Team UK - seeking a revival!



  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Morning all!

    I've been avoiding the scales pretty much all month as I've either had really really good days or really really bad days and I know the scales result has a habit of affecting my mindset. Anyway, I weighed myself on the 1st September, and then on 10th but not at all since.

    I was quite nervous when I got on the scales this morning despite my clothes (especially my work clothes) feeling a little looser, but I was really chuffed to see I'd lost almost 5 lbs in September. That's exactly the rate I want to lose at - roughly a pound a week. I will not say I am on a diet, because I'm not. I'm merely eating more healthily (in general) and doing more exercise but allowing myself realistic days off.

    If I keep this rate up I will be at goal shortly after Easter next year - I'm going for summer 2012. I just hope I can keep the motivation going....I guess that's where the support on MFP will come in. It's great to be able to give support as well as receive it :)

    I'm looking forward to a glass of wine tonight (after another tough week at work) and a nice long bike ride tomorrow.

    Happy Friday everyone!!!

  • salsify
    Hi - I've been using mfp for about a week to track my food & exercise as I find it really easy & the database is full of UK food! I'd love to join Team UK.

    I live in London with my husband, young son & dogs. I've been losing weight since May & I've gone from 16st7lbs to 13st8lbs this morning. I've done this by sticking to around 1200 calories per day and, for exercise, walking. I try to walk 10000 steps a day and usually succeed as I have to walk the dogs. I want to start some weight training as well - though I don't like going to the gym. So I'm looking into that at the moment.

    Looking forward to getting to know Team UK members better!

    Hi and welcome to MFP!

    Well done so far!! I am not a gym person either, I joined and went for about 4 months and then stopped. I don't like to exercise out in the open so I am doing it all at home or go out for my walks at night.

    Hi there

    no gym for me either. I love walking too, hope to get a good 2 hours in tmoro. When I have a bit more energy then I use the Wii - I have zumba and My Fitness Coach, which i would highly recommend. Over the years I've built up a few bits of equipment (nothing big), ankle weights, dumbells, twist board, dynaband.

    Thanks for the welcome and replies! I've been thinking about getting some weights and maybe a resistance band. I've only got a Davina DVD at the mo., and I'm finding her a bit irritating. Is there a good beginners weight training DVD anyone could recommend?
  • LouLouUK
    LouLouUK Posts: 136 Member
    Hello everyone, i'm Louise (or Lou). I'm from sunny (for now anyway) Bucks! I'm 25 (26 on the 3rd Oct eeek) and live with my parents and younger sister. So glad i found this thread!

    I've always been on the larger side but it really ballooned during my 4 years at university - too much pasta and convenience foods! Managed to get a job straight out of uni (graphic design so sitting down at a comp for 8-11 hours a day). Weight got worse so i decided to join a gym. Only 8 months later i was made redundant - cue the comfort eating... :frown: I was feeling more and more pathetic until i gave myself a slap in the face and decided i needed a new focus... getting healthy!

    I have lost just under 5 stones now in two and a half years - slow and steady... I've done it by reducing portion sizes and cutting out the crap (apart from the very occasional treat :wink: ). Exercise is something i have surprisingly come to love and live by. I do Body Pump and Combat, Step class and Spin classes. I wish i could swim as i would do that as well! :smile:

    My aim is to loose another 2 stone or until im a size 12. It's getting harder so need the motivation of others going through the same thing. Ive been reading a lot of posts on this thread and your all pretty inspiring. Feel free to add me as a friend.

    Have a great day everyone! :smile:

  • LouLouUK
    LouLouUK Posts: 136 Member
    Morning all!

    I've been avoiding the scales pretty much all month as I've either had really really good days or really really bad days and I know the scales result has a habit of affecting my mindset. Anyway, I weighed myself on the 1st September, and then on 10th but not at all since.

    I was quite nervous when I got on the scales this morning despite my clothes (especially my work clothes) feeling a little looser, but I was really chuffed to see I'd lost almost 5 lbs in September. That's exactly the rate I want to lose at - roughly a pound a week. I will not say I am on a diet, because I'm not. I'm merely eating more healthily (in general) and doing more exercise but allowing myself realistic days off.

    If I keep this rate up I will be at goal shortly after Easter next year - I'm going for summer 2012. I just hope I can keep the motivation going....I guess that's where the support on MFP will come in. It's great to be able to give support as well as receive it :)

    I'm looking forward to a glass of wine tonight (after another tough week at work) and a nice long bike ride tomorrow.

    Happy Friday everyone!!!


    That's fantastic progress! I don't weigh myself very often at all and tend to go by by clothing size, but every so often i can't resist jumping on the scales and seeing the results. Sometimes ive been disappointed, sometimes its made me very happy indeed!

    Enjoy your glass of wine tonight! :wink:

  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Hello everyone, i'm Louise (or Lou). I'm from sunny (for now anyway) Bucks! I'm 25 (26 on the 3rd Oct eeek) and live with my parents and younger sister. So glad i found this thread!

    I've always been on the larger side but it really ballooned during my 4 years at university - too much pasta and convenience foods! Managed to get a job straight out of uni (graphic design so sitting down at a comp for 8-11 hours a day). Weight got worse so i decided to join a gym. Only 8 months later i was made redundant - cue the comfort eating... :frown: I was feeling more and more pathetic until i gave myself a slap in the face and decided i needed a new focus... getting healthy!

    I have lost just under 5 stones now in two and a half years - slow and steady... I've done it by reducing portion sizes and cutting out the crap (apart from the very occasional treat :wink: ). Exercise is something i have surprisingly come to love and live by. I do Body Pump and Combat, Step class and Spin classes. I wish i could swim as i would do that as well! :smile:

    My aim is to loose another 2 stone or until im a size 12. It's getting harder so need the motivation of others going through the same thing. Ive been reading a lot of posts on this thread and your all pretty inspiring. Feel free to add me as a friend.

    Have a great day everyone! :smile:


    Hi Lou

    Wow!! You've done really well to lose 5 stones slowly and steadily the sensible way. But yes I find at certain points I get stuck and need more motivation and that's where this site comes in - there are some really great people on here all trying to lose weight. Perhaps in slightly different ways, but all with the same main objective and all have different experiences and advice to offer.

    Sorry to hear about the redundancy - it must be really hard when you've studied and got a degree and then got a job in the area only to lose it, not surprised you started comfort eating. I wish my gym did Body Combat and Body Pump and all that, it's only really Zumba that they do that I'm interested in.

    Anyway, welcome again :o)
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    Afternoon UK bods! Lovely day here in sunny berkshire and I'm stuck in front of my laptop. I would so love to exercise in the mornings but just not an option. BK (before kids I would hit the gym at 6am) however AK (after kids) I know hit the dishwasher/washing machine/breakfast making/school bag packing/yelling/screaming and generally marshalling the troops to school & nursery!!!!

    Oh I would be sooo slim if you burnt calories for screaming :wink: :laugh:

    Anyway folks have a super day and if you can enjoy the sun!

    Charlie x

    Have to join u on that one - need a cardio for being a sargent major !!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi everyone...

    Was my day iff today, but was up and out from 8:30.... met up with the Mum's from my daughter's school for breakfast... with daughter in tow, as we had to go to the hospital for her eye check-up.

    Ended up being there for 3 hours... left at 1:00pm... we went to Ikea for lunch (she loves the food... plus, healthier choices there).

    I didn't get back home until 5pm.

    Anyway.... after I had dropped my daughter to her father's house, I made myself do Turbo Fire 60 class (at 8pm)
    I'm chuffed with myself for doing my exercise so late in the evening... especially on a Friday....!
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    Sorry not been around much last couple of days - DD had a great bday and I stayed under my cals !! Yay me - well done on the losses - u r all doing fab - team UK is going from strength to strength :)
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    Hi everyone...

    Was my day iff today, but was up and out from 8:30.... met up with the Mum's from my daughter's school for breakfast... with daughter in tow, as we had to go to the hospital for her eye check-up.

    Ended up being there for 3 hours... left at 1:00pm... we went to Ikea for lunch (she loves the food... plus, healthier choices there).

    I didn't get back home until 5pm.

    Anyway.... after I had dropped my daughter to her father's house, I made myself do Turbo Fire 60 class (at 8pm)
    I'm chuffed with myself for doing my exercise so late in the evening... especially on a Friday....!

    Well done :)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Thanks for the welcome and replies! I've been thinking about getting some weights and maybe a resistance band. I've only got a Davina DVD at the mo., and I'm finding her a bit irritating. Is there a good beginners weight training DVD anyone could recommend?

    When I first started out I got a Davina dvd and as much as I like Davina she is very irritating with all her face pulling and 'jokes' :yawn: Also it's a pretty rubbish workout!!

    The 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels is an excellent dvd to get, it gives brilliant results and it's a short workout, go for it, you won't be disappointed!!
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member


    I feel like I haven't slept in days, prob got 6 hours total over the last 2 nights, stupid heat! Hoping for a better night sleep tonight!

    I have so many things I want to say but don't want to turn this into another essay haha

    Nic, hope you enjoy your hols, are you doing anything exciting?

    RolyPrince and LouLou congratulations on both of your amazing weight losses so far!

    I went out for my tea and cake with the girls, had a cream tea but made myself leave one of the two scones on the plate and only had a smidge of jam and cream :) I did have a glass of wine as well tonight though but fitted into my cals. Didn't cook tonight which feels a bit weird (not having a proper meal I mean) but we were going to be so late getting home that I knew if I didn't get a sandwich between social activities then it would likely be quick, unhealthy dinner rather than the stirfry I had shopped for once we got home!

    Hoping to get to the gym tomorrow. I'm hosting a little dinner party tomorrow night so making a strawberries and cream cheesecake and I'd be so disappointed if I didn't have enough cals to have a slice!!

    Good night everyone x
  • elfy66
    elfy66 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for the welcome and replies! I've been thinking about getting some weights and maybe a resistance band. I've only got a Davina DVD at the mo., and I'm finding her a bit irritating. Is there a good beginners weight training DVD anyone could recommend?

    When I first started out I got a Davina dvd and as much as I like Davina she is very irritating with all her face pulling and 'jokes' :yawn: Also it's a pretty rubbish workout!!

    The 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels is an excellent dvd to get, it gives brilliant results and it's a short workout, go for it, you won't be disappointed!!

    I worry that it's going to be too hard for me to do :(
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've created a new thread for October, you can find it here:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Bumping for later x
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    Morning all, what a change in weather from last week. Cold and windy in Edinburgh today. I'm thinking winter soups and stews compared to the BBQ and ice lollies of last week.

    I've been a bit rubbish since my birthday last week. And it's my 3 year old's birthday tomorrow so my house is full of chocolate crispie cakes and marshmallow top hats. Not good for my getting back on track week !

    Also just discovered that I've saved myself 100 calories changing from a skinny latte to an Americano topped with skimmed milk. Not quite the same but for 100 cals I'll put up with it. How did I not know this ???

    Have a good day.
  • PollyUrwin
    PollyUrwin Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Pauline and I have been living in Sunderland for a year. I moved away from my family and friends in Scotland for a job and have really let myself go since I did. Up until recently I hadn't made many friends and my fiance is in the army so not home a lot. I wasn't slim when I moved but out of boredom and stress from my new job I've been comfort and binge eating and not doing much in the way of exercise.

    I'm back on track now and have lost a bit of what I put on but I would like to get back to the size I was 3 years ago. It's nice to find a forum for people from the UK. Most threads I looked at seemed to be full of American people.
  • katlondoncanuck
    Whooo- Hi Team UK. Its an Olympic year so when better to have a team UK right!