Motivated Momma's Week 4 (closed group)



  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 5:
    Today I am proud of myself for not using food as my comfort. When upset, I used to turn to food as a way to comfort me. Tonight, I am extremely frustrated with my husband, but instead of turning to food for comfort, which I still *want* to do, I am proud of myself for not doing it because I don't want that for myself.

    You should be proud! That is a big WIN!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 5 -
    One of my accomplishments has been my dedication to working out. Before it wouldn't have taken much for get me to not go. I could have come up with an excuse to skip my workout, but now I don't let the little things stop me. I make sure to get my workouts in and when I miss them I end up doing a home workout to make up for it. It makes me feel good knowing that I have that new dedication!

  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    Emotional Challenge: 7 Possible Points
    Created by Tasha claiming 1 point
    How is your self esteem? hmmm... the last 2 days it has been both good and bad. I feel great about the fact that I'm starting my 27th year on the right foot. i feel like I have control over my food/exercise/weight issue and that is adding to my confidence a lot... but at the same time... I kinda feel like crap. Not sure why but today I was getting ready to go out and instead of wearing any of the nice, new, smaller size shirts I dug through my closet and drawers (literally, I had to SEARCH!) for a larger shirt to wear. I made a large donation to a local charity recently of a bunch of the clothes that were now too big for me but I kept one shirt. It's waaaay too big on me but I wore it today. I felt like I wanted to hide my body, even though I know I look kinda silly in this shirt that doesn't even fit me. As I type this I wonder if maybe it had anything to do with the fact that I was allowing myself a "cheat/splurge" meal. Subconscious guilt perhaps? I'm really not sure.

    Just a thought... could it be that you wanted to wear the larger shirt out of a comfort response? I kind of get that way and I have noticed that sometimes, instead of food, I gravitate towards wearing my (as my Mom refers to them) my "sloppy" clothes.

    Feeling like crap just, well, happens sometimes. LIsten to the word of the song "Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas. To me, it explains it "all" and helps me ride my funk... much peace to you!
  • bmccrary
    Cardio Challenge: 5 Possible Points
    Part 1 1/3
    Something new: i went roller skating with a friend from work, haven't done that since 6th grade. it was a lot fun and quite a work out.

    i worked the single lifts and the leg stretches into my daily routine as well as the bonus exercise

    i drank 8 glasses of water and i haven't ate since 8

    Emotional Challenge: I hardly ate veggies before i started dieting, but trying to lose weight and eat healthier has gotten me to try new and healthier foods.since eating healthier as well as exercising i have been feeling happier and more energetic everyday.
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I seem to be playing "catch up" a lot... I do apologize! So here's y Sat. AND Sun.!

    SA. 10/15 (posted on Motivated Momma's thread & on spreadsheet)

    Part 1, something new (0/3) = no
    Part 2, log cals burned(2/7) = no

    Part 1(3/3) = no
    Bonus (3/3) = yes

    Part 1, no eat. after 8pm (1/5) = yes
    Part 2, water (4/5) = yes

    How is your self esteem? having a tough STRESS day
    Accomplishment (0/7) =

    SU. 10/16 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)

    Part 1, something new (3/3) = YES! My 1st 1/2 marathon!
    Part 2, log cals burned(3/7) = yes

    Part 1(3/3) = n/a
    Bonus (3/3) = n/a

    Part 1, no eat. after 8pm (2/5) = yes
    Part 2, water (5/5) = yes

    How is your self esteem? pretty darn good; finished my first 1/2 marathon today; proved to myself that I could do it (that's HUGE)!
    Accomplishment (0/7)= see above!! Got over that mental wall!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I wanted to share something with you quickly before I log out and pass out...

    Today I ran my first 1/2 marathon. A year ago I couldn't run 5K.
    Today I conquered my wall; I accomplished something beyond my comfort zone... I actually did it!
    Today I realized that I do not give myself enough credit. Feels kind of weird saying that...

    I want each and every one of you to give yourself the credit you deserve; you are all amazing people, on a tough but rewarding journey towards health!

    xoxo Amy
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    I wanted to share something with you quickly before I log out and pass out...

    Today I ran my first 1/2 marathon. A year ago I couldn't run 5K.
    Today I conquered my wall; I accomplished something beyond my comfort zone... I actually did it!
    Today I realized that I do not give myself enough credit. Feels kind of weird saying that...

    I want each and every one of you to give yourself the credit you deserve; you are all amazing people, on a tough but rewarding journey towards health!

    xoxo Amy

    Wow Amy, that really deserves an applause..wtg... Great going!
  • cynthappy2
    cynthappy2 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks all for letting me be apart of your team, but I know I have to give up my spot to someone who can really participate. I was sick with a virus since Friday and my back is still messed up, so I wish you all continued luck on your weight loss journey. I am not quitting on my journey, I will join a group after my back gets better and some of my day to day responsibilities calm down. I will also continue to use the site to keep track of my weight loss and food/exercise journal.

    Final weight:
    Starting- 270 (On my journey since August)
    First Wk- 259
    Second Wk- 527
    Third Wk- 582
    Fourth Wk- 255.2

    I think being sick helped:embarassed: See you all and have fun:wink:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    Emotional Challenge: 7 Possible Points
    Created by Tasha claiming 1 point
    How is your self esteem? hmmm... the last 2 days it has been both good and bad. I feel great about the fact that I'm starting my 27th year on the right foot. i feel like I have control over my food/exercise/weight issue and that is adding to my confidence a lot... but at the same time... I kinda feel like crap. Not sure why but today I was getting ready to go out and instead of wearing any of the nice, new, smaller size shirts I dug through my closet and drawers (literally, I had to SEARCH!) for a larger shirt to wear. I made a large donation to a local charity recently of a bunch of the clothes that were now too big for me but I kept one shirt. It's waaaay too big on me but I wore it today. I felt like I wanted to hide my body, even though I know I look kinda silly in this shirt that doesn't even fit me. As I type this I wonder if maybe it had anything to do with the fact that I was allowing myself a "cheat/splurge" meal. Subconscious guilt perhaps? I'm really not sure.

    Just a thought... could it be that you wanted to wear the larger shirt out of a comfort response? I kind of get that way and I have noticed that sometimes, instead of food, I gravitate towards wearing my (as my Mom refers to them) my "sloppy" clothes.

    Feeling like crap just, well, happens sometimes. LIsten to the word of the song "Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas. To me, it explains it "all" and helps me ride my funk... much peace to you!

    listening to it right now. i've heard this song a million times and never really paid attention to the lyrics. funny how once you tune into the words it can take on completely new meaning. thanks for pointing it out :smile:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    morning ladies! my weekend was crazy and lovely and filled with friends, family and cake! but not to worry, I was a good girl that kept the eating in check. I didn't count calories totally accurately this weekend but I listened to my body and stopped eating when I was full and drank lots of water.

    Emotional challenge: how's my self esteem today? honestly... really good! I saw my sister yesterday and she was uper negative about my changing body. she said things like "you are looking really svelte" which should be a compliment but because of the tone of voice it came out as jduging, condescending and rude. but ou know what? I didn't let it get me down! and when she started going on and on about how she feels so ugly and fat I didn't let her pull me into the trap of reassuring her constantly of her beauty. Instead I just said "Cher, you are a beautiful woman" and left it at that, whereas before it would have turned into hours of me stroking her ego while calling myself down because that's what it takes to make her feel better. she even made a big deal about how she had no time to work out so it must be nice that I was "able to take time for myself without worring about Caleb" I was like "Yup! my me time is at 530 in the morning while he is sleeping peacefully!" (said with a big smile on my face). I couldn't let her get away with implying that my workouts were done at the detrement of spending time with my lil monkey man! argh! Anwyays, so I felt really good that I was able to stand up to her pressure and keep a calm and happy outlook. yay me!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Haven't gotten to read any of the posts from over the week-end, but wanted to stop in to say "HI". I am sooooo glad the week-end is over!! I've never been so happy to see a Monday morning!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Haven't gotten to read any of the posts from over the week-end, but wanted to stop in to say "HI". I am sooooo glad the week-end is over!! I've never been so happy to see a Monday morning!

    It's weird eh? I used to hate Mondays, and in many ways I still do mainly because I miss my lil man so much when I'm at work. But now I see Monday's as positve because I know my schedule is so much more manageable. It's really hard for me to make time to workout on the weekends but I know come Monday morning I'll be up and shredding and that makes me like them a little bit more :smile:
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Im back!!!! Ugh im so behind and I didnt ever think I was going to get better! I was feeling good friday morning, tried to workout a little and ended up in the ER getting IV fluids and breathing treatments, scolded by the doc for not letting myself get over this before I started working out again and sent home with my tail between my legs! However yesterday I was feeling back to normal, and my husband made me stay in bed...i was not happy! Im so sick of laying down and not working out! Today im well and feeling great and ready to get back to my normal life! I feel terribly guilty for not checking in over the weekend or trying to keep up with things on here, but I was not allowed, because the more I got on here the more I wanted to get up and do something! I will try to see what kind of points I got this weekend, probably just the food pts but ohwell! So glad to be back with you ladies!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Im back!!!! Ugh im so behind and I didnt ever think I was going to get better! I was feeling good friday morning, tried to workout a little and ended up in the ER getting IV fluids and breathing treatments, scolded by the doc for not letting myself get over this before I started working out again and sent home with my tail between my legs! However yesterday I was feeling back to normal, and my husband made me stay in bed...i was not happy! Im so sick of laying down and not working out! Today im well and feeling great and ready to get back to my normal life! I feel terribly guilty for not checking in over the weekend or trying to keep up with things on here, but I was not allowed, because the more I got on here the more I wanted to get up and do something! I will try to see what kind of points I got this weekend, probably just the food pts but ohwell! So glad to be back with you ladies!

    glad you are feeling better but take care of yourself! ease back into your routine and remember to stay hydrated! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we are happy you are back and so motivated but please don't overexert yourself and risk injury or relapse. take care you!! :flowerforyou:
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Thanks! Yes im going to take it easy today, a little strength, yoga and steps...shouldnt be too bad, hopefully I can get full on back to my normal cardio tomorrow, it just feels good to be back to my normal self and getting back into a routine.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 6 -
    I would have to say that my raising self-esteem is a huge accomplishment for me. I feel like the more I take care of myself that better I feel about myself. On the days that I make good food choices and work out I feel great, on the days that I make so so food choices I might not feel as great, but I still feel pretty good knowing that the next day will be better. I feel comfortable in my clothes and I am not constantly tugging at them and readjusting them anymore, they fit better and some are too big. The prospect on shopping is still not one that I enjoy but I don't dread it as much as I used too. I guess you could say, I just feel good today!
    Also, another thing I am happy about it I have a trip to see my family next week. I am really excited about it! The last few times have been hard, having just started to workout and lose weight, but I feel like I can do it this time, no problem. My plan is to eat the best choices that I have, and get up and go for a walk with my little boy, and maybe my mom every morning. I know exactly what path I will take to make sure I get at least 2 miles in. I have conference in myself and my abilities to do this.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Emotional Challenge Day 6 -
    I would have to say that my raising self-esteem is a huge accomplishment for me. I feel like the more I take care of myself that better I feel about myself. On the days that I make good food choices and work out I feel great, on the days that I make so so food choices I might not feel as great, but I still feel pretty good knowing that the next day will be better. I feel comfortable in my clothes and I am not constantly tugging at them and readjusting them anymore, they fit better and some are too big. The prospect on shopping is still not one that I enjoy but I don't dread it as much as I used too. I guess you could say, I just feel good today!
    Also, another thing I am happy about it I have a trip to see my family next week. I am really excited about it! The last few times have been hard, having just started to workout and lose weight, but I feel like I can do it this time, no problem. My plan is to eat the best choices that I have, and get up and go for a walk with my little boy, and maybe my mom every morning. I know exactly what path I will take to make sure I get at least 2 miles in. I have conference in myself and my abilities to do this.

    This made me smile! I love this part of the challenge because we're not just losing weight or getting physically healthy we're getting emotionally healthy also. Finding the confidence in ourselves that we didnt have before! A big "atta girl" for you!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    OK here's the rundown on my points since I have alot of catching up to do!

    Saturday- Food 2 pts

    Sunday- Food 2 pts
    I might not have been able to workout but I kept the eating under control and got tons of water!

    Strength- 1 pt and 1 bonus pt

    Emotional Challenge-day 6(only my 3rd one)
    I believe that how I feel today, is a huge testament to how strong I am getting. After being sick and unable to workout for 4 days, I was so excited to get back to my work out and normal schedule. Even though I know I have to pace myself. It feels really good to be back in the swing of things, and it made me realize how fully dedicated I am to this lifestyle choice! Im back and better then ever and ready to get on with the next stages of life as a skinny hot momma! HAHA!

    I also have one quick confession...after not doing anything for so long, I couldnt help but step on the scale just to see what kinda of damage was done. Apparently low sodium soups and lots of juice isnt such a bad diet because I lost 2.2 lbs. Im hoping that I wont rebound from this, but hopefully continuing to stay on track with things and getting back to my normal routine will keep it there. Im still not going to log it until Wednesday though just in case.
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    nsv: a good friend that I love and respect very much just called my weight loss and my taking control over the issue of my weight/eating/food inspirational. I'm all choked up to think that someone I respect so much would hold my in such high regard. I just had to share.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    nsv: a good friend that I love and respect very much just called my weight loss and my taking control over the issue of my weight/eating/food inspirational. I'm all choked up to think that someone I respect so much would hold my in such high regard. I just had to share.

    That is awesome! What a wonderful friend to not only notice, but to make you feel so special. You deserve it!