Motivated Momma's Week 4 (closed group)



  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Part 1
    New Exercises: Nothing new today
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Beat last weeks calories burnt. Goal posted at 2500. Working on it :smile:

    Strength challenge: 3 + 3 Bonus = 6 Possible Points
    Created by Renu

    Done - claiming 1 point
    hundreds Day 1 - claiming 1 point

    Food challenge: 10 Possible Points
    Created by Tasha
    Part 1: No eating after 8pm. Done - claiming 1 point
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water at least 5 days this week. Done - claiming 1 point

    Emotional Challenge: 7 Possible Points
    Created by Tasha
    How is your self esteem? Done claiming 1 point

    In total I'm claiming 4 points today and I'm on track for a few more. Loving this week's challenge ladies!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Part 1- Incomplete 0 pt
    Part 2- Complete 1 pt
    Part 3- Incomplete 0pt

    Strength: Incomplete 0 pt

    Food Challenge:
    No Food after 8- Incomplete 0 pt
    8 Glasses of water: Complete 1pt

    Emotional: Incomplete 0 pt

    Total points: 2
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Emotional challenge 1-

    In my journey of weight loss, I have learnt that each bite you eat really really counts.. Before, I would just assume that I am eating ok and I am within the calorie range.. But actually I was eating tons and tons of calories.. Having discovered mfp was a blessing in disguise and I wouldnt have come so far in this journey... I wouldn't have realized the importance of logging food and am happy that I am doing it now.. I know I am slowly moving towards healthy eating and I can say no to unhealthy foods without being guilty...
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I am very annoyed today.. not for the weight gain.. We bought a racquetball few days back and I had decided I am gonna play daily in the morning time as the court will be available in the morning... But, one of my hubby's colleague had taken it 2 days back and we kept reminding him to return it.. Even yday night we reminded him to return, but hasn't returned it yet.. I am so so angry because he is spoiling my exercise plan.. When he comes to return it, he is gonna get it from me and I am going to tell straight forward that I wont let him take it again...

    :laugh: :laugh: You are one tough cookie!!:laugh:
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I wasn't sure where we are posting out weigh in... so I will post it here too!

    My Progress
    Starting MFP Weight: 286.6
    MM Starting Weight (9/21): 267.4
    Week 1 Weight (9/28): 269
    Week 2 Weight (10/5): 268.6
    Week 3 Weight (10/12): 266.6
    Week loss/gain: -2

    I am very excited about this weeks weight loss. I finally lost 20 lbs! What a great feeling!!!!! Only 15 left to reach my first mini goal!

    Amazing Job Girl!!!! You deserve it, you work so hard!! I am proud that I have been here to be a part of your journey! Your one amazing lady!:drinker:
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I'm excited to share my weigh in with you all. I weighed myself this morning fully expecting to not lose anything (since my weight loss has dramatically slowed down), but I was shocked to see that I had a 2lb. loss since last Wednesday! I was so excited that I woke up my husband to tell him, he had to get up soon for work anyways :)

    Last week's weight: 129 lbs.
    Today's weigh in: 127 lbs.
    2 lb. loss

    Fantastic!!! That is on amazing loss from such a little lady! Congrats!:flowerforyou:
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Emotional Challenge:
    One thing I am super proud of so far is that I can Run! I started slow walking 5min then running 1min, now I am able to run for 30-45min straight, let's just say it is more of a slow jog than a "Run" but I am still feeling like it is a great accomplishment.

    Cardio Challenge:
    Part1- 0
    Part 2- 1
    Part 3- Work in progress

    Strength Challenge:
    Part 1 - 1
    Part 2 bonus points- 1

    Kitchen closed- 1
    Water- 1

    Emotional Challenge-1

    Todays total: 6 Points
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Cardio Challenge:
    Part1- 0- same old Gazelle workout...
    Part 2- 1
    Part 3- It's coming...

    Strength Challenge:
    Part 1 - Monkey abs and airplane leans! Did the airplanes for 60 seconds.. but discovered that my left balance is much better then my right!!
    Part 2 bonus points- 0- Can I say how scared of the hundreds I am?? ;)

    Kitchen closed- 1
    Water- 1

    Emotional Challenge-1

    I actually had a conversation today with a friend ( who is now on MFP, as of a few days ago) who got me talking about my journey. She was SO happy for me to make it down to the 180's ( I had done a weight loss thing with her before that was unsuccessful .. and was at 220 then..[ she had done very well with it then, but is now back to her original weight..]), and I lapped it all up. :smile: So we got talking about all the things I had learned about myself since then, and all the changes that come about with weight loss. Most important to me were the mental things-- a LOT of them, emotional challenges from here! I think that taking the time to really do the mental and emotional crap with weight loss is something that I've never done before-- and my mind and body feels SO much better for doing it this time. I KNOW that it's a journey that has no time limit. If I'm up a week or two, not a big deal. I miss a few workouts here or there.. not a big deal. It's certainly a lifestyle change this time, and my family and I are benefiting from it no matter what ( plus, it's a little easier to do it without any freak out stress! Lol..). But yeah, I feel stronger than I have in a long time.. not just physically. Yaaaayyy!! ;)

    Todays total: 5 Points
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Emotional Challenge:
    One thing I am super proud of so far is that I can Run! I started slow walking 5min then running 1min, now I am able to run for 30-45min straight, let's just say it is more of a slow jog than a "Run" but I am still feeling like it is a great accomplishment.

    That's huge!!! I'm just starting running here and there... You SHOULD be proud!! Fly that flag, honey!! :)
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Emotional challenge 1-

    In my journey of weight loss, I have learnt that each bite you eat really really counts.. Before, I would just assume that I am eating ok and I am within the calorie range.. But actually I was eating tons and tons of calories.. Having discovered mfp was a blessing in disguise and I wouldnt have come so far in this journey... I wouldn't have realized the importance of logging food and am happy that I am doing it now.. I know I am slowly moving towards healthy eating and I can say no to unhealthy foods without being guilty...

    It's crazy how those things add up, hey? You've evidently learned so much-- love it!!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Phew! Just looking at this challenge makes me tired! Great job girls!

    Tasha, LOVE the self esteem challenge! I have one I'd like to share right away: I am proud of the strength I am gaining. When I first started this I could barely do 1 girly-style (from the knee push up). Seriously! ONE pushup was too much for me! This morning I was doing my 30DS workout, and as many of us know JM loves her pushups and I was able to do 30 seconds of pushups. Yes, they were still girly-style (I mean, c'mon I still weigh 225lbs!) but still, I could do them, with good form, without stopping and it felt good!!! And as she announced that it was time for the next move I was like "wait a sec... did I just do that?!?!" so I am very proud of myself for that!

    Renu, I think you may be trying to kill me with the core work but I love you for pushing me girl!!! I'm gonna kill those bonus points baby!!!

    Yaay for endurance!!! I still do the Knee push ups.. someday, I dream of doing them on my fists!! ( although, not really a huge dream.. I'm guessing I'll still hate them at that point too!! Lol..)
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I am very annoyed today.. not for the weight gain.. We bought a racquetball few days back and I had decided I am gonna play daily in the morning time as the court will be available in the morning... But, one of my hubby's colleague had taken it 2 days back and we kept reminding him to return it.. Even yday night we reminded him to return, but hasn't returned it yet.. I am so so angry because he is spoiling my exercise plan.. When he comes to return it, he is gonna get it from me and I am going to tell straight forward that I wont let him take it again...

    I saw that you got to get out tonight... did you put the fear in to him?!? LOL...Too funny. You'll have that 3 lbs dealt with in no time with your rage!! :wink:
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I'm excited to share my weigh in with you all. I weighed myself this morning fully expecting to not lose anything (since my weight loss has dramatically slowed down), but I was shocked to see that I had a 2lb. loss since last Wednesday! I was so excited that I woke up my husband to tell him, he had to get up soon for work anyways :)

    Last week's weight: 129 lbs.
    Today's weigh in: 127 lbs.
    2 lb. loss

    The 2 hardest things for me for this week's challenge are going to be:
    1. Doing something different for exercise, as I have a routine that I stick to and don't really try new things, LOL
    2. No eating after 8 pm, as my evening snack is usually between 8:30-9 pm

    Yaaay! That's awesome! Just when you think it's slowing down, hey? And, not weighing yourself for a week made it THAT much more exciting!! Lol..
    And you can do it-- step outside of the box!!! :happy:
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I wasn't sure where we are posting out weigh in... so I will post it here too!

    My Progress
    Starting MFP Weight: 286.6
    MM Starting Weight (9/21): 267.4
    Week 1 Weight (9/28): 269
    Week 2 Weight (10/5): 268.6
    Week 3 Weight (10/12): 266.6
    Week loss/gain: -2

    I am very excited about this weeks weight loss. I finally lost 20 lbs! What a great feeling!!!!! Only 15 left to reach my first mini goal!

    YAAAAYYYY!! 20 lbs is awesome!!! I'm close enough to that one to taste it too-- I just have to live vicariously through you right now!!
    And, "powering through" Slim in 6?? Holy moly! That's awesome!!!!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    OK, im so amped and ready to get through this weeks challenges, I fell off in a big way over the weekend and having a sick kiddo didnt help, Im feeling like im catching whatever he's got today but Im still gonna power through and get it all done...(told my husband this too and he said thats because you're "super freakin' awesome mom" LOL). Posted points and weight on the week 3 thread, only 0.6 lbs lost this week but atleast I didnt gain!

    Your hubby is right.. you ARE a "super freakin' awesome mom". And don't you forget that!!!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 1:
    One thing that I have accomplished so far in my journey is much more energy. Sure, I'm still tired and would love to just veg out on the couch some days, but I'm able to do so much more now than I could/would before. For example, when we went to DisneyWorld in July/August this year, we walked ALL DAY LONG for like 11 hours and I was tired, but before my journey started there would have been NO WAY it would have even been possible. So, my extra energy makes me feel great because I am able to be around and more active with my boys.

    It's awesome how the changes you make in your life can make it SO OBVIOUS on how they are making your life better. You REALLY got to enjoy your time with your family on that one-- something that you might have even dreaded before. Yaay! (hugs)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member

    Emotional Challenge-1

    I actually had a conversation today with a friend ( who is now on MFP, as of a few days ago) who got me talking about my journey. She was SO happy for me to make it down to the 180's ( I had done a weight loss thing with her before that was unsuccessful .. and was at 220 then..[ she had done very well with it then, but is now back to her original weight..]), and I lapped it all up. :smile: So we got talking about all the things I had learned about myself since then, and all the changes that come about with weight loss. Most important to me were the mental things-- a LOT of them, emotional challenges from here! I think that taking the time to really do the mental and emotional crap with weight loss is something that I've never done before-- and my mind and body feels SO much better for doing it this time. I KNOW that it's a journey that has no time limit. If I'm up a week or two, not a big deal. I miss a few workouts here or there.. not a big deal. It's certainly a lifestyle change this time, and my family and I are benefiting from it no matter what ( plus, it's a little easier to do it without any freak out stress! Lol..). But yeah, I feel stronger than I have in a long time.. not just physically. Yaaaayyy!! ;)

    Todays total: 5 Points

    I love this answer, the emotional challenge when I first started all this was just a rough idea I had, I know I have "issues" to deal with and it wasn't just the food and lack of exercise thet got me here. I am glad it has become a permenant challenge in our weekly challenges.
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I think my calories burned are off. Since I've started this new lifting program all of my sets are super sets and I'm only getting about 30 seconds of rest in between super-sets. The first 2 weeks are full body work-outs, ten exercises are only taking 30-35 minutes or so, and by the time I'm done I'm sweating and out of breath.
    If I buy a HRM then I can't get new weights til next month, and I really need heavier weights. Anyone know any way to do this without a HRM?

    Check out this article of a "Refeernce Guide to Exercise Intensity":

    There is no great way to calculate your calories burned without an HRM however that being said, as you get closer to your goal weight and get to a higher level of fitness, the difficulty in burning calories increases dramatically; what I found is that initially MFP was pretty spot-on the calories burned estimates but as I find myself more fit, the calories burned is off by approx. 30 - 50 % depending on the exercise. Just "listen" to your body, trust yourself to know when you truly NEED more nutrients vs. just emotional eating. My thoughts are that I would go with the weights; HRMs are nice but I just use my body as a guide (not as accurate but you will know when you are off by the results you get).

    I also really recommend checking out Jillian Michael's book "Making the Cut"; she talks about how the last 20 pounds has to be "attacked" completely differently than your initial weight loss. She also has a podcast-radio show that's free on iTunes that is really quite good in terms of having some excellent information & discussion on health & wellness.

    Hope that helps a little!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I have to go to bed; sooo in need... will post wed. tomorrow am... sorry everyone; I just may lose my mind!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Self Esteem Challenge Day 2: What am I proud of today? Well, as some of you may have noticed from my status updates, my *kitten* hurts. A lot. Which had me worried that something was wrong. I mean, I've done the 30DS workout once before and I never felt like this. I felt tired and winded and some muscle ache but not this deep muscle ache I've got going now. So last night I was chatting with my husband and in the course of that conversation I realized that the reason I'm feeling it more is because I am doing each exercise with better form. I am going deeper into my squats and lunges. I am attacking each move with everything tha I've got. Not that I wasn't giving it my all when i did this workout the 1st time almost 2 months ago. It's just that my "all" is a hell of a lot more now! Not only that but I'm able to move through each circuit without stopping and wheezing to catch my breath. After realizing this I was so excited for today's workout I had trouble falling asleep! And this morning I really paid attention to my form and realized that even tho I naturally keep my eyes on the chick with the "beginner modification" moves my body is getting a LOT closer to the "full force" gal on the left. Goes to show that mind body connection. Even tho mentally I still feel like a beginner my body is natrally pushing harder. I've talked before about the "fat-girl" mentality I'm plagued by. Apparrently my body is sick of taking that crap and is ready to prove exactly what I am capable of!!

    So I had an awesome workout again this morning. And my butt still hurts. As do my quads and my shoulders and my abs... but you know what? That's the kinda ache I can and do take pride in :wink: