Team UK - seeking a revival!



  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I lovvvvveeeee come dine with me, the narrator is so funny :D

    I just got weighed and lost 1lb, that will do me, 137lb now.

    The narrator has me in stitches....!

    I think that is the only reason I watch it...
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    Hi there everyone. I'm Sam, recently had my 40th but still in denial! I am a mum of 2 girls aged 13 and 9, and have just celebrated my 15th wedding anniversary with my gorgeous hubby. Originally from sunny(?) Stoke but I've lived in Leeds now for 22 years. My current weight is 149lbs and I would love to be down to around 126lbs. I've been on MFP for a couple of weeks but haven't lost anything really yet, despite exercising loads more than I ever have in my life.

    Don't know about the rest of you but I am loving my new favourite phrase 'way to go', and when I write it, in my head it's with an American accent.

    Look forward to getting to know you all , Sam

    LOL.... about the accent...!!!! I do it too....!!!

    Me too. I also find myself saying "good job" and "awesome" a lot.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    @ Kendra
    I'm not knocking it, I'm used to following Rosemary, done it for over a yr, (and lost just over 2 stone) just that in her new mag shes not doing cals, its her Hip & Thigh diet, where u choose one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner, and and they are all lower than the 1200 cals that I'm used to.

    @moon_light10 I know...I still have the original paperback book my Dad bought me in an effort to help me lose weight! Bless my folks!!

    I've got the (latest) Rosemary Conley diet (Amazing Inch Loss Plan) scanned on my PC, so PM me your email addres if you want a copy.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Are you an exercise in the morning or exercise in the evening type of person? I've been trying to do the 30DS in the morning because I like knowing it's out of the way, and I'm also always in a good mood in work when I've exercised in the morning. I'm interested to hear other people's opinions.

    I exercise after work in the evening.... I'm actually surprised that I've stuck with it...
    When I first started this journey, I did try to walk/run on the treadmill one morning (around 6am).... but I was like a zombie, so it probably was a waste of time.... I'm so NOT a morning person...!
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    Gooooood Morning!

    Once again I am sitting here with my strawberries & yoghurt yum yum!

    I am going cycling today, around Hyde Park on on of the Boris Bikes.
    I decided I should mix up my exercise, so I will cycle 2 days a week, 2 days on the cross trainer, and 1 day playing on the Kinect.
    Weekends are a more relaxing period, and I only log my walking on those 2 days!

    Have a good day everyone <3

    I'm in London on saturday, and really want to go on a boris bike! When I was up in July I got so excited by them! But didnt go on one.. can't imagine the fella or my friend will fancy a go with me though :( shame

    Boris bikes should be everywhere!
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I'm in London on saturday, and really want to go on a boris bike! When I was up in July I got so excited by them! But didnt go on one.. can't imagine the fella or my friend will fancy a go with me though :( shame

    Boris bikes should be everywhere!

    I get really jealous of the people using them because I can't ride (fear of heights and bad experiences as a child). I have so gotten into taking the tube to places that I'm not going then walking to places I am going haha. Will probably go to the cinema in Angel tonight so might get the tube to Finsbury Park and walk from there - bonus 50 mins walk :)
  • stargirl99
    Hey everyone!

    Are you an exercise in the morning or exercise in the evening type of person? I've been trying to do the 30DS in the morning because I like knowing it's out of the way, and I'm also always in a good mood in work when I've exercised in the morning. I'm interested to hear other people's opinions.

    I exercise after work in the evening.... I'm actually surprised that I've stuck with it...
    When I first started this journey, I did try to walk/run on the treadmill one morning (around 6am).... but I was like a zombie, so it probably was a waste of time.... I'm so NOT a morning person...!

    I try to go to the gym or classes straight after work in the evening. Like to know thats me done when I get home. Saying that im going to later body jam and zumba classes tonight but I'm meeting friends so I know I can't skive even if I am tempted! At the weekends I like to get my workouts done before lunch time so still have the rest of the day. Would like to have time before work to get a workout done but I just couldn't get up any earlier, love my bed too much!
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member

    So taken Thor for his walk, been to Curves, done Fire 30, cleaned kitchen and waiting for the (bloody) tesco delivery...supposed to be 2-4pm guess its gonna be nearer to 4.

    Also washing all doggy and cats bedding as found a flea, spot-oned the pets and sprayed the settee, thank god for laminate floors instead of carpets.

    God if anyone told me 6 months ago I'd have done all this in a day I'd have had to go bed for a

    loving the energy and good mood working out brings with it, wish the weight would shift a bit faster though.

    Hows everyones day going??

  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 350 Member
    Wow....amazing but exhausting afternoon!
    Went on the Boris Bikes for the first time today - LOVED IT!

    But...on a hot day & uphill...very hot & sweaty :'D
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I alway exercise quite late on. I have loads of stupid illnesses that catch up with me though and exercising in the evening seems to make it catch up at night rather than half way through a day..
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 350 Member
    Just done some Christmas Shopping because ASOS have an amazing sale on :)

    *poor student, shops when good deals are on*
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Just done some Christmas Shopping because ASOS have an amazing sale on :)

    *poor student, shops when good deals are on*

    I ****LOVE**** ASOS.... so I've banned myself from going on there....!!!

    Besides I told myself this year, that I can only buy 'essential' clothing.... which really should have been nothing at all, since I had clothes from size 14 - 22 in my wardrobe....:embarassed:
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 350 Member
    Yummy pork chops with cabbage mash and vegetables for dinner tonight :)
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I've got the (latest) Rosemary Conley diet (Amazing Inch Loss Plan) scanned on my PC, so PM me your email addres if you want a copy.

    Oooh...I'll think about it and let you know! Ta v much for the offer tho x
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member

    For those of you who don't know me, I'm Ros

    I'm a Ros too! Hi!

    Not only am I a Ros, I'm officially a Rosalind too!

    All this 30DS talk has got me curious. I think I ordered the dvd from amazon a few weeks back... might go and actually open it and have a sneaky peek.

    Had a gorgeous stifado (greek beef or lamb and onion stew) tonight- never tried making it before. Nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, rosemary, bayleaves- my kitchen smelt like Christmas. DH and I thought it was gorgeous. The kids were their usual less-than-impressed selves. Sigh. I might stop cooking for them at this rate. :grumble:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member

    Re: exercise, I currently do it at lunchtime! Well, I do my exercise DVD at lunchtime, then I am doing push-up and squat challenges which I do in the evening. Lunch is the only option for me, in the morning I have to feed the baby (she's still breastfed) at 7 so I'd have to get up at 530 to do it before :sick: and after I don't have enough time as I'm getting the older 2 munchkins up and dressed then we are out of the house at 830 to get muchkin 1 to school. Evening its the same all over again with getting them all in bed, then DH and I eat at 730 and I really wouldn't want it much later as I'm in bed at 10!! Lunch works as toddler occasionally naps or has 'quiet time' watching TV while I exercise and the baby sleeps. I'm due back at work in Jan so I'll be swopping to mornings, but hoping to get her taking a bottle or beaker or something before then - ???
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    RE when do you exercise...I'm not a morning person at all, I love to stay up late which might have something to do with not being so great in the morning. I have less energy in the morning and whenever i've tried to workout I've felt drained. If I leave it til late morning things are much better, I do this at weekends. But on week days I workout in the evenings, usually after the kids are in bed.

    Thanks for all the lovely friend requests I received today :happy:
  • dazlite
    RE when do you exercise...I'm not a morning person at all, I love to stay up late which might have something to do with not being so great in the morning. I have less energy in the morning and whenever i've tried to workout I've felt drained. If I leave it til late morning things are much better, I do this at weekends. But on week days I workout in the evenings, usually after the kids are in bed.

    Thanks for all the lovely friend requests I received today :happy:

    I'm completely the same. I always do the bulk of my exercise at around 8pm, a couple of hours after my dinner. In the morning, exercise is the last thing on my mind.

    I do like to go to the gym on Sunday morning thou, I think that's because I know I don't have to go to work after! :laugh:
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Are you an exercise in the morning or exercise in the evening type of person? I've been trying to do the 30DS in the morning because I like knowing it's out of the way, and I'm also always in a good mood in work when I've exercised in the morning. I'm interested to hear other people's opinions.
    Definitely a morning person. I like to get out on my bike before I start work for the day or at the weekend I like to get out before the hoi poloi don their running shoes and mither blindly down the trail with their plugs in :laugh:

    I did try working out in the evening, but it left me so wired that I stayed up to the wee small hours trying to wind down :noway:
  • anniep101
    I joined MFP today. My gorgeous husband has stumped up for 10 sessions with a personal trainer so my gym membership is back on! Normally hate the gym but feel very motivated and even swam 14 lengths after my assessment yesterday. It's not just weight loss I'm after but a whole new healthy lifestyle. I would like to join Team UK but am not sure how to do it. I would also be grateful for any tips on what to snack on in the evenings, must be low or zero carb and fat. Having said that I've spent so much time looking around MFP this evening that I haven't thought about food (or wine) that much!