Team UK - seeking a revival!



  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    I am soooooo not a morning person - in any way shape or form, takes me ages to get going. However as I've been cycling to work a couple of times a week in the last 6 months or so I had to learn to get up and out doing exercise in about half an hour and to have enough energy to do so. Cue magic Bran Flakes....

    But in general I go to the gym on the way home from work - the thought of going to the gym before work is just craziness - it's bad enough getting up as it is!! I like my bed and have to wrench myself out of it in a morning !!!

    My colleague says her dad (after he had his triple heart bypass) was told that you should be up for about 2 hours before exercising otherwise you can have a heart attack?!! Have to say I've never heard this before or since...
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hello! I found you all at last :) I knew there must still be some team UKers out there. I'm rejoining after being away for a while. I have two kids and work in health care.

    Re evening snacks. I used to have quavers at 80 cals/bag. This time around I am trying to go for low GI snack food and so far it seems to be working as am snacking less
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Good morning Team UK!

    It's a bit early to tell but looks like it might be another sunny day :)

    I am well tired this morning - it's so much harder to sleep when it's warm! Plus my calves are raging with pain even when I'm laying down... fairly sure it's just muscle pain though, hope they recover soon!

    I went to the pub for dinner last night then out to the cinema and saw 'Friends with Benefits' which I had already seen but hubby hadn't. I quite like it, despite not being a fan of JT. Love Orange Wednesdays :)

    Have a fab day everyone x
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 350 Member
    Morning Folks :)

    Up nice and early for a 9am lecture today :/
    But my strawberries have woken me up nicely!
  • moon_light10
    Morning UK'ers going to be another hot day today, so good day for a long walk,

    I would go for a walk, but I gotta wait in today, for a repair guy, says he'll be here from 9:30- 5pm, (which means he'll prob turn up at 4:45pm), so will be doing a dvd, or going on my treadmill
  • moonlightuk
    moonlightuk Posts: 42 Member
    Good morning everyone, another lovely sunny day in Lancashire :)
    Re Exercise..I go in the mornings mostly, apart from the odd evening swim...If I leave it till evening I have problems motivating myself to go.
    Hope everyone has a great day, Susan
  • evendeadlier
    Good morning! I would love to get involved!

    My name is Eve, I am 31 from Nottingnam, I am married and have a gorgeous 6 year old son. I also work full time and have a very active involvement with my local roller derby team.

    I have struggled with my weight since I left home at 18, limited income and working in a pub made me gain the pounds. After my pregnancy in 2004 i developed an eating disorder and eventually started to get treatment in May 2009. I would say I am as recovered as I ever will be. Once my bad habits stopped the pounds crept back on.

    During this summer I was a bridesmaid for a friend, after seeing the hideous photos I decided action must be taken!

    In the last 5 weeks I have lost 9lbs, my goal is get down to 196lbs (14 stone) for Christmas with my long term goals to be a happy size 12. I have set my goal weight at 11stone but until i get there I wont know what a size 12 me weighs!

    I am looking forward to meeting some new people and getting to goal!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Morning All :happy:

    I don't know about the rest of you, but it's absolutely baking here!!! :glasses: We have ALL the windows open in the office to catch any tiny breeze we can.

    Didn't make it out of bed to 30DS today, but I hae a TKD class later so I'm sure I'll make up for it then.

    Have a fabulous day!! :flowerforyou:
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Morning All, Looks like it's gonna be a nice sunny day here. Working today but don't start till 2 pm so time to give the Dogs a walk. More importantly time to do some food planning as working days are the days my diet falls apart. Working 2pm til 9.30pm surrounded by takeways. At work we have a small kitchen area with a Microwave and Fridge. So a Jacket Spud with Tuna and Light Coleslaw sounds good. I usually get the midnight munchies after working as well so maybe a Banana or something other fruit. Dangerous times LOL
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I'm a uk'er just joined definitely up for a UK team for support, commiseration and friendship in the same time zone
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    Good morning! I would love to get involved!

    My name is Eve, I am 31 from Nottingnam, I am married and have a gorgeous 6 year old son. I also work full time and have a very active involvement with my local roller derby team.

    I have struggled with my weight since I left home at 18, limited income and working in a pub made me gain the pounds. After my pregnancy in 2004 i developed an eating disorder and eventually started to get treatment in May 2009. I would say I am as recovered as I ever will be. Once my bad habits stopped the pounds crept back on.

    During this summer I was a bridesmaid for a friend, after seeing the hideous photos I decided action must be taken!

    In the last 5 weeks I have lost 9lbs, my goal is get down to 196lbs (14 stone) for Christmas with my long term goals to be a happy size 12. I have set my goal weight at 11stone but until i get there I wont know what a size 12 me weighs!

    I am looking forward to meeting some new people and getting to goal!

    good luck.
    I've always wanted to try roller derby! I might have to see if there's one around with beginners slots!
    congratulations on the last 5 weeks that's a brilliant start to your goal and i hope it continues!
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I am a morning and evening exerciser - I cycle ( or very occasionally run) to and from work and then i do exercise classes after work. however I can only do the after work if the classes are fun. I have never successfully managed to just go to the gym
  • dusk1977
    Morning all, if I don't exercise in the morning I really have to motivate myslef after work :frown:
    Am planning on doing some wii fit this evening and will try to get up early tomorrow for Tae Bo :noway:
    Have a great day (when the fog burns off)
  • shazzahare
    Count me in need all the help and support I can get.
  • calamityshell
    I can barely function in the mornings as it is, and i am quite clumsy so this would be a recipe for disaster. Am going to do a dvd when i get in - maybe nell macandrew, would like to get back on my skates after breaking my ankle in May but i am a little bit scared. I need to get a grip :)

    Have a lovely sunny day everyone
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Are you an exercise in the morning or exercise in the evening type of person? I've been trying to do the 30DS in the morning because I like knowing it's out of the way, and I'm also always in a good mood in work when I've exercised in the morning. I'm interested to hear other people's opinions.

    I am an exercise at midday kinda person...That is when the DS (almost 2) has a nap. I like to go for walks/jogs in the evening when they are all in bed and my partner is at home.
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Woke up too late to exercise this morning. Kicking myself now. I'm going to have to come home from work, do the 30DS and THEN got and play badminton. Sigh. Stupid sleeping.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    After saying I never work out in a morning, I just did level one and two of the shred, must be mental :|
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    After saying I never work out in a morning, I just did level one and two of the shred, must be mental :|

  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Just did the Shred (day 9) and my heart was not in it at all! It's too hot already and all I could think about was all the other stuff I have to do, and how the dogs will go mental at about 2pm cos it will be too warm to take them for an afternoon walk (I'm too ginger and one of my dogs is black and just absorbs heat from the sun so can't go out when it's in the high 20s!!)

    I prefer real Autumn haha.