Team UK - seeking a revival!



  • MadameBovary
    MadameBovary Posts: 6 Member
    I'm an evening exerciser get up at 5am for work so can't face the idea of getting up any earlier to fit in exercise as well or I may as well not go to bed :) Just doing 20 mins of walking in the eves for the first week to see how I go.

    Guess i better get back to work before anyone notices I'm not exactly working on here. Hope everyone has a good day :)
  • wixy15
    i excerise in the evenings after work, arriving at the gym about 630 and then leaving around 8. i find that the focus of knowing i have to go to the gym helps me remain on track throughout the i couldn't get up early enough to go before work anyway! the other good thing about going in the evening is that by the time i get home and have dinner, there is no chance for me to sit around and start snaking as im usually in bed by about 1030, haha.
  • moon_light10
    just done Ripped in 30,
    its way tooooo hot to do wot Jillian says, was planning on doing some other DVD's but am going to give it a miss
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    just done Ripped in 30,
    its way tooooo hot to do wot Jillian says, was planning on doing some other DVD's but am going to give it a miss

    I am dying to buy Ripped, but promised myself I wouldnt do it until I hit 4 stone down, for a treat and I am still 1lb off, been stuck a couple of pounds off for ages :(

    How does it compare to the shred?
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    Afternoon UK bods! Lovely day here in sunny berkshire and I'm stuck in front of my laptop. I would so love to exercise in the mornings but just not an option. BK (before kids I would hit the gym at 6am) however AK (after kids) I know hit the dishwasher/washing machine/breakfast making/school bag packing/yelling/screaming and generally marshalling the troops to school & nursery!!!!

    Oh I would be sooo slim if you burnt calories for screaming :wink: :laugh:

    Anyway folks have a super day and if you can enjoy the sun!

    Charlie x
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Morning all - lovely and sunny here in Manchester too. Definitely too nice to be sitting in the office :-(((( Hope it holds for Saturday - I want to go on a nice long bike ride!!

    I was curious - does anybody get the Graze boxes? Are they expensive and how many can you opt out of getting. I love seeds and nuts but really really don't like dried fruits...

    Love to know what people's experiences are. My friend subscribes and gives me the seed ones...just wondered what the rest were like and what people think??

  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Just did the Shred (day 9) and my heart was not in it at all! It's too hot already and all I could think about was all the other stuff I have to do, and how the dogs will go mental at about 2pm cos it will be too warm to take them for an afternoon walk (I'm too ginger and one of my dogs is black and just absorbs heat from the sun so can't go out when it's in the high 20s!!)

    I prefer real Autumn haha.

    Take my dogs round the wood this weather and take a bottle of water for them. One of my dogs is a Black Beguim Shepherd with loads of black fur as well.
  • calamityshell
    Morning all - lovely and sunny here in Manchester too. Definitely too nice to be sitting in the office :-(((( Hope it holds for Saturday - I want to go on a nice long bike ride!!

    I was curious - does anybody get the Graze boxes? Are they expensive and how many can you opt out of getting. I love seeds and nuts but really really don't like dried fruits...

    Love to know what people's experiences are. My friend subscribes and gives me the seed ones...just wondered what the rest were like and what people think??


    I used to get them - some of them are pretty good but some where deceptively high in calories so I cancelled it. I think they were about £4 a box so not too bad and it was really easy to cancel and to have them delivered elsewhere if you are not in the office on your delivery day.

    I cancelled mine as I had it in my mind that they were healthy so I would eat them quite quickly and just because they were there and when you looked some of them were nearly 300 calories for a pot. This has more to do with my will power than the idea of the box :)
  • scoobysnacks90
    Hi! I'm from the UK too count me in! x
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Its AMAZING outside!!!! Don't wanna hear any complaints...lets enjoy this while it lasts. Happy Thursday.:smile::smile: :smile:
  • AngelAnne666
    AngelAnne666 Posts: 41 Member
    Morning all - lovely and sunny here in Manchester too. Definitely too nice to be sitting in the office :-(((( Hope it holds for Saturday - I want to go on a nice long bike ride!!

    I was curious - does anybody get the Graze boxes? Are they expensive and how many can you opt out of getting. I love seeds and nuts but really really don't like dried fruits...

    Love to know what people's experiences are. My friend subscribes and gives me the seed ones...just wondered what the rest were like and what people think??


    Hi Fran,

    I get the Graze bozes once a week and I love them! You can go on to the website and opt out of dried fruit or anything else you don't like. I also get the Eat Well boxes which means I only get sent the lower calorie treats. They are all still delicious though!

    At full price the boxes are £3.49 but if you get people to subscribe and use your code you get £1 off each box per person.

    My code is 7Q2DL1Y3. This will get you your first box free and your second box half price. There is no obligation to carry them on so you can cancel after you get your first free box. Although I don't know anyone that has cancelled after their first free box as they are just toooo yummy :laugh:

    Hope that helps!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I was curious - does anybody get the Graze boxes? Are they expensive and how many can you opt out of getting. I love seeds and nuts but really really don't like dried fruits...


    Hey Fran :smile: Just got into Graze boxes - they are fabulous!! You don't have to have any dried fruit if that's how you feel. Just check out Use a code and you get your 1st box free! and get your next one half price. They cost £3.49 per week and so far, I'm loving them!! If you want to take it up, here's a discount code you can use (yes I get a benefit - £1 off my next box or I can donate the £1 to charity) WGXDVRM

    There are other threads with other codes, which all do the same thing. :drinker:
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Thanks Angelanne and Kendra - will take a proper look on the website. Our post room at the office hate me as I work in I.T. and keep getting handheld devices sent to me with all the peripherals for a massive project I'm working on, so I reckon the delightful woman who is Site Services Manager would blow her stack if I had Graze boxes delivered every week. Could get them delivered to my folks though as they are retired....will definitely look at it for when I get back from my holiday at the end of October. At the moment I use the whole foods and healthy snacking options from Tesco and Asda and thought this might have more variety. I know the nuts / seeds ones are high calories, but they're good calories, not empty ones like in chocolate bars, lol !!!

    Thanks again :-)
  • salsify
    Hi - I've been using mfp for about a week to track my food & exercise as I find it really easy & the database is full of UK food! I'd love to join Team UK.

    I live in London with my husband, young son & dogs. I've been losing weight since May & I've gone from 16st7lbs to 13st8lbs this morning. I've done this by sticking to around 1200 calories per day and, for exercise, walking. I try to walk 10000 steps a day and usually succeed as I have to walk the dogs. I want to start some weight training as well - though I don't like going to the gym. So I'm looking into that at the moment.

    Looking forward to getting to know Team UK members better!
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Hi - I've been using mfp for about a week to track my food & exercise as I find it really easy & the database is full of UK food! I'd love to join Team UK.

    I live in London with my husband, young son & dogs. I've been losing weight since May & I've gone from 16st7lbs to 13st8lbs this morning. I've done this by sticking to around 1200 calories per day and, for exercise, walking. I try to walk 10000 steps a day and usually succeed as I have to walk the dogs. I want to start some weight training as well - though I don't like going to the gym. So I'm looking into that at the moment.

    Looking forward to getting to know Team UK members better!

    Hi and welcome to MFP!

    Well done so far!! I am not a gym person either, I joined and went for about 4 months and then stopped. I don't like to exercise out in the open so I am doing it all at home or go out for my walks at night.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    Hi all, I'm Angela, I'm 38, live in London with my partner & 14yr old step daughter. I have been overweight pretty much all of my life, but really let myself go over the last 7 years after my step daughter suddenly & unexpectedly came to live with us. I was somewhat unprepared for family life, and all my attention was focused on her and I stopped really worrying about what was going on with me. Now that she is a bit older & does so much more for herself, I have more time to focus on me, and have decided that this time I want to do it properly, to lose the weight, and keep it off. I started in January, and joined MFP in May. So far I have lost 75lbs, but still have over 100 to go, so I will be around for a while! :laugh: It will be nice to have some UK support, looking forward to getting to know you all :smile:
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi to all uk mfp'ers new and old!

    ive just got out of hospital today with chronic pain and they still dont know whats wrong!! :( on the upside i have definately lost weight this week! lol.

    hope everyone is still doing well and enjoying the new you!!

    thats all for now - just wanted to say hi again!! :D

  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    It's even sunny and warm in Scotland. What a joy to be wearing sandals and not welly boots !

    It's my birthday today. I must confess I haven't been very good. The forecast is for lots of prosecco and cake over the weekend so I can't guarantee a loss this week.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    It's even sunny and warm in Scotland. What a joy to be wearing sandals and not welly boots !

    It's my birthday today. I must confess I haven't been very good. The forecast is for lots of prosecco and cake over the weekend so I can't guarantee a loss this week.

    Happy Birthday!
  • julie4760
    I'm so hot and sticky and it's not just the weather it's my age lol. Enjoy the weather folks it won't last forever, this revival is probably one of the best here folks thanks to all my new friends for their support, you're all just fantastic xxx