Motivated Momma's Week 4 (closed group)



  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Oh! Emotional challenge!

    My self esteem tonight is pretty awesome. After a crappy weekend, went to a class for the first time in FOREVER... and survived quite well! It's interesting being in a small town and going to the classes too-- you really get to see who's fit, as opposed to "skinny and totally out of shape". I'm quite happy to report that I was one in the former category, which in the town that I grew up in as a "chunky kid" has a even better feeling to it. Whoohooo!!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Gonna try to post some photos from my 1/2 this weekend...

    Waiting for the start:

    Cool sign I ran by:

    Scenic shot mid-run:

    My finish "medal":
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Emotional challenge- I got up late today and was feeling lazy to get up and workout.. But then I realized that I already had 2 days of rest from hard core cardio and its not fair on me to take one more rest day.. To add to that, the migraine had to hit me this morning.. But from somewhere I thought if I postpone it, I would skip today's workout.. Just got up and landed in gym..Played racquetball for 35 mins, followed by 20 mins of brisk walk and then some weight training.. And I was feeling awesome when I came back home..

    Also, I had a funny incident at the gym- I was lifting weights in the gym (guess it was 8lbs).. there was a cleaner guy outside and i didnt actually notice him.. But then he was staring at me when I was doing my weights.. I could read from his face and smile.. It was like he has never seen a lady doing I was then checking on myself if I was doing something wrong... He just continued to smile, I am not sure why was he smiling at me..hahahha.. Thank god, I was alone at the gym and no one actually noticed my reaction to his smile and I had a hearty laugh after I returned home (I am sure I was looking funny trying to figure out the reason for his look ;-)
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Gonna try to post some photos from my 1/2 this weekend...


    You look awesome in pic -Scenic shot mid-run: ...wtg!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Emotional challenge- I got up late today and was feeling lazy to get up and workout.. But then I realized that I already had 2 days of rest from hard core cardio and its not fair on me to take one more rest day.. To add to that, the migraine had to hit me this morning.. But from somewhere I thought if I postpone it, I would skip today's workout.. Just got up and landed in gym..Played racquetball for 35 mins, followed by 20 mins of brisk walk and then some weight training.. And I was feeling awesome when I came back home..

    Also, I had a funny incident at the gym- I was lifting weights in the gym (guess it was 8lbs).. there was a cleaner guy outside and i didnt actually notice him.. But then he was staring at me when I was doing my weights.. I could read from his face and smile.. It was like he has never seen a lady doing I was then checking on myself if I was doing something wrong... He just continued to smile, I am not sure why was he smiling at me..hahahha.. Thank god, I was alone at the gym and no one actually noticed my reaction to his smile and I had a hearty laugh after I returned home (I am sure I was looking funny trying to figure out the reason for his look ;-)

    Great job Renu!! That is a great workout!

    Love that Guy looking at you in the gym!:tongue::noway: :happy: It was a silent compliment for you!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Gonna try to post some photos from my 1/2 this weekend...

    Waiting for the start:

    Cool sign I ran by:

    Scenic shot mid-run:

    My finish "medal":

    I love the pics Amy!! You look fabulous! So did you pick to be "bad *kitten*" or "sexy" LOL I couldn't guess, thought bad *kitten* first but then I thought maybe sexy so I am not sure on this one!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I know I am asking late and I apologize but if there any takers for next week's challenges that would be awesome!





    Please past and copy
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I know I am asking late and I apologize but if there any takers for next week's challenges that would be awesome!


    Strength: Lynda (losinit_4_good)

    Food: Lynda (losinit_4_good)


    Please past and copy

    Hi all! I've got Strength and food. Any takers for cardio and/or emotional? Copy and paste please! Lynda
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    How's my self esteem today?

    Well, it should be bad. I didn't work out this morning because mybed was just too darn comfy and my husband was just too darn snuggly. I'm also got a lunch today tat is guareanteed to be a calorie killer but I'm trying not to stress about it. And I guess that's the accomplishment I am proud of today. I feel like I'm truly gaining control over my weiht loss journey. I'm finally realizing that one meal won't kill me and that I don't have to be afraid of food. This is a lifestyle change and I am starting to realize that the only way I willhave long term sucess and maintainence is if I learn to relax a little bit. Not so much that I end up sitting on the couch eating an endless stream of junkfood, but just enough that I'll stop feeling like the world will end if I end up a few calories over my goal once in a blue moon.

    So, overall my self esteem is actually pretty good today. I feel good about the choices I make on a regular basis and more over I'm trying not to feel bad for an occastional day where I choose a snuggle with my hubby over working out with Jillian :happy:
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I know I am asking late and I apologize but if there any takers for next week's challenges that would be awesome!


    Strength: Lynda (losinit_4_good)

    Food: Lynda (losinit_4_good)

    Emotional: (smalltowngirl78)

    Please past and copy

    Hi all! I've got Strength and food. Any takers for cardio and/or emotional? Copy and paste please! Lynda

    I'll take Emotional!! Copy and paste... who wants cardio?
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    I know I am asking late and I apologize but if there any takers for next week's challenges that would be awesome!

    Cardio: Renuka (renubhat_82)

    Strength: Lynda (losinit_4_good)

    Food: Lynda (losinit_4_good)

    Emotional: (smalltowngirl78)

    Please past and copy

    Hi all! I've got Strength and food. Any takers for cardio and/or emotional? Copy and paste please! Lynda

    I'll take Emotional!! Copy and paste... who wants cardio?

    Cardio taken.. Let me know if someone else wants to contribute as well.. :-)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Okay, I'm back, I think? Still recovering from this week-end!
    Saturday was my husband's, grandfather's, wedding. Yeah, say that 5 times fast.... What should of been an evening event turned into a 2 day fiasco. First I get a call on Friday that since I'm the only one at home I'm needed to go pick Aunt Peg up at the airport. Uumm no, I'm working. What part of childcare provider don't you understand? I have 6 kids at nap, I can't just load them up and take off to the airport with them! So I heard about the fact that I made her wait in the airport for over an hour for someone to pick her up. Saturday morning, the hubby and I planned to take the kids to the park and spend time with them before we left for the wedding (no kids event). Well, my MIL called and asked hubby to take his Aunt shopping for shoes, should have taken 2 hours tops, he made it home with just enough time to get a shower and get dressed.
    Got to the wedding, no problems there, I'm just glad they served a champgange punch!!! So then Sunday, my FIL calls and asked what we were doing today, Hubby said we were going to do something with the kids, maybe Busch Gardens. "Oh great can you drop your Aunt off at the airport on your way?" Not sure when we bacame a taxi service, but I'm sure glad this week-end is over, there was SOOoooo much drama involved with this wedding, it was exhausting.
    So yesterday, I played catch up with everything that didn't get done over the week-end, grocery shopping laundry, some cleaning, while I was working, only had two little ones with me.

    For Fri, Sat & Sun
    Cardio: 0 pts
    Strength: 2 pts/ fri
    Food: 2 pts/fri 2 pts/sun
    Emotion: 0 pts
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Oh boy! My sciatic nerve started to hurt yesterday. My pregnancy kinda screwed it up. My sweet baby sat on my right sciatic nerve the whole pregnancy. It was just a dull pain until last night when it flared up. I took some pain killer and am hoping to get out for a slow walk a little later!!!

    Emotional Challenge day 7 -
    Today the accomplishment that I have noticed is the knowledge that I have acquired! I have learned so much about food, sleep, working out and how everything together effects each person. I have learned how all of it effects me and my body and how I feel! I am so happy that I have learned all of this and that I have been about to put it into practice. It is amazing what a little knowledge can do for you!

    Hope everyone's Tuesday is great!!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    So I mentioned in my earlier post that Iw as going out for lunch today and that there were basically no good options on the menu so I wasn't going to worry about it. Well, turns out I managed to do not too badly! I ordered the healthiest meal option I had which would have totalled 960 calories but I listened to my body and stopped eating when I was full and ended up only eating half my meal! So I had about 550 calories for lunch. Not too bad at all! It was hard to stop because my food was delicious but I am super proud of myself! Of course, my sodium is through the roof, but overall I think I did pretty darn great!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    So I mentioned in my earlier post that Iw as going out for lunch today and that there were basically no good options on the menu so I wasn't going to worry about it. Well, turns out I managed to do not too badly! I ordered the healthiest meal option I had which would have totalled 960 calories but I listened to my body and stopped eating when I was full and ended up only eating half my meal! So I had about 550 calories for lunch. Not too bad at all! It was hard to stop because my food was delicious but I am super proud of myself! Of course, my sodium is through the roof, but overall I think I did pretty darn great!

    Good job Lynda.. I know how hard it is to make a healthy choice when you are eating out that too without many choices... wtg on portions as well..:flowerforyou:
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    OK heres my points for today...

    Cardio-1 pt(I added some new yoga poses)
    Strength-1pt/1bonus pt.(I LOVE hundreds, im thinking about adding them to my normal routine!)

    Emotional-day7(4th pt)
    Its getting really hard for me to figure out what to put here...I guess a major accomplishment is that im learning that the pounds dont matter...not as much atleast. I mean sure its a great thing that I am losing weight but I am so much healthier and happier then I have been in a long time. I am making better life choices and food choices, and even my skin and hair look healthier! Not to mention meeting all of you awesome ladies! I may be shedding pounds but I am also adding years to my life, and already my life is so much richer!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Emotional challenge-7

    Last but not the least, i guess above all of them- my mfp frnds and the learning.. Most of us haven't met face to face at any point, but still we feel happy of being together as a group.. We encourage each other, compliment each other on accomplishments, render advice when needed.. Its not only a matter of weight loss, I know when I need support and I don't have anyone to share my happiness/sorrow, but I know for sure that I have a wonderful group of ladies who would listen to and give suggestions.. At times we fall off the wagon, but it is mfp frnds who motivate you to get back on track.. We haven't met each other, but we have made frnds for lifetime..In this process, I have learnt so many things which I was not aware of.. How many calories do I need to take, how many mins of exercises, eating clean, wonderful recipes, so on and on..
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Emotional Challenge-
    One of the best boosts to my self esteem through this journey has been a part of my work. I actually sell Jockey Person to Person Clothing as well as doing home daycare ( it's a direct sales/ home party thing) and to have a constantly changing wardrobe that I look GOOD in is a huge thing! It's a lot of comfort/professional wear, so yoga-like pants, fancy shirts, and other good quality stuff, as well as a line of athletic wear too. To know that when I started a year ago, I was in the xls, and am now almost in a medium in most stuff... Whoohoo! And, I don't have to go back to stuff that's not in style anymore to have a range of sizes in my closet! Honestly, doing that along with my weight loss stuff is a huge ego boost-- I ALWAYS have something to wear, and usually it looks damn good too!

    Edit-- I re-read that, and thought that it might come off as a bit of an advertisement! It's not, really!!! Please don't read it that way either! I just wanted to give some background...
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Total of 28 Possible Points

    Cardio Challenge: 5 Possible Points
    Part 1 - Try Something New 1/3pt
    Part 2 - Log your calories every day 1/1 point
    Part 3 - Beat last week’s calories burnt 1/1 point

    Strength challenge: 3 + 3 Bonus = 6 Possible Points

    Part 1 – 1/1
    Monkey abs do one set of 60 seconds
    Airplane Leans do one set of 30 seconds each leg

    Part 2 – 1/1
    Alternating Heal touch do one set of 60 seconds
    Double leg lifts do one set of 60 seconds

    Part 3 – 1/1
    Single leg lifts do one set of 60 seconds
    Single leg stretch do one set of 60 seconds

    Bonus point- 0/3
    Do the hundreds for 3 days and earn 3 bonus points
    Do 50 for 3 days and earn 2 bonus points
    Do 25 for 3 days and earn 1 bonus point

    Food challenge:
    Part 1 - No eating after 8pm 5/5
    Part 2: Drink all 8 recommended glasses of water 5/5

    Emotional Challenge 7/7

    Tuesday Points = 4

    23 total for the week