

  • leanne402
    Thanks Keyaniab. Now lets zumbaaaaaaa
  • TashanaM
    Thanks for the flow sheet...
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    I had to double up today as I missed Tuesday and Wedsnesday! I will also double up tomorrow, but I am going to do the basic steps dvd again first as I was rubbish!
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    Thank you!!!
  • leanne402
    Checking in. I did 70 minutes today. It's killing me, hope I see the results soon!
  • mrsc86
    mrsc86 Posts: 188 Member
    Hi all

    Checking in! Did 45 mins last night and then 41 on the Kinect this morning (at 6:30am!)

  • heaven_511
    heaven_511 Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks sooo much for all of your hard work on this challege. You are greatly appreciated! I just realized that I inboxed you my goal instead of posting on the thread.

    GW: 160
  • LittleFootLT11
    I'm traveling across country this weekend and it'll be super hard to find time to Zumba as I'll be mired in Bar Mitzvah activities for my cousin. I'm going to work really hard to get it all in but at the very least I'll definitely take advantage of the hotel gym and pool. And then back to the grind on Monday! See you all on the other end of the weekend!

    Oh and thanks for the spreadsheet, it's lovely :-)
  • nellyb2011
    nellyb2011 Posts: 168 Member
    My starting weight back in December 2010- 207 lbs.

    CW: 187.7 lbs
    GW: 145 lbs
    On my way to goal- 11/15/2011- mini goal- 184
    On my way to goal- 11/30/2011- mini goal- 180

    Measurements as of 11/1/2011
    Waist: 36 inches
    Bust: 40.5 inches
    Hips: 41.5 inches
    Thighs -25 inches

    Day 1- Found the group and son had a football game- too tired to move when i got home didn't do anything.
    Day 2- Did makeup exercise for day 1and did day 2-
    45 minutes zumba sculpt and tone- 500 calories
    55 minutes zumba Live on DVD- 611 calories
    6 bottles water today- 16.9 oz for a total of 101.4 ounces
    Day 3-60 minute zumba class at local rec center- 558 calories & 20 minutes zumba flat abs DVD-193
    6 bottles water- 90 oz
  • heaven_511
    heaven_511 Posts: 315 Member
    30 mins Zumba...done!
  • keyaniab
    Here we go again guys, sorry about it being deleted, and thanks to those who let me know!



  • Hthfamily
    Hthfamily Posts: 123 Member
    Finally got to do Zumba tonight, 55 minutes done!! Found it interesting that my 13 yr old boy wanted to do it with me, he kicked butt!!
  • CocoMonkii
    Hi Everyone!

    I just joined MFP on Tuesday 3, NOV. In all my new-ness I haven't even introduced myself on the forums yet. However I'm not new to Zumba. I have the older dvd set and I just recently decided to get my butt into gear again and lose weight (I start and stop ALOT usually because I get lazy.) Which is why I've joined MFP to keep myself accountable, so no more excuses for me!

    I've never joined a group Challenge like this before. The challenge is very similar to my current exercise plan, but doing this challenge would be extra motivation for me. Can I still join in? I can post my measurements later today.

    SW: 206 (Nov 1st, 2011)
    Goal: Lose 10lbs ( by Dec 1st)

    I've already been doing my Zumba workouts + 15 mins on a treadmill (first week)
    Monday : 50 min Zumba Cardio Party
    Wed: 45 mins Sculpt & Tone
    Thur: 50 mins Cardio Party

    So basically I'm just following the order given in the DVD booklet. The drop a dress size plan. I hope its not too late.
  • Yoga_Chick
    I love this challenge, it really does encourage me, I have got up early every morning this week to get my Zumba on, and have also made the effort to ensure I have been drinking water throughout the day. I just need to make more effort on the type of food I am eating.

    Have a good day all x
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    No Zumba for me again last night due to a minor (non-medical) emergency with my mother. I'm not going to do very well with this challenge for the first 2 weeks it seems. I just found out that I have to go out of town on business for 3 days next week. I'll workout in the hotel gym but no Zumba (grrrrr).

    ETA: I will be out of town Mon-Wed so I will miss the weigh in/update next week too!!
  • texastae1010
    Hey everyone I am not doing so great this week on this challenge...I will be back full strength come Monday 1. allergies and medicine make me a zombie (it is not fun)

    2. I am running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get some baskets and what not together for some local Veterans for Veterans Day

    3. I have no budgeted my time properly this week at all arrgghh

    I am sure some part of this is laziness etc. but it is what it is lol

    I hope everyone is kicking tushy and I will be kicking tushy on Monday :)
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Yay thanks for the chart keyaniab

    I just zumba'd 45mins, Cals 300, 3 times this week.
  • missie67
    I would love to join the challenge for the month...I have the Exhilarate program, could anyone tell me the length of the Ripped and Mix DVD's. I seem to have misplaced my workout guide somewhere, please and thank you. :smile:

  • missie67
    Sorry, no clue why two sigs showed up. If you need to know my current weight for the challenge it is 168 pound.
  • Hthfamily
    Hthfamily Posts: 123 Member
    45 minutes of Exhilerate done today. This was the first time I did this disk, what a workout! Thanks to my son for wanting to do different disks.