


  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I think my point was taken wrongly. I'm not saying a woman coudln't do those things. I was stating that the OPs post was sexist in nature, and pointing out that if a man said various things about the female sex, he would be just as bad.

    But to further the point, how many women actually fill the "mother" role well. These generalizations that men don't do housework and can't care for children aren't true, I know many who do, I know many who do not. But the comparison was a bogus one to begin with because I know a lot of mothers who aren't good at child rearing and housework as well.

    Just because I have testicles doesn't mean that the meth-head mom in the trailer park, the woman smoking in a car with her infant, or countless other slackers are better than me at caretaking because of their milk glands.

    How about the moms who don't work outside the house, have full time daycare, and different grandparents watching the kids on the weekends while they have their lunch time martinis and pop pills to "even them out". Better than me? I rather doubt it. Generalizations about gender roles are best left to comedians.

    She wasn't actually talking about you. She asked a question to see if she was alone in a scenario.
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    God, we women do moan. We all brings different roles to a household, im sure there are things that you man does you dont or cant, ive never dreamt of making my other half do housework, for a start hes rubbish at it, always has been besides his list of duties probably far outweigh mine maybe not time wise, but i couldnt service our car, or work 70 hours a week, protect our house from intruders, make every feel safe, taxi every around, remember how the wiring works for the tv, dvd, stereo system, etc. My other half does so much i couldnt dream of making him wash dishes, i think at the end of the day, its about time mamagement, and organisation. I work 37 hours a week come home to housework, and kids and a dog etc. This is life, we each have roles to play and as long as we know what they all are we can get on with them. I bet theres loads your man does you dont! I feel sorry for you poor men with us winging moaning women!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Why does this thread remind me of this picture...the bravest man in the world...
