Dear stupid girls



  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Dear *kitten*,

    Close your legs.

    ♥ Prudenstein

    Dear Prudenstein

    My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. I can teach you, but I'd have to charge.

    Signed, the *kitten*.

    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Dear Female Stalkers,

    I live @: 555 My Address, My City, America F#%k Yeah!!!

    Please feel free to stop by with any questions you may have about fitness, life, love, this thread, or anything else of importance in your life. ;)


    Not Beerrunner ( Just messing with you ;) )

    Dear Awesome,

    This is awesome!

    Whoa!.................I am awesome!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I'm not that stupid, He doesn't tell me she's just a friend,
    He hasn't even meet her off of facebook, They just chat with each other but she does want to meet him.
    He lives with me and we work the same hours, so when we come home, we are together, It's rare if he goes out of the house alone

    RUN! I could have told this story word for word!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Dear ex-boyfriend that cheated on me,

    I am no longer interested in opening my cell phone messages and seeing pictures of your "richard". Stop sending them to me or I will start forwarding them to your mother
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Dear Cupid,

    Find me a man first.


    Nisa :)
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    Dear Stupid Ex-Boyfriend who doesn't understand:

    It wasn't cool flirting with other women behind my back, you should have done it in front of me so I could join in.

    it wasn't cool talking with other women and hiding it from me, telling them "don't tell my gf" made you look guilty even if you weren't.

    It wasn't cool letting other women think they had a chance with you when we both know they didn't.

    It wasn't cool needing constant reassurance from other women that you were hot, smart, funny, sexy and nice when you had a good woman who thought you were all that, that should have been enough for you.

    It wasn't cool turning to another woman when things got a little difficult, it wasn't that you slept with her, it wasn't cool that you bashed me, lied about me, told her everything about me, my kids and our relationship, breaking my confidence and trust.

    It isn't cool that because you said sorry that you expect me to get over it and take you back,

    What is cool? That I am over it and you, you are in my past, maybe it's time I become part of your past too.

    Smart Ex-gf
  • kh0215
    kh0215 Posts: 56 Member
    Dear Over Priced Insurance Company,

    When I sent a letter that said I wanted to cancel my policy, that means don't withdrawl any more payments.

    -279.00 and counting the over drafts as we speak.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Dear woman behind me in line with personal boundary issues,

    I assure you, I am not pregnant.
    Just fat.

    If you put your hand on my belly again you won't be getting it back in one piece.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Dear Stupid Ex-Boyfriend who doesn't understand:

    It wasn't cool flirting with other women behind my back, you should have done it in front of me so I could join in.

    it wasn't cool talking with other women and hiding it from me, telling them "don't tell my gf" made you look guilty even if you weren't.

    It wasn't cool letting other women think they had a chance with you when we both know they didn't.

    It wasn't cool needing constant reassurance from other women that you were hot, smart, funny, sexy and nice when you had a good woman who thought you were all that, that should have been enough for you.

    It wasn't cool turning to another woman when things got a little difficult, it wasn't that you slept with her, it wasn't cool that you bashed me, lied about me, told her everything about me, my kids and our relationship, breaking my confidence and trust.

    It isn't cool that because you said sorry that you expect me to get over it and take you back,

    What is cool? That I am over it and you, you are in my past, maybe it's time I become part of your past too.

    Smart Ex-gf

    Have we dated the same man??
  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
    Dear woman behind me in line with personal boundary issues,

    I assure you, I am not pregnant.
    Just fat.

    If you put your hand on my belly again you won't be getting it back in one piece.

  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
    Dear Stupid Ex-Boyfriend who doesn't understand:

    It wasn't cool flirting with other women behind my back, you should have done it in front of me so I could join in.

    it wasn't cool talking with other women and hiding it from me, telling them "don't tell my gf" made you look guilty even if you weren't.

    It wasn't cool letting other women think they had a chance with you when we both know they didn't.

    It wasn't cool needing constant reassurance from other women that you were hot, smart, funny, sexy and nice when you had a good woman who thought you were all that, that should have been enough for you.

    It wasn't cool turning to another woman when things got a little difficult, it wasn't that you slept with her, it wasn't cool that you bashed me, lied about me, told her everything about me, my kids and our relationship, breaking my confidence and trust.

    It isn't cool that because you said sorry that you expect me to get over it and take you back,

    What is cool? That I am over it and you, you are in my past, maybe it's time I become part of your past too.

    Smart Ex-gf

    Have we dated the same man??

    Man... My ex gets around...
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Dear X Husband:

    Just because you work in the same building as me does NOT make it okay for you to act like a total jerk around my best friend, nor do either of us EVER want to see you in the hall, on the elevator, or anywhere else for that matter.

    Just go away...............
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Replace the thing that made you mad with a funny word... HA

    yes! like wiener! ha made myself giggle
  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
    Replace the thing that made you mad with a funny word... HA

    yes! like wiener! ha made myself giggle

    Or... Weasel faced butt sniffer!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I think its great my ex found someone to put up with all his bull. No I don't want him back I'm happily married..and I'm the one who broke up with him.yes he is a compulsive liar, unlike he tells you.. And no I do not want to be best friends with someone who is 6 years my junior. I love that people I have never met tell you I am a user.. Because I'm sure they would know.. And threatening me with your"best friend cop from japan that worlds in town now " (whom us apparently your best friend even though you are a huge stoner and claim hew isn't a crooked cop... Now that is stellar and I don't think you are lying about anything worker.. Do kindly stay out of my life and we can go on pretending neither of us exists
  • kimletton11
    kimletton11 Posts: 72 Member
    Dear M from English class,

    Yes, I thought you were a pretty cool person until you made an extremely gross sexual comment about my mother whom you have never met. If you text me and don't get a response it doesn't mean you need to send the same text again, I'm ignoring you on purpose. After sending two texts, you decide to call my phone and leave messages asking why I haven't texted you back. When are you going to get the *%$@ing hint!?!?

    Please stop trying to contact me!!!


  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Well now that you mentioned it,

    Dear stupid girl on the treadmill next to me:

    Thank you oh so much for bathing in whatever cheap designer imposter perfume you got at the store, I was having a hard enough time breathing. I really also enjoy listening to your yammering on your cell so loud I could hear you over my iPod all while waving your arms and completely distracting me from my work out .
    I don't know who’s attention you were trying to get with your sparkly gym outfit, full face of make up and obnoxious behavior but you got mine! If I see you tomorrow and you do the same thing, I will reach over and hit the emergency stop and watch you face plant and if I'm lucky hit the wall behind you.

    I AM LOLing so loud at work, I have worked out next to her
  • keishatlewis
    keishatlewis Posts: 2 Member
    Dear C, no my husband doesn't want to go on runs w you. Ask your own husband. You know that guy you have two kids with. You can act as innocent as you want, but I know your real agenda. My husband wouldn't have anything to do w you 12 years ago, lol (and that was before you had two kids), and he won't now. -K

  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    If you are speaking in ebonics there is a 100% chance I do not want to talk to you.

    easily the best post in this thread by a mile! :-)
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Dear girls that would ever flirt with a guy I am dating. . you will be scraping your backside off the ground if you do so . . thanks. . Not into sharing!!!