birthday on Saturday and my sisters will be coming over. I love throwing, planning and organizing birthday parties, I could be a party planner. So I am having fun getting prepared. Take Care all stay at home mommies.
  • supermom1114
    It gives me such a feeling of peace to know that I am not the only one that has kids that get sick often and are terrible sleepers. When I hear all the "trials" that everyone is experiencing it helps me to appreciate everything that is good and that I am grateful for. I hope eveyone has a great week, I am scrambling to clean up my house, it's my daughter's first birthday on Saturday and my sisters will be coming over. I love throwing, planning and organizing birthday parties, I could be a party planner. So I am having fun getting prepared. Take Care all stay at home mommies.

    I totally agree, I love knowing that I'm not the only one battling weight and trying to take care of my baby, if ya'll are able to squeeze in workouts and keep in cals while balancing multiple children I know I can do it with just one.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Ok, so I went crazy tonight and had a pepsi, doritos, and half beef jerkey. :grumble: It was good, but then I felt guilty. Well before I had all that food, I had a melt down and started to cry and wanted to give up. M:sad: y hubby was so support even though he got me the food. He told me "don't give up, you are doing so good" I just get so mentally and physically exhausted. It's like all I think about and it's just starting to get me down. Well anyways, I thought to myself you went over your calories so now what. So I walked in my house while watching the biggiest loser.:happy: I made a figure 8 in my living room and walked for 30 mintues to make up for it. I could have walked longer but I wanted to be able to sleep tonight. Well anyways, that was my evening. I hope I don't get crazy again!! I am sure it won't be the last, but I just know that if I do that then i have to work it off. :flowerforyou:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good Morning Mommies,

    Well school has been delayed 2 hours :ohwell: so now that messes with my schedule, I have a hard time doing a workout with them all around cause it seems just when I think it is quiet enough I got put my dvd in and with in 5 minutes there is a war about something:grumble: So now I will be waiting til I get back from dropping the kids off at school. This will make for a short day. I would like some prayers PLEASE!!! This week is going to be extremly stressfull around here cause of the weather, they are talking negative temp. all week and that makes it very hard to do chores and hope we don't get any frozen water pipes and that the tractors all start and run like they are suppose to. Woke up this morning and it was -15 :huh: It is hard to put enough layers on when it is that cold out.

    I will report back later after I get my workout in, so if you don't here from me by lunch start yelling at me to get my butt in gear:laugh: :laugh: :happy:

    I feel for ya and will definitely keep ya in my prayers! I just had my 3 home for 1 week of 1/2 days then 3 weeks because of 14" of snow and winter break vacation. Then, the night before school was to start back up it after vacation.. it snowed 2" again!! I thought I was gonna lose it for sure...:noway: Luckily they had a 2 hour late start and things warmed up after that. I do feel for ya'll tho cuz I know exactly what its like to get the cold stuff. Im way too chicken to drive in the snow.. and staying home for 4 weeks and not get my christmas shopping done till the last minute was HARSH!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ok, so I went crazy tonight and had a pepsi, doritos, and half beef jerkey. :grumble: It was good, but then I felt guilty. Well before I had all that food, I had a melt down and started to cry and wanted to give up. M:sad: y hubby was so support even though he got me the food. He told me "don't give up, you are doing so good" I just get so mentally and physically exhausted. It's like all I think about and it's just starting to get me down. Well anyways, I thought to myself you went over your calories so now what. So I walked in my house while watching the biggiest loser.:happy: I made a figure 8 in my living room and walked for 30 mintues to make up for it. I could have walked longer but I wanted to be able to sleep tonight. Well anyways, that was my evening. I hope I don't get crazy again!! I am sure it won't be the last, but I just know that if I do that then i have to work it off. :flowerforyou:

    I hear ya girl.. I did the SAME thing today! I have been bloaty for the past couple days... not sure why.. but this morning it was gone. I hit the gym this morning, but alot of good that did me since I pigged out on thin crust pizza for lunch and forgot my daughter was making a really good breakfast (eggs with spinach basil pesto n ham, hashbrowns) for dinner. On top of that.. I had a snickers with almond and my first glass of soda (full strength, not diet) in over a week. UGH.. so much for not feeling bloated! I DID however drink about 10 glasses of water today. Tomorrow is weigh in day too.. WHAT was I thinking!!!!?:sad:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hi Mommies! My goodness I missed a lot. :noway: Really sleepy and really have to pee, but I will be back tomorrow to read all about the missed adventures. :bigsmile:

    For now though, I wanted to share two little successes.

    1. My wee man finally toddled himself across the living room! Before that, he had only ever taken just a few steps and then dove into our laps. He's got the hang of it now though, and he knows that when he does it, DH and I freak out and clap for him (he loves applause). So now he's trying to get us to watch him ALL the time. Its so cute, I don't even care if I get things done!

    2. I resisted an INSANE temptation to eat tonight. It was my own dumb fault that I didn't have any calories left... I will explain. I came home and had a late lunch (TJ's orange chicken and a side of strawberries). Then, DH and I sat down to watch a couple episodes of Weeds and I got the major munchies. I had 3 chocolate chip cookies (homemade, Nestle Tollhouse) and 3/4 of a bag of TJ's reduced fat cheetos. This totaled to about 550 calories. All I had left for the day. :noway:

    So I was done eating by about 4pm, and around 8:30 I started to get hungry again. It is now 11:30ish and I just went into the kitchen and had a slice of dill pickle (no cals!) and I've been drinking a lot of water. I just need to go to bed because all I'm thinking about is food. :devil: I am however, quite proud of myself for not chowing down after I stupidly at all my calories. :bigsmile:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Just checkin in for a few...I've lost 2 of the 6 pounds I gained back...WOO HOOOOOO..I did find out my thyroid level is off again..It plays with so much in your body its crazy...I wanted to give everyone my yahoo id and myspace id but is it ok to post that on here..Could someone let me know..I check that more to and the friends I made here would love to keep in contact with whenever I can...

    An you moms that want to melt when ur kids throw a fit I'm there with you..My son's are both finally growing out of that my oldest is 9 and the other is 6..Let me tell you my redhead can throw some fits when he thinks its needed...Thats the 6 yr old...I'm takin my boys to a counsler Friday..The last year of our lives have been turned upside down n inside out and the termoil is gettin worse in parts of our lives..I think its best they go talk to someone now before they turn to someone or something they shouldnt..I know they are only 6 n 9 yrs old but I've read horror stories of childern who dont get help in time...My kids are not like out of control but they are just lil people who dont know the right ways to express thier feelings like we do..They are scared they want held or hugged or just a high five or you did a great job...They want that affection n I'm as gulity as the next to say I'm to busy at times...My parents did that to me when I was younger n the things I did..Ohh my goodness I hope n pray my kids never ever do the things I did..Thats why I'm working on gettin them help and tryin to make sure I MAKE the time for all 3 of my childern...I'm not the perfect parent n I have my demons but I thank God that I changed my life...I'm sorry ladies I have no idea where all that came from but it felt great to get all that out..Sorry if I crossed the line with anything..I hope everyone is doin ok...An prayers n hugs go out to all you who need them..
    :heart: Dana

    Dana.... I know I dont know you, but you sound like a wonderful mom and I commend you 100% for seeking help for the kiddo's. It is never too early for kids to get help learning how to express themselfs and you are totally right about getting help while they are young. I had my kids in counseling at that age and it did WONDERS for them. Id say the earlier you get them in, the easier it is for them to accept advice and develope good habits. Its soooooo much better than trying to change a negative one later on. So... just wanted to say GOOD FOR YOU! None of us can claim to be the perfect parent... we all have our own little quirks that make us a little messed up... but we try our best and love our kids with everything we have.... and that.. in the end.. is what truely matters most.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I had 3 chocolate chip cookies (homemade, Nestle Tollhouse) and 3/4 of a bag of TJ's reduced fat cheetos. This totaled to about 550 calories. All I had left for the day. :noway:

    Damn girl, you got some willpower... I woulda ate ALL the cookies in the house and the WHOLE BAG!

    :tongue: :devil: :laugh: :laugh:
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Good Morning ladies,

    I am not sure exactly what is good about it, hubby just called me from the barn and we do have a frozen pipe this morning so he is asking me to bring the hairdryer down. FUN FUN!! They have also cancelled school for the day and I won't beable to send them outside to play cause the windchill is suppose to be a b%$#@.

    I hope everyone else has a better morning than I am having.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Losinit4good---Thank you...Some ppl have made me feel like I'm over reactiong with this whole consueling deal...I'm glad that you spoke up an gave me a word of encouragement...Thanks sooooo much..It is very much appericated...

    Abetterme---I'm havin a bad morning too..I bounced my checkbook today over a 2 cent mistake so what lil money I did have is now gone to fees for the bank...Talking bout feelin dumb....UGHHHHHH I hope your day gets better...

    An as for me I'm here...I started my new thyroid medicine today n it will take bout a week to notice the change but I hope it works fast...I'm so sick of bein tired n grouchy all the time...And so is my bf lol...My kids have been sick the last few weeks but I think we are finally gettin over all that..I dont have much to say this mornin I have given myself a headache over my checkbook..I may check in later...Hope everyone is havin a good day...
    :heart: Dana
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning,
    Sorry the morning has started off rough for some of you (maybe all of you since some haven't checked in yet!). I hope it gets better!
    My day hasn't started off too badly. I think I've still be struggling with depression so I only do what is absolutely necessary as far as cleaning and then I drown myself in things I enjoy doing. I need to get to work! Why though? I was on bed rest for almost two months and I managed to get things picked up after three days of cleaning. Why bother? :tongue:
    Today is Alex's horse therapy. And I have to go get some specialty items at a store near his riding place. Then I have to work on a grocery list today. Yuck. Anything to do with getting food or preparing meals is just not my thing. I want to eat healthier but I don't feel like cooking, so then I just want sandwiches. lol.
    I'm just rambling. I think I'm kind of tired this morning so maybe this doesn't even make sense. I guess I just wanted to say hi. HI! :tongue:
    Bye bye,
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Dana-It must be something in the air, I bounced my checkbook too, and dont have any idea how I did it:grumble: Ive been over everything and even double checked my math, cant find the mistake. But the sad bottom line is that now on top of all the bills being due, Im looking at 3 fees from the bank at $38 each!:noway: So frustrating!
    Everyone else-sorry I cant reply individually, but Im thinking of you all and hoping your all staying warm and having a good week.:flowerforyou:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning,
    Sorry the morning has started off rough for some of you (maybe all of you since some haven't checked in yet!). I hope it gets better!
    My day hasn't started off too badly. I think I've still be struggling with depression so I only do what is absolutely necessary as far as cleaning and then I drown myself in things I enjoy doing. I need to get to work! Why though? I was on bed rest for almost two months and I managed to get things picked up after three days of cleaning. Why bother? :tongue:
    Today is Alex's horse therapy. And I have to go get some specialty items at a store near his riding place. Then I have to work on a grocery list today. Yuck. Anything to do with getting food or preparing meals is just not my thing. I want to eat healthier but I don't feel like cooking, so then I just want sandwiches. lol.
    I'm just rambling. I think I'm kind of tired this morning so maybe this doesn't even make sense. I guess I just wanted to say hi. HI! :tongue:
    Bye bye,

    MM-I hate grocery shopping too! I have MANY nights that I tell the kids "Soup and sandwiches for dinner" lol. Lucky for me we all love SOUP!:happy:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    ABetterMe - I'm so sorry your morning is starting crappy. Bone chilling temps on a farm are NO fun! I hope that one pipe is the only one frozen. :frown:

    Dana - I hope your thyroid balances out quickly! Good luck getting everything back in check!

    MM - I'm sorry you're struggling with some depression right now, sweetie. *hugs* You've been through a lot the past couple months. Have fun at horse therapy! Oh, and grocery shopping? I HATE it! If I could go by myself, that'd be one thing but dragging everyone to & from is enough to make me nutty!

    Morning, Roni! Love the new av! I do sandwiches for dinner at least once a week. Tuna fish, grilled cheese, turkey, "pizza" sandwiches (grilled sandwiches with pizza sauce, turkey pepperoni, cheddar & parmesan cheese...delicious!), sometimes I even give in & give the boys pb&j. Cooking 3 meals a day 7 days a week drains a person!