<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    We have to have candy or we might get tricked (we were out one year and the house got egged!).

    We use Halloween to get rid of candy our son has been given but doesn't like :laugh: I'm so glad he's not got my sweet tooth:happy:

    Cereal-wise I love Dorset Cereals, but only buy them if they're reduced. Another one that doesn't last me long is Lizi's chocolate granola, full of linseed etc. Chocolate Weetabix with Dairylea (like Laughing Cow) is a new-found favourite too :wink:
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Can eggs stall weight loss? I've never even heard of that. I will easily eat 18 in a week by myself. Not even kidding. I do toss most of the yolks, not due to cholesterol but due to fat content. I like to use those calories for meat. :D Most commonly I'll have 4 egg whites & a whole egg scrambled together with some kind of meat.

    The Spike Diet is going great! I compared my low weight last week to my low from the week before & I'm down a full pound. I was impressed since I honestly didn't expect any loss the first week due to transitioning from low carb. Sorry to disappoint with my food diary, I actually track my food on a different site. :)

    High protein ideas are pretty easy for me since I went a good 9-10 months eating about 200g of protein a day with only 50g or less of it coming from whey protein powder. Eggs/meat of course, Greek yogurt, edamame, cheese, nuts/nut butters are all obvious ones, but my favorite is SEAFOOD. I could eat fish every day. Sometimes I'd buy frozen cooked shrimp & thaw some out for shrimp cocktail. Loaded with protein, though also very high in sodium so that's a once in a while thing. I eat tons of salmon; Sam's club has individually packaged frozen ones that I LOVE. I'll thaw one out, throw it in a skillet with some cooking spray lemon pepper & red onion then eat with a whole tomato. And you can't beat tilapia for high protein & low fat. I prepare it the same way. I buy big trays of it at Sam's also & individually package it myself.

    As for Halloween, I should have some spare calories left to enjoy a couple of my favorite treats. Today my target is 1850, & I've planned for about 130g of protein already (my target is 144g minimum) with about 400 calories to spare, so I'll probably ride with the 130g & eat a few hundred calories of yummy Halloween crap just for today. :) Me & the hubby are taking our 10 yr old son out t-or-t'ing. Should be fun!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I need to go up from 1750 to 1850-1900... Are you starting a group?

    Basically this group is anti 1200. You are welcome (right?) even if you don't make 2000 every day. OR you could work out a little more to push you up to 2000....

    I didn't hit 2000 yesterday...but I was close :) I think that it basically is a group of us that refuse to starve ourselves because we all know it would be impossible to maintain.

    Halloween candy count (so far): 2 funsize Almond Joys, 1 fun size twix, and 1 fun size Reese's Pieces. Not too bad!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    We haven't bought halloween candy for trick-or-treaters since the year that we were left with 4 nearly full bags after exactly three kids came by. If we want stuff, we buy a small bag for ourselves. We've already had reese's mini cups, peppermint patty minis, and candy corn so far this fall :-)

    I wish that was our problem! Last year we spent around 80$ -- it was crazy -- like 10 or 12 GIANT bags -- and we ran out before 8:30. We get a crazy amount of kids here in my neighborhood.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Wow we are plugging away here!!
    I just figured out that I have averaged 2100 calories per day for the past week. I am surprised at how hard it is for me to get to 2100 in a healthy way!! It seems that if I hit my protein for the day, I am way over in sodium and way under in fiber (which I really need alot of), and if I hit my fiber, I go over in carbs, and somedays to hit the calorie mark I have nuts or PB and end up going over in fats...arghhh all this number crunching is tough!!!!
    ANyone have any good high protein breakfast ideas that dont involve eggs or protein poweder? I love eggs, but I wonder if eating them day in and day out will stall my weight loss??? I have been told to "shake things up" with regard to my daily diet because I tend to eat the same things all the time....

    I make oatmeal pancakes and keep them in the freezer. I toast them in the morning and eat with peanut butter and banana slices like a sandwich -- delish!

    Also == for eggs, you can take one egg with veggies and scramble it ; mix in nutritional yeast for extra protein. I don't think eating them will stall your weight loss. You can mix the yeast into grits or oatmeal as well. 2 tbs of nutritional yeast has 8 grams of protein.
    Greek yogurt is awesome for protein, too.
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    I'd love to join this group! I'm only 5 feet tall, but I workout a lot and I'm breastfeeding... so I'm eating around 2100 calories a day. And I'm losing weight slowly and steadily! I'd love to get some friends who eat more than 1200 calories a day!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Tagging new thread...
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    tagging new thread
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Hey guys - as tomorrow is the first of the month let's state some goals for ourselves for November.

    Mine are:

    1) to keep up my logging every day -- really struggling to make myself do that as I just don't want to anymore.
    2) Workout 5 times a week including 3 training runs every week (Aka C25K)
    3) Get my eating back under control -- actual calories are mostly ok but I have been having so many meals where I think "god, why did I keep EATING?" and I really don't have a good answer for that. I just wanted to keep eating, which is ok once in a while but this has been several times a week now. Not ok.
    4) try a little harder on the fruits and veggies front. Probably will fail at this one.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Hey guys - as tomorrow is the first of the month let's state some goals for ourselves for November.

    Mine are:

    1) to keep up my logging every day -- really struggling to make myself do that as I just don't want to anymore.
    2) Workout 5 times a week including 3 training runs every week (Aka C25K)
    3) Get my eating back under control -- actual calories are mostly ok but I have been having so many meals where I think "god, why did I keep EATING?" and I really don't have a good answer for that. I just wanted to keep eating, which is ok once in a while but this has been several times a week now. Not ok.
    4) try a little harder on the fruits and veggies front. Probably will fail at this one.

    ooh good idea!!

    My goals for this month (its already the 1st of November here!):
    1. Keep logging my food - I think I'm just about at 70 days straight, I'd like to hit 100....cos I'm obsessive like that
    2. Workout 6 times a week, 3 days running, 3 days lifting with one rest day a week
    3. Continue to focus on improving my protein and overall calorie intake
    4. Read and plan for NROLFW
    5. Feel good about myself every.single.day
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm so glad this group exists...
    I'm trying incredibly hard to build muscle, but I have a very small frame. I'm trying to healthily gain a few pounds, but I have a very small appetite. I eat when I'm hungry, I eat when I'm stuffed and barely make it to 1400 a day. I'm so thankful some of your diaries are open, it's really helpful! Thank you for being realistic with those calories :D
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    Hey guys - as tomorrow is the first of the month let's state some goals for ourselves for November.

    Great idea! Mine are:
    1) Continue logging every day!
    2) Work out 6 days per week (3 NROLFW workouts per week + 3 cardio workouts) + 1 rest day
    3) Use the new BodyMedia FIT when it arrives (YES - I caved and ordered one this evening!) to re-evaluate daily caloric needs and adjust eating as needed.
    4) Don't STUFF myself at Thanksgiving until I feel sick. Eat until full, but don't deprive myself of anything I really want (sweet potato casserole with marshmallows on top, gravy on my turkey, and a piece of pumpkin pie w/ whipped cream on top!).
    5) Workout in the AM on Thanskgiving Day. More calories to use on all of the good eats! :happy:
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Hi! I would love to join this group! My daily calorie intact without exercise 1960 and most days I need to eat 2400-2500 with exercise.
    I started using NROFLW just last week, but I've been lifting for almost a year before that. I am hoping to build more muscle.
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    jade999a, do you have a link to the 50% off the BMF? If so, I may truly get it....... :bigsmile:

    Here is the link for the BMF deal: http://www.bodymedia.com/site/landing/bwsavings.html

    Hope everyone has a great Halloween! :bigsmile:

    Thanks so much! :)
    I'll ruminate over this today. I'm at maintenance and wonder if I really need something like this, or if I'll just get by without it for now. It really comes at a time when I can't afford it, unfortunately.

    I really SHOULDN'T have spent the money, but I just couldn't help myself and ordered one this evening! :ohwell: I'm excited for it to arrive so I can start using it! I'm curious to see how many calories it says I burn on a given day.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Goals for me....
    1. Try to vary my work out and work out times more -- I have been doing after school walking 2.5 miles and running stadiums 4 or 5 days a week, and paddling one...but maybe I need to do two-fors or 3 days at the track, 2 on the elliptical...or add in some cycling.
    2. Meet my fiber intake more regularly -- I don't know why but this has been really hard the last week or so.
    3. Start some mild weight training
    4. This one is the stretch --wake up 15-30 minutes earlier 2-3 times a week to do the weight training and extra cardio. This will be hard for me since I already get up at 6 am.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    jade999a, do you have a link to the 50% off the BMF? If so, I may truly get it....... :bigsmile:

    Here is the link for the BMF deal: http://www.bodymedia.com/site/landing/bwsavings.html

    Hope everyone has a great Halloween! :bigsmile:

    Thanks so much! :)
    I'll ruminate over this today. I'm at maintenance and wonder if I really need something like this, or if I'll just get by without it for now. It really comes at a time when I can't afford it, unfortunately.

    I really SHOULDN'T have spent the money, but I just couldn't help myself and ordered one this evening! :ohwell: I'm excited for it to arrive so I can start using it! I'm curious to see how many calories it says I burn on a given day.

    I just ordered a HRM -- it is an Omron that I found on Amazon for about $40. It has a chest strap and everything...tracks calories and whatnot.
    I know it isn't a fancy one, but I wasn't sure if I would use it. I will let you all know how it works out! If I wasn't so cheap I would have sprung for the Polar F7, which a few of my friends have and love.
  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
    My goals for the month of November:

    running goals:
    - Continue running 6 days a week
    - Up miles per week to 45 by the end of the month
    - Run long run of more than 14 miles (longest run so far)
    - Sign up for (and run) one more 5k
    - Run a 5k in under 25 minutes

    nutrition goals:
    - be excellent at counting calories and monitoring macros during the week (m-f)
    - practice listening to my body (eat when hungry, stop when satisfied) on the weekends - no tracking.
    - practice eating foods I love in moderation (i.e. be able to keep a bag of trader joe's trail mix with chocolate chips in the house and not finish off the whole bag in one sitting - oh yes, it can be done). - foods I'd like to be able to keep in the house and not eat everyday: trail mix, ice cream and frosted mini wheats.

    weight loss goals:
    - I'd like to lose 3 pounds this month.

    PS - don't forget to say "Rabbit Rabbit" tomorrow - first words out of your mouth when you wake up for good luck all month. And lets not forget to make a wish on 11/11/11 at 11:11 :)

    PPS - Just thought I'd share - I usually eat a pint of organic ice cream between saturday and sunday, and I wasn't paying attention when I went to grab my usual pint and I accidentally bought Laloo's Goat's milk ice cream - OH MY GOD!!!! I got the vanilla snowflake flavor and it's seriously the best thing- EVER. So rich and creamy, and it's only 140 calories a serving, 6 grams of fat - tastes like the richest gelato. I will be grabbing this from now on.

    Have a great month everyone!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange

    Really blew my calories out of the water yesterday...or at least I think I did. Anyone have a guess at how many calories are in a plate of delicious lebanese hummus and chicken....and about 10 pita rounds with 2-3 tbsp of garlic sauce? HAH. I couldn't figure it out so I just quick added about 2000 calories for that meal to my diary and called it a day. Bad thing was it was a rest day yesterday...so aside from shopping most of the day...I didn't burn any massive amounts of calories to counteract all that yumminess. Good news is at I ate at lunch...and continued to shop for a few hours after.

    Other than yesterday, the past few days have been a smorgasboard of calories. I was going to ease up a bit since getting the BMF and trying to figure out my calorie burn for a typical weekday (is looking to be about 2200 for the day average). If that's the case, then I think I need to be sticking to about 1600-1700 cals....rather than eating more. On days with lots of cardio, I can go higher...but it seems the weight training doesn't burn much (well, duh, it burns throughout the day but how does the BMF register this to tell me what the increase is)?

    At any rate....today is the last day to get in on the 50% off BMF Link armband deal...so if you were considering it, you might want to bite the bullet and save $100+ by ordering it today.

    were they mini pita rounds or regular (6 inch) pitas? I could look it up for you!

    okay...so 4 inch pitas are about 80 calories, so I'll assume 100 calories per pita.-so 1000 calories or so
    1/3 cup of skordalia is about 400 calories--so you had about 325 calories there.
    hummus and chicken--depends on quantity. A regular plate with 4-6 oz chicken and a couple tbsp hummus would run you about-300-500 calories

    So i think 1600-1700 is closer :) not bad.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Wow we are plugging away here!!
    I just figured out that I have averaged 2100 calories per day for the past week. I am surprised at how hard it is for me to get to 2100 in a healthy way!! It seems that if I hit my protein for the day, I am way over in sodium and way under in fiber (which I really need alot of), and if I hit my fiber, I go over in carbs, and somedays to hit the calorie mark I have nuts or PB and end up going over in fats...arghhh all this number crunching is tough!!!!
    ANyone have any good high protein breakfast ideas that dont involve eggs or protein poweder? I love eggs, but I wonder if eating them day in and day out will stall my weight loss??? I have been told to "shake things up" with regard to my daily diet because I tend to eat the same things all the time....

    you don't need to be perfect. calories are more important than reaching a certain target for any of those things you mentioned. As long as I get enough protein for my SIZE...not in relation to my calorie total...I am content! so for you that might be 120 grams irrespective of the percentage that is of your total diet. As long as you're getting 25-30g fiber you're 100% fine. My fiber goal changes daily, I think that's odd. I pay no attention to it. I go over in carbs every single day. I find hitting my calorie targets MOST important because i ALWAYS get adequate protein even if I don't meet my "Goal." maybe you could change your goals.

    If 2100 calories is your daily target then 120g of protein is 23% of your daily protein. You don't need more than 1g per pound of bodyweight...in fact the recommended intake is less than 1/2 g per pound. I aim higher though, so 1g per pound is MORE than sufficient. Change your macronutrient ratios to reflect what you NEED...so 25% would be a good "goal." If you go over then great, if not then that's fine too as long as you meet that minimum.