Do you think you're attractive?



  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    Unfortunately, no, not at all. I have some self esteem issues and believe myself to be very unattractive. Especially because of being over weight.

    There are very few days that I wake up feeling attractive. And even on those days it doesn't last too long. As soon as I have to go anywhere or I see beautiful women on TV, that feeling is completely ruined.
    It's like were the same person.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    You are so not those things.

    I think you and I have some issues in common. LOL :)
  • scleesh
    scleesh Posts: 91 Member
    Unfortunately, no, not at all. I have some self esteem issues and believe myself to be very unattractive. Especially because of being over weight.

    There are very few days that I wake up feeling attractive. And even on those days it doesn't last too long. As soon as I have to go anywhere or I see beautiful women on TV, that feeling is completely ruined.

    You are beautiful darlin'!!!!!!
  • scleesh
    scleesh Posts: 91 Member
    Nope not at all!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    A very kind MFPer sent me a message after I posted on here and they had a very good point.

    I don't feel attractive. When I get compliments from people - and I have to admit in all honesty that I do get compliments on my appearance pretty regularly - I have a habit of thinking that they must need glasses or that they are biased or they must just be comparing me to how I looked 100 pounds heavier when of course I'm better looking now than I was then, but that's not saying a lot.

    But then, like I said, someone sent me a message after reading my post and, after telling me that they thought I was beautiful, they added this:

    I am a child of God, and God doesn't make junk.

    It's true. I am "wonderfully and fearfully made" and that means that - pointy chin, small mouth, freckled skin and all - I am beautiful. And so are you - ALL of you.
  • Luckydrd
    Luckydrd Posts: 56 Member
    I dont
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Not bad for 50 (in November)
  • quigonnjae
    growing up I had fair amount of female friends.. wed be somewhere hanging out or something and theyed say stuff to me like " oooooh did you see that girl over there ... she was sooo checking you out " or "she sooo wanted you man!"...Id always laugh it off and never believed them... They were my friends right ? Friends are supposed to make each other feel good.... anyone else been there before ?
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    growing up I had fair amount of female friends.. wed be somewhere hanging out or something and theyed say stuff to me like " oooooh did you see that girl over there ... she was sooo checking you out " or "she sooo wanted you man!"...Id always laugh it off and never believed them... They were my friends right ? Friends are supposed to make each other feel good.... anyone else been there before ?
    yep been there done that
  • quigonnjae
    growing up I had fair amount of female friends.. wed be somewhere hanging out or something and theyed say stuff to me like " oooooh did you see that girl over there ... she was sooo checking you out " or "she sooo wanted you man!"...Id always laugh it off and never believed them... They were my friends right ? Friends are supposed to make each other feel good.... anyone else been there before ?
    yep been there done that

    on the receiving or giving end ?
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Double post. Sorry. :)
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    growing up I had fair amount of female friends.. wed be somewhere hanging out or something and theyed say stuff to me like " oooooh did you see that girl over there ... she was sooo checking you out " or "she sooo wanted you man!"...Id always laugh it off and never believed them... They were my friends right ? Friends are supposed to make each other feel good.... anyone else been there before ?
    yep been there done that

    on the receiving or giving end ?
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Thanks hun! :) Always awesome to hear. And by the way, DIDO!
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    A very kind MFPer sent me a message after I posted on here and they had a very good point.

    I don't feel attractive. When I get compliments from people - and I have to admit in all honesty that I do get compliments on my appearance pretty regularly - I have a habit of thinking that they must need glasses or that they are biased or they must just be comparing me to how I looked 100 pounds heavier when of course I'm better looking now than I was then, but that's not saying a lot.

    But then, like I said, someone sent me a message after reading my post and, after telling me that they thought I was beautiful, they added this:

    I am a child of God, and God doesn't make junk.

    It's true. I am "wonderfully and fearfully made" and that means that - pointy chin, small mouth, freckled skin and all - I am beautiful. And so are you - ALL of you.

    Just wanted to say that I have the same reaction when I get compliments. It has been suggested to me that I could have BDD.
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    A very kind MFPer sent me a message after I posted on here and they had a very good point.

    I don't feel attractive. When I get compliments from people - and I have to admit in all honesty that I do get compliments on my appearance pretty regularly - I have a habit of thinking that they must need glasses or that they are biased or they must just be comparing me to how I looked 100 pounds heavier when of course I'm better looking now than I was then, but that's not saying a lot.

    But then, like I said, someone sent me a message after reading my post and, after telling me that they thought I was beautiful, they added this:

    I am a child of God, and God doesn't make junk.

    It's true. I am "wonderfully and fearfully made" and that means that - pointy chin, small mouth, freckled skin and all - I am beautiful. And so are you - ALL of you.

    Just wanted to say that I have the same reaction when I get compliments. It has been suggested to me that I could have BDD.
    When I ever get compliments from anyone I always think they are just saying what they think I want to hear. Because the "me" they see and the "me I see, are totally different
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    A very kind MFPer sent me a message after I posted on here and they had a very good point.

    I don't feel attractive. When I get compliments from people - and I have to admit in all honesty that I do get compliments on my appearance pretty regularly - I have a habit of thinking that they must need glasses or that they are biased or they must just be comparing me to how I looked 100 pounds heavier when of course I'm better looking now than I was then, but that's not saying a lot.

    But then, like I said, someone sent me a message after reading my post and, after telling me that they thought I was beautiful, they added this:

    I am a child of God, and God doesn't make junk.

    It's true. I am "wonderfully and fearfully made" and that means that - pointy chin, small mouth, freckled skin and all - I am beautiful. And so are you - ALL of you.

    Just wanted to say that I have the same reaction when I get compliments. It has been suggested to me that I could have BDD.
    When I ever get compliments from anyone I always think they are just saying what they think I want to hear. Because the "me" they see and the "me I see, are totally different

    Yes, totally! That is exactly how I feel. I think it`s pretty frustrating for people. LOL I also obsess over appearance and think about it way more often than what is normal.
    I have read about BDD and think I definitely have it. I will eventually go and talk to someone about it. Can`t live this way forever. :)
  • quigonnjae
    I think we tend to be MUCH too critical on ourselves... I did end up getting married to an absolutly gorgeous woman (im sooo lucky!) .... im a firm believer in the saying "love is blind" cause she truly must be to have agreed to marry my ugly mug LOL
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    A very kind MFPer sent me a message after I posted on here and they had a very good point.

    I don't feel attractive. When I get compliments from people - and I have to admit in all honesty that I do get compliments on my appearance pretty regularly - I have a habit of thinking that they must need glasses or that they are biased or they must just be comparing me to how I looked 100 pounds heavier when of course I'm better looking now than I was then, but that's not saying a lot.

    But then, like I said, someone sent me a message after reading my post and, after telling me that they thought I was beautiful, they added this:

    I am a child of God, and God doesn't make junk.

    It's true. I am "wonderfully and fearfully made" and that means that - pointy chin, small mouth, freckled skin and all - I am beautiful. And so are you - ALL of you.

    Just wanted to say that I have the same reaction when I get compliments. It has been suggested to me that I could have BDD.
    When I ever get compliments from anyone I always think they are just saying what they think I want to hear. Because the "me" they see and the "me I see, are totally different

    Yes, totally! That is exactly how I feel. I think it`s pretty frustrating for people. LOL I also obsess over appearance and think about it way more often than what is normal.
    I have read about BDD and think I definitely have it. I will eventually go and talk to someone about it. Can`t live this way forever. :)
    I know i irritate people lol i ask my bf at least 15 times a day how i look and no matter what he says i think the opposite
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    Erm, no.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I think I am probably a little below average in the looks department. I am super smart though, so I am good with that.