Fit For Future Families - November 2011



  • majaila
    Are you on any meds for TTC: pre-natals, clomid 50 mg, estogen 3mg, and progrestrone suppositories (and I hate them with a passion, my side effects are pregnancy symptoms.)

    I'm on the same thing - progesterone suppositories after IUI - and I have the EXACT same side effects as you, every time - early pregnancy symptoms. UGH. I'm on IUI #3 and have just given up on paying attention to symptoms. I'm trying really hard to stay busy so I have other things to pay attention to than my body!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Howbouto - welcome! Progesterone is a little evil, is? It plays mind games with you!!!!! I hope the cycle works out for you! We have an IVF cycle coming up soon and we're keeping our fingers crossed as well!
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Thank you all! Yeah the doctor had me on the progrestrone for the 6 clomid only cycles, it took 3 for me to figure my symptoms were due to the clomid.

    @Christina, it sounds as if we have the same diagonsis or lack of one! Good luck on your journey, I know what you mean about needing to be off of the rollercoaster. I think I need a break soon myself. Its very hard for me to live, we I'm consumed ttc.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Howbouto - welcome! Progesterone is a little evil, is? It plays mind games with you!!!!! I hope the cycle works out for you! We have an IVF cycle coming up soon and we're keeping our fingers crossed as well!

    fingers crossed for u
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    AF might be coming this week... Or not! I'm trying not to get so optimistic that I end up having an accident. Recently my cycle has been between 19-25 days. I'm glad to have a short cycle when TTC, but as I'm anaemic it's normally awful. I was so upset by that 19 day cycle!
  • losing4baby
    losing4baby Posts: 28 Member
    I'll come back to this.... just a quick post for now so I can find this thread again! :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Weigh in - 252.8lbs

    I'll do the comparisons etc later.....not surprised though - just finished a round of Provera so AF is due to hit within the week. On day 45 of this cycle.....Find out the results of the ABPM test next Wednesday and then have a follow up with the high BP specialist the following week.

    I'm also not surprised because Saturday was quite the party - we were doing centrepieces for the vow renewal and I ended up having a few drinks (which I don't normally do) and quite a bit of munchies that I wouldn't normally have had....
  • sunyatasong
    sunyatasong Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning:) Glad I found you gals! Here's my info....

    Age: 31
    Where you live: NYC
    Job: Therapist
    Length of time on the board: Just got here, although I think few years ago I had an account with fitness pal!
    Marital Status: Married - with DH for almost 10 years
    Length of time you've been with SO: ?
    Do you have kids: no
    Length of time TTC: really just started...not "actively trying" in terms of tracking but having unprotected sex for the past 2 months
    Diagnosis: n/a
    Do you chart your BBT: no
    Do you use OPKs: no
    Are you on any meds for TTC: no - just taking a multivitamin daily (which has folic acid in it as well)
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 188lbs
    Goal Weight: approx 140lbs
    Strange fact about yourself: I am obsessed with sharks!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Happy Monday! Getting back on track with my weigh-in today. I'm not really sure about the number I got this morning, the scale was all over the place both above and below what I ended up taking as my measurement. Sometimes it does that and it's just so frustrating. I know I was up a little because of the conference last week, so it makes sense that I'd be at about the same place I was two weeks ago. I want to work pretty hard this week to be down before I go home to see my family next week and then all the Thanksgiving & football festivities the week after that. In other news, we went to the 2nd level of yoga yesterday and it was pretty intense. We starting learning how to do hand stands (not so successfully - yet)!! :noway: But, the good news is hubby & I both made it through relatively unscathed. Just a little bit of soreness in muscles we never use!

    MFP SW (March 2011): 211
    Calendar week 31: 169.6 (-1.0)
    Calendar week 32: 168.4 (-1.2)
    Calendar week 33: 166.8 (-1.6)
    Calendar week 34: no weigh in
    Calendar week 35: 166.4 (-0.4)

    Welcome Howbouto, tinachris1, & sunyatasong!

    Pam, promise you'll put up some pics from your vow renewal after its over. I'm getting so excited for you hearing about all your preparations!!

    *HUGS* & baby dust to everyone!
    :flowerforyou: Stephanie
  • smanibhai
    Monday Check in:
    Last week: 164.2
    This week: 161.8

    Probably won't make my goal of 160 before AF (bringing the start of my IVF shots) but I am still very happy with the results this week.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Are you on any meds for TTC: pre-natals, clomid 50 mg, estogen 3mg, and progrestrone suppositories (and I hate them with a passion, my side effects are pregnancy symptoms.)

    I'm on the same thing - progesterone suppositories after IUI - and I have the EXACT same side effects as you, every time - early pregnancy symptoms. UGH. I'm on IUI #3 and have just given up on paying attention to symptoms. I'm trying really hard to stay busy so I have other things to pay attention to than my body!

    same here. plus i gain like 10 pounds in the short 12 days i'm on in. frustrating!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Hello all! my husband and I are actively TTC. It has been a rough road. We tried to get pregnant for 1.5 yrs and finally became pregnant last Feb/2011 (750mg/day Metformin) Our first son, Connor was stillborn almost 3 months ago on August 13th.

    i'm so sorry for your loss. i can't imagine how hard that was for you.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i'm back at my nemesis weight (123.6). it is down from last week, but still up overall. i think i will get to start concentrating on getting rid of those last 10 pounds without the fertility meds messing with me. i am pretty sure i still have not ovulated. i go in for a blood test this afternoon. :( i am pretty bummed out. trying to look on the positive side of things as i know God has a plan for me and my family.
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Last week - 172.4
    This week - 169.2

    Lost - 3.2 lbs YAY!!

    I doubt I will lose that much every week but if I could even lose 2lbs or so per week I will reach my goal!
  • Pokee1
    Pokee1 Posts: 408 Member
    I'm finally up for the weekly weigh-ins and goal-setting. I've looked at Pam's for the last few weeks and have been very impressed with hers (I'm going to borrow from you a bit to get me going). I actually put my scale away because I know that I haven't been good with my eating or working out but it's a new day and a new week. Time to get my butt back in gear!

    Week 1: 140
    Goal: 120 - 20 pounds to go

    Goals for this week:
    1. Water
    - 2 litres a day (water bottles in fridge, ready for the day)

    2. Medications & Supplements from Acupuncturist:
    - Take all my pills everyday as directed
    - Take my youth juice daily

    3. Food:
    - Stay with my calorie goals 6 days this week
    - Stick with my fertility diet 80% of the time and eat at least 2 foods from each category a day

    4. Exercise:
    -Hot yoga 2 days
    -weights 3 times this week
    -cardio 3 times this week

    5. Mental:
    - 20 minutes of meditation (guided), 5 times a week
    - 1 acupuncturist appt this week
    - catch up with 2 friends

    I'm already more motivated just writing them down! Happy Monday to everyone!
  • mrsjenfrank
    mrsjenfrank Posts: 1,016 Member
    Well hello everyone! Hope today finds everyone happy and feeling great. :) I am happy but not feeling great, so I am trying that whole 'power of positive thinking' deal-y and hoping that my headache will go away and not turn into a migraine.

    Welcome to all of the newbies! I don't post often... but I try to pop in and read every day if I can. :)

    Also congrats to those celebrating BFPs! Lots of sticky dust to you!

    Last few weeks have been rough for me. Started on a downward spiral of bad eating... couldn't get off. But I am hoping to rectify that!

    Last week I gained 4.2lbs.
    This week I am down 1.3lbs!

    We got snow where I live Saturday night and it snowed almost all day yesterday. I have shoveled snow twice now. I am hoping that this will help get in some extra needed exercise. Anyone who lives in a snow-y climate... do you count your shoveling as exercise here on MFP? I put in the 20mins I did and it gave me an absurd amount of cals lost. haahaa dunno if I trust that very much.

    Have a great week everyone!
    Luv, hugs n baby dust!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Last week: 148.0
    Today: 151.0

    Boo. But it could have been a lot worse because I ate terribly last week! I was determined to turn things around this week so I woke up extra early to get a work out in before LO woke up. Now I'm exhausted. I seriously considered taking a nap while she did (well, she is right now) but I decided to go to bed early instead so hopefully I can wake up early again tomorrow.

    I don't know what is going on this cycle. AF was due on Friday and still hasn't showed up. I tested Saturday and this morning and both were negative. So today is CD34. I guess I'll have to just keep playing the waiting game.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Last week: 148.0
    Today: 151.0

    Boo. But it could have been a lot worse because I ate terribly last week! I was determined to turn things around this week so I woke up extra early to get a work out in before LO woke up. Now I'm exhausted. I seriously considered taking a nap while she did (well, she is right now) but I decided to go to bed early instead so hopefully I can wake up early again tomorrow.

    I don't know what is going on this cycle. AF was due on Friday and still hasn't showed up. I tested Saturday and this morning and both were negative. So today is CD34. I guess I'll have to just keep playing the waiting game.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday!

    Ugh, the waiting is annoying! I'm only on CD18, but having had a 19 day cycle once recently, I could know by tomorrow if the baby dust has worked. Completely bloated which isn't helping any!

    I am on maintenance now, but I have to keep a special eye on myself when TTC, as stress eating can be a problem for me, and I'll happily use anything as an excuse to eat more.

    Ran for the first time in ages today. Felt good :happy:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I saw the acupuncturist again today. She basically said that I am confusing case for her. She can't discern any pattern from my BBT chart and my physical complaints/symptoms. :frown:

    Today is CD35 and no AF yet. Negative pregnancy test on CD33. But who knows? I've had 50-day cycles before.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Welcome to ALL the newbies- Holy Moly there are a LOT of you!

    Texas- I’m very sorry for you loss. I’m glad you have found us.

    Dexters, cutmd,- Congratulations on the BFP

    Pam-Sorry for the losses in your family.

    There seems to be a lot of people waiting for AF I hope it works out for all of you this month and she won't show for 9 months :o)

    AFM: I'm back. I took an unplanned but clearly needed break from everything. My dad is officially moved out of our house and into his new house. THANK GOODNESS, cause that was a LOOOOOOOOOONG 2 months. I'm very happy to have him near (15 minutes away), but being under the same house was too much. I had a complete break down yesterday. My poor husband woke up to me crying in the living room looking at the immigration website. I'm so frustrated being pushed around for something that should be straight forward. AHHHHHHHHHHH! We are going to miss our one year immigration timeline we gave ourselves and I just feel like our life us passing us by. Luckily he is great about cheering me up- he forced us out of the house and we went for a long drive on country roads. It was just what I needed to refocus on the positives. We are back to discussing what is important to us- Should we just pursue a domestic adoption? Then his papers don't matter and we can send off our pile of dear parent letters...we're talking to pros and cons and rethinking what is for us...

    AF came and I'm on CD4ish. The progesterone makes my start a little loopy so I'm counting CD1 when my temps drop.

    I weighed in this morning and was up one more pound so all in all I've gained back 4 pounds that I had lost so I had to cave and actually change my weight. Hopefully this will motivate me to get my *kitten* back in gear. My goal this week is to drink my water and log HONESTLY everyday.

    Questions for those of you on progesterone- Does your cycle start before you stop taking it? My Dr. made it seem that the progesterone would stop my cycle from starting. My cycle is still coming and not extending my LP at all...