Motivated Momma's Week 4 (closed group)



  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Today is SO tough for me (actually the week so far)... the emotional challenge sums it up: I am struggling with that self esteem "wall" of mine and I am having a tough time believing in myself (logically yes, emotionally no). Makes NO sense...

    Here's my Wed. and Thurs...

    WE. 10/12 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)

    Part 1, something new (0/3) = no
    Part 2, log cals burned(0/7) = no

    Part 1(1/3) = heal touch & leg lifts
    Bonus (1/3) = hundreds

    Part 1, no eat. after 8pm (0/5) = no
    Part 2, water (1/5) = yes

    How is your self esteem? Not good; my biggest "wall" has been the mind games I plan on myself- I can indeed be unrealistic & cruel to myself... even after everything I have accomplished, it is so hard for me to cheer for myself and proclaim my wins; at the moment that is my biggest struggle.
    Accomplishment (1/7)= inspiring others by my example (having people ask ME for exercise advice).

    TH. 10/13 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)

    Part 1, something new (1/3) = new core routine
    Part 2, log cals burned(1/7) = yes

    Part 1(1/3) = monkey abs & airplane leans
    Bonus (1/3) = no

    Part 1, no eat. after 8pm (0/5) = no
    Part 2, water (2/5) = yes

    How is your self esteem? struggling today...
    Accomplishment (2/7) = dropping an average of 5 pants sizes and wearing "skinny" jeans
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Cardio Challenge:
    Log calories burned: Complete 1pt

    Strength challenge:
    Day1: Complete 1pt

    Bonus point-
    Hundreds: Complete 1pt

    Food challenge:
    No eating after 8: Complete 1pt
    Water: Complete 1pt
  • rapitup
    rapitup Posts: 20 Member
    Day 3 Emotional Challenge
    Being able to stop snacking through out the night. is another accomplishment for me even this weeks food challenge not having anything at all after 8 has been a huge change for me! and they both make me feel so grand :drinker:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    I realized today that with my weigh in last week, I'm out of the 190's, which not only is another decade done.. but I'm out of the "Obese" range with my BMI!!! Whoohoooo!!! I'm loving that one!!a few more pounds down, and I'll be almost the same weight I was when I finished high school. :noway: Crazy, I know!!!

    Such an inspiration! I long to rid my self of the term 'obese' so badly! I'm so proud of you!!! Keep going strong my friend!!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Thurs:
    ~ Alternanting heel touch & double leg lift~ done
    ~ First set of hundreds~ done
    ~ Part 2 of Butt Bible~ done
    ~ Log calories~ yep
    ~Kitchen closed at 6:30
    ~ Over 8 glasses of water
    ~ Went shopping to find a dress for a wedding this week-end, aggh I hate clothes shopping!! Picked out a few dresses, went in the fitting room and that's when the trouble began. The first dress I tried on was a small and it was way too tight. Okay, I got it from the Jr.'s dept, a small in Jr.'s a small in Misses are too completely different animals. So got a Med, it fit nice, well as I was tring on the other dresses I happened to glance in the mirror while I was undressed and caught a side view of myself, :noway: All I could think is OMG is my stomach still that fat?! I look awful, self esteem went right in the crapper!! I tried reasoning in my head, your reflection is distorted, you know how much your measurements are, your not fat! But that damn mirror argued back that my stomach still looked puffy and pregnant.
    I know I've come a long way, and I know I have a ways to go, to get to were I want to be, but it just kills me that so much of feeling good about myself is based on how flat one area of my body is. I guess I'll just have to get some crazy sexy shoes to take any focus away from the tummy area!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    ~ Went shopping to find a dress for a wedding this week-end, aggh I hate clothes shopping!! Picked out a few dresses, went in the fitting room and that's when the trouble began. The first dress I tried on was a small and it was way too tight. Okay, I got it from the Jr.'s dept, a small in Jr.'s a small in Misses are too completely different animals. So got a Med, it fit nice, well as I was tring on the other dresses I happened to glance in the mirror while I was undressed and caught a side view of myself, :noway: All I could think is OMG is my stomach still that fat?! I look awful, self esteem went right in the crapper!! I tried reasoning in my head, your reflection is distorted, you know how much your measurements are, your not fat! But that damn mirror argued back that my stomach still looked puffy and pregnant.
    I know I've come a long way, and I know I have a ways to go, to get to were I want to be, but it just kills me that so much of feeling good about myself is based on how flat one area of my body is. I guess I'll just have to get some crazy sexy shoes to take any focus away from the tummy area!!!

    I am sorry you had a bad shopping experience, I think we all have times like this. First of all your wearing a med junior! Wow:drinker: That is amazing! I know we sometimes pick ourselves apart and why do we continue to do this after working so hard? Maybe pull out some old pictures and remind yourself how far you have come. Did you take before pictures of yourself in your underwear that might help.
    I also think we have to learn to accept and love certain things about ourselves, we may never have the "flattest" stomachs because we were unkind to ourselves in the past or we have had kids but we just need to find our confidence and show it.
    I was reading a success story last night and it was about this women who had lost like 100 lbs and she had alot of extra skin but in her post she showed everything, she was in her underwear. In her last pictures she was clothed and looked really beautiful, It just made me remember to not try to focus on my body image issues but to keep focused on being the healthiest I can be. Healthy has a really beautiful "glow" on people and I am sure people see that in you.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member

    I am sorry you had a bad shopping experience, I think we all have times like this. First of all your wearing a med junior! Wow:drinker: That is amazing! I know we sometimes pick ourselves apart and why do we continue to do this after working so hard? Maybe pull out some old pictures and remind yourself how far you have come. Did you take before pictures of yourself in your underwear that might help.
    I also think we have to learn to accept and love certain things about ourselves, we may never have the "flattest" stomachs because we were unkind to ourselves in the past or we have had kids but we just need to find our confidence and show it.
    I was reading a success story last night and it was about this women who had lost like 100 lbs and she had alot of extra skin but in her post she showed everything, she was in her underwear. In her last pictures she was clothed and looked really beautiful, It just made me remember to not try to focus on my body image issues but to keep focused on being the healthiest I can be. Healthy has a really beautiful "glow" on people and I am sure people see that in you.

    Thank You, I know everything you said is right. My view of myself is still distorted, my brain KNOWS this!! My eyes haven't gotten the message yet.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Points for yesterday:

    Food-2, (no food after 8, and recommended water)

    Emotional challenge day 3-These are really tough for me because its hard to focus on myself like this...because my self esteem is still so low. I guess a major change I noticed happened last weekend. While we were camping we decided to go on a hike, it was quite a few down hill slopes and hills which meant to get back to our car we had to go uphill. My little boy didnt like this part very much so I picked him up and carried him. Not only did I just carry him up the hills, I kinda ran to get him up to the top a little faster. Hubby was really struggling to get up these hills, and he paused and said "hey are you okay carrying him...oh you're running ok!" I laughed so hard because he was like all right slow down the old fat guy is still back here!! I ran all the way up to the top, and back to our car before collapsing in a sweaty out of breath pile! It was exhilerating! I guess my stamina is really getting better!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Points from Yesterday!!

    Total of 28 Possible Points
    Cardio Challenge: 5 Possible Points
    Part 1 - Try Something New 0/3pt
    Part 2 - Log your calories every day 0/1 point
    Part 3 - Beat last week’s calories burnt 0/1 point

    Strength challenge: 3 + 3 Bonus = 6 Possible Points

    Part 1 – 0/1
    Monkey abs do one set of 60 seconds
    Airplane Leans do one set of 30 seconds each leg

    Part 2 – 0/1
    Alternating Heal touch do one set of 60 seconds
    Double leg lifts do one set of 60 seconds

    Part 3 – 0/1
    Single leg lifts do one set of 60 seconds
    Single leg stretch do one set of 60 seconds

    Bonus point- 0/3
    Do the hundreds for 3 days and earn 3 bonus points
    Do 50 for 3 days and earn 2 bonus points
    Do 25 for 3 days and earn 1 bonus point

    Food challenge:
    Part 1 - No eating after 8pm 2/5
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water 2/5

    Emotional Challenge 2/7

    Thursday Points = 3
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Points for yesterday:

    Food-2, (no food after 8, and recommended water)

    Emotional challenge day 3-These are really tough for me because its hard to focus on myself like this...because my self esteem is still so low. I guess a major change I noticed happened last weekend. While we were camping we decided to go on a hike, it was quite a few down hill slopes and hills which meant to get back to our car we had to go uphill. My little boy didnt like this part very much so I picked him up and carried him. Not only did I just carry him up the hills, I kinda ran to get him up to the top a little faster. Hubby was really struggling to get up these hills, and he paused and said "hey are you okay carrying him...oh you're running ok!" I laughed so hard because he was like all right slow down the old fat guy is still back here!! I ran all the way up to the top, and back to our car before collapsing in a sweaty out of breath pile! It was exhilerating! I guess my stamina is really getting better!

    That is so awsome!!(big fist pumps)
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 3:
    Today I am proud of myself for the work I am putting into having my family be healthier, too. At first, my journey was all about me just losing weight so I wouldn't be so "fat." But it has slowly changed for myself to become healthier too and then eventually into my husband and kids getting healthier too. I am not a cook or adventurous/experimentar AT ALL in that department, but I am pretty proud of myself will the recipes I have been doing lately. I usually find something that sounds good on and then adjust it to our tastes and eliminate stuff (mostly salt and sugar) or change ingredients to healthier items. My work is paying off too because my 7 year old has told me that he prefers the healthy stuff that I make (instead of pre-packaged foods) and my DH even said how much he liked my recent banana oatmeal wafffles that I make (he isn't that fond of a lot of the stuff that I have made, he'll eat it but not really enjoy it).

    Here's today's points breakdown:
    Total of 28 Possible Points are available this week! 25 challenge + 3 bonus. Remember to keep track on the spreadsheet!

    Cardio Challenge: 5 Possible Points
    Part 1
    Something new: 2/3 points--none today

    Part 2
    Log your calories every day : 0/1 point (waiting until the end to make sure I do it everyday)

    Part 3
    Beat last weeks calories burnt: 0/1 point (waiting until the end to make sure I do it)

    Strength challenge: 3 + 3 Bonus = 6 Possible Points
    Monkey abs and airplane leans will get 1 point in total: Completed 1/1 point

    Day 2
    3. Alternating Heal touch – ( Do one set of 60 seconds
    4. Double leg lifts –( )- Do one set of 60 seconds
    Alternating heal touch and double leg lifts will get 1 point in total

    Day 3
    Single leg lifts and single leg stretch will get get 1 point in total: Completed 1/1 point

    Bonus point-
    (Note- you can keep your knee bent in the 90 degree angle and you can do it in sets or all at once)
    Do the hundreds for 3 days and earn 3 bonus points: Completed 1 day, still need to do 2 more
    Do 50 for 3 days and earn 2 bonus points
    Do 25 for 3 days and earn 1 bonus point

    Food challenge: 10 Possible Points
    Created by Tasha
    Part 1: No eating after 8pm. Lets try to stay away from the kitchens starting at 8pm 5 days this week: 3/5 points
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water at least 5 days this week: 3/5 points

    Emotional Challenge: 7 Possible Points
    Created by Tasha
    How is your self esteem? Are you focusing on the great accomplishments you have made and taking pride in them? This journey is about becoming healthy again and regaining your self esteem. This challenge is worth 7 points. Every day this week tell us about something you have accomplished during your journey and how it has made you a feel. You get one point per day.
    3/7 points

    Today's points: 3 points
    Total points: 13/28 points
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 3:
    I now crave fruits and veggies everyday! I always enjoyed fruits and veggies and had them often but now I find my self in the produce isle salivating over all of it. Also when we go shopping my son always asks for an apple, I mean every time we go, he loves apples, I usually buy a bag and let him snack on one while we shop. I am glad I am able to show him the good things to eat.

    It was my day off and I had big plans for a great workout but I ended up getting a migrain and Harper had a stomach bug all day so it was pretty much shot, back at it tomorrow though.

    I will still get my kitchen closed, emotional point and my water point so that is a plus.

    Todays points- 3
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    What a busy busy day I have had. I had a Dr appointment for myself this morning, just the yearly check up, nothing serious. I also was dealing with a sick little boy, no fun for either of us. I have been thinking really hard all day today about other accomplishment I have made, I knew it was only going to get harder, but I didn't expect it to get hard on day 3! LOL! I will give it a go anyway.

    Emotional challenge day 3 -
    I used to avoid mirrors like they were the plague! I hated to look in them, or even pass them because I might catch a glimpse of something I didn't like. When I started to lose weight and get healthy I still hated them. It wasn't until recently that I finally was tired of adverting my eyes every time I might see my reflection. I stood in front of the mirror and I looked at myself from the side and the front, I didn't like what I saw but I came to terms with it. I know that my body was far from perfect, but not I also know that I am on the right path to make it look better. I am able to walk past mirrors now on most days without trying to not see. So, I guess my accomplishment is not being in denial and avoiding the truth anymore. I feel better know that I can face myself!

    Total of 28 Possible Points
    Cardio Challenge: 5 Possible Points
    Part 1 - Try Something New 0/3pt
    Part 2 - Log your calories every day 0/1 point
    Part 3 - Beat last week’s calories burnt 0/1 point

    Strength challenge: 3 + 3 Bonus = 6 Possible Points

    Part 1 – 1/1
    Monkey abs do one set of 60 seconds
    Airplane Leans do one set of 30 seconds each leg

    Part 2 – 0/1
    Alternating Heal touch do one set of 60 seconds
    Double leg lifts do one set of 60 seconds

    Part 3 – 0/1
    Single leg lifts do one set of 60 seconds
    Single leg stretch do one set of 60 seconds

    Bonus point- 0/3
    Do the hundreds for 3 days and earn 3 bonus points
    Do 50 for 3 days and earn 2 bonus points
    Do 25 for 3 days and earn 1 bonus point

    Food challenge:
    Part 1 - No eating after 8pm 3/5
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water 3/5

    Emotional Challenge 3/7

    Friday Points = 4
  • bmccrary
    Sorry i haven't been on ladies.
    sorry, i have just had a really bad week. I got sick missed work, tried making up my hours at work by working 12 hrs straight, and then ended up hurting my ankle to the point where it hurts to walk. ive been sleeping downstairs because i cant bare to walk up the stairs and the computer is up stairs so thats why i haven't been on.
    . i sprained it really bad two years ago and i don't think it healed right because i have days or moments when it will just start hurting like this. this time i think it hurts from being on it for that long for several days.

    I really am sorry i haven't been on.

    i just read this weeks challenge and i am really excited to get back in there and start it back up.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Emotional challenge 3- Skipping breakfast... I never used to have my breakfast as I was not hungry at all... But, I would be so hungry during the lunch time that eat more than required... But once I made up my mind to reduce my weight and felt that I should never skip the breakfast.. But now I never skip my breakfast and also since I am lazy to cook early in the morning I always keep cereals handy so that I dont have to skip breakfast..
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Emotional challenge 3- Skipping breakfast... I never used to have my breakfast as I was not hungry at all... But, I would be so hungry during the lunch time that eat more than required... But once I made up my mind to reduce my weight and felt that I should never skip the breakfast.. But now I never skip my breakfast and also since I am lazy to cook early in the morning I always keep cereals handy so that I dont have to skip breakfast..

    Now that's a tough habit to break; way to go!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Sorry i haven't been on ladies.
    sorry, i have just had a really bad week. I got sick missed work, tried making up my hours at work by working 12 hrs straight, and then ended up hurting my ankle to the point where it hurts to walk. ive been sleeping downstairs because i cant bare to walk up the stairs and the computer is up stairs so thats why i haven't been on.
    . i sprained it really bad two years ago and i don't think it healed right because i have days or moments when it will just start hurting like this. this time i think it hurts from being on it for that long for several days.

    I really am sorry i haven't been on.

    i just read this weeks challenge and i am really excited to get back in there and start it back up.

    No need to apologize; take care of yourself- you'll be ready when you are ready, know what I mean? Just believe that you are worth the effort & keep trying; that's all anyone can ask! Hope you have a speedy recovery; glad to see you here! :heart:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    Emotional challenge day 3 -
    I used to avoid mirrors like they were the plague! I hated to look in them, or even pass them because I might catch a glimpse of something I didn't like. When I started to lose weight and get healthy I still hated them. It wasn't until recently that I finally was tired of adverting my eyes every time I might see my reflection. I stood in front of the mirror and I looked at myself from the side and the front, I didn't like what I saw but I came to terms with it. I know that my body was far from perfect, but not I also know that I am on the right path to make it look better. I am able to walk past mirrors now on most days without trying to not see. So, I guess my accomplishment is not being in denial and avoiding the truth anymore. I feel better know that I can face myself!

    I love your statement, "I feel better know that I can face myself!"... that really resonated with me as being something that I am coming to terms with too; when I was thinking of my accomplishments, I never really thought of my progress with mirrors as being a part of that but it really is! Thank you for sharing this!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 3:
    Today I am proud of myself for the work I am putting into having my family be healthier, too. At first, my journey was all about me just losing weight so I wouldn't be so "fat." But it has slowly changed for myself to become healthier too and then eventually into my husband and kids getting healthier too. I am not a cook or adventurous/experimentar AT ALL in that department, but I am pretty proud of myself will the recipes I have been doing lately. I usually find something that sounds good on and then adjust it to our tastes and eliminate stuff (mostly salt and sugar) or change ingredients to healthier items. My work is paying off too because my 7 year old has told me that he prefers the healthy stuff that I make (instead of pre-packaged foods) and my DH even said how much he liked my recent banana oatmeal wafffles that I make (he isn't that fond of a lot of the stuff that I have made, he'll eat it but not really enjoy it).

    Love the effect on your family; that is an AMAZING feeling as a Mom!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    Emotional challenge day 3-These are really tough for me because its hard to focus on myself like this...because my self esteem is still so low. I guess a major change I noticed happened last weekend. While we were camping we decided to go on a hike, it was quite a few down hill slopes and hills which meant to get back to our car we had to go uphill. My little boy didnt like this part very much so I picked him up and carried him. Not only did I just carry him up the hills, I kinda ran to get him up to the top a little faster. Hubby was really struggling to get up these hills, and he paused and said "hey are you okay carrying him...oh you're running ok!" I laughed so hard because he was like all right slow down the old fat guy is still back here!! I ran all the way up to the top, and back to our car before collapsing in a sweaty out of breath pile! It was exhilerating! I guess my stamina is really getting better!

    The emotional challenges are really tough for me too- but we CAN do this! Congrats on your stamina; way to go!!