


  • NightSox
    NightSox Posts: 20 Member
    I do.
    Wait. You mean all in one day?
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I think my point was taken wrongly. I'm not saying a woman coudln't do those things. I was stating that the OPs post was sexist in nature, and pointing out that if a man said various things about the female sex, he would be just as bad.

    But to further the point, how many women actually fill the "mother" role well. These generalizations that men don't do housework and can't care for children aren't true, I know many who do, I know many who do not. But the comparison was a bogus one to begin with because I know a lot of mothers who aren't good at child rearing and housework as well.

    Just because I have testicles doesn't mean that the meth-head mom in the trailer park, the woman smoking in a car with her infant, or countless other slackers are better than me at caretaking because of their milk glands.

    How about the moms who don't work outside the house, have full time daycare, and different grandparents watching the kids on the weekends while they have their lunch time martinis and pop pills to "even them out". Better than me? I rather doubt it. Generalizations about gender roles are best left to comedians.
  • Rackminac
    Rackminac Posts: 13 Member
    Nothing is wrong with it.....actually its great that you do......I get home 2.5 hours after my BF , literally I walk in the door at 6:15, do the days dishes from all the kids, make dinner, throw laundry in run kids here and there , and if I dont pass out I maybe make it to the gym, FRUSTRATED!!
    The nice thing about ur post is that he's just your boyfriend kick him to the curb and get a real man...
  • DawnWendalynn1973
    DawnWendalynn1973 Posts: 97 Member
    My hubby is awesome at housework.....cooks dinner enough that I don't have reason to complain. But, it is like pulling teeth for him to go out of his way to drive me anywhere if he isn't interested in the destination. We don't have I am thankful it is just me suffering from this side of his 'manhood' hehe.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Are there any men in this world that clean a house, make dinner and drive kids around?

    My husband cleans half the house and does all the laundry. He only makes breakfast on the weekends and will make dinner if I am sick.........In exchange for my hubby doing the laundry, I do the majority of the cooking.

    We don't have kids but drives the dogs around. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I'm sure they are out there, but i definitely did not marry one. LOL
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    i do this every 4days on my days off, since i work 4on 4off....and i love it.

    i try to have my kids help me though, i want my boys to understand about keeping up with housework, organization, and responsibilities.

    driving them around in my Jeep is one of the best things! specially in the summer, top down, doors off, and sunglasses on!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I have not met one. I am sure they do exist tho, then again I believe in fairies and ghosts too! J/K..... I also do the lawn the weeding the landscaping, painting, and minor home repairs (the internet is a great home owners tool). :wink:

    same here! i'm a stay at home mom and my husband says "hey if i'm home, i should keep up with the yard as well... " grrr and don't get me started with home repairs... I had to fix a few things up because it takes him months and months to get to it after i point it out, in fact probably even years! i just bought myself a repair kit thing with a drill and stuff, so now i'm taking over!!
  • shiggyshane
    yup did all that at one point..hell washed the cars to :)
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Are there any men in this world that clean a house, make dinner and drive kids around?

    yes! my man does. I started changing the way i treated him and talked to him about these things. I talked to him sincerely and explained to him how overwhelmed i was and didnt yell at him about it. I talked to him respectfully and its amazing what happened. He helped and still continues to help.

    Ive come to the realization that all i had to do was ask. The problem with that is I asked but he didnt do it when i wanted him to. I had to learn that regardless, its still got done.

    Plus, I just started delegating to him tasks i need him to do. He was totally cool with it. I think he didnt really know what he needed to do cause i handled it all and then resented him for it.

    Be specific and respectful. Men need to feel respected. Period.

    Wow! You get us. I'm super impressed. You will live a happy and healthy life.

    This could be the most insightful post I've ever read.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Are there any men in this world that clean a house, make dinner and drive kids around?

    yes! my man does. I started changing the way i treated him and talked to him about these things. I talked to him sincerely and explained to him how overwhelmed i was and didnt yell at him about it. I talked to him respectfully and its amazing what happened. He helped and still continues to help.

    Ive come to the realization that all i had to do was ask. The problem with that is I asked but he didnt do it when i wanted him to. I had to learn that regardless, its still got done.

    Plus, I just started delegating to him tasks i need him to do. He was totally cool with it. I think he didnt really know what he needed to do cause i handled it all and then resented him for it.

    Be specific and respectful. Men need to feel respected. Period.

    Wow! You get us. I'm super impressed. You will live a happy and healthy life.

    This could be the most insightful post I've ever read.

    Thank you. I love my life and my marriage. Now, if you had said that to me 5 years ago i would have peed my pants laughing. Im a grown up now. lol
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    my husband does a lot, if I cook he cleans and he does most of our laundry. They are out there and they are awesome! He also wanted to take turns wakin up with the baby every night even when he worked, and I breastfed. he would have me pump so i could sleep. I got very lucky!
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    haha mine sometimes cooks
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    I cook, clean, drive and do whatever needs doing. She does the same. We are partners and that's how partners do. I love her so why would I dump my share of living in our house on her? I think guys that need to be told that they should help out around the house should be nut punched.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Are there any men in this world that clean a house, make dinner and drive kids around?
    My husband does, but I'm not sharing. :flowerforyou:
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    My husband does all of that, but not all the time. We kind of switch off. He is an awesome husband and daddy!!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I caught myself one of these. :-) he even takes the three year old with him to run errands while the one year old is napping so I can get a break. :-D I'm unabashedly bragging about him. He's great. And hunky too. A big muscly Viking type. Rowr. :-D
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    I cook, clean, drive and do whatever needs doing. She does the same. We are partners and that's how partners do. I love her so why would I dump my share of living in our house on her? I think guys that need to be told that they should help out around the house should be nut punched.

    that is how my husband and I do things, as partners
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Are there any men in this world that clean a house, make dinner and drive kids around?

    yes! my man does. I started changing the way i treated him and talked to him about these things. I talked to him sincerely and explained to him how overwhelmed i was and didnt yell at him about it. I talked to him respectfully and its amazing what happened. He helped and still continues to help.

    Ive come to the realization that all i had to do was ask. The problem with that is I asked but he didnt do it when i wanted him to. I had to learn that regardless, its still got done.

    Plus, I just started delegating to him tasks i need him to do. He was totally cool with it. I think he didnt really know what he needed to do cause i handled it all and then resented him for it.

    Be specific and respectful. Men need to feel respected. Period.

    Wow! You get us. I'm super impressed. You will live a happy and healthy life.

    This could be the most insightful post I've ever read.

    Thank you. I love my life and my marriage. Now, if you had said that to me 5 years ago i would have peed my pants laughing. Im a grown up now. lol

    Did you by any chance read Love and Respect. Because you sound like you're quoting it. :-) good stuff about relationships. I highly recommend it for anyone in a committed relationship.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Married 26 years, empty nester as the 3 kids are all grown and moved out and have kids of their own. We both work, therefore we both do stuff around the house. I cook meals, she cooks meals. I clean and straighten up, so does she.
    We've naturally fallen into roles where there are things she normally does and things I normally do, typical stuff like she does laundry and I do yard work. Sometimes we trade off and sometimes we share. She pays about half the bills and I pay the other half, but we always do the same ones so we can stay on top of things.
    I remember our anniversary, she usually forgets. I pile the dishes in the sink and wash them when I'm good and I like to wash, dry, and put away. She prefers to throw everything in the dishwasher for a few days until its full, then finally run it when we're getting low on spoons and such.

    Biggest thing, and I think its been mentioned, is you can ask me to do something, but don't then try to tell me HOW to do it. I'll get it done, and it will be done when I'm ready to do it. If you don't like it, do it yourself! Its funny, I don't recall asking her to do stuff for me...if it needs doing I just do it. She'll remind me in the morning when its garbage day and sometimes that's pretty damn irritating..I've been taking the garbage to the curb for over 20 years and I don't think I need a weekly reminder. Why do women always feel the need to tell us what to do and how to do it? I care for my "disabled" sister too. She constantly does that. I think her only disability is the inability to get along with ANYONE. Fixing a fence at the farm and she will be hovering around and looking over my shoulder asking "are you sure that's the way you want to do that?" Well NO, I REALLY want to do it a different way and thanks for reminding me!!! Duh! Again, if you don't like the way I'm doing it, DO IT YOURSELF! ...Except she doesn't have the knowledge and refuses to learn the basics of hand tools :noway: