Everyday I'm Shreddin it! 30DS 10/11/11



  • madbeach9
    I dread the shred!!
    D3L1 complete. She kicked my butt again! But it feels so good...when it's over! Once I get thru the jumping jacks, jump rope & push ups then I know I can make it.
    I started October 9th because I have a doctor appointment November 9th & am trying to get my 30 in by then. Go down cholesterol, go down.
    Thanks for the inspiration & motivation!!!
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Day 1 completed. Holy cow! I didn't know it was possible for so many body parts to be so completely out of sync with each other. I don't remember jumping jacks and jump roping being that difficult as a child. Of course I didn't have boobs and saddlebags working in total opposition of one another either. Jillian, you're the spawn of the devil.

    HAHAHA!, That's hilarious :)
  • StressedChaos
    StressedChaos Posts: 86 Member
    How long is the actual workout on this? I've always entered it as 20 minutes. Assuming the 3 - 6 minute circuits and about 2 - 3 minute warmup. I've seen everyone logging it in anywhere from 20, 25, and 30 minutes. So, does anyone know the actual time?
  • healthysew
    healthysew Posts: 105 Member
    day one done :) wasn't too terrible, but i have tried it a couple times before, the third round of cardio, i didnt finish i was getting stomach cramps. good start!
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    Would like to join as well! I actually started yesterday, so I'm one just one day ahead. Would love the motivation!
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    How long is the actual workout on this? I've always entered it as 20 minutes. Assuming the 3 - 6 minute circuits and about 2 - 3 minute warmup. I've seen everyone logging it in anywhere from 20, 25, and 30 minutes. So, does anyone know the actual time?

    I logged it as 20 too. I'll be interested to see what others have logged it at.
  • dmtaylor827
    Okay, i went and bought my DVD tonight, I'm ready for the shred! Bring it on Jillian. However, since I didnt have the DVD until late, I ran 2 miles. Hope that counts for something? See you in the am. Thanks for a great day 1.

    Weight 156.5
    Height 5'3
    Dress/pant size 12
    Waist 32
    Thighs 22
    Hip 40
    Arm 12
    Chest 38
  • madbeach9
    I use my heart rate monitor watch & I use the stopwatch. From warm up to stretching at the end it's between 25 & 26 minutes for me.
  • danajotx
    D1L1 complete! Let's keep this up!
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    D2L1 DONE!
  • mallie233
    D1L1 Done. It was surprisingly easier than that one time I attempted it. (It still kicked my *kitten*, but you know what I mean)

    Weight: 162
    Bicep: 12 1/4
    Bust: 38
    High Waist: 33 1/2
    (Fully Belly lol): 39 1/2
    Hips: 43 1/4
    Thighs: 25 3/4

    I know that the workout is hard, and I've seen pictures of what it can do. I just still don't quite believe it though! I don't see any way for this big belly to go away! The funny thing is that I spent WAY more of my life skinny than fat, but I just couldn't imagine anything else at this point. Here's to hoping at least one of those numbers goes down!!
  • dianer75935
    dianer75935 Posts: 186 Member
    Wasnt able to stsrt tonight due to some family stuff but definately tomorrow night.
  • Lowtower
    L1D3 DONE!!
  • dmtaylor827
    L1D1 Done. Suprisingly I woke up about 45 minutes early this morning to get my shred on. It was my first attempt at this DVD and boy was I sweaty. I hope I can keep it up! Have a great day ladies.
  • StressedChaos
    StressedChaos Posts: 86 Member
    D1 - D2 is done!!! It was surprisingly already a little easier then yesterday. My shoulders are sore from yesterday, but not too bad. I hate the side lunges, they always hurt.
  • vinnysgirl
    vinnysgirl Posts: 311 Member
    You lot are doing amazing, it's tough but keep at it, all worth it in the end :happy:

    What size weights is everyone using ?

    I've started with 1.5kg, but they feel like 10kg when I do the lunges :smile:

    I'm doing day 2 when I get home from work before tea, looking forward to it :happy:
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    I think I'm the wimp of the group as I'm only using 2 lb. weights to start. My arms seem to be the weakest part of my body and that's all I can handle at the moment. I'll ramp it up to larger weights as I feel i can.
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    D1 - D2 is done!!! It was surprisingly already a little easier then yesterday. My shoulders are sore from yesterday, but not too bad. I hate the side lunges, they always hurt.

    You go girl!!! I'll be doing mine this afternoon when I get home from work. So looking forward to jumping around in the 90 degree heat we're supposed to get today. Oh well, the more I sweat, the more I'll lose. That's my story anyway, and I'm stickin' to it. Good job Stephanie, Keep it up.
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    How long is the actual workout on this? I've always entered it as 20 minutes. Assuming the 3 - 6 minute circuits and about 2 - 3 minute warmup. I've seen everyone logging it in anywhere from 20, 25, and 30 minutes. So, does anyone know the actual time?

    I logged it as 20 too. I'll be interested to see what others have logged it at.

    My DVD player says it's just over 28 minutes. I usually log it as 30 minutes... but I might be giving myself too many minutes there lol.
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    Great job so far guys!!! We've had a few more that wanted to join us, so I thought I'd put the new list of folks here ... we had one drop out too :(

    So glad you all decided to join me on this, I think it's so great to have a group to hold me accountable and to listen when I want to gripe about how much it hurts LOL.
