Fit For Future Families - November 2011



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks all u guys. i joined here last month and everybody is so much supportive and motivating

    did the blood test this evening.My husband is jumping around the house screaming ... I DONE IT!!!! I DONE IT!!!! AND THANK YOU GOD!!!!!


    LOL - Oh lady :) I'm sooo happy for you!!! I think you should definitely join the fit & fab preggo board started by one of our former members..... I think you'd find a lot of like minded ladies there going through pregnancy and staying really active, although we will miss your activity posts....always made me do a little more

    i have already checked that board, but ill keep checking this board too

    I m not buttering or anything for the sake of saying it "so far this the only board of MFP I have seen,where everybody is so much supportive and shows empathy coz we can understand each other" may be i have said that earlier too.

    You did and I appreciate it :) There is definitely something stronger than the need to lose weight holding this group together......we have a common reason for trying to lose it too....we definitely have something special ;)
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Congratulations Dexter!! So very happy for you!

    AFM: I'm now on CD 41... I started spotting yesterday, and it's continued throughout today. I have no idea what to think. My temps are all over the place but no sustained high temps which tells me I haven't ovulated... however I was paranoid and so was hubby so I took a prego test anyway and of course it was negative. So the wait continues. Either this spotting is going to turn into a full flow or not. This is very frustrating and depressing. I'm young and healthy. Why does getting pregnant have to be so hard?! :sad: Sorry...bit of a whine fest.
  • majaila
    Congratulations Dexter! And good luck to all the rest of us!

    AFM: Had IUI #3 last Wednesday, so I'm in the 2WW and trying desperately to ignore everything. ;) The prometrium, I've discovered, gives me AF/early PG symptoms, so there's no sense in stalking symptoms. Just waiting until the blood test on the 8th.

    We're also frantically trying to finish parts of our house before family comes in for Thanksgiving - hubby has some lofty goals but all I want is some functional bathrooms upstairs!! We're not doing anything in the evenings after work except work on the house and I'm SO sore and tired. And definitely not worrying about going to the gym, ugh!
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Just checking in for now ladies. If that +opk during AF really was O then I am 2dpo right now. So I'm either due for AF or O in less than 2 weeks. Hopefully I will be pregnant!!
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    I rarely have time to post these days, but just wanted to say Karen--sooooo happy for you!! Congrats!! And Congrats to you, too, Dexter. :)
  • jarrettfam
    jarrettfam Posts: 186 Member
    Congrats Dexter!!!

    I am 6 dpo! Have some symptoms starting already. I dont know if Im being overly sensitive. I have lost 3 lbs in the last week!! I was all excited b/c my pants were starting to fall off my hips and getting baggy. Now they fit in the waist again but are baggy everywhere else. Ugh, unless its a good thing! I'm tracking my stuff on Fertility Friend. We will see how it goes. Got on here to get some encouragement and support. I'm a sahm with 4 foster kids and 1 step-daughter so I stay pretty busy and dont get to hang out with friends to much.

    On the fun note: I got a 2 week old foster baby from the hospital today!!! So cute and cuddly!!!!

    Hope and pray every one has sticky dust this month!!!! Hang in there because our time is coming!!!:flowerforyou:
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    yes guys, i have something to tell that may have worked for me!

    i haven't used OPKs and BBT, so wht im gonna say may sound very idiotic but it was something new for me

    last Cycle i felt the symptoms of ovulation and it was just 9-10 day of cycle. Usually i used to be stuck my theoretical ovulation window tht i hardly did BD outta tht window. for that matter my hubby was very pissed at me.

    this time there were 2 other changes, i was found Vitamin deficient, so I was taking tab for it, ----I would recommend to test yours or at least take some Multivitamin with Vit D3 and calcium

    My father-in-law kept on telling me to eat Date, it was his religious thought but since its has so much nutrients, there is no harm eating one day...i had 3dates as my snack after workout

    When joined this thread, i told tht i have not been working out for a very long time just coz i was apprehensive of losing in case I conceive, this month i worked out quite regularly, I was not tht stressful for conceiving as I had set these upcoming 2 months for myself, I started a challenge C25k+jillian micheals killer buns and thighs. and u know what 15 ppl have joined me. but im not telling them, keep monitoring tht thread as I would have, just not to de-motivate them, As i started it, walking out would be bad. Ill miss tht challenge...But this reward is the best Allah has bestowed on me

    May God bless all of us with healthy and beautiful kids
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Congratulations, Dexter!

    AFM, this is my first cycle of TTC this time round, so I'm trying not to get too excited. My cycles are short but irregular, so if AF isn't here by the middle of the month, I'll test. I only had to wait 3 months last time. I cried at the first AF, was fine with the second AF and then tested positive. I'm imagining that my tiredness and queasiness now are symptoms, as that's how it was last time, but then I just thought I'd got food poisoning! Fingers crossed!

    It may sound silly, but I only want to TTC for a few months this year, to try to fit a baby around a school year. If it doesn't happen this year I'll try again in the same time slot next year, and then keep going.
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Congrats Dexter!

    And welcome to all the new folks we have on the board! Love it!

    Well, I was in Disneyland for the Halloween weekend...SO FUN! But SO bad for eating healthy. I didn't even weigh in today because I don't want to know....But it's time to get back into it!

    I had my progesterone levels checked just before we left last week and I didn't O. :( Disappointing for sure. Today is CD28 so in 7 days I'll start provera if AF doesn't come on her own.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    I HAVE A DOT! Yes, it's just a little dot, but it's definitely there on the ultrasound, doing what a dot should be doing, according to the sonographer. So, ladies, I feel confident to officially be pregnant. And I'm going to do everything in my power to stay that way. I start prometrium tonight as a precaution. My husband is calling the dot "poppy" as in "poppy seed".

    So, I'm going to transition officially to the other board, but not without a little sadness at leaving this wonderful support group. Jalara and Pam, special thanks to you for your work keeping the board together. I'll be stalking this board,and sending you all continued prayers and wishes for your BFPs. Like Dexter said, this board is pretty special. Thanks for helping me through. I'll see you all soon on the "other" board. :-)

    Cyberhugs and positive thoughts to you all...

    Karen (and poppy.)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Dexters!!! Congratulations! That's a BFP!!!! Yay!! I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    oh thanks jalara!i hope so

    in our mother language in such situations when the other person is saying what u want to listen

    "loads of sweets and butter in your mouth"

    Wish me luck guys

    sounds like what my mum would say! massive congratulations!
  • mommy2squish
    mommy2squish Posts: 126 Member
    Loving this board!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    ok so cd7 for me! going so slow! should be oving anytime from cd17-20! which seems far away! hey ho, patience is virtue i guess. fingers crossed :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    JarrettFam - Oooooh 2 week old baby....I`d like to think I could foster, but I know I'd be too sad to see them go :(

    Dexter - good advice about the working out, check ups and dates (specifically). I did some research...Foods that especially benefit woman who are trying to conceive are foods that influence and build blood. Those foods include: green veggies (kale, collards, swiss chard, broccoli, brussel sprouts, green beans) beets/beet greens, raspberries, blueberries, cherry, blackberries, dark grapes, dates," says Jennifer Paschen, the founder and director of The Nest in Chicago, an integrated healthcare center for women and children. The glycemic load of a date is around 9, this is because most of the calories come from sugar, but they get a high score on the amino acid scale (55%) which means they may help complete some of the proteins you're eating, helping absorption. Each one contains around 3% of your daily B6 requirements as well as 5% of your potassium (which are both important for fertility). Overall, it's a very little processed food, which makes it a good choice to eat.... :)

    Karen - I love that the dot has a name - and a cute one at that. I can't wait to be saying, what do you mean you're 39 weeks along already????? Where did that time go???? LOL

    Meggamix - I started the Provera on Monday.....I thought AF was here last week but it was just some heavy spotting......I had to wait until after they did the pregnancy test (at which I laughed)...LOL I was so good for so long, why can't it just seem to get under control again? *sigh* hoping that it shows up on it's own!!!

    Maria - the first half is the easy part - its' the 2WW that is the killer ;)

    AFM - I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. We got the news today that someone close to the family passed away (she'd been in hospice for the last month with cancer, so we knew it was coming). Then I got word that my DH's cousin's girlfriend miscarried yesterday - my heart is broken for her. She's on the young side (22) but has medical issues. She's had 5 miscarriages so far - her family didn't believe that she was pregnant this time and her doctor didn't want to do the blood test, even though she can't take a HPT. She had an U/S a week ago and got to see her little one. A few days later was put on bed rest, but was told the baby was fine..... So we have two really bad pieces of news in a day - I'm waiting....these thigns happen in 3s.... *sigh* I dont' remember every post today - kind of foggy actually....probably should go have a nap
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I HAVE A DOT! Yes, it's just a little dot, but it's definitely there on the ultrasound, doing what a dot should be doing, according to the sonographer. So, ladies, I feel confident to officially be pregnant. And I'm going to do everything in my power to stay that way. I start prometrium tonight as a precaution. My husband is calling the dot "poppy" as in "poppy seed".

    So, I'm going to transition officially to the other board, but not without a little sadness at leaving this wonderful support group. Jalara and Pam, special thanks to you for your work keeping the board together. I'll be stalking this board,and sending you all continued prayers and wishes for your BFPs. Like Dexter said, this board is pretty special. Thanks for helping me through. I'll see you all soon on the "other" board. :-)

    Cyberhugs and positive thoughts to you all...

    Karen (and poppy.)

    Oh Hun! Congrats! You made me tear up a little too, lol!

    I'm so happy for you and hubby! Congrats to your family! Be sure to swing by, and I want to hear how you tell DS about Poppy!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I HAVE A DOT! Yes, it's just a little dot, but it's definitely there on the ultrasound, doing what a dot should be doing, according to the sonographer. So, ladies, I feel confident to officially be pregnant. And I'm going to do everything in my power to stay that way. I start prometrium tonight as a precaution. My husband is calling the dot "poppy" as in "poppy seed".

    So, I'm going to transition officially to the other board, but not without a little sadness at leaving this wonderful support group. Jalara and Pam, special thanks to you for your work keeping the board together. I'll be stalking this board,and sending you all continued prayers and wishes for your BFPs. Like Dexter said, this board is pretty special. Thanks for helping me through. I'll see you all soon on the "other" board. :-)

    Cyberhugs and positive thoughts to you all...

    Karen (and poppy.)

    Oh Hun! Congrats! You made me tear up a little too, lol!

    I'm so happy for you and hubby! Congrats to your family! Be sure to swing by, and I want to hear how you tell DS about Poppy!

    Me too!!!!
  • jarrettfam
    jarrettfam Posts: 186 Member
    Hey ladies,
    I am 7 dpo. I have been doing Zumba for the last 3 months. I am starting to have bad stomach cramps that feel like a pulled muscle in my stomach. :frown: My husband to me to stop the Zumba and walk or go swimming instead. I'm kind of sad.:sad: I really love Zumba and the quick weight loss that goes with it. I just dont want to take a chance of having another m/c. Is there any other excercise that would be more comfortable on my body or more gentle on it. I still want to try to loose weight till I get preg. Then I just want to stay very healthy and watch my intake (if possible). I'm open to any ideas. :ohwell: Thanks!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Hey ladies,
    I am 7 dpo. I have been doing Zumba for the last 3 months. I am starting to have bad stomach cramps that feel like a pulled muscle in my stomach. :frown: My husband to me to stop the Zumba and walk or go swimming instead. I'm kind of sad.:sad: I really love Zumba and the quick weight loss that goes with it. I just dont want to take a chance of having another m/c. Is there any other excercise that would be more comfortable on my body or more gentle on it. I still want to try to loose weight till I get preg. Then I just want to stay very healthy and watch my intake (if possible). I'm open to any ideas. :ohwell: Thanks!

    I know what you mean. I keep worrying about whether the 30DS is too much for me if I do happen to be in the early stages of pregnancy. None of the advice seems to go back as far as conception.

    If and when I get a BFP, I shall be onto Amazon to get a pregnancy workout DVD. My last pregnancy slaughtered my back, so I would like to work on staying strong and in shape if I get pregnant again.

    It is so exciting having started to TTC, but I'm not looking forward to waiting so anxiously for AF. Mine is between 19-25 days, so I could know the bad news by this time next week, but for good news I'd have to wait for the same time the week after!
  • titlich
    I HAVE A DOT! Yes, it's just a little dot, but it's definitely there on the ultrasound, doing what a dot should be doing, according to the sonographer. So, ladies, I feel confident to officially be pregnant. And I'm going to do everything in my power to stay that way. I start prometrium tonight as a precaution. My husband is calling the dot "poppy" as in "poppy seed".

    Congrats on your dot !!! I wish you a healthy pregnancy ahead...
  • titlich
    Hello everyone !!! and Congrats Dexters!!

    AFM: I am on CD 7 and now waiting for a +OPK... Trying to stay positive and hoping this month will bring some joy... Still continuing the 30DS... Did not loose much inches but can fit into my old jeans, so I am happy for now...