Team UK - seeking a revival!



  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    Hi, I'm Suzanne and I'm in Edinburgh (sound like a blind date contestant!)

    I've been on MFP for over a year. Lost 52lbs and then reset my ticker earlier this year after bouncing up and down the same 10lbs all year. So I'm starting over.
    Really looking for some new friends for motivational chat. I've got another 58lbs to be where I want to be. Happy to friend people or be friended !
  • moon_light10
    I prefer to work out in the mornings, after I've done college/school runs, and on w'ends I like to get them done before lunch time, that way the rest of the day I can spend with me boys, and its nice to get the exercise done and out the way, as early as poss
  • dazlite
    Hi Team UK :glasses:

    Here's a little about me that I just posted on my blog:

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want any support on your journey. Heck I still need as much help as I can get
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Are you an exercise in the morning or exercise in the evening type of person? I've been trying to do the 30DS in the morning because I like knowing it's out of the way, and I'm also always in a good mood in work when I've exercised in the morning. I'm interested to hear other people's opinions.

    Both for me! If it's something like shred, running etc (something intense but by myself and not too far from home) then I prefer it in the morning before breakfast (just because I feel ill if I've eaten first), I just feel better through my day if I have done some exercise in the morning. If it's the gym, I usually go for classes and I prefer the evening ones - just a better atmosphere I usually find, it's the most popular time so I also think they use their better instructors. But I like walking at any time of the day :)
  • MadameBovary
    MadameBovary Posts: 6 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Have just joined this site after statrting a new diet 2 days ago and thought it might help me to have some support from fellow dieters and be able to offer some in return. Have an enormous amount of weight to lose (17 and a half stones to be exact but am thinking of it in half stone chunks rather than the whole amount cos 35 of them doesn't sound too hard at all lol) so this is not so much a drop a dress size before christmas diet as a very long term health plan for me. I'm 37 now and would like to be at my goal weight by the time I hit forty if possible.

    Am calorie counting and am a vegetarian,exercise is going to be walking for 20 mins a day to start with and see where I go from there. That''s all for now good luck with your diets and exercise everyone

    oops forgot to say I live in Liverpool but am originally from Bristol
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi, I'm Marianne, live in London and I'm a single mum of a 6 year old girl.

    I've been on MFP since February - started my weight l0ss with Rosemary Conley in January (lost a stone in the 1st month!).

    I do all of my exercising at home - started with Jillian Michael's DVDs... but found 30 Day Shred detrimental to my knees(!) after 5 days, and No More Trouble Zones just too boring after a while.

    Then I found Turbo Jam.... and Chalene Johnson.... she is such a better personality/trainer (IMO) than Jillian Michaels.
    I've completed 1 round of ChaLean Extreme and lost 7 inches after the 1st month - 3 of those from my waist... who knew that lifting heavy weights could be so effective?

    I'm now doing Turbo Fire classes... but not following the set schedule... just alternating between cardio and toning.....

    I lost 3 stone by July, then slacked off for about 6 weeks and am now just getting back into things....
    I am hoping to lose another 15 lbs by the end of the year, so I can reach a total of 60 lbs lost....


    Oh... new friends welcome....
  • csbble39
    I'm new to MFP so any help and support the better! Count me in! xx
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member

    New to MFP been on here for about 30 days. I am based in Leicestershire and a geek that works for an education software company which means that I am sat down a lot at a desk.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Morning all!

    Got through my turbo fire yesterday, got a 25 min HIIT to do today...a bit nervous about it to be honest!

    great to see some of my Brit friends on here! Go Team Brit!!

    I also do Turbo Fire classes..... are you following the 9 week or 20 week schedule? If so, what day are you on?
    I so want to follow the schedule, but don't think I can stick to the schedule.... because I want to be able to do cardio or toning when I want...
  • natscho79
    natscho79 Posts: 7 Member
    Ooooh can i join?
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Are you an exercise in the morning or exercise in the evening type of person? I've been trying to do the 30DS in the morning because I like knowing it's out of the way, and I'm also always in a good mood in work when I've exercised in the morning. I'm interested to hear other people's opinions.

    I exercise at night - after have put the kids to bed and finished the jobs - have to admit - its wouldnt be my choice but dont get time during the day or in the morning - since I have been doing the exercise falling asleep has not been an issue !!!!
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    Dashing off to the shops... ciao for now ;)
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I'd like to join too!!!
    Thinking of getting a Jillian exercise DVD!!!
    Would anyone recommend 30DS vs TurboFire???
    I normally have an extremely busy schedule so diff to get time to exercise!!!

    Turbo Fire is mainly cardio, but there are some toning/strengthening classes in there as well. I did both of them for the first time this week (Saturday & yesterday)... and I'm still feeling the effects now... they are seriously good...!

    I would say Turbo Fire over 30DS... but then I'm biased..!

  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member

    I would like to join too please!! I'm 25 from Manchester.

    Got a long ways to go (100+lb), I've been a memeber of MFP for nearly 3 weeks, lost 10lb quite quickly and nothing since. Which has been quite tough.

    I'm eating around 1400-1500 cals a day, exercising 5-6 times a week and now have a personal trainer, in order to kick my *kitten* into shape, hopefully in time for the end of April when I'll be a bridesmaid. Eep.

    Please feel free to add :) x

    If your weight loss has stalled, maybe you're not eating enough....?
    That happened to me when I first started, and I got told off by the Rosemary Conley adviser for eating under my allowance.
    Do you wear a HRM and are you eating back your exercise calories?

    If you're not eating your calories back, then you could be only leaving your body with only 1000 calories a day (based on you burning 400 by exercise).... and this is too low, which may be why you're loss has stalled.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Are you an exercise in the morning or exercise in the evening type of person? I've been trying to do the 30DS in the morning because I like knowing it's out of the way, and I'm also always in a good mood in work when I've exercised in the morning. I'm interested to hear other people's opinions.
    I think I'm getting into the exercising in the morning malarky!! i say that cos my darling cat is waking me up at stupid'o'clock and since I'm not able to go back to sleep I've been getting out of bed and exercising (30DS) by which time is's close enough to my usual wake up time that I just have more leisurely get ready for routine.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Thanks for all the friend requests, even though I only bumped. :happy:

    I'm in maintenance now, having used mfp since just after Christmas. I seem to need more calories than most, and after failing to work out just how many, I've set myself a calorie 'ceiling' of 2450. This seems to work pretty well for me as I can eat to my hunger, without going overboard.

    Off with concussion, so probably shouldn't write too much right now.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    love exercising in the morning but usually it's trying to wrestle two small people out of bed and out of the house, and my hubs is a night owl - so I need the sleeeeep! if I get to the gym at the weekend it's usually in the morning though :)
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Feeling really defeated :(

    A few months back I went for a hospital appointment, and they weighed me, and I was pretty sure they said I was 185llbs.
    About a month later I joined MFP and just entered that weight, stupid I know, I should have weighed myself again!
    Been here for about 3 weeks now and weighed myself today, and apparently I am 190llbs :(

    I find it impossible to believe that I have put on 5llbs, because I have been eating extremely well.

    So either I heard wrong at the hospital, and they didn't say 185, they might have said 195.
    Or, between the time from the hospital and when I joined here, I put on weight, but I am not too sure how much :/
    The scales I have been using have been different every time.
    Or the last option, and the worst, maybe I have put on 5llbs :(

    Just stick to the same set of scales and the same time of day/week.... which will make tracking your loss easier...
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi there everyone. I'm Sam, recently had my 40th but still in denial! I am a mum of 2 girls aged 13 and 9, and have just celebrated my 15th wedding anniversary with my gorgeous hubby. Originally from sunny(?) Stoke but I've lived in Leeds now for 22 years. My current weight is 149lbs and I would love to be down to around 126lbs. I've been on MFP for a couple of weeks but haven't lost anything really yet, despite exercising loads more than I ever have in my life.

    Don't know about the rest of you but I am loving my new favourite phrase 'way to go', and when I write it, in my head it's with an American accent.

    Look forward to getting to know you all , Sam

    LOL.... about the accent...!!!! I do it too....!!!
  • dusk1977
    Good Afternoon fellow team UK mates, thanks for all the friend requests.
    I rode my bike to work this morning (18miles) and am now feeling tired :yawn: I joined slimming world last night as I am not doing so well :sad: I have now stayed the same for 6 weeks (I lost 1lb the week before that and stayed the same for 5 weeks previous to that). I have just had a rather yummy jacket potato with laughing cow traingles, smoked ham and beans so hoping for an energy rush soon :wink: