Dear stupid girls



  • kimletton11
    kimletton11 Posts: 72 Member
    Dear M from English class,

    Yes, I thought you were a pretty cool person until you made an extremely gross sexual comment about my mother whom you have never met. If you text me and don't get a response it doesn't mean you need to send the same text again, I'm ignoring you on purpose. After sending two texts, you decide to call my phone and leave messages asking why I haven't texted you back. When are you going to get the *%$@ing hint!?!?

    Please stop trying to contact me!!!



    Dear Annoyed,

    "Your Mom" jokes are admittedly juvenile, but guys say stupid things when a pretty girl is around.

    - The Pervert in English class

    P.S. Your mom isn't getting the hint that I don't want to text her back.

    :) this made me smile! lol. :happy: