Stay-at-home Moms 1/12-1/18



  • supermom1114
    So I weighed myself today, although I usually weigh on Tuesday, I was feeling down and wanted to down a ton of powdered donuts but instead I ate the serving size (4 donuts, 230 cals) n then I went to weigh myself and I've lost another 2lbs!! So I gladly went and measured my yogurt for the rest of breakfast! I'm so happy I'm on track to lose 3lbs by Tuesday, all I need to do is lose another pound! Yay!!! I'm barely getting exercise in either because of hubby being gone so I don't have someone to help watch him in the evenings, my parents get home from work and are tired and their old lol so I dont like asking them to watch him... I guess I'm probably going to try n go on walks with Ayden in his stroller every early afternoon so its the warmest it will possibly be, and if I get lucky he'll chill n watch me lift weights.... I just gotta make myself take those walks! At this point I think I'm going to be looking forward to them, I loved walking around Rice Village with my best friends and running errands I just walked around the walmart like 5 times not really looking for anything but just to stay out of the house n to get exercise.

    I hope everyone is doing great!! And for those of you struggling in the cold, you're in my prayers. Yay for everyone getting workouts in... I really am thinking about getting the 30day Shred since everyone seems to like it so much
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    You ladies doing okay? I'm okay. I'm trying to get back to logging my food. I have been eating everything in sight! I am struggling with depression. Maybe logging will help me straighten up. DH said I need to log. He said it's the only way I am going to lose weight because I eat for comfort. So here we go.
    The therapist brought over some really cool toys for Alex. They said they were donated but I think only one of them has actually been used! They are nice toys! One of them is that fishing game with the pole and the fish go around in a circle and you catch them with the pole. One is a nice but simple wood puzzle box with different puzzles in it. Cooties. lol. I haven't played that since I was a kid. And a few other things. Alex played with a few of them last night and liked them.
    Still have a sore throat and mucus stuck there also. I kept waking myself up last night snoring! It seemed like I would just doze off and wake myself up again. Needless to say I am tired today. DH said I've been snoring the last 3 nights, which I rarely ever do. It's just that all the junk is sitting in my throat. I've been taking stuff to try to break it up so it won't turn into a cold or infection, but nothing has worked so far. I'll keep trying!
    I hope you all have a good Saturday. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I'll talk to you later.

    MM sorry to hear you are feeling depressed. I have bouts of depression also, I did finally go to my doctor and now I am on an anit depresent but I know that isn't right for everyone. Have you tried Mucinex DM for your mucus troubles. I tried it a couple of weeks ago and was pleased with it.

    Ramble all you want we are all hear to listen:flowerforyou:
  • supermom1114
    Ok all of ya'll are going to hate me..... its 54degrees n feels like 54degrees...I dont know how ya'll do it. My hubby is in Indiana right now n he says its snowing n so cold, n hes Filipino so even 54 feels cold to him..

    Well I've been up since 4am this morning because thats when Ayden started to get fussy n gassy, yesterday it was 5am the day before it was 430am.... although at night hes now starting to fall asleep around 8 or 830, so thats nice I just wish he'd stay asleep a bit longer. I guess I've gotta start teaching myself to go to bed at 8 now, ugh... n he still hasnt pooped since Thurs evening... I just wish he could poop easier, didnt have as much gas, slept longer at night and could actually play with me when hes awake.... I dont get why people say they love this stage, I am not liking it, I want him to be older so we can play games, play sports, bake cookies or cakes n he can help n then decorate them too, go to the park ride bikes the movies the mall anywhere but staying here at home!! Im just going stir crazy stuck here, I wanted my errands to last forever but he doesnt like his carseat after a while n he was getting fussy n I needed to get home n pump since I had missed a feeding.... ugh when does he get fun??? gosh I feel like a horrible mother!

    That is a hard stage to go through when baby doesn't do a hole lot yet. How I miss that stage though:cry: I had/have a hard time getting to bed shortly after the kids go to bed also and then getting up early in the morning for chores. I still haven't gotten myself trained to go to bed shortly after the kids and my youngest is almost 3.:yawn: I also had trouble with my kids pooping when I was breastfeeding they would go days without and when I took them to the doctor he had me give them formula everyother feeding and that worked but I regret doing that because they ended up wanting the formula instead and I was never able to pump and the bottle was so much quicker. I am sorry I am probably rambling.

    No you're not rambling, its good info to know, but I really don't want to give him formula because I'd probably never get around to pumping. I know people say its normal for breastfed babies to go a few days inbetween stools but he just seems so uncomfortable sometimes and cries so hard, but I may be getting gas and pooping confused. Here lately he'll be fussy and then pass some gas n feel better, plus I think hes starting to teethe, he drools a lot and has started to love his pacifier cooled in the fridge. Ugh I used to be so good at being able to tell if he was hungry, wet, or tired but now I'm being thrown off and it takes me awhile to figure out what he wants, ugh I hate it, I just want to be able to fix whatever is wrong and make him feel better, of course, what mom doesnt:wink:

    I hope things start warming up for you!!! I could never do what you northern mommas do, although I love the snow and skiing and snowboarding and I LOVE Jackets, and sweaters and hoodies, and yea lol but still freezing pipes, n vehicles not starting ugh I dont know how I'd deal
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Glad I'm not alone. I would even consider antidepressants if the depression continued but I can't take them if we are going to adopt. The fact that I was on them for 6 months, 6 years ago could even hinder us adopting. I just need to get off my butt and quit feeling sorry for myself.
    I am going to ask DH if we have the money to get mucinex. He wants Clariton D for himself. That's too strong for me. He keeps telling me to get mucinex but when I remind him how much it is his response is Oh. I need something though.
    I'd be in a better mood if I had slept better. :yawn:
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Glad I'm not alone. I would even consider antidepressants if the depression continued but I can't take them if we are going to adopt. The fact that I was on them for 6 months, 6 years ago could even hinder us adopting. I just need to get off my butt and quit feeling sorry for myself.
    I am going to ask DH if we have the money to get mucinex. He wants Clariton D for himself. That's too strong for me. He keeps telling me to get mucinex but when I remind him how much it is his response is Oh. I need something though.
    I'd be in a better mood if I had slept better. :yawn:

    I have also noticed that the days I workout I don't seem to have any signs of depression, if that makes any sense. The days I don't workout all I want to do is lay around and do nothing. That being said I do need to go drag my butt in the other room and get my workout in cause that is the way I am feeling now is like not wanting to do it. I will be back later to say I have finally done my workout:flowerforyou:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Happy Saturday!!

    I can't seem to eat good on the weekends. Its like all bets are off for some reason. :grumble: I am trying to get a menu started for the week and eat well!! i am afraid I am not going to lose weight because I keep eating my lbs I lose back on the weekends. Boy I hope this gets easier.

    Just need to vent and dang is it still cold here. Hope everyone has a great weekend:flowerforyou:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    hi! so, i got 30 day shred yesterday, and was a little nervous cause i've been hearing how hard it is. i had a little trouble with the push ups, but other than that it was no problem!! i was so excited, and most of the moves i could do the regular impact instead of the easier version. today my calves are burning but it was so worth it. i feel like i'm actually getting somewhere with my excercise and stamina. YAY!! just had to toot my own horn for a minute. hope everyone is having a good day.

    Wow you must be one tuff mama cuz the first day just about killed my thighs. I couldn't even sit down on day two, I fell into a chair because my legs would give out. But I'm on day 10 and I feel great and I've lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks...pretty sure it's the Shred that is adding to those results :smile:

    My parents will be here in about 4 hrs. I need to vacuum and get some laundry done, plus get my workout and shower in. We are going to totally take advantage of my parents being here and having a free babysitter. We are gonna go out to dinner and a movie tonight. I'm so excited :love:

    Just to rub it in a bit more
    Current conditions (as of 9:15 AM)
    Feels like: 25°F

    Come on over we can have a tropical get together!!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Happy Saturday!!

    I can't seem to eat good on the weekends. Its like all bets are off for some reason. :grumble: I am trying to get a menu started for the week and eat well!! i am afraid I am not going to lose weight because I keep eating my lbs I lose back on the weekends. Boy I hope this gets easier.

    Just need to vent and dang is it still cold here. Hope everyone has a great weekend:flowerforyou:

    Don't stress your weekends. The more you stress the more likely you are to eat. I just logged my food and more accurately my alcohol for last night...yeah I went over about 400 I care...nope not really, cuz it's just one day. One day of eating crappy didn't make me fat....eating crappy for YEARS is what made me fat, so one day isn't gonna kill me. and I figure 1 day is NOT going to undo the other 6 days, seriously just be aware of what goes in your mouth but don't stress it.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member

    Just to rub it in a bit more
    Current conditions (as of 9:15 AM)
    Feels like: 25°F

    Come on over we can have a tropical get together!!

    I'll bring the Mai Tai's! Woo woo!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member

    Just to rub it in a bit more
    Current conditions (as of 9:15 AM)
    Feels like: 25°F

    Come on over we can have a tropical get together!!

    I'll bring the Mai Tai's! Woo woo!

    Sara I would welcome you and your beans...and your man if you wanna bring him, into my home anytime. We can have a TJ party....yip yip yippee
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Forget that! I'm going on vacation with Mai Tais! They can all stay home & play in the snow. :bigsmile:
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    Ok all of ya'll are going to hate me..... its 54degrees n feels like 54degrees...I dont know how ya'll do it. My hubby is in Indiana right now n he says its snowing n so cold, n hes Filipino so even 54 feels cold to him..

    Well I've been up since 4am this morning because thats when Ayden started to get fussy n gassy, yesterday it was 5am the day before it was 430am.... although at night hes now starting to fall asleep around 8 or 830, so thats nice I just wish he'd stay asleep a bit longer. I guess I've gotta start teaching myself to go to bed at 8 now, ugh... n he still hasnt pooped since Thurs evening... I just wish he could poop easier, didnt have as much gas, slept longer at night and could actually play with me when hes awake.... I dont get why people say they love this stage, I am not liking it, I want him to be older so we can play games, play sports, bake cookies or cakes n he can help n then decorate them too, go to the park ride bikes the movies the mall anywhere but staying here at home!! Im just going stir crazy stuck here, I wanted my errands to last forever but he doesnt like his carseat after a while n he was getting fussy n I needed to get home n pump since I had missed a feeding.... ugh when does he get fun??? gosh I feel like a horrible mother!

    your tired and little babies are a lot of work dont feel so down on yourself. it's also possible your feeling a little blue from the hormones and your hubby being away. breath. it gets fun

    are you swaddling him at night? lots of babies have grunty gas issues at 4-5 am because their digestive systems start to wake up before they do. it's really common. sometimes swaddling their lower bodies if they hate their arms being swaddled can help. a lot of babies fight getting swaddled but love it after a few minutes.
    this swaddle workds wonders
    lay him on the blanket with his head over the edge. not the corner but in the middle of the short side. put one arm to his side wrap one side of the blanket tightly over it and tuck it under his other arm do the same thing with the other side but dont tuck it. fold up the bottom to about his elbows (if it's too long you can fold the top down. wrap tight around him and tuck the edge in. that may help.
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    Ok all of ya'll are going to hate me..... its 54degrees n feels like 54degrees...I dont know how ya'll do it. My hubby is in Indiana right now n he says its snowing n so cold, n hes Filipino so even 54 feels cold to him..

    Well I've been up since 4am this morning because thats when Ayden started to get fussy n gassy, yesterday it was 5am the day before it was 430am.... although at night hes now starting to fall asleep around 8 or 830, so thats nice I just wish he'd stay asleep a bit longer. I guess I've gotta start teaching myself to go to bed at 8 now, ugh... n he still hasnt pooped since Thurs evening... I just wish he could poop easier, didnt have as much gas, slept longer at night and could actually play with me when hes awake.... I dont get why people say they love this stage, I am not liking it, I want him to be older so we can play games, play sports, bake cookies or cakes n he can help n then decorate them too, go to the park ride bikes the movies the mall anywhere but staying here at home!! Im just going stir crazy stuck here, I wanted my errands to last forever but he doesnt like his carseat after a while n he was getting fussy n I needed to get home n pump since I had missed a feeding.... ugh when does he get fun??? gosh I feel like a horrible mother!

    That is a hard stage to go through when baby doesn't do a hole lot yet. How I miss that stage though:cry: I had/have a hard time getting to bed shortly after the kids go to bed also and then getting up early in the morning for chores. I still haven't gotten myself trained to go to bed shortly after the kids and my youngest is almost 3.:yawn: I also had trouble with my kids pooping when I was breastfeeding they would go days without and when I took them to the doctor he had me give them formula everyother feeding and that worked but I regret doing that because they ended up wanting the formula instead and I was never able to pump and the bottle was so much quicker. I am sorry I am probably rambling.
    Im so sorry that happened. I am sure that must have been really hard for you.:flowerforyou:
    a lot of doctors say this for some reason and I cant understand it. :grumble: for a breasfed baby it is very normal for them to go 3-7 days without a poop. as long as there isn't blood in the stool and the poop isnt formed it's ok . infant massage is great to get things moving.:heart:
  • supermom1114
    Ok all of ya'll are going to hate me..... its 54degrees n feels like 54degrees...I dont know how ya'll do it. My hubby is in Indiana right now n he says its snowing n so cold, n hes Filipino so even 54 feels cold to him..

    Well I've been up since 4am this morning because thats when Ayden started to get fussy n gassy, yesterday it was 5am the day before it was 430am.... although at night hes now starting to fall asleep around 8 or 830, so thats nice I just wish he'd stay asleep a bit longer. I guess I've gotta start teaching myself to go to bed at 8 now, ugh... n he still hasnt pooped since Thurs evening... I just wish he could poop easier, didnt have as much gas, slept longer at night and could actually play with me when hes awake.... I dont get why people say they love this stage, I am not liking it, I want him to be older so we can play games, play sports, bake cookies or cakes n he can help n then decorate them too, go to the park ride bikes the movies the mall anywhere but staying here at home!! Im just going stir crazy stuck here, I wanted my errands to last forever but he doesnt like his carseat after a while n he was getting fussy n I needed to get home n pump since I had missed a feeding.... ugh when does he get fun??? gosh I feel like a horrible mother!

    your tired and little babies are a lot of work dont feel so down on yourself. it's also possible your feeling a little blue from the hormones and your hubby being away. breath. it gets fun

    are you swaddling him at night? lots of babies have grunty gas issues at 4-5 am because their digestive systems start to wake up before they do. it's really common. sometimes swaddling their lower bodies if they hate their arms being swaddled can help. a lot of babies fight getting swaddled but love it after a few minutes.
    this swaddle workds wonders
    lay him on the blanket with his head over the edge. not the corner but in the middle of the short side. put one arm to his side wrap one side of the blanket tightly over it and tuck it under his other arm do the same thing with the other side but dont tuck it. fold up the bottom to about his elbows (if it's too long you can fold the top down. wrap tight around him and tuck the edge in. that may help.

    I've tried swaddling n he hates it, mostly because of his arms, maybe I'll try just swaddling his legs like you said. Thanks for the info!
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Ok so I got it done, I didn't want to but I did do it, I did Tae bo Basic with Billy and then turned around and did 2 miles with Leslie =total cal burn 766.:happy: :flowerforyou: :cry: (that is sweat dripping off me not tears). Now I need to go shower and then we are getting out of the house for the afternoon.

    Everyone have a great afternoon.:flowerforyou:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member

    Wow you must be one tuff mama cuz the first day just about killed my thighs. I couldn't even sit down on day two, I fell into a chair because my legs would give out. But I'm on day 10 and I feel great and I've lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks...pretty sure it's the Shred that is adding to those results :smile:

    thanks, i'm hoping to be able to get through it today with my sore legs. my weight loss kinda stalled this week, so i'm hoping it'll kick me back in gear.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Okay ladies, I need to hop back on the wagon. I haven't really been 'off' I just have been consistently not logging my calories after dinner. I also have fallen behind on the exercise train, its now become once every three days instead of the once I day I would like.

    I'm feeling really overwhelmed right now. :frown: My job is supposed to be 15-20 hours a week (I'm working from home) but I logged my hours last week and I worked 54. :noway: My grades are slipping because I'm just so darn busy, stressed about work and money etc. Our savings runs out two months from now and DH still doesn't have a job. :sad: He and his poor bachelor's degree butt had to go to the mall yesterday to pick up applications :indifferent: My goodness I'm whiney today.

    To be positive, my family and I are all in good health. We have food on the table and supportive families. We have good educations (that seem useless!).

    I think I'm just worried because I always have a 'to fall back on' plan. Right now I don't have one. We need to move out of the place we're at because rent is astronomical but I'm afraid we won't have enough money to move when our lease is up! We're talking about moving into a studio apartment, but holy crap we have a lot of stuff and Wesley doesn't sleep well when he doesn't have his own room. Gah! Okay, rant over. Sorry girls. :flowerforyou:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hey everyone!! Well my weekends are shot!! Then I wake up this moring to get my lil 2 year old and he got sick in the middle of the night, yuck.!!! He was so nasty, rushed him to the bathtub. How do I know if he has the flu or just ate to much. He did have some bad diapers yesteday at grandmas and ate really good, then he wakes up all nasty. So now I don't know what I should give him to eat and drink. He wont drink the water I am giving him because he wan't chocolate milk and he isn't asking for anything to eat. thought I might try some goldfish. This puts a damper in my sunday workouts and eating right. Got to love being a mom!!!!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Hey everyone!! Well my weekends are shot!! Then I wake up this moring to get my lil 2 year old and he got sick in the middle of the night, yuck.!!! He was so nasty, rushed him to the bathtub. How do I know if he has the flu or just ate to much. He did have some bad diapers yesteday at grandmas and ate really good, then he wakes up all nasty. So now I don't know what I should give him to eat and drink. He wont drink the water I am giving him because he wan't chocolate milk and he isn't asking for anything to eat. thought I might try some goldfish. This puts a damper in my sunday workouts and eating right. Got to love being a mom!!!!

    hi! we went through a stomach bug a few weeks ago, so it could just be that. i think the flu is usually accompanied by fever and chills. if he's feeling better this morning, it could just be a stomach thing. i would try pedialyte to keep him hydrated and start slow with bland food like toast. good luck and i hope he feels better!
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    Hey everyone!! Well my weekends are shot!! Then I wake up this moring to get my lil 2 year old and he got sick in the middle of the night, yuck.!!! He was so nasty, rushed him to the bathtub. How do I know if he has the flu or just ate to much. He did have some bad diapers yesteday at grandmas and ate really good, then he wakes up all nasty. So now I don't know what I should give him to eat and drink. He wont drink the water I am giving him because he wan't chocolate milk and he isn't asking for anything to eat. thought I might try some goldfish. This puts a damper in my sunday workouts and eating right. Got to love being a mom!!!!

    if he keeps puking and has the runs it's a stomach bug. if he has a fever it's the flu.
    for my guys we always do golden gingerale and saltine crackers until they keep that down for an hour