Dear stupid girls



  • jennipooh82
    jennipooh82 Posts: 331 Member
    Well now that you mentioned it,

    Dear stupid girl on the treadmill next to me:

    Thank you oh so much for bathing in whatever cheap designer imposter perfume you got at the store, I was having a hard enough time breathing. I really also enjoy listening to your yammering on your cell so loud I could hear you over my iPod all while waving your arms and completely distracting me from my work out .
    I don't know who’s attention you were trying to get with your sparkly gym outfit, full face of make up and obnoxious behavior but you got mine! If I see you tomorrow and you do the same thing, I will reach over and hit the emergency stop and watch you face plant and if I'm lucky hit the wall behind you.

    BAHAHAHAHA! I Love It!!!
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    dear ex husband, when i asked you to buy our daughter deoderant for your house, i didnt expect you to tell me "thats why i pay you" ... you are a turd and i dont feel sorry one bit the doctor had to take your prostate out cause you no longer being able to get it up makes me almost forget what a douche you are.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    dear ex husband, when i asked you to buy our daughter deoderant for your house, i didnt expect you to tell me "thats why i pay you" ... you are a turd and i dont feel sorry one bit the doctor had to take your prostate out cause you no longer being able to get it up makes me almost forget what a douche you are.

    LMTO. . .. Go girl. . Got to love ex hubbys!:smile:
  • jennipooh82
    jennipooh82 Posts: 331 Member
    Dear Studip girl who works at the Dr.s Office,
    I don't know who your fooling because you have made a very big mistake. I want you to know that even though you might think your big and bad you are no one!!! You should keep you loud mouth shut if you don't know whats going on and on top of that you shouldn't of spilled it to your friends. if you treat me different, so what, but it was your own fault.. I wouldn't look at you differently if you had some kind of chronic condition... oh I forgot I have more respect and morals then that... And I'm not sure but pretty willing to bet if you've done it to me who else have you done it too... you should be ashamed of yourself. I have one word for you...CARMA! I hope you get it back and then some!!!!! Oh BTW after all that mess and crap you got your self in... you were wrong!!! Hahaha I get the last laugh!!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    I once dated had this girl that was SOOOO insecure. She would get all pissed off whenever I would look at her. I liked to watch it when she would undress before her shower and stuff.

    She would always threaten me with calling the cops, and stuff like that. She was so cute when she was mad.

    It really irritated me though when she started pulling the blinds down, then I couldn't see anymore!


  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    dear ex husband, when i asked you to buy our daughter deoderant for your house, i didnt expect you to tell me "thats why i pay you" ... you are a turd and i dont feel sorry one bit the doctor had to take your prostate out cause you no longer being able to get it up makes me almost forget what a douche you are.

    I am counting my blessings that I have no ex-husband to deal with. (I have full/sole custody of both of MY children.) If I had to deal with this nonsense, I'd punch him in the throat repeatedly.

    So sorry you have to deal with this though. :(
  • firegirley
    firegirley Posts: 86 Member

    Dear Anti-Fun,

    Eat a Richard.

    Some of us are at work with nothing to do.

    Dear Avalonis,

    "Eating a Richard" is not a wise selection of phrase for somebody still sporting the Brokeback Mountain look

    Just saying (and get back to work)
  • firegirley
    firegirley Posts: 86 Member

    Dear Anti-Fun,

    Eat a Richard.

    Some of us are at work with nothing to do.

    Dear Avalonis,

    "Eating a Richard" is not a wise selection of phrase for somebody still sporting the Brokeback Mountain look

    Just saying (and get back to work)

    Ooops on the last post....thid thread had me practically peeing my guys are HILARIOUS!!
  • vittix
    vittix Posts: 84 Member
    Hmmmm, when my boyfriend spends more time texting his (boyfriend as i call him) or playing with his other boyfriend mr xbox360. We only get 3 hours a day to see eachother. He wonders why i talk to my cats they talk back lol
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Dear M from English class,

    Yes, I thought you were a pretty cool person until you made an extremely gross sexual comment about my mother whom you have never met. If you text me and don't get a response it doesn't mean you need to send the same text again, I'm ignoring you on purpose. After sending two texts, you decide to call my phone and leave messages asking why I haven't texted you back. When are you going to get the *%$@ing hint!?!?

    Please stop trying to contact me!!!



    Dear Annoyed,

    "Your Mom" jokes are admittedly juvenile, but guys say stupid things when a pretty girl is around.

    - The Pervert in English class

    P.S. Your mom isn't getting the hint that I don't want to text her back.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    dear guys that come into my store at night, "damn girl you got a "phat" *kitten*!" is not a compliment, even if you make sure I know which way you spelled it.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    Dear ex-boyfriend that cheated on me,

    I am no longer interested in opening my cell phone messages and seeing pictures of your "richard". Stop sending them to me or I will start forwarding them to your mother

    yah since him sending that can be considered sexual harassment, I think he's used up his warning. forward away and lol
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    dear ex husband, when i asked you to buy our daughter deoderant for your house, i didnt expect you to tell me "thats why i pay you" ... you are a turd and i dont feel sorry one bit the doctor had to take your prostate out cause you no longer being able to get it up makes me almost forget what a douche you are.

    LOL thats what my ex told me when I told him he needed to get diapers for our daughter when he takes her.
  • RyanDanielle5101
    All the people who go to the store in pajama pants:noway: , get a fu#*ing mirror and buy a pair of pants. I do not go to the store to buy food and see your dirty budlight, tweety, santa, batman and corona PJ's dragging the floor because your wearing slippers too. It's not your bedroom, IT'S THE STORE!!!!! Do you people not own a pair of pants? Secondly, why do you pajama wearing people travel in packs?? Do you all get out of bed in the morning look in the mirror and say damn I look good then car pool to the store?? Also, if you have to use the stores power chair to get you around the store to buy 12-24 packs of various soda, maybe you don't need the f-ing soda.

    That felt good:smile:
  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
    Awww..... I like wearing pjs to the store! lol!
  • RyanDanielle5101
    Awww..... I like wearing pjs to the store! lol!

    But are they dirty and dragging the floor??? Yoga wear or nice work out outfits are not included in this rant:smile:
  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
    Lol, I was only kidding. I normally wear jeans, the last time I went to the store in pjs was about 4 years ago.
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member

    You are an acquaintance to him and me, nothing more.

    That situation is very unfortunate. However, all I can pay attention to the grammar used in this sentence.
  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    Well now that you mentioned it,

    Dear stupid girl on the treadmill next to me:

    Thank you oh so much for bathing in whatever cheap designer imposter perfume you got at the store, I was having a hard enough time breathing. I really also enjoy listening to your yammering on your cell so loud I could hear you over my iPod all while waving your arms and completely distracting me from my work out .
    I don't know who’s attention you were trying to get with your sparkly gym outfit, full face of make up and obnoxious behavior but you got mine! If I see you tomorrow and you do the same thing, I will reach over and hit the emergency stop and watch you face plant and if I'm lucky hit the wall behind you.

    :laugh: Oh my gosh, one of my biggest gym pet peeves!! Don't freaking soak in perfume, cologne, smelly substances before hitting the gym! One time I couldn't stop sneezing on the treadmill b/c of the girl next to me and had to move! rawr!