Strip clubs for married men?



  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    My wife doesn't have a problem with it, but I have only gone maybe 2 or 3 times in 10 years. I enjoy seeing hot naked women as much as the next guy, but there are much better uses for my money.

    If it is an obsession, it is a problem.

    If the couple is struggling financially, it is a problem.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I don't think it's a problem if you only go once or twice a night.
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I think the club is a better idea than a private party in a hotel room. I heard too many stories about what the strippers do to/with the guys at the private parties. That "no touch" policy doesn't work both ways...
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    I honestly think its normal. I actually go to strip clubs with my fiance. But my fiance is not the first male I've gone to strip clubs with. I've also gone with my ex boyfriend, and two close male friends. Its really all in good fun. Or at least with me, its always been in good fun. Honestly, my fiance and my ex both have said that strips clubs are fun with me because I interact with the strippers. And get them free lap dances. ;-)
  • ShortayBaybay
    Personally, my husband and I will only go together, and that's not because I won't allow him to go alone, or because he won't allow me to go alone, just because we think it's fun to do that type of stuff together. I don't see a problem with it. As long as both people are "okay" with it, then go for it. It's always fun to get out and have some fun. Now of course there will be no touching, lap dances, or anything like that.

    Like someone else said in a reply, guys watch porn all the time, and guys will look at whatever girls they want, no matter if it's at a club, or at walmart, LOL.

    It's all about trust!! =]
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Yea, I'm the crazy ***** that dragged my fiance (then boyfriend) out of a strip club. and he's never been again. His friends (and their wives) adore me and tell me anything and everything. He's never been to another strip club since. It was a topless only club and all the strippers were young moms with the FUPA, c-section scars and saggy boobs. It's still a strip club to me, no matter how you paint it.

    Everyone has their own opinion on the matter but it makes me uncomfortable. Not that he would touch the strippers, even when he was single I don't know that he ever had a lap dance, it just makes me uncomfortabl. This was made clear before we even started seeing each other so he knew exactly how strongly I felt about it. I expect the same respect I give to you.
  • MuffinMan25
    Vegas BABY, VEGAS!!!!! :wink:
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    Let me tell ya girls .. A strip club is much 'safer' for a married man than a regular bar. There are rules of conduct in a strip bar .. Patrons are there to look, enjoy the show and socialize amongst themselves. A bar, on the otherhand .. many more predators on the loose.

    Now having said that .. there is a level of trust that 'should' be enjoyed between two married or even commited people .. It shouldn't matter if they are in a grocery store in a room full of nekid women .. A little self control can preserve a marriage for .. well .. for ever!
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Those strippers don't want your men. It's the tramps at the bar you have to worry about.
  • Bob1062
    Bob1062 Posts: 38
    First off, think of the industry they are in. They are just doing their "job' The girls have no interest in hooking up the the guys. I go maybe once a year and even then its with my wife. We have both had private dances and are fine with it. Would I go alone? Yes, but I would let my wife know and have absolutely no doubt it would be ok.
  • christinaroxz
    I'm one of the rare ladies that actually want to go more then my boyfriend.. lol I have no problem with strip clubs. Like mentioned earlier, they all have rules and regulations that the customers and girls have to follow. Yea it's expensive but who says you gotta go in and spend a boat load of money! I usually only get a pitcher of beer and maybe a few dances depending on the girls working that night.

    They have bills that need paid too!

    And like many others have posted, it really is all about trust. I know at the end of the day my man is coming home to me! :)
  • Ritala1987
    Ritala1987 Posts: 135 Member
    I don't think it's a problem if you only go once or twice a night.

  • YogiGirlLucy
    My hubby and I both went to strip clubs many times before we met each other, heck when I was a party girl I even got up on stage and did a pole dance in my thong and bra once. We have been together for ten years and married for a year and four months, and made a mutual decision that strip clubs, porn, etc. does not add anything beneficial to our relationship. We make our decisions together based on the greatest good, and that just did not fit in anywhere. For my hubby's bachelor party he and his boys did a day of shooting and brewing beer, then they all hit a night club. He did not feel like he was missing out because there wasn't a stripper there. It's not a matter of trust for us, it's a matter of respect for each other and what's best for OUR relationship.

    Lucy :)
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Personally, I follow the 'don't look at another person lustfully' message Jesus gave in the book of Matthew in the Bible and my husband does too.

    I don't think it's appropriate to use human beings as objects or tools to get you turned on. I believe that sexuality should be expressed solely between couples in a committed relationship (and I personally believe that means marriage between a man and a woman, but your opinions may differ...).

    May get flamed, but felt I had to express my opinion. You are, of course, welcome to think and behave how you wish! :smile:
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I'm more likely to be the rowdy one at a strip club than my husband. :laugh: :embarassed:

    I only like it if it feels like an empowering environment, though (which is why burlesque is so awesome). I went to one club once where the gals seemed to come from some rough situations, shall we say, and I felt like I was preying off of them just by being there. :cry: But the gals who are performers and milk the limelight are a treat to watch!
  • lucisept61
    Wow, I was so thinking along a different line when I read the title. I was imagining a strip club where you weren't qualified for the job unless you had at least four stretch marks and your breasts have been used to feed a baby.

    On your actual question, my husband would probably say:

    If you're only making $35,000 a year and feeding a family of 5 do you spend your free time visiting Jaguar dealerships?

    If you're diabetic and on a very restricted diet do you visit every candy shop in the mall?

    If you want to resist temptation don't GO where you can be tempted.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Nope, don't have an issue with it. Of course my life long dream is to own a stripe club. I have a spot in town all picked out and everything. I'm gonna call it the Platinum Cheetah (classy no?).
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    Wow, I was so thinking along a different line when I read the title. I was imagining a strip club where you weren't qualified for the job unless you had at least four stretch marks and your breasts have been used to feed a baby.

    On your actual question, my husband would probably say:

    If you're only making $35,000 a year and feeding a family of 5 do you spend your free time visiting Jaguar dealerships?

    If you're diabetic and on a very restricted diet do you visit every candy shop in the mall?

    If you want to resist temptation don't GO where you can be tempted.
    I rofl'd big time at the "four stretch marks etc"...that's funny. As for going to a strip club, I've been, many years ago when I was single, once or twice a week. My wife and I went to one, once....together. It was fun, bought her a lap dance. I don't really see any reason to go, when a beer is 5$. If I want to drink, I'll do it at home where I don't have to worry about trying to figure out how to get home safely. And my wife will give me a lap dance any time I ask her to, cause she's sweet like that.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    Personally, I follow the 'don't look at another person lustfully' message Jesus gave in the book of Matthew in the Bible and my husband does too.

    I don't think it's appropriate to use human beings as objects or tools to get you turned on. I believe that sexuality should be expressed solely between couples in a committed relationship (and I personally believe that means marriage between a man and a woman, but your opinions may differ...).

    May get flamed, but felt I had to express my opinion. You are, of course, welcome to think and behave how you wish! :smile:

    You know you can express your opinion without breaking the rules and discussing your religion.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I would not like it, and luckily the guys I date do not seem interested enough to go. I am surprised so many women here are A-okay (even encouraging) of this -- nothing wrong with this, but it simply surprises me ^^

    For me, it has nothing to do with insecurity, but rather my definition of respect. Maybe I hang around a different group of people, since as far as I am aware, nobody I know goes to strip clubs...BUT I have never heard of a guy going to a strip club for the food -- it is for arousal. To me, going to a strip club is no different than walking down the street and having your partner say, "Wooooah, she is so hott. I want to have sex with her!"

    Porn doesn't bother me, because it is like when us women watch Antonio Banderas and think the same thing...but to think that of someone who is right in front of you...its different to me ^^

    ps: I agree there are exceptions though, such as bachelor parties. ^^