VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    Anyway - is everyone doing???? One thing I've noticed about this water challenge is that my skin is way clearer and brighter than it was. Once this challenge is over I'm still going to keep it up, purely for vanity purposes! :tongue:

    What have you noticed?? (Other than frequent tinkling)

    HAHAHAHA Frequent tinkling was out of control for the first two days but it seems to be ok now! I have actually found I'm eating less now that I'm keeping on top of my water. I've never been a snacker, but I was one of those people that get the tummy rumbles at 11.45 and spend the next 15 minutes watching the clock like a madman waiting for 12.00 to get here so I can have my lunch. Not so much now :smile:

    Haven't noticed too much in the way of skin yet BUT I have noticed my hair is a little less oily... not by much but I am sure it's a little bit different.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    well this week got shot to hell in a hurry. :( I did really well last week on this challenge and this week I've got the water covered but I've been so sick. I couldn't work out even if my life depended on it. Standing up for too long made me dizzy. It was aweful. Feeling better today so maybe tomorrow I'll be able to get back into the swing of it. But we'll see, I have to make it through a full day of work short-staffed tomorrow first. :frown:
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    Hi everyone!! FINALLY got power back last night!! 4 days, Not TOO bad. I didn't get in to the gym today, busy running around getting sstuff ready for DD's B-day party sunday.

    Hope you all are doing well. I see a few are sick, hope you are feeling better and on the mend. I have a busy month coming up, someone quit at my work, and they are trying to cover his shifts..,.. UGH I have 6 doubles through out the month. But Xmas is coming.

    Have a good night all!!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Anyway - is everyone doing???? One thing I've noticed about this water challenge is that my skin is way clearer and brighter than it was. Once this challenge is over I'm still going to keep it up, purely for vanity purposes! :tongue:

    What have you noticed?? (Other than frequent tinkling)

    HAHAHAHA Frequent tinkling was out of control for the first two days but it seems to be ok now! I have actually found I'm eating less now that I'm keeping on top of my water. I've never been a snacker, but I was one of those people that get the tummy rumbles at 11.45 and spend the next 15 minutes watching the clock like a madman waiting for 12.00 to get here so I can have my lunch. Not so much now :smile:

    Haven't noticed too much in the way of skin yet BUT I have noticed my hair is a little less oily... not by much but I am sure it's a little bit different.


    The frequent tinkling problem is diminishing - yes. I'm not even sure why as I'm still drinking as much...I think my bladder might have grown to accomodate more!
    It's been a bit of a revelation to me really. I have been aware for ages what people say about water and stuff, I just never paid it much attention...until now!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Shellitz: I think you should get one, how fun! And glad the girls joined in the fun. How nice to be a part of a group that close.

    Amberness: Kenpo is the only one I've tried of p90x (a coworker brought it in once). It was fun!

    melkadee: welcome!

    jilleebean: great loss!

    Gwen: lol, your right, only breathing fumes should sound like that. Yesterday I did 1.5 hours on the elliptical, 30 minutes, then a 15 min. break, then an hour. I was so proud, it's was my goal that day.

    mrsblobs: so glad you are finding benefits to this month's challenge. I am as well, I am more motivated to workout to see the minutes. Water has not been my issue. Thanks for being a positive influence (along with laloquita).

    sugardiva: hope you feel better soon! So sorry to hear. Rest well so that you can get back in action.
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    At work right now and feeling good so far about my week. (it starts on wednesdays) I have been able to keep myself in/around my calories. Over a little, but I know it's not going to kill my hard work. I don't like going over, but evey now and then an indulgence is ok, and I accept the fact it may set me over a little. (it keep the emotional hounds at bay)

    I think the frequent tinkling....does subside once you get your body gets used to having the amount of water. I know if I don't drink at least 10 8oz glasses a day I retain water. So I try to keep it there or more. (100oz is prime for me. 5 20 oz bottles a day)

    hope you all are doing well.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    I must ask what is everyone's secret to not going to the bathroom as often. I've always drank water and still need to go a million times lol! Don't forget to put in your weekly information on the spreadsheet!

    I’m finally feeling and sounding better with this flu and bronchitis shenanigans, as well as both ankles are not hurting anymore. I should finally be able to ease my way back into exercising soon. I'm looking forward to it but want to pace myself not to stress my body too soon. Yippie!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    So i fit into my favorite jeans again! Even though i bought them when i was 125lbs. Theyre a little tight but not like sausage casings :).
    Someone posted a website called My Body Gallery and it has pictures of real people at all different weights and you can search for specific weights to see what you might look like. Based on that I think my goal is definitely 114.

    Any one have New Years goal weights? Mine is to be at least 129.
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    So i fit into my favorite jeans again! Even though i bought them when i was 125lbs. Theyre a little tight but not like sausage casings :).
    Someone posted a website called My Body Gallery and it has pictures of real people at all different weights and you can search for specific weights to see what you might look like. Based on that I think my goal is definitely 114.

    Any one have New Years goal weights? Mine is to be at least 129.

    CONGRATS!! I can't wait to get into the smaller jeans/pants. Keep up the good work!
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    I must ask what is everyone's secret to not going to the bathroom as often. I've always drank water and still need to go a million times lol! Don't forget to put in your weekly information on the spreadsheet!

    I’m finally feeling and sounding better with this flu and bronchitis shenanigans, as well as both ankles are not hurting anymore. I should finally be able to ease my way back into exercising soon. I'm looking forward to it but want to pace myself not to stress my body too soon. Yippie!

    I don't really have a trick, I do go often, but I do hold it, sometimes longer then I should. I don't know if that helps "stretch" the bladdar out a little. But I try to stop drinking a little before 830, so I have time to "empty out" so I don't have to get up in the middle of the night.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Oh snap. Jewelry might be an even better reward than shoes... Why didnt I think of that before!? My next ten pound loss will have to be jewels of some sort :D

    Also, I dont know if anyone really cares but I'm so excited I just have to say it.

    This afternoon I got on the scale (after eating breakfast and drinking lots of water and coffee) and it said 136. :O I'm am so positive now that I will be seeing 135 on Monday that I kiiiind of want to dance around and scream. Usually I weigh one or two pounds more at any other point in the day besides the morning... OoooOOoo... the suspense!
    I was really worried I would miss it because of all my restaurant outings with friends over the last weekend but I think I'm still going to make it :D

    I like having a goal every five pounds. It makes me happy. More goals hit=more happy times :D
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    Also, I dont know if anyone really cares but I'm so excited I just have to say it.

    This afternoon I got on the scale (after eating breakfast and drinking lots of water and coffee) and it said 136. :O I'm am so positive now that I will be seeing 135 on Monday that I kiiiind of want to dance around and scream. Usually I weigh one or two pounds more at any other point in the day besides the morning... OoooOOoo... the suspense!
    I was really worried I would miss it because of all my restaurant outings with friends over the last weekend but I think I'm still going to make it :D

    Well done - I was 100% opposite this week :( I better than i did last week food and exercise wise, and I still gained back the half kg I lost last week!!!

    It really frustrates the crap out of me, I feel like I keep ending up back where I began. I keep going over the "water weight or hormones" rationale but we will see come Saturday. Grrrrrr! Pick myself up, dust myself offf, and get back on the f#$@*% elliptical! :laugh:
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member

    I didn't see 135.

    I saw 134.6!!!! Even better!! And a day early!

    On to my next goal-- 5lbs in 5weeks to put me at 130 by December 5 :D And it would be super awesome if I skipped 130 and went right to 129 ;)

    TOM is coming up though so that might throw my numbers for a bit but I should be back to normal by goal time :D

    I will be starting Ripped in 30 next week too. This week I will continue with my random assortment of DVDs and elliptical/treadmill workouts. Especially since it seems to work :)

    Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones DVD is sooo good but I just can't do all 40 minutes without being completely wiped out the next day. So I've split it into two sessions to keep it manageable.

    I hope everyone is feeling well and motivated! I'm back on track this week with water after being shamefully under last week.
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    Has anybody tried any Davina McCall dvds? I am looking for something like cardio boxing that I can do in a very small area. We currently live with my mother in law while we build our house and the house is CHOCKERS full of our combined furniture and general clutter. So I don't really have room to do things like shred and zumba (both of which I have >.<)

    I heard Davina does a cardio boxing and i am hoping it doesn't require push ups and luncges etc so I can just stand in my bedroom and punch the air a lot lol. Or are there any other dvd's that you know of that might be sutiable?
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    wahoo.. finally feeling better! Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get back into the game hard like I was. Now if only work would slow down a little.. so many tires!:grumble: Could lugging and throwing tires around for half the day count as weight training? :laugh:
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    Been off track this past week. Drove to SC for a baby shower and eating and exercise was thrown off. Glad to be back at it today. I didn't get to weigh in, but I posted my exercise and water stats.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Going to try to do P90X every day this week! I may not complete every exercise for the entire time, but I'm going to do as much as I can :smile:
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    SHELL- i started off with a davina dvd a while ago. it's called 'the power of 3', and it's really good! i can do it in a box room, and there's heaps of lunges and squats, as well as some weights and stuff like that. it takes an hour- but it's good!

    i've been trying to do a daily 5k run, and so far so good. i've only got until 10th dec of the 5k runs, then i'm going to start my 20 week marathon training programme! the furthest i've run so far is 21kms, and i've got to run that in week 5! this is really going to kick my *kitten*! i hope i do it without too much trauma! but the thought of it makes me feel sick! i'm so not a natural runner! and my total overuse of exclamation marks is purely to exacerbate the point!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i'm keeping up with the water, but haven't loaded it onto the system yet. i haven't weighed in for a while either, but will do after another run (i only weigh in before i've eaten and after exercise! i want to be the lightest i can humanly be!). i can't access the spreadsheet from work and don't often get time on the computer at home, but i'll probably do it tomorrow.

    anyway, how are we all? did those that have it enjoy guy fawkes? we did!
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    I got Davina's My 3 30min workouts last night (well it should be there when I get home tonight) and I'm going to see how the cardio box section goes in my cramped quarters lol.

    I'm actually going to give swimming a go on Sunday morning too which should be a nice change.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Sorry I didn't check in Saturday. As of Fri 11-4-11 I drank 52 glasses of water for a total of 416 oz.. (Didn't do so well). I exercised 230 minutes. I plan on doing better this week.

    I finally figured where and how to update the spreadsheet. It was so simple that I feel pretty silly!

    Hope everyone has a great week!