Motivated Momma's Week 4 (closed group)



  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    I am sorry you had a bad shopping experience, I think we all have times like this. First of all your wearing a med junior! Wow:drinker: That is amazing! I know we sometimes pick ourselves apart and why do we continue to do this after working so hard? Maybe pull out some old pictures and remind yourself how far you have come. Did you take before pictures of yourself in your underwear that might help.
    I also think we have to learn to accept and love certain things about ourselves, we may never have the "flattest" stomachs because we were unkind to ourselves in the past or we have had kids but we just need to find our confidence and show it.
    I was reading a success story last night and it was about this women who had lost like 100 lbs and she had alot of extra skin but in her post she showed everything, she was in her underwear. In her last pictures she was clothed and looked really beautiful, It just made me remember to not try to focus on my body image issues but to keep focused on being the healthiest I can be. Healthy has a really beautiful "glow" on people and I am sure people see that in you.

    Thank You, I know everything you said is right. My view of myself is still distorted, my brain KNOWS this!! My eyes haven't gotten the message yet.

    It's not only our eyes but it's also our heart... :heart:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    ~ Went shopping to find a dress for a wedding this week-end, aggh I hate clothes shopping!! Picked out a few dresses, went in the fitting room and that's when the trouble began. The first dress I tried on was a small and it was way too tight. Okay, I got it from the Jr.'s dept, a small in Jr.'s a small in Misses are too completely different animals. So got a Med, it fit nice, well as I was tring on the other dresses I happened to glance in the mirror while I was undressed and caught a side view of myself, :noway: All I could think is OMG is my stomach still that fat?! I look awful, self esteem went right in the crapper!! I tried reasoning in my head, your reflection is distorted, you know how much your measurements are, your not fat! But that damn mirror argued back that my stomach still looked puffy and pregnant.
    I know I've come a long way, and I know I have a ways to go, to get to were I want to be, but it just kills me that so much of feeling good about myself is based on how flat one area of my body is. I guess I'll just have to get some crazy sexy shoes to take any focus away from the tummy area!!!

    Shawn, I feel where you are... I am battling very similar body image issues; my trainer keeps telling me how amazing my journey has been, so do my friends; the gym manager where I workout wants me to post my success story on their bulletin board but yet, why do I not see it the same way? The heart/ emotions are still a work in progress I guess... we need to welcome ourselves to where we ARE, motivate ourselves to go where we have never been, and love ourselves throughout the entire journey.
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Day 3 Emotional Challenge
    Being able to stop snacking through out the night. is another accomplishment for me even this weeks food challenge not having anything at all after 8 has been a huge change for me! and they both make me feel so grand :drinker:

    You are awesome; way to go!
  • rapitup
    rapitup Posts: 20 Member
    Day 4 of Emotional Challenge:

    I used to always want the closest parking space available and would just sometimes just make one in order not to walk very far. But now I dont I get in every ounce of exercise I can! To become a healthier me! :flowerforyou:
  • rapitup
    rapitup Posts: 20 Member
    Thats amazing :flowerforyou:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hey gals, sorry I haven't been on much in the last 2 days. lots of family and friends with my bday and what not. Anyways, my exercising sucked today but even with a lunch out I kept my eating under control! I didn't count the calories at lunch but I did stop eating when I felt full. For me, that is a BIG deal :smile:
    Part 1
    New Exercises: made an attempt at jogging. not fast but I did it! 1 point
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Beat last weeks calories burnt. Goal posted at 2500. Working on it!

    Food challenge: 10 Possible Points
    Created by Tasha
    Part 1: No eating after 8pm. Done - claiming 2 point
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water at least 5 days this week. Done - claiming 2 point

    Emotional Challenge: 7 Possible Points
    Created by Tasha claiming 1 point
    How is your self esteem? hmmm... the last 2 days it has been both good and bad. I feel great about the fact that I'm starting my 27th year on the right foot. i feel like I have control over my food/exercise/weight issue and that is adding to my confidence a lot... but at the same time... I kinda feel like crap. Not sure why but today I was getting ready to go out and instead of wearing any of the nice, new, smaller size shirts I dug through my closet and drawers (literally, I had to SEARCH!) for a larger shirt to wear. I made a large donation to a local charity recently of a bunch of the clothes that were now too big for me but I kept one shirt. It's waaaay too big on me but I wore it today. I felt like I wanted to hide my body, even though I know I look kinda silly in this shirt that doesn't even fit me. As I type this I wonder if maybe it had anything to do with the fact that I was allowing myself a "cheat/splurge" meal. Subconscious guilt perhaps? I'm really not sure.

    In total I'm claiming 5 points for today and yesterday.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 4 -
    My greatest accomplishment has been the decision to start losing weight and then to stick to that. When I started losing weight this time it seemed like an impossible task that I was setting for myself. I felt like I wanted to be healthy but that I would never be able to lose all of the weight that I want to. It felt overwhelming and hard! I have never been great at logging food and keeping track of the intake of everything. Lucky for me MFP makes it so much easier that I could have hoped for. I have had a few bumps in the road, already struggled through a plateau and kept going! Normally when I hit a plateau or have a bad week that is the end of the diet, but this time I pushed through and feel like I claimed a victory for that battle. I know there will be many more times that I need to fight through, but knowing that I was finally able to do it once gives me courage that next time I will fight through it again and stick with it!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Total of 28 Possible Points
    Cardio Challenge: 5 Possible Points
    Part 1 - Try Something New 1/3pt - I went for a walk today with my son and we took a totally different walk then normal with hills and everything. It was a lot of fun!!!
    Part 2 - Log your calories every day 0/1 point
    Part 3 - Beat last week’s calories burnt 0/1 point

    Strength challenge: 3 + 3 Bonus = 6 Possible Points

    Part 1 – 1/1
    Monkey abs do one set of 60 seconds
    Airplane Leans do one set of 30 seconds each leg

    Part 2 – 0/1
    Alternating Heal touch do one set of 60 seconds
    Double leg lifts do one set of 60 seconds

    Part 3 – 0/1
    Single leg lifts do one set of 60 seconds
    Single leg stretch do one set of 60 seconds

    Bonus point- 0/3
    Do the hundreds for 3 days and earn 3 bonus points
    Do 50 for 3 days and earn 2 bonus points
    Do 25 for 3 days and earn 1 bonus point

    Food challenge:
    Part 1 - No eating after 8pm 4/5
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water 4/5

    Emotional Challenge 4/7

    Saturday Points = 4
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 4:
    Today I am proud of myself because I completed my first ever 5K. Even though I walked most of it, I walked as fast as I could the entire time, while pushing Casyn in a stroller, and I did run/jog some of it. I didn't get the best time and I was dissapointed, but the most exciting thing is that I can't wait to do another one! I'm still not a runner by any means, but just the idea that I can just walk a 5K (and not be the last person or even if the last group of people to finish), is a huge accomplishment for me! I am actually proud of myself today :)

    Here's today's points breakdown:
    Total of 28 Possible Points are available this week! 25 challenge + 3 bonus. Remember to keep track on the spreadsheet!

    Cardio Challenge: 5 Possible Points
    Part 1
    Something new: 3/3 YAY :)

    Part 2
    Log your calories every day : 0/1 point (waiting until the end to make sure I do it everyday)

    Part 3
    Beat last weeks calories burnt: 0/1 point (waiting until the end to make sure I do it)

    Strength challenge: 3 + 3 Bonus = 6 Possible Points
    Day1: Completed 1/1 point

    Day 2
    3. Alternating Heal touch – ( Do one set of 60 seconds
    4. Double leg lifts –( )- Do one set of 60 seconds
    Alternating heal touch and double leg lifts will get 1 point in total

    Day 3: Completed 1/1 point

    Bonus point-
    (Note- you can keep your knee bent in the 90 degree angle and you can do it in sets or all at once)
    Do the hundreds for 3 days and earn 3 bonus points: Completed 1 day, still need to do 2 more
    Do 50 for 3 days and earn 2 bonus points
    Do 25 for 3 days and earn 1 bonus point

    Food challenge: 10 Possible Points
    Part 1: No eating after 8pm. Lets try to stay away from the kitchens starting at 8pm 5 days this week: 3/5 points--Not today!
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water at least 5 days this week: 4/5 points--Completed today :)

    Emotional Challenge: 7 Possible Points
    4/7 points

    Today's points: 3 points
    Total points: 16/28 points
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    As I type this I wonder if maybe it had anything to do with the fact that I was allowing myself a "cheat/splurge" meal. Subconscious guilt perhaps? I'm really not sure.

    I can relate! Sometimes if I know I am going to cheat I feel bad about myself and my clothes just don't feel right!! Hope you had a great birthday though!!!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 4:
    Today I am proud of myself because I completed my first ever 5K. Even though I walked most of it, I walked as fast as I could the entire time, while pushing Casyn in a stroller, and I did run/jog some of it. I didn't get the best time and I was dissapointed, but the most exciting thing is that I can't wait to do another one! I'm still not a runner by any means, but just the idea that I can just walk a 5K (and not be the last person or even if the last group of people to finish), is a huge accomplishment for me! I am actually proud of myself today :)

    Awesome job! I want to do a 5k someday! And even a half marathon too! What a great accomplishment!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Emotional challenge-4

    Regular visit to gym... Before getting into the thought of weight loss, I had no idea how to use the various equipments in the gym..In India, I usually used to dance and burn my calories, but then i was in US.. It was first time I even thought of going to gym..Before that I never had an issue of over weight, I wanted to lose weight when I came to US.. I have 2 reasons for it.. One I had lots and lots of time to exercise and second I was putting on more weight and becoming a couch potato.. I know, here it is common to go to gym and exercise, but back in India only few people go to gym.. It is usually perceived as people who want to build their muscles (mostly guys).. Now I feel guilty of myself in case I don't go to the gym and exercise..
  • bmccrary
    emotional challenge day 4: One of my accomplishments since trying to lose weight is that i no longer constantly snack at work during my breaks. Before when i would go on break i would always grab some kind snack like chips, a small pastry a lady would bring in tamales and i would grab one sometimes and the one day of the week where i have nothing but computer work to do i would have something on my desk that i could snack on all day. I am proud to say that its been a while since i have done that. if i do grab a snack i usually grab a banana or an apple or i will put together some vegetables from home to bring with me. i am now trying to work on not drinking a diet coke everyday. that is one addiction i find hard to give up. i will go two weeks without one then i start back up again.

    today i worked the monkey abs and the airplane lifts into my work out routine i put together for myself.
    here is my routine.

    5 mins of pre workout stretches.
    go walking for 30 to 45 mins (outside, treadmill or walk at home video)
    do my challenge exercises
    30 to 45 mins of either EA Active or one of the workout videos from exercise tv (if i have time both)
    5 mins of stretching

    eventually i want to turn those walks into runs and maybe extend the time to an hour.

    i drank my 8 glasses of water but i ate after 8. my boyfriend wanted me to meet him after work for dinner. he got off at 9:30

    total points for today: 4
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    can't post tonight... 1st 1/2 marathon tomorrow! wish me luck... gotta sleep now...
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I have a question for the group.. I tried out new abs workout today, but I was really finding it hard to do the side planks (advanced one-- without getting your knees down, balancing only with the foot portion and elbows/palms).. Has anyone mastered this side plank, if yes how?? Also, rollups without using your hands?

    Anyways I have tried this new abs workout, but my abs, thighs,glutes were crying loud and I wanted to scream as
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 5 -
    One of my accomplishments has been my dedication to working out. Before it wouldn't have taken much for get me to not go. I could have come up with an excuse to skip my workout, but now I don't let the little things stop me. I make sure to get my workouts in and when I miss them I end up doing a home workout to make up for it. It makes me feel good knowing that I have that new dedication!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 5:
    Today I am proud of myself for not using food as my comfort. When upset, I used to turn to food as a way to comfort me. Tonight, I am extremely frustrated with my husband, but instead of turning to food for comfort, which I still *want* to do, I am proud of myself for not doing it because I don't want that for myself.

    Here's today's points breakdown:
    Total of 28 Possible Points are available this week! 25 challenge + 3 bonus. Remember to keep track on the spreadsheet!

    Cardio Challenge: 5 Possible Points
    Part 1
    Something new: 3/3 YAY :)

    Part 2
    Log your calories every day : 0/1 point (waiting until the end to make sure I do it everyday)

    Part 3
    Beat last weeks calories burnt: 0/1 point (waiting until the end to make sure I do it)

    Strength challenge: 3 + 3 Bonus = 6 Possible Points
    Day1: Completed 1/1 point

    Day 2
    3. Alternating Heal touch – ( Do one set of 60 seconds
    4. Double leg lifts –( )- Do one set of 60 seconds
    Alternating heal touch and double leg lifts will get 1 point in total

    Day 3: Completed 1/1 point

    Bonus point-
    (Note- you can keep your knee bent in the 90 degree angle and you can do it in sets or all at once)
    Do the hundreds for 3 days and earn 3 bonus points: Completed 1 day, still need to do 2 more
    Do 50 for 3 days and earn 2 bonus points
    Do 25 for 3 days and earn 1 bonus point

    Food challenge: 10 Possible Points
    Part 1: No eating after 8pm. Lets try to stay away from the kitchens starting at 8pm 5 days this week: 3/5 points--Not today :(
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water at least 5 days this week: 5/5 points--Completed today :)

    Emotional Challenge: 7 Possible Points
    5/7 points

    Today's points: 2 points
    Total points: 18/28 points
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Total of 28 Possible Points

    Cardio Challenge: 5 Possible Points
    Part 1 - Try Something New 1/3pt - I went for a walk today with my son and we took a totally different walk then normal with hills and everything. It was a lot of fun!!!
    Part 2 - Log your calories every day 0/1 point
    Part 3 - Beat last week’s calories burnt 0/1 point

    Strength challenge: 3 + 3 Bonus = 6 Possible Points

    Part 1 – 1/1
    Monkey abs do one set of 60 seconds
    Airplane Leans do one set of 30 seconds each leg

    Part 2 – 0/1
    Alternating Heal touch do one set of 60 seconds
    Double leg lifts do one set of 60 seconds

    Part 3 – 0/1
    Single leg lifts do one set of 60 seconds
    Single leg stretch do one set of 60 seconds

    Bonus point- 0/3
    Do the hundreds for 3 days and earn 3 bonus points
    Do 50 for 3 days and earn 2 bonus points
    Do 25 for 3 days and earn 1 bonus point

    Food challenge:
    Part 1 - No eating after 8pm 4/5
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water 5/5

    Emotional Challenge 5/7

    Sunday Points = 2
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Emotional challenge 5- Calorie counting... When we go out for lunch or dinner, I would end up counting calories on how much I eat.. And make sure that I don't overeat... After logging food for these many days, I know approximately the number of cals each food carries.. My hubby would start smiling the moment I start Also, I am glad that I not only make healthy choices, but also have control over the portions.. When we go on vacation, I begin to count the calories based on the exercises which we get like walking, hiking or something else.. I must admit that I am so addicted to counting these calories, I can't get over them..heheh..
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Day 4 of Emotional Challenge:

    I used to always want the closest parking space available and would just sometimes just make one in order not to walk very far. But now I dont I get in every ounce of exercise I can! To become a healthier me! :flowerforyou:

    LOVE it!