Motivated Momma's Week 4 (closed group)



  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Cardio Challenge: 5 Possible Points
    Created by Nathalie

    Part 1
    It's easy to get bored of exercising or to get complacent. In order to keep losing weight and getting fit we need to keep challenging our bodies, and in order to not get bored we need to try and find exercise we enjoy. Try something new this week, a new sport, a new class, a new piece of equipment in the gym or even just a new dvd! Post ideas on here for different things for others to try.
    You get 1 point for each different new exercise you try up to a total of 3 points. Don't feel like you have to do 3 though as it is a big ask in a busy life!

    Part 2
    Log your calories every day - 1 point

    Part 3
    Beat last weeks calories burnt - 1 point

    Hey all noticed a bit of confusion happening with the cardio points. Part 2 and 3 are worth 1 point each for the week NOT 1 point per day. The total cardio challenge as laid about by Nathalie is worth 5 points. The breakdown is above. So only claim a point for parts 2 & 3 if you complete the challenge by the end of the week.

    I'm totally cool if we want to change it to daily points but then we need to make sure the group is all on the same page. Thoughts?
  • rapitup
    rapitup Posts: 20 Member
    Wow! This is an awesome challenge for this week I'm still learning how to get to the weeks thread but I believe I've gotten it figured out was wondering how do I get the logos on my posts gained 1.3 pounds since last week. The emotional challenge is very different for me especially since I'm always beating myself up. Everyone feel free to give me pointers:happy:
  • rapitup
    rapitup Posts: 20 Member
    Love the emotional challenge this week here is my first:

    Havent been in this transformation mode very long but me just taking the jump by myself and wanting to change is a big accomplishment for me! So far I've lost 5lbs just because of the weight I gained on yesterday I normally give up but I've decided to hang in there until the end! I know that about 3 in one post but just a little bit over :bigsmile:

    Last week weight:267.4
    This week weight:268.5
    gain: 1.1:sad:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Wed:
    ~monkey abs & airplane abs~ done
    ~kitchen closed at 6:45~ done
    ~over 8 glasses of water
    ~tried Butt Bible video, not sure if I liked it, not much of a burn, I'm going to try it again on Friday.
    ~ I think I've realize that I'm not as dependant on the scale as I thought I was, when I stepped on the scale Wed morning and saw I had gained a pound, it wasn't a big deal, I didn't get that huge sense of disappointment that I would have felt a month ago.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    I am very annoyed today.. not for the weight gain.. We bought a racquetball few days back and I had decided I am gonna play daily in the morning time as the court will be available in the morning... But, one of my hubby's colleague had taken it 2 days back and we kept reminding him to return it.. Even yday night we reminded him to return, but hasn't returned it yet.. I am so so angry because he is spoiling my exercise plan.. When he comes to return it, he is gonna get it from me and I am going to tell straight forward that I wont let him take it again...

    I saw that you got to get out tonight... did you put the fear in to him?!? LOL...Too funny. You'll have that 3 lbs dealt with in no time with your rage!! :wink:

    hahah.. actually he didnt come to return it, he sent his but yes i burned huge calories playing racquetball.. :-)
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Wow! This is an awesome challenge for this week I'm still learning how to get to the weeks thread but I believe I've gotten it figured out was wondering how do I get the logos on my posts gained 1.3 pounds since last week. The emotional challenge is very different for me especially since I'm always beating myself up. Everyone feel free to give me pointers:happy:

    As soon as you post on the team thread it will show up in your "My Topics". So you just have to go to Message Boards - My Topics and it should be there. We start a new thread every week so next Tuesday evening/wednesday morning someone (most likely Karie - NewLife_11 or myself) will post a note on the thread that includes the link to the new one. Then you jsut post on the new one and again, it will appear in your My Topics.

    I give Karie huge props for including the emotional component in this and our previous challenge. At first I thought it was kinda random (sorry Karie! lol!) but after a week or two of the insightful questions I truly recognized for the first time in my life how deep my emotional issues about food, self image and my weight go. By particiapting in the emotional challenges I've acknowledged and started to deal with some deep issues and I honestly don't belive I would be having nearly the same suceess or motivation to keep going.

    We all have faced issues of self esteem, some worse than others. Personally, I beat myself up all the time. But I also know that as I gain confidence in myself I do so less and less. So please feel free to share openly as you go through this change. Glad you are with us!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Well, I didnt do my emotional challenge for yesterday, I got my workout in and did the strength and the hundreds...which werent as hard as I thought they would be! Last night things went south real quick though and I ended up doped up on cold meds curled up in a ball on the couch all night (GRRRR) and its official according to the doc we all have the flu YIPPEE :grumble: I told him thats fine, give me some meds so I can get back to my normal self and work out this afternoon. And he told me to take a break for a few days:frown: IDK how Im gonna do this! Im gonna gain so much weight back its not even funny!!! :sad:

    Here's my points from yesterday and I'll try to get something done today...I hate feeling like im letting everyone down!

    Strength-1pt 1 bonus pt
    Food-2pts(no food after 8 and WAY more then 8 glasses of water)

    Emotional challenge day 2-
    My biggest thing is not seeing what other people see. I never have EVER, but not when someone says "Hey have you lost weight?" I can look at myself and say "Well yes I have!!" and actually believe it! I am far far far away from being comfortable in my skin, but I think seeing the differences in myself, and believing when other people tell me I look good, is a HUGE baby step in the right direction.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Emotional challenge 2- Yesterday I was playing racquetball and planned to play only for 20 mins as I thought I wouldnt have energy to play for longer.. But I ended playing for 35 mins and I was still not tired but my tummy was asking for more food as I was damn hungry.. But still I wanted to exercise more, so worked on strength for sometime and then treadmill.. Earlier I used to make excuses for not working out but now I make excuses for working Energy level has increased so much.. I completed 100 lunges, 75 sqauts and 50 situps and I was not tired yet.. Wow I am loving because it has increased my stamina and what better can a dancer ask for...Yay!!

    Also, racquetball got me 1 point for yday for trying a new sport, 1 point for kitchen closing before 8 ( i was damn hungry in the morning), 1 point for emotional challenge- total 3 points
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Total of 28 Possible Points
    Cardio Challenge: 5 Possible Points
    Part 1 - Try Something New 0/3pt
    Part 2 - Log your calories every day 0/1 point
    Part 3 - Beat last week’s calories burnt 0/1 point

    Strength challenge: 3 + 3 Bonus = 6 Possible Points

    Part 1 – 0/1
    Monkey abs do one set of 60 seconds
    Airplane Leans do one set of 30 seconds each leg

    Part 2 – 0/1
    Alternating Heal touch do one set of 60 seconds
    Double leg lifts do one set of 60 seconds

    Part 3 – 0/1
    Single leg lifts do one set of 60 seconds
    Single leg stretch do one set of 60 seconds

    Bonus point- 0/3
    Do the hundreds for 3 days and earn 3 bonus points
    Do 50 for 3 days and earn 2 bonus points
    Do 25 for 3 days and earn 1 bonus point

    Food challenge:
    Part 1 - No eating after 8pm 1/5
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water 1/5

    Emotional Challenge 1/7

    Wednesday Points = 3
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 2-
    One of my accomplishments has been eating. I used to eat WAY too much, way too often and way to fatty and high in calories! My husband and son ate whatever I ate and so they were eating the unhealthy foods too! Since I started this journey my eating habits have slowly changed and so have theirs. We hardly ever eat out anymore, we eat less fatty foods and we eat structured meals and snack less. My husband sometimes says, I am so happy we are eating healthier, I don't even like the really greasy foods anymore. I couldn't agree with him more! I don't like the taste of really greasy foods anymore! Also, our portion sizes have changed so much! I made tacos last night and realized I was so full after 2 and so I stopped, before I could have eaten 3 or 4 and maybe would have felt sick later for it!
    I am so happy that we made this change now before my son developed the same bad habits we had!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I am so happy that we made this change now before my son developed the same bad habits we had!

    TAsha, I couldn't agree more! I am so grateful that my hubby and I have taught ourselves about good nutrition and healthy eating habits before we exposed our son to our previous bad habits. Glad to hear that your changes are positively affecting your family as well :happy:
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 2:
    I am proud of my healthy/healthier food choices that I have been making since starting my journey. For example, today I had a doctor's appointment and decided to run errands in that town while I was there. I left the house at 9am and didn't get back until 3pm. What I would have done *before* is just stop at any fast food place that looked good and get some greasy fried food and eat way too much of it. Instead today, I still stopped somewhere, but I chose ChickFilA because they have good salads that are pretty filling too. I ate a salad and after lunch, Casyn got some ice cream (HUGE treat for him, as he hardly ever gets any) and I just sat there talking to him and taking pictures of him. The "fat girl" inside of me was telling me to get some cheesecake or a milkshake or some ice cream, but I knew that if I did eat it, I would feel bad bout it and I didn't actually NEED it.

    Here's today's points breakdown:
    Total of 28 Possible Points are available this week! 25 challenge + 3 bonus. Remember to keep track on the spreadsheet!

    Cardio Challenge: 5 Possible Points
    Created by Nathalie

    Part 1
    Something new: 2/3 points for today

    Part 2
    Log your calories every day : 0/1 point (waiting until the end to make sure I do it everyday)

    Part 3
    Beat last weeks calories burnt: 0/1 point (waiting until the end to make sure I do it)

    Strength challenge: 3 + 3 Bonus = 6 Possible Points
    Created by Renu

    Monkey abs and airplane leans will get 1 point in total: Completed 1/1 point

    Day 2
    3. Alternating Heal touch – ( Do one set of 60 seconds
    4. Double leg lifts –( )- Do one set of 60 seconds
    Alternating heal touch and double leg lifts will get 1 point in total

    Day 3
    Single leg lifts and single leg stretch will get get 1 point in total: Completed 1/1 point

    Bonus point-
    (Note- you can keep your knee bent in the 90 degree angle and you can do it in sets or all at once)
    Do the hundreds for 3 days and earn 3 bonus points: Completed 1 day, still need to do 2 more
    Do 50 for 3 days and earn 2 bonus points
    Do 25 for 3 days and earn 1 bonus point

    Food challenge: 10 Possible Points
    Created by Tasha
    Part 1: No eating after 8pm. Lets try to stay away from the kitchens starting at 8pm 5 days this week: 2/5 points
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water at least 5 days this week: 2/5 points

    Emotional Challenge: 7 Possible Points
    Created by Tasha
    How is your self esteem? Are you focusing on the great accomplishments you have made and taking pride in them? This journey is about becoming healthy again and regaining your self esteem. This challenge is worth 7 points. Every day this week tell us about something you have accomplished during your journey and how it has made you a feel. You get one point per day.
    2/7 points

    Today's points: 5 points
    Total points: 10/28 points
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Part 1
    New Exercises: Introduced a new toning workout. Claiming 1 point!
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Beat last weeks calories burnt. Goal posted at 2500. Working on it!

    Strength challenge: 3 + 3 Bonus = 6 Possible Points
    Created by Renu

    Done - claiming 1 point
    hundreds Day 1 - claiming 1 point

    Food challenge: 10 Possible Points
    Created by Tasha
    Part 1: No eating after 8pm. Done - claiming 1 point
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water at least 5 days this week. Done - claiming 1 point

    Emotional Challenge: 7 Possible Points
    Created by Tasha
    How is your self esteem? Done claiming 1 point

    In total I'm claiming 5 points today and I'm on track for a few more.
  • rapitup
    rapitup Posts: 20 Member
    emotional challenge day 2:

    Adding different types of veggies and fruit to my diet and my household! Has been a plus for us I find myself staying fuller more! Stress level has also decreased; It makes me feel like there is chance of transformation!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Cardio Challenge:
    Part1- 1- Bob Harper's Weight loss Yoga! Bought this a while ago, and still had to take it out of the package tonight. Not a huge torcher, as I'm used to cardio, but I'm pretty sure I'll still be feeling it tomorrow!
    Part 2- 1
    Part 3- It's coming...

    Strength Challenge:
    Part 1 - Monkey abs and airplane leans! Did the airplanes for 60 seconds.. but discovered that my left balance is much better then my right!!
    Part 2 bonus points- 1/3-day 1 done!

    Kitchen closed- 1
    Water- 1

    Emotional Challenge-1

    I realized today that with my weigh in last week, I'm out of the 190's, which not only is another decade done.. but I'm out of the "Obese" range with my BMI!!! Whoohoooo!!! I'm loving that one!!a few more pounds down, and I'll be almost the same weight I was when I finished high school. :noway: Crazy, I know!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member

    I realized today that with my weigh in last week, I'm out of the 190's, which not only is another decade done.. but I'm out of the "Obese" range with my BMI!!! Whoohoooo!!! I'm loving that one!!a few more pounds down, and I'll be almost the same weight I was when I finished high school. :noway: Crazy, I know!!!

    That must feel amazing!! Congrats you sure have earned it!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Emotional Challenge
    Day 2
    Today at work we got a big shipment of boxes and in the past I would call our maintenance guys to come and get them but instead I went down the snowy hill and helped the UPS guy bring them all up, he was surprised and greatful I could tell. It added a great workout to my day, it is amazing how many more things I do now knowing they will burn those extra calories. While working on the computer at worked today, I turned the music up and danced while working, that was a great little burn too!

    I went for a great little 20 min walk and 18min jog tonight with my little guy in the stroller so that was fun! Hope you all have a great night.

    Total of 28 Possible Points
    Cardio Challenge: 5 Possible Points
    Part 1 - Try Something New 0/3pt
    Part 2 - Log your calories every day 0/1 point
    Part 3 - Beat last week’s calories burnt 0/1 point

    Strength challenge: 3 + 3 Bonus = 6 Possible Points

    Part 1 – 1/1
    Monkey abs do one set of 60 seconds
    Airplane Leans do one set of 30 seconds each leg

    Part 2 – 1/1
    Alternating Heal touch do one set of 60 seconds
    Double leg lifts do one set of 60 seconds

    Bonus point- 2/3
    Do the hundreds for 3 days and earn 3 bonus points
    Do 50 for 3 days and earn 2 bonus points
    Do 25 for 3 days and earn 1 bonus point

    Food challenge:
    Part 1 - No eating after 8pm 2/5
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water 2/5

    Emotional Challenge 2/7

    Today's point's=5
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Emotional Challenge:
    One thing I am super proud of so far is that I can Run! I started slow walking 5min then running 1min, now I am able to run for 30-45min straight, let's just say it is more of a slow jog than a "Run" but I am still feeling like it is a great accomplishment.

    SO happy and proud for you!!! You should be proud!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Self Esteem Challenge Day 2: What am I proud of today? Well, as some of you may have noticed from my status updates, my *kitten* hurts. A lot. Which had me worried that something was wrong. I mean, I've done the 30DS workout once before and I never felt like this. I felt tired and winded and some muscle ache but not this deep muscle ache I've got going now. So last night I was chatting with my husband and in the course of that conversation I realized that the reason I'm feeling it more is because I am doing each exercise with better form. I am going deeper into my squats and lunges. I am attacking each move with everything tha I've got. Not that I wasn't giving it my all when i did this workout the 1st time almost 2 months ago. It's just that my "all" is a hell of a lot more now! Not only that but I'm able to move through each circuit without stopping and wheezing to catch my breath. After realizing this I was so excited for today's workout I had trouble falling asleep! And this morning I really paid attention to my form and realized that even tho I naturally keep my eyes on the chick with the "beginner modification" moves my body is getting a LOT closer to the "full force" gal on the left. Goes to show that mind body connection. Even tho mentally I still feel like a beginner my body is natrally pushing harder. I've talked before about the "fat-girl" mentality I'm plagued by. Apparrently my body is sick of taking that crap and is ready to prove exactly what I am capable of!!

    So I had an awesome workout again this morning. And my butt still hurts. As do my quads and my shoulders and my abs... but you know what? That's the kinda ache I can and do take pride in :wink:

    I really love what you had to say about your day; freakin' awesome!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 2-
    One of my accomplishments has been eating. I used to eat WAY too much, way too often and way to fatty and high in calories! My husband and son ate whatever I ate and so they were eating the unhealthy foods too! Since I started this journey my eating habits have slowly changed and so have theirs. We hardly ever eat out anymore, we eat less fatty foods and we eat structured meals and snack less. My husband sometimes says, I am so happy we are eating healthier, I don't even like the really greasy foods anymore. I couldn't agree with him more! I don't like the taste of really greasy foods anymore! Also, our portion sizes have changed so much! I made tacos last night and realized I was so full after 2 and so I stopped, before I could have eaten 3 or 4 and maybe would have felt sick later for it!
    I am so happy that we made this change now before my son developed the same bad habits we had!

    Very cool!