Everyday I'm Shreddin it! 30DS 10/11/11



  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    Level one day 3 done!!
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    L1D1 (second time around - had to stop after 21 days last time due to an unrelated shoulder injury)

    Started with my little weights (about 1lb each) but will progress to my regular weights tomorrow. Legs don't burn half as much as I expected them to but my arms feel like lead.

    Having been through level 2 and one day of level 3 before I am going to work on my arms and core more seriously this time - that means trying to do regular (not modified) push ups.

    Alarms set to get my punishment, I mean workout :tongue: , in before my son wakes up in the morning :happy:
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Just a little added motivation for everyone, last time I did this, after only 10 days I had lost a couple of lbs, several inches, but most importantly, the fatty dimples all over my thighs went away, completely!!
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    Just a little added motivation for everyone, last time I did this, after only 10 days I had lost a couple of lbs, several inches, but most importantly, the fatty dimples all over my thighs went away, completely!!

    I can't tell you how much I like the sound of that.
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    I must warn you that I did absolutely bust my *kitten* each and every day without fail and was also doing 2 or 3 7.5km walks in a week too.
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    L1D2 done :)
  • madbeach9
    D4L1 done. That's farther than I got last time I started it.

    I gotta tell you, if it wasn't for this thread I would have skipped today. After a crazy day at work like today the old me would have eaten everything in sight. Today I came home & shred!! Thanks all!

    Also I am wondering for those who have done this before- when will my upper belly roll & lower belly roll get smaller?
  • buckaroos30
    buckaroos30 Posts: 127 Member
    day 3 done. I started with 5 lbs weights the first two days but I am so sore I switched to some 3 lbs today. maybe I will change back to the 5's after a week or so.
  • mallie233
    L1D2 Done. Ugh.

    Okay, I'm so glad I have this thread. I already know i'm not alone with the sore arms after the lunge/lift combo. I use 3lb weights but I'm thinking of switching to 1lb just during those parts. Otherwise I'm fine on the arms. Oh but the push-ups. I am truly PATHETIC! I can maybe do five or six in a row, then I need a break. It's soooooooo hard to start back up again. I feel like i'm going to fall flat on my face.I'm just in absolute misery when it comes to those two things that I really think it's keeping me down. I did get better on the other parts however. As long as I close my eyes to do the jumping jacks I feel like I can endure it better. Lol.

    28 days to go. I still don't see how i'll lose anything by then. It's such a small window of time! I think I'm just feeling fat today :(
  • kutechick
    kutechick Posts: 64 Member
    L1 D2 - Done -- I used 5lb weights and can feel the burn in my arms now!! 28 days and counting to a more toned me!

    C.W = 167
    Chest = 37.5
    Waiste = 36
    Hips = 43
    R. arm = 13.5
    L. arm = 13.5
    R. thigh = 23.5
    L. thigh = 23
    Dress size = 12
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    Ok just finished level 1 day 2 I know i didn't post yesterday except to ask if I joined but i did it yesterday too! I am using three different sets of weights through out the work out. I use 5 lb weights for almost everything. i use 8 lb weights for the dumbell row and 8 lb for the chest flys and 2 lb for the side lung and anterior raise. i have tried to use 5 lb for this but i can't get through them all if I use 5 lbs. I am incredibly sore, i followed the shred up with a 4.5 km run on my elliptical just to add a bit more of a burn to my night! Go shredders!!! i will post my measurements tommorrow as i don't have a measuring tap e at home!
  • Jazznit
    Jazznit Posts: 27 Member
    hi i was wondering if i could join the group? i started today D1L1!
    I loved hearing jillian's words of encouragement and pushed myself harder
    then i normally would have...

  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    D4L1 done. That's farther than I got last time I started it.

    I gotta tell you, if it wasn't for this thread I would have skipped today. After a crazy day at work like today the old me would have eaten everything in sight. Today I came home & shred!! Thanks all!

    Also I am wondering for those who have done this before- when will my upper belly roll & lower belly roll get smaller?

    Sandy.. I'm so happy this is helping you!!! But remember.. You're the one that made the decision to do it and you're the one that busted your butt getting it done instead of what normally comforts you. You should be proud!! As you know this is my 2nd round
    and YES the belly rolls will change. I did do it every day for 30 days with no breaks... including my hungover saturdays etc lol. I didn't do any extra workouts just did the 30 day shred. I am holding out on sharing my before and afters until round 2 is over but omg what a difference after just round 1! I promise you if you stick with it and stay within your calorie goals you will be sooo happy with the results. It's only 30 days.... Think about it that way... It really helped me push myself when I thought about it like that. Look, I treated myself to whatever I wanted including laziness for YEARS I can at least dedicate 30 days for doing something good for my body. I deserve at least that!
  • LauraWall727
    LauraWall727 Posts: 17 Member
    D2L1 Done!!!! Everyone is doing such a FANTASTIC job!! This is also my 2nd round of 30DS and the in first round, I kept taking pics at the end of each 10 days or level to see progress! I will tell you what, I SAW PROGRESS!!! I did a front tummy and side tummy in each picture and it's so nice to have the reference. My profile pic is strictly from 30 DS and counting those cals!! Even if you just keep them on a special folder in your phone for only you to see! I LOVE the inspiration you all give to one another! Keep it up! LET"S DO THIS RIGHT!! Good luck everyone! P.s. I have a 3 lb set and a 5 lb set of dumbells and alternate depending on what my muscles can handle for the day! Keep shredding!!!
  • jybarra11
    I did d1 last night and today I completed d2... =)
  • veronikafit
    Sounds like a good plan and proud of your success!! ii am new to this and would like to know the is the exercise plan the same for everyone or individual? thank you
  • Lowtower
    D4L1 complete!!
  • spiceshirl
    Hey can I join? started on Sunday 9th october, so am on day 5 today (13/11/2011) level1. have done my before pictures but not my measurement will take them tonight! Please PM me a response if its ok to join this group really want the motivation to keep going!!

  • kutechick
    kutechick Posts: 64 Member
    Good morning People!!!

    L1 D3 - done and I'm feeling great!!

    Have a great day to all my 30DS friends!!
  • elizabethdear95
    Day 2 level 1 down! I feel really good right now! So proud of you all!