Stupidest diet myths/tips you have ever heard.



  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat...


    This is actually true:
    Not sure about the numbers, but the idea is the following: "Muscle density is 1.06 g/ml and fat density is (about) 0.9 g/ml. Thus, one liter of muscle would weight 1.06 kg and one liter of fat would weight 0.9 kg."

    Just to explain, it's about weight of the same volume:
    Basically, 1 cubic metre of lead will weight more than 1 cubic metre of wood (won't you agree?).
    Well, same with muscles and fat.

    You are talking MASS which is NOT weight. A pound of fat and a pound of muscle weigh the same thing... a POUND.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    First of all.....................Stupidest isnt a word..... lol

    It is, actually...

    To answer the OP: Definitely HCG and not eating fruit b/c of the sugar for me
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    It's one thing to say it weighs more BY VOLUME. But if it's not qualified with that statement it is flat wrong. Most people say it without including the 'by volume' part, which IS wrong.

    So you're saying that because we don't clarify that an identical volume is measured, we should assume that the comparison of weight of two theoretical objects should assume that we are comparing equal weights of those objects?

    Bricks don't weigh more than air then.

    Everyone that I know who uses that phrase means that regardless of the reading on the scale, if you have improved your muscle to fat ratio by dropping fat and or increasing muscle, your body will take up less physical space.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    First of all.....................Stupidest isnt a word..... lol

    To answer your question:

    Eliminating carbs entirely is a best practice..... MmmmHmm Sure it is.
    You can gain muscle over night...
    Soda is acceptable as long as its *diet*.....
    Diet pills work.............
    It doesnt matter WHERE my calories come from as long as Im under...
    You dont have to exercise..................
    I can eat *healthy* at Mcdonalds..................... Going to McDonalds for a salad is like going to a *kitten* for a hug.... Riiiight...

    Actually, it doesn't matter where your calories come from as long as you're under and you hit your macros (fat, carbs and proteins). I don't exclude any food from my diet. Now I'm not advocating eating McDonald's every day but I do eat it. You've got to have fun with it too. All of this extreme clean eating sounds a lot like orthorexia to me.

    So............... I can eat ONLY Ice cream sundae's every single day for the rest of my life and be ripped............. As long as I stay under my calorie goal for the day? Mmmm Nope. Im not saying you have to eat squeaky clean every single day- but for general health it DOES matter WHAT you eat.

    yus health. Would that be healthy? No. But would you lose weight? Yes.
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    For me, <climbs up on the soapbox> ;

    The reason you didn't lose weight this week, is because you gained muscle...

    (I'm busting my *kitten* to gain muscle and you just don't stumble upon gaining muscle). You have to try to gain muscle and people should stop using that statement as a 'feel good' response to why the person didn't achieve their goals/results they were going for. Rather than "gaining muscle" use "retaining water", "too much sodium" stuff that is actually true.

    <steps down from soapbox> now who needs some encouragement!?!?!? :-p
  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member
    You can't build muscle on a calorie deficit.. Really? I've been eating at a calorie deficit for most of this year and I can sure as sh** lift heavier weights.. I've also lost 18 pounds.
    Totally agree with this... I've lost 117 lbs (on a 1200 calorie diet). I had almost no muscle tone when I started, and have MUCH larger and stronger muscles now... I get that it's probably because I had so little muscle to begin with, but some people CAN build muscle on a deficit!!

    Nope, you can just actually see the muscle after losing the fat

    Yeah i dont think you can build muscle at a dificit, although thats my opinion. Im simply thinking about it in this way: Muscle burns more calories than fat and therefore needs more calories to stay intact..? any opinions?
  • ohthelawd
    ohthelawd Posts: 29 Member
    >Lol its cool if you think i have the inability to type sweety and thank you so much for pointing that out :) But if it makes you feel better please do continue. <3

    LOL... that wasn't in response to you. But good to know nonetheless-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I sincerely and utterly believe that if you only eat food off someone elses plate you will lose weight because the calories in that food belong to them and therefore don't count towards your daily calorie allowance.:bigsmile:

    I am not very popular at work anymore. :noway:

    LOL. Love it! :laugh:

    Also, drinking a diet coke or eating a celery stick with your candy bar will cancel it out, you can count that as net 0 calories.
    And breaking a cookie into pieces before you eat it will make some of the calories leak out, too.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    >Did you put an 'e' at the end of a word even if its not mean to be there? If so, then why are you crying about it?. I did have a lot of 'LAUGH OUT LOUDS' in my comment, showing the fact that im not trying to be rude, so end of conversation.

    It's amazing how defensive people get when they attempt to call someone out, only to have their opinion undermined by their inability to type.

    Wow, now see we all need to be as perfect as you so our opinion will count. Ok folks anyone that misspells a word, of makes a typing error, you might as well stop offering opinions or even facts, because if you are not perfect you don't count.

    Nice. you must be a politician, never answer a question just attack the person asking the question, a democrate too I guess.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat...


    This is actually true:
    Not sure about the numbers, but the idea is the following: "Muscle density is 1.06 g/ml and fat density is (about) 0.9 g/ml. Thus, one liter of muscle would weight 1.06 kg and one liter of fat would weight 0.9 kg."

    Just to explain, it's about weight of the same volume:
    Basically, 1 cubic metre of lead will weight more than 1 cubic metre of wood (won't you agree?).
    Well, same with muscles and fat.

    You are talking MASS which is NOT weight. A pound of fat and a pound of muscle weigh the same thing... a POUND.

    Feel free to call me out on this, but unless force due to gravity is varying by a lot where you are, mass is effectively the same as weight for our purposes here. And just my 2cents, anyone who gets frustrated because the " by volume" isn't assumed is being intentionally obtuse.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    No one should say that muscle weighs more than fat, the correct thing to say is that muscle takes up less space than fat.

    That doesn't really tell you anything. Something can take up less space but still weigh LESS on a scale.

    How about we all just agree that its just not acceptable to use the muscle vs. fat weight theory after working out and eating good for only like two weeks, and not losing any weight yet.

    Isn't that the whole reason people drag that line out in the first place? I think we can all agree that's not very likely to be the case.....
  • stresco
    stresco Posts: 354 Member
    "Try the cabbage soup diet... Youll be ripped in a week."

    I have to admit, I actually did that one... SMH :blushing:

    Me too. Got a migraine on the 3rd day, taught me a valuable lesson. Fad diets are crap.

    OMG>>> It was horrble. Made me so sick. The gasses that were sneaking out of me, not only from my *kitten* either cost me more than one friend. I tried it over 20 years ago, and havent been able to eat cabbage since. BLEH!
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    First of all.....................Stupidest isnt a word..... lol

    To answer your question:

    Eliminating carbs entirely is a best practice..... MmmmHmm Sure it is.
    You can gain muscle over night...
    Soda is acceptable as long as its *diet*.....
    Diet pills work.............
    It doesnt matter WHERE my calories come from as long as Im under...
    You dont have to exercise..................
    I can eat *healthy* at Mcdonalds..................... Going to McDonalds for a salad is like going to a *kitten* for a hug.... Riiiight...

    Actually, it doesn't matter where your calories come from as long as you're under and you hit your macros (fat, carbs and proteins). I don't exclude any food from my diet. Now I'm not advocating eating McDonald's every day but I do eat it. You've got to have fun with it too. All of this extreme clean eating sounds a lot like orthorexia to me.

    So............... I can eat ONLY Ice cream sundae's every single day for the rest of my life and be ripped............. As long as I stay under my calorie goal for the day? Mmmm Nope. Im not saying you have to eat squeaky clean every single day- but for general health it DOES matter WHAT you eat.

    Way to twist around what she said.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    "I am not going to pass on an apple and sit down to a plate full of bacon."

    Yea, that is what a low carb. diet is all about. Maybe you need more carbs. For that brain you were talking about.

    My brains are confused... where did I say all people doing low carb eat plates of bacon and pass on apples? Your low carb diet may not be all about that. I would hope that most weren't. But there are some that do... they do pass on the fruits and the veggies and eat the plateful of steak and bacon.

    How many brains do you have?

    All of them.

    Well that would explain a lot....can I please have mine back??
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    gotta say HCG probably takes the cake for me.

    What's HCG? I prob know but can't for the life of me figure it out! :embarassed:
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You are talking MASS which is NOT weight. A pound of fat and a pound of muscle weigh the same thing... a POUND.

    Not true, the difference between mass and weight is that mass does not take into account gravity (ie, you weigh less standing on the moon, but you have the same mass).

    And yes, a pound of X weighs the same as a pound of Y. The argument is that if you say X weighs more than Y, it's stupid to assume you mean you're comparing a pound of X with a pound of Y to see which weighs more.
  • ohthelawd
    ohthelawd Posts: 29 Member
    >Everyone that I know who uses that phrase means that regardless of the reading on the scale, if you have improved your muscle to fat ratio by dropping fat and or increasing muscle, your body will take up less physical space.

    And everyone else just loves to argue on the
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    I can tell you what my favorite diet is....

    Drooling over Acg67...

    The more you look, the more calories you burn picking your jaw up!

    Wozers. bravo, mi amigo. bravo...
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    "I am not going to pass on an apple and sit down to a plate full of bacon."

    Yea, that is what a low carb. diet is all about. Maybe you need more carbs. For that brain you were talking about.

    My brains are confused... where did I say all people doing low carb eat plates of bacon and pass on apples? Your low carb diet may not be all about that. I would hope that most weren't. But there are some that do... they do pass on the fruits and the veggies and eat the plateful of steak and bacon.

    How many brains do you have?

    All of them.

    Well that would explain a lot....can I please have mine back??

    Could you also give me back the 10 mins I have wasted sitting here reading stupid bickering about grammar?
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I sincerely and utterly believe that if you only eat food off someone elses plate you will lose weight because the calories in that food belong to them and therefore don't count towards your daily calorie allowance.:bigsmile:

    I am not very popular at work anymore. :noway:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: