

  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have no ideas for November but am happy to lead or co-lead with someone
  • well i am having a good ol' week

    scale continues to move down now at 63lbs
    i swam my personal best this morning 80 lengths in 60 minutes (when i started a month ago it was 60 in 60)
    i am 16lbs away from the weight i met my husband at (this was 8 years ago, and i had just lost 98 lbs -which over the 8 years i subsequently found 90 of them again ugh)
    i am 7lbs away from my goal for New Year's Eve (i hope i surpass it!!)
    and i just made soup for the first time

    so compliment to myself i guess, boy am i proud!

    soup: carrot and coriander (which i think is cilantro in america right?)
    it only yielded 3 bowls, so i think i need to add more water next time and double the carrots - but it was so easy and came out amazing! (my secret ingredient 1 tb of honey)

    hope u are all having a great week so far!

    sorry for not biking people - i do go to the gym where i could hit the bike even once, but i just use it for swimming, my time is so limited there and i just get my swim on and get out in time to get home/showered/take the girl to school....my membership is off peak so doesnt allow for me to go back once my husband is home and my days have been insanely busy with all the volunteering etc so dont hate, i did every other mountain!
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    real life compliment from my husband this morning he said "your butt is getting smaller" :blushing: my underwear is getting bigger or I guess he is right because underwear don't grow. :bigsmile:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok, Becks, I got you.

    Challenge One: I'll give at least 40 miles on the bike, probably more if my legs don't fall off!

    Challenge Two: I'll commit to at least 2 hours of dancing, although the partner thing will be hard, unless I make it to Zumba on Thursday (maybe Wednesday too depending on my schedule).

    Challenge Three: I got you for at least 300 feet every two days, which is my lowest average for strength training day.

    Challenge Four: At least 14 cups a day, but I will try to make my normal 16.

    Challenge Five: Ok, I won't promise on the number here, but I will be on the lookout for any and ALL compliments this week and acknowledge them, and I will find reasons to compliment myself every day.

    So Compliments:

    Becky, girl you are tenacious, and I love your competitive spirit in not wanting any of our challenges to falter! You've been having a bad week, and yet you're still here pushing the rest of us.

    nfat, you are becoming a swimming machine! I watch your times go up and up and up and think, wow, I need to get in the pool! Know that you are a motivation to me.

    Greg, even with a bum knee, you are still sticking with us, doing what you can and consistently adding to our water totals; you are a great rooster!

    Jane, I admire your sense of right when you comment on threads trying to help others. I also admire your sense of self, as you force your body into submitting to your will. Yep, sometimes it doesn't work like you want it to, but you get up and do it again, and then you buy clothes too small to force yourself to get into them! Constantly in awe!

    Julie, I don't know you as well as some of the others, but you have a quiet strength about you. I can tell when you post new picks that your self-confidence has grown exponentially, and that makes me smile.

    Lexie, as long as I've known you, which is a few years now, you have been a hard-working woman, teaching your *kitten* off, taking care of your boys, handling your husband's absences, and now focusing on you while those other things are still in play makes you a rockstar!

    Renae, whenever I don't want to do anything, I look to see "what has Renae found to do today" and I'm inspired. There is no way you are going to let life pass you by anymore, and I hope to get there with you!

    One for me from yesterday, even though it was awkward (and those who follow my random ramblings on my wall know this already), I was told that my eyes were beautiful enough to inspire a song. It was an awkward moment, but I accepted the compliment and actually told him I was flattered.

    One to myself, I am slowly working on this whole trust issue. I hadn't talked to the boyfriend since Thursday night because his phone was shut off until he got paid yesterday. On Sunday, I completely forgot the phone was shut off and tried to call him because I missed talking to him. I didn't realize until I heard the message that the phone was not in service that I had been holding my breath afraid that it was on and he just hadn't been calling me. I had to laugh at myself because while I didn't call him to check on that, there had obviously been a quiet voice in the back of my head thinking it. I'm proud that I'm now beginning to recognize and acknowledge that negative voice and still go on living my life and being happy. BTW, he called last night and all is right in Bobbie's World, except for his damnable work schedule :grumble:
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    JJ- I would like to thank you for the compliment. I have always tried to find something to laugh about especially in the hardest of times. It makes it easier when everyone around me is there laughing with me.

    Cynthia - I would like to thank you for the compliment. It wasn't easy but I always thought to myself that there is always someone out there that has endured worse. They got through it and so can I. Now I won't say that I am not mean though (ask the kiddos), but I will say that I am only mean when the circumstances dictate the need for it.

    JJ - You sneaked another one in there! Thank you! I am proud that this is starting to become a habit rather than a chore.

    Tonight I will follow through and return the wonderful compliments!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    I updated the spreadsheet with my numbers... sorry, thought that I would be adding more. However, I do plan on spending some significant time at the gym throughout the remaining month. Looks like I will be spending some serious time on the bike and strength training! I am really excited about the strength training... not so excited about the bike. BUT... I am gonna do it. I can't do it alone though...

    Here's what I am seeing...

    Biking -- we still have 511 miles left to go before the end of the month.

    Dancing -- we still have 277 hours of dancing to do... or 139 hours if we all partnered up!

    Strength -- over 10,000 reps left to do (averaging here for weight of each)

    Water -- we need to drink up 2,075 cups of water

    Compliments -- oh Lordy, we have soooo sooo far to go! Get complimenting generously!

    So... here goes... I am issuing some challenges and I want to know who's with me on each one! So... get your butts in gear because I don't want to keel over trying to make up for my slow beginning...

    CHALLENGE ONE: I am committing to riding at least 35 miles in the next 6 days. Who is going to do this with me? Who can offer more? Honest to Goodness... that means I will have to do at least 6 miles a day and that is going to kick my booty -- so I need at least 14 others to agree or else someone or sometwo/somethree to commit to doing this for 2 or 3 people!

    CHALLENGE TWO: I am committing to adding at least 4 hours of dancing, and I hope to make at least one of those hours with someone! Which means that I am committing to 300 minutes or 300 feet up the mountain! Unless we have extra credit again... I need everyone to take on this challenge times 10! Not sure we are gonna make this one and that's sad to me! Very sad! (based on my calculations... we would need at least 10 people doing 3 hours a day with someone to make it up to this summit. Let's at least work our way up higher!

    CHALLENGE THREE: I am committing to at least 200 feet up the mountain each day for the next 6 days. Which means that I will contribute at least 1200 feet. I would need to have at least 9 others commit to this in order for us to reach our summit. I hope to push myself on this one to do more... but if I am biking, I need to be careful about how much I do so I don't burn out my legs!

    CHALLENGE FOUR: I am committing to 14 cups of water a day for the next 6 days... which would be a total of 98 (d/t Thirsty Thursday). So, then I would need another 21 people to do that to help us reach that... though I am gonna advocate to JJ that Halloween day should be triple points for EVERYTHING just cause it's a holiday... and maybe even 5x the water that day to counteract the candy people will be eating, the salt/sodium, etc... BUT -- what can you all do to help us reach that summit???

    CHALLENGE FIVE: I will find/hear/acknowledge at least 5 RL compliments or compliment myself each day, I will acknowledge and own every compliment given to me and will give at least 5 compliments per day on here... Which means on average I will earn about 200 feet per day plus whatever compliments I can acknowledge from you all. I can't count on those because we aren't doing so hot in this arena... As near as I can see/figure it... 10 of us need to commit to a minimum of 204 feet per day and we could summit this mountain! Who's with me?!?

    Let's see what we can do... a few of them are seeming unsurmountable, but as I break things down they are proving that some could still be accomplished -- including our wisdom summit! So... let me know which challenge YOU are gonna take on? Or, are you gonna do them all??

    :heart: :heart: Love how you broke this down for us Becky :heart: :heart: Not too good at the giving compliment thingy but I am trying...you have always pushed yourself hard and never have given up on a challenge that we have been in together. You give me strength and the extra push while I read how hard you are moving and giving to the challenges. I will work out some numbers and come back and committ to some climbing. Ohhhh challenge is nearing the end and for sure we all have to push hard.

    Its been a tough month for me and I have been yo yo-ing all the month of October. I tried to stick with this challenge and one other and my walking one ( I did dropped out of all the other challenges/committements that I joined for this month). Thankfully reading how hard each of you push yourselves helped me somewhat stay on track and try to push myself to help with this challenge. If it wasn't for you all I wouldn't have did much exercise thoughout the month. I know I have been very quiet and not very supportive but I have been in a rut. I am trying to climb out and NEVER wil I give up on myself and on losing this excess weight that I have. I am in awe at how close you all are to each other and the love and support you give to one another. No wonder you guys can climb 7 mountains in one month. :tongue: :laugh: Have a great day :drinker:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Shout out to Bobbie!! I'd like to compliment you for getting past that hump on the scale!! Under 300 and moving on down! So proud of you. Today is the first day of the rest of your life - keep living it girl!!! CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!

    Thank you, lady! I think getting this far took more dedication than the next 50 is going to take. You know that whole, feels so good you can taste it idea...yep, that's where I am!

    Thank you to nfat (I really wish I could remember your name :sad: I'm a horrible friend) for the same thing. It's good to see someone else going through the same thing at nearly the same pace...makes you work hard just to keep at it.

    A couple more compliments:

    Eileen, your ability to overcome adversity with a smile, a kind word, and a helpful hand to others trying to make the climb up their own molehill mountains is to be commended.

    Linda, I'm glad that you joined us and have stuck with us. Don't feel bad for not being able to complete every challenge; they all sound so fun and exciting and the motivation you need at the beginning of the month, but they quickly become overwhelming when you try to do them all. Know that you are a strong woman and the only limitations to what you can do come from within yourself. I see you totally overcoming all of those limitations :-)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I updated the spreadsheet with my numbers... sorry, thought that I would be adding more. However, I do plan on spending some significant time at the gym throughout the remaining month. Looks like I will be spending some serious time on the bike and strength training! I am really excited about the strength training... not so excited about the bike. BUT... I am gonna do it. I can't do it alone though...

    Here's what I am seeing...

    Biking -- we still have 511 miles left to go before the end of the month.

    Dancing -- we still have 277 hours of dancing to do... or 139 hours if we all partnered up!

    Strength -- over 10,000 reps left to do (averaging here for weight of each)

    Water -- we need to drink up 2,075 cups of water

    Compliments -- oh Lordy, we have soooo sooo far to go! Get complimenting generously!

    So... here goes... I am issuing some challenges and I want to know who's with me on each one! So... get your butts in gear because I don't want to keel over trying to make up for my slow beginning...

    CHALLENGE ONE: I am committing to riding at least 35 miles in the next 6 days. Who is going to do this with me? Who can offer more? Honest to Goodness... that means I will have to do at least 6 miles a day and that is going to kick my booty -- so I need at least 14 others to agree or else someone or sometwo/somethree to commit to doing this for 2 or 3 people!

    CHALLENGE TWO: I am committing to adding at least 4 hours of dancing, and I hope to make at least one of those hours with someone! Which means that I am committing to 300 minutes or 300 feet up the mountain! Unless we have extra credit again... I need everyone to take on this challenge times 10! Not sure we are gonna make this one and that's sad to me! Very sad! (based on my calculations... we would need at least 10 people doing 3 hours a day with someone to make it up to this summit. Let's at least work our way up higher!

    CHALLENGE THREE: I am committing to at least 200 feet up the mountain each day for the next 6 days. Which means that I will contribute at least 1200 feet. I would need to have at least 9 others commit to this in order for us to reach our summit. I hope to push myself on this one to do more... but if I am biking, I need to be careful about how much I do so I don't burn out my legs!

    CHALLENGE FOUR: I am committing to 14 cups of water a day for the next 6 days... which would be a total of 98 (d/t Thirsty Thursday). So, then I would need another 21 people to do that to help us reach that... though I am gonna advocate to JJ that Halloween day should be triple points for EVERYTHING just cause it's a holiday... and maybe even 5x the water that day to counteract the candy people will be eating, the salt/sodium, etc... BUT -- what can you all do to help us reach that summit???

    CHALLENGE FIVE: I will find/hear/acknowledge at least 5 RL compliments or compliment myself each day, I will acknowledge and own every compliment given to me and will give at least 5 compliments per day on here... Which means on average I will earn about 200 feet per day plus whatever compliments I can acknowledge from you all. I can't count on those because we aren't doing so hot in this arena... As near as I can see/figure it... 10 of us need to commit to a minimum of 204 feet per day and we could summit this mountain! Who's with me?!?

    Let's see what we can do... a few of them are seeming unsurmountable, but as I break things down they are proving that some could still be accomplished -- including our wisdom summit! So... let me know which challenge YOU are gonna take on? Or, are you gonna do them all??

    I'm with ya sister....for the whole shebang!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Okay Becks. I see how you are a challenge within a challenge huh? I love that there is another person who, like me, was checking out what needs to be done to complete this challenge.

    Challenge 1: I will bike atleast 80 more miles before the end of the month. Yes I said sixty in six days. Actually, I am going to attempt to ride the full distance of the biking portion of the ironman triathalon on an exercise bike Friday morning before I head out to pick up the pumkins ( I guess they will be jack-o-lanterns by then).

    Challenge 2: I will dance atleast 2-1/2 hours in the next 6 days. I am hoping to get some dancing with a partner in at the gala (crossing my fingers that I don't have to spend too much time dealing with emergencies that night)

    Challenge 3: This one is a little tougher for me as I mostly use resistance machines and there is no "weight" involved. I do have some smaller dumbells at home so I will commit to atleast 100 feet per day with these. I will try for more but can make no promises.

    Challenge 4: This one I can match you Becky 14 cups each day for the rest of the challenge.

    Challenge 5: I promise that I will hear and aknowledge any and all compliments given to me and if I haven't had any on a particular day I will compliment myself. I will also do my best to give 5 heartfelt compliments here on the board each day.

  • Thank you to nfat (I really wish I could remember your name :sad: I'm a horrible friend) for the same thing. It's good to see someone else going through the same thing at nearly the same pace...makes you work hard just to keep at it.

    it's Tina :) no worries
    i feel badly my user name is nfat - i quick made one up when i was putting app on my phone, you could see the self esteem lying in the gutter eh?

    i haven't posted my weight here, it took me months before i even posted on a thread, but i'm within 10 lbs less or so than you Bobbie....so i know how getting under 3 is just life altering....the day that happened, i told my husband for the first time how much i weighed....and then the flood gates were open..."and this is what i weighed when i met you, and this is what i weighed on our wedding day, and this is what i weighed when i was pregnant, and this is what i weighed after the baby..." it is so much easier though to be honest with him!!

    as for the extra challenges - 14 cups of water, are ye nuts???????? i am probably the worst for water drinking, but i will make a wholehearted effort to drink more every day through to the end of the month

    i find the compliments hard....as 1 - i dont know u all that well 2 - i am catching up on the thread when i have time and find that harder to get to know u, i'm all over the place with names/screen names etc sorry! i have made an effort though i wish i realized about the RL compliments sooner, as i'm getting them so much....it's accepting i find hard

    lastly - found this cute and healthy spooky snack on www.pinterest.com (if u havent been on pinterest yet, leave yourself some time it's AWESOME!!!) i made these for my daughter's halloween party today they were a huge hit, and quite healthy....we used red pepper instead of green because my daughter wanted the fingers bloody

  • andilynn82
    andilynn82 Posts: 75 Member
    JJ - Thank you for the compliment! I've finally realized that it really is "slow and steady wins the race." Everytime I've tried to lose weight before I'd want results right away and I'd just get frustrated and give up if I didn't lose 10 pounds the first month. Now I know it's a complete lifestyle change, and I'm not going to magically eat healthy and work out 6 times a week just like that. I've noticed now that I think about ways to add in more exercise during the day, or I grab an extra glass of water...I never did those things before!

    (and now I need to actually go update the spreadsheet! :bigsmile:)

    Okay Becky, I'm in for the challenge within a challenge!
    One: 35 miles
    Two: 2 hours of dancing
    Three: I'm still trying to work out the math on this one...but I'll add 100 more feet for sure by next Monday.
    Four: 10 glasses per day.
    Five: I promise to acknowledge real life compliments. I know I've had a few that I've missed the last few weeks :(

    The last few weeks have been crazy with work issues and then family on the weekends. I wish I'd contributed better to the challenge. Going to kick some butt this last week for sure!

    Tina - Pinterest is SO addicting! I've found some awesome recipes there though.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I have a question and maybe its cheating, if I were to bring my 1 pound ankle weights and wear them when I run the stairs, could I then count them on the weight training summit? I am pretty sure I would be walking and not running the stairs but just thought I would ask. I just thought I am doing it anyway and if adding the weights means I could count it....there are 88 steps each way, so if I counted only only once for each set of right and left feet it would come out to 9 points for each full lap from bottom to top and back (according to the little calculator on the spreadsheet) and I do on average 7 or more laps each day. So, JJ since this is your challenge I will defer to you. Would I be cheating if I added my ankle weights and counted it on the weights summit?

    Some compliments:

    Tina, I want to compliment you on your bravery for telling your husband your weight. My hubby sisn't know how much I weighed for a long time. I didn't tell him what I weighed until I weighed less than him. I also, wouldn't ride on the back of his motorcycle until I weighed less than him. Not that I didn't ride myself but he always wanted me to go for a ride with him on his bike and I just wouldn't do it.

    Becky, I want to compliment you on your honesty always. I love that you always let us know how you are feeling whether its good, bad, sad angry, happy or whatever. I often wish that I could be so open and honest with how I am feeling. I think if I could my cookie binge might not have happened last night.

    Thats all for now folks. I gotta get back to work.

    Oh wait one more thing.

    Steph, I don't remember if it was this thread that you posted that you held a plank position for 2 minutes or the other one but I just want to tell you I gave it a shot last night. The dang cat wouldn't leave me alone from the minute I got down on my hands and knees but I still held it 1 min 12 sec. My daughter, hubby and I had a discussion about it though, do you do it on your hands or elbows? We looked it up online and found it done both ways. I am inspired by you to practice each day until I can hold it for 2 minutes too but I want to make sure I am doing it the same way you are.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member

    Steph, I don't remember if it was this thread that you posted that you held a plank position for 2 minutes or the other one but I just want to tell you I gave it a shot last night. The dang cat wouldn't leave me alone from the minute I got down on my hands and knees but I still held it 1 min 12 sec. My daughter, hubby and I had a discussion about it though, do you do it on your hands or elbows? We looked it up online and found it done both ways. I am inspired by you to practice each day until I can hold it for 2 minutes too but I want to make sure I am doing it the same way you are.

    Staci, when I started doing it I was on my hands - on an exercise ball, then moved down to hands and now I am on elbows. I tell ya its a killer but for me the last 30 seconds is purely mental. My abs don't feel it as much any more as they are getting stronger but my shoulders and elbows feel it (mainly cause I leave a few layers of skin on the gym floor doing it!)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Compliment time!

    Becky, like Staci, I admire how honest you and that you let us all in on what is going on in your life. It is very admirable. In you I feel I have found a kindred spirit, someone who understands the journey and all its pitfalls. Your sharing makes it easier to realise this is a life change and I thank you for that.

    Staci I love how you are incorporating exercise into your work day. It makes me think that at the end of the day I should tackle the stairs at school more. You are so commited to this journey and life change. I love how you show the rest of us how we can get in a few more burns.

    Julie you have added to every aspect of this challenge. Well done! You post some amazing burns and are dedicated to changing your life and are a wonderful example to your family and friends.

    Brisa I admire you positive attitude. You are doing so well at embrassing the changes and keeping a smile on your face.

    RL compliments:
    My gym buddy complimented me on how well my new boulder holder shows off the weight I have lost. And she's right. A good bra does wonders for the figure.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I have a real life compliment but it isn't weight realted so I am not sure if it counts for this challenge. I have a pumpkin on my desk that I made and one of my coworkers saw it and had to take it off to her department to show someone else and when she brought it back she said she was impressed with how creative and crafty I am and that her coworkers thought it wasn't a homemade craft project. I just thanked her. One of her co-workers just a minute ago came down and asked if I had thought about making any to sell and what would I charge for one. LOL it made me feel good and darn it I am creative and crafty!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member

    Thank you to nfat (I really wish I could remember your name :sad: I'm a horrible friend) for the same thing. It's good to see someone else going through the same thing at nearly the same pace...makes you work hard just to keep at it.
    it's Tina :) no worries
    i feel badly my user name is nfat - i quick made one up when i was putting app on my phone, you could see the self esteem lying in the gutter eh?

    Ok, TINA, now that the self-esteem is no longer so far in the gutter, you do know that you are allowed one free username change, right? Just click on settings at the top of your screen, then click on change username, choose your new name, and voila, you're no longer nfat...you can be ngettingskinny or whatever you feel like being to feel good about you :flowerforyou:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Alrighty, so Day 1 of the challenge within a challenge is done...I've put in quite a few steps today, ladies and gent...what has everyone else done??

    BTW: I did my 100 crunches weighted, to be able to add them to the strength training, and let me tell you that my abs are crying...just walking the track for my .5 mile cool down was crazy! Gonna do it again tomorrow...there WILL be a pack of something underneath that marshmallow fluff I'm carrying around my midsection!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Becky, I love your sensitive, thoughtful input, and so love watching you blossom into a recognition of the lovely person you are.

    Thank you - I do strive to be sensitive and thoughtful - so it means the world to me to have you compliment me on this. Thank you!
    Oh Becky, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind. Hey Becky! You are so thoughtful, kind and loving. You were so very encouraging and SO patient as I talked through the planning of this challenge. I love how you believed so much in us as a group and our ability to reach the top of all of these mountains. Thank you so much sweetie.

    Thanks JJ... I appreciate that very much. I enjoyed working through the challenge with you - and just wanted to be that support so that you can shine! And, I love that you recognized that help....
    -- Well Becks I love ya. I know things are all out of whack for you right now. Hopefully, this weekend away helped you get back in the zone. I know that life is hectic for you and I am proud of you for going back to the gym after your week of pork and grits. ;) I know it was hard, keep going little one, you're getting smaller. And take bigger pictures. We want to see YOU too ;)

    Thank you... I am going to own this and trust you! Thanks for the positive feedback... I am getting smaller! he, he, he.
    Becky, I love how you have mothered this group into being. You are our touchstone that keeps us all together and on track. You cheerlead for us, kick us in the butt and recognize when we have reached a goal. Thanks for that sista!

    Wow, thanks... guess that means my turn to get emotional! Thank you for the positive feedback... and recognizing the things. Keep up your spirits!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    I updated the spreadsheet with my numbers... sorry, thought that I would be adding more. However, I do plan on spending some significant time at the gym throughout the remaining month. Looks like I will be spending some serious time on the bike and strength training! I am really excited about the strength training... not so excited about the bike. BUT... I am gonna do it. I can't do it alone though...

    Here's what I am seeing...

    Biking -- we still have 511 miles left to go before the end of the month.

    Dancing -- we still have 277 hours of dancing to do... or 139 hours if we all partnered up!

    Strength -- over 10,000 reps left to do (averaging here for weight of each)

    Water -- we need to drink up 2,075 cups of water

    Compliments -- oh Lordy, we have soooo sooo far to go! Get complimenting generously!

    So... here goes... I am issuing some challenges and I want to know who's with me on each one! So... get your butts in gear because I don't want to keel over trying to make up for my slow beginning...

    CHALLENGE ONE: I am committing to riding at least 35 miles in the next 6 days. Who is going to do this with me? Who can offer more? Honest to Goodness... that means I will have to do at least 6 miles a day and that is going to kick my booty -- so I need at least 14 others to agree or else someone or sometwo/somethree to commit to doing this for 2 or 3 people!

    CHALLENGE TWO: I am committing to adding at least 4 hours of dancing, and I hope to make at least one of those hours with someone! Which means that I am committing to 300 minutes or 300 feet up the mountain! Unless we have extra credit again... I need everyone to take on this challenge times 10! Not sure we are gonna make this one and that's sad to me! Very sad! (based on my calculations... we would need at least 10 people doing 3 hours a day with someone to make it up to this summit. Let's at least work our way up higher!

    CHALLENGE THREE: I am committing to at least 200 feet up the mountain each day for the next 6 days. Which means that I will contribute at least 1200 feet. I would need to have at least 9 others commit to this in order for us to reach our summit. I hope to push myself on this one to do more... but if I am biking, I need to be careful about how much I do so I don't burn out my legs!

    CHALLENGE FOUR: I am committing to 14 cups of water a day for the next 6 days... which would be a total of 98 (d/t Thirsty Thursday). So, then I would need another 21 people to do that to help us reach that... though I am gonna advocate to JJ that Halloween day should be triple points for EVERYTHING just cause it's a holiday... and maybe even 5x the water that day to counteract the candy people will be eating, the salt/sodium, etc... BUT -- what can you all do to help us reach that summit???

    CHALLENGE FIVE: I will find/hear/acknowledge at least 5 RL compliments or compliment myself each day, I will acknowledge and own every compliment given to me and will give at least 5 compliments per day on here... Which means on average I will earn about 200 feet per day plus whatever compliments I can acknowledge from you all. I can't count on those because we aren't doing so hot in this arena... As near as I can see/figure it... 10 of us need to commit to a minimum of 204 feet per day and we could summit this mountain! Who's with me?!?

    Let's see what we can do... a few of them are seeming unsurmountable, but as I break things down they are proving that some could still be accomplished -- including our wisdom summit! So... let me know which challenge YOU are gonna take on? Or, are you gonna do them all??

    LOVE THIS!!! Thanks Becky!

    Updated info:
    Water, we need to move 1449 feet in the next 6 days. That is 1449 glasses of water, divided by the number of people currently particpating that is about 12 glasses of water per day, not including the double on Thursday. I will continue to drink my 14-18 glasses per day.

    Biking 437 miles to go in the next 6 days. That is 72 miles per day for the group or 23 per person. Not everyone has been able to participate in this one though, due to equipment restrictions or injury. I will do at least another 40 miles before the end of the challenge.

    Dancing we are really in the hole here. We need 16,131 minutes of solo dancing/zumba/aerobics or 8066 if we do it with someone else. Divided by 6 days that is a whole lot of dancing needed. I will be doing at least 1 hour of aerobics or dancing per day, hopefully at least some of it with someone else.

    Strength we need 9770 feet up the mountain still. Divided by 6 days that is 1621 per day for the group or 85 per person. That is 850 reps at a less than 10 pound weight, but go up to just 11 pounds and you only have to do 175 reps to get to 85 feet. And go up to 20 pounds and its only 85 reps. Bump it up to 50 pounds and you only have to do 58 reps. That is 5 sets of 12 reps for your legs at 50 pounds. I will do at least the 85 per day if not more.

    Compliments are so very far from our goal. So sad to me, that we have not been able to give each other and ourselves the praise we all have earned and deserve. We need to move 11,660 feet up this mountain still. We are still not even to base camp on this one. That is 1943 feet per day for the group, or 194 compliments given per day for the next six days or . That is about 75 given, 45 acknowledged, and 7 self posted compliments per day. That breaks down to each person giving 4 compliments per day, accepting 2 of them per day and posting a compliment about yourself once per week. THIS IS DOABLE!!!! We just have to find our generous soul, and spread some love to our fellow climbers. I will give 5 compliments per day, accept any that are given to me and post at least one real life and one for myself before the end of the challenge.

    A few things to help....

    We will have one more special focus goal this weekend. Watch for it!

    I am removing all limits on compliments. No weekly limits, so post as many as you like to others, real life ones your receive or ones for yourself.

    I am setting the time of 6-9pm PST as our group dance time. If you do not have someone else to dance with (or do Zumba for the wii, Jane Fonda on video tape, etc) then we will count anything done during this time period as being with someone else. For those on the other continent, we will do 6-9pm BST.

    We can still get there from here....we just have to really try. I know we are all busy, this is the beginning of that time of year when outside commitments take over our personal time. But if we are really going to change our lives, change our bodies and DO THIS, we have to be able to do it during this time of the year too.

    Thanks for the challenge within a challenge Becky! Lets get to the summits!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    I have a real life compliment but it isn't weight realted so I am not sure if it counts for this challenge. I have a pumpkin on my desk that I made and one of my coworkers saw it and had to take it off to her department to show someone else and when she brought it back she said she was impressed with how creative and crafty I am and that her coworkers thought it wasn't a homemade craft project. I just thanked her. One of her co-workers just a minute ago came down and asked if I had thought about making any to sell and what would I charge for one. LOL it made me feel good and darn it I am creative and crafty!

    Count it!