How long have you been single for?



  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Ive been single since March. I have this small problem. Im a loser magnet. No job apply here, @$$hole apply here, self confidence destroyer apply here etc. You get the idea. Im tired of taking care of people for once I want someone who wants to help me not take. Until then I dont need a relationship Ill just keep my FWB.
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    I've been single since 7:30 am last Saturday. My wife will be back on Thursday. Gotta wash the sheets and remove any incriminating evidence on Wednesday.
    LOL... You beat me too it. My wife has been gone since 7 am on Thursday and is due home tonight. Better get there and do the laundry before she gets home...
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    Been single since 2005 when my BF was murdered. Guys dont like me much really. And for the last 2 years I have a major crush on my best friend - now if I could just convince him to return the feelings I would be all set :-)
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    About six months or so. A few interesting options along the way, but no "click," and I won't be with someone just for the sake of being with someone...I need that "click."
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    16 years, I figure I'll do 20 then retire sinlge life and start dating!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    8 days..sigh.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    been many auditions but none that were right for the part

    I'm happy with life as it is now. I'm a single mom and I stay relatively busy...if I meet someone that actually peaks my interest to get to know them, sure why not. Frankly right now, I just do NOT care to get to know someone or have to answer "intimate" details about myself or talk feelings...blagh!
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Been divorced over 3 years. Dated a few losers since then. Gave up totally for over a year. Now I'm just having fun with a kid (yes kid) from work.
  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member
    Ive never had a boyfriend...never really looked for one, but i damn sure prayed one would fall in my lap. LOL Im only 19 and i recently realized that i dont want a boyfriend...i mean seriously why would i need one? haha. ALso, no one is really interested in me since im fat again...unless you count the guy at my local pub who has no teeth. Ive noticed that when i lost weight two years ago much more guys were interested in me, but now that i am fat again, only the guy with no teeth likes me! ;p lol :P
  • n3wlif3styl3
    this is a good way of procrastination reading through the different comments. I just really like how honest everyone is and seeing other people who have never really had a serious relationship which is where I am in life...I have always wanted to be in love but there is a reason for it all and there wasn't anyone in my life (yet) and I see a lot of people around me who try to force relationships and end up hurting. I know the quote "it is it better to loved and hurt to not love at all," but I don't know if the pain is really worth it. I am afraid to put myself out there just to get rejected...... that's probably lame but oh well I am happy with singleness :)

    ps. quick question...
    how do you all feel about girls making the first move?

    (I don't think it's right but everyone's opinion is different)
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    15 years. Last had a boyfriend at age 16.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    My only serious relationship was 2.5 years and ended in April (I didn't have my first bf until 25). Had a not-so-serious thing over the summer, but that ended kind of badly.

    I'm looking, since I'm not getting any younger, but it's far from easy.
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    I have always been single :smile: Dated few times, but nothing serious. and yes, I'm 26 :laugh:

    25 and in the same boat. Been single so long, not sure what I would do if I wasn't.

    29 and ditto
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    Uuuuummmm like a week or so. :D
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    It'll be two years in December, from an 11 year marriage. The separation was really tough on my kids and I was really just focusing on powering through my new situation, which was pretty tough as I went from a stay-at-home mom married to a 'family man' and being able to afford life, to a single, working full time at minimum wage and not being able to afford the basics....while trying to make sure the kids come out of this as unscathed as possible. Things were complicated enough and I didn't have the time or energy for any further complications.

    Also, it's great to be single for the first time in my adult life! I'm getting to the stage now where I'm starting to think it would be nice to have a date once in awhile, but scared that if I got into anything too serious I'd start missing 'single' pretty quickly. If and when anyone is interested in me (and all of my pounds, lol), I'm all for taking it sloooooooooow.
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    my (ex) husband was the 2nd boyfriend I ever had in my life. We split March 2010. Best decision I ever made. I'm still technically married, but he don't live here no more, and he has a girlfriend now anyway. He gave up on trying to make our marriage work well before our son (who will be 3 in Jan) was born. It took me a year to realise this and kick him out.
    I do have to wait a few more years (because I have children under 16 (it's an vic/aus thing, which imo is lame) before filing for divorce.
    I'm use to being independent, and yes it gets lonely and it would be nice to have some support, but at the same time, I never want to be put into that loveless relationship again.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    ps. quick question...
    how do you all feel about girls making the first move?

    (I don't think it's right but everyone's opinion is different)

    Yea I tried to make the first move but it didn't work.. Lol I only had one boyfriend and we went to school together and was bestfriend and just became "bf and gf" then the worst things happened the whole 3 years we been together and then end of July I finally broke up an has been stress free since....

    But just last week made the first move by talking to a guy... And then come to find out.. He has issues... Yea I'm not sure what it's like to just "date" while single... Never done it and I'm now scared of making the first move
  • impudentputz
    impudentputz Posts: 479 Member
    For the past couple years i have been taking a look at my current position in life... Unemployed, over weight, Living with my parents, sarcastic, *kitten*... why would i want to drag anyone into that with me... which is why i have started changing EVERYTHING!
  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member
    For the past couple years i have been taking a look at my current position in life... Unemployed, over weight, Living with my parents, sarcastic, *kitten*... why would i want to drag anyone into that with me... which is why i have started changing EVERYTHING!

    Lol you sound just like me haha :) I personally need to loose weight and love my self before i can love anyone else...i mean im sure no man would want me constantly complaining about how much of a fat *kitten* i am. haha :D
  • emzmc
    emzmc Posts: 85 Member
    Never had a boyfriend. Sorta giving up thinking I will ever have one. But I am kinda happy being alone.