Fit For Future Families - November 2011



  • texasmissy
    texasmissy Posts: 12 Member
    Hello all! my husband and I are actively TTC. It has been a rough road. We tried to get pregnant for 1.5 yrs and finally became pregnant last Feb/2011 (750mg/day Metformin) Our first son, Connor was stillborn almost 3 months ago on August 13th. I got my first AF in October, so now were back on the TTC train. I need all the support/advice I can get so bring it on!

    Welcome texasmissy to the group...I am sorry to hear about your loss.. I lost my son(Arnay Teo) this July and now we are actively trying for our rainbow... Feel free to talk to me... Hugs to you !!

    Thank you, and I'm so sorry to hear about your little boy. I'm sending baby juju to you. And HUGS back to you, too.
  • texasmissy
    texasmissy Posts: 12 Member
    Hello all! my husband and I are actively TTC. It has been a rough road. We tried to get pregnant for 1.5 yrs and finally became pregnant last Feb/2011 (750mg/day Metformin) Our first son, Connor was stillborn almost 3 months ago on August 13th.

    i'm so sorry for your loss. i can't imagine how hard that was for you.

    Thank you
  • mrsjenfrank
    mrsjenfrank Posts: 1,016 Member
    Does anybody know what the difference between Clomid and Metformin is? I am on Metformin now to TTC but if this doesn't work, they are going to place me on Clomid.

    Metformin is typically used for people who are pre-diabetic to help regulate their insulin/sugar levels... doctors have also found women who have PCOS benefit from taking metformin, as it can help them achieve weight loss (along with a healthy diet) as most women who have PCOS have a hard time losing weight because their body becomes insulin resistant from being overweight and having out of whack hormones.

    Clomid is a drug used by doctors to help women having problems conceiving. It helps the eggs mature better and makes them more likely to accept sperm.

    At least, this is my understanding of the drugs. I have PCOS, and I am on metformin, and will have to go on clomid once my doctor feels i have lost sufficient weight. she is concerned that if i was to get pregnant at my current weight i would have complications/its too high risk for me. plus I have to take progesterone pills (Prometrium) because at my current weight i am not ovulating or getting a period on my own.

    hope this helps!!

    anyone, if i am incorrect in my assumptions, please feel free to correct me. i have tried to make myself as knowledgeable as i can, but if i am misinformed, i'd like to be corrected. ty.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Mrs. Jen - you're right. Metformin helps trigger the body's natural hormone response by treating the insulin response of the body (all the hormones are inter-related) and Clomid works by directly blocking estrogen receptors in the brain (if you remember back to high school health class, the decrease of estrogen in the body is what triggers ovulation).

    Luki - good for you!!!! LOL Kids need to learn that there are standards in the real world. Success isn't completing something necessarily, it might be going as far as you possibly can with something. So glad to have you back!

    AFM - it's been a crazy week....I'm still on this funky project and I have to give a presentation to my VP so that they see what it is and how it's affecting his people. I could talk about it for days, but seems like there is always more talking and more work. I spent probably 15 hours working yesterday and I'm probably going to be doing something similar today. Finished the Provera on Sunday so now just waiting for AF - she's definitely coming - everything hurts!!! LOL I'm still so bummed out that my cycles went nutso again after 9 months of being perfect!! And just as we were going for the IVF....Get the results of my BP test next week and hopefully a sneak peek of the bloodwork results - cause that little piece is not helping my sanity ;) On another note, it sounds like my husband's family is NOT staying with us (well, except my in-laws) which is fine, I guess. I was really looking forward to spending time with his 6 year old cousin. That weekend of the renewal, I'm thinking we're going to have the renewal on the Saturday, a thank you brunch on the Sunday for the helpers and anyone else who wants to join and then Monday we'll head to visit with the family and take who ever wants to come with us to the Zoo...The Toronto Zoo is definitely an awesome place to bring small children. We actually bought his other little cousin a pass for her birthday (and they're going to be together) so we'll be paying for just us, his out of town aunt and cousin, and probably take 7 people with us....It's huge so the kids will be able to run off their energy together.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    GBOH-I am sooooo sorry to hear that! but you will make a great adopted mommy HUGS.

    Pam-sounds like a fun time! enjoy the zoo and the kids

    AFM-I'm just popping on to say hello. I can hardly keep up with you all even without trying to respond to everyone! I had my doctors appt yesterday and have surgery scheduled for the 30th. After that I'll be in a brace for 6 weeks and no running for 3 months :( I'm so sad about that! However doctor said that most patients say that at least 80% of the pain is gone by the end of the 6 weeks so that's good I guess. I'm really not looking forward to the surgery but I am looking forward to feeling better and being able to start trying again. I probably wont be on here much at least until after the 6 weeks but until then I'll be popping on accasionally to say hello :)
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Hello all, boy this board is really busy! Hopefully it will thin out due to lots of BFPs!!! Well today AF is due, I tested this am and it was BFN, but no AF either. I still have my fingers crossed but not really oppitmistic either. How do you handle the emotional rollercoaster of ttc? I think thats most frustrating. I'm a strong believer in staying positive (and the power of positive thinking) but in this case its really difficult. If I'm too positive and I get a negative, I'm completely heartbroken. But if I'm negative, I'm afraid I'm actually hurting my chances. Any thoughts?
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Hello all, boy this board is really busy! Hopefully it will thin out due to lots of BFPs!!! Well today AF is due, I tested this am and it was BFN, but no AF either. I still have my fingers crossed but not really oppitmistic either. How do you handle the emotional rollercoaster of ttc? I think thats most frustrating. I'm a strong believer in staying positive (and the power of positive thinking) but in this case its really difficult. If I'm too positive and I get a negative, I'm completely heartbroken. But if I'm negative, I'm afraid I'm actually hurting my chances. Any thoughts?

    just roll with the punches hun! I just keep telling myself it will happen in God's time. I really would have liked to get pregnant 4 months ago when we started trying but at the end of the month i need back surgery so it turns out to be a good thing that I didn't get pregnant because I wouldn't be able to take care of my back otherwise. Stay positive, but don't keep your hopes too high. It will happen when it is supposed it. I hope that was a false negative you got :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    i am officially done. :( the doctors said 'no more'. i can't really blame them. six years is a long time (with a two year break when my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer and a one year break after he died). i am very heartbroken. now it is time to look more closely at adoption options, but we may take a few weeks/months to grieve before we start that.

    i am praying for all of you. baby dust sent your way.

    Adoption was our first choice (but I'm tired of waiting, there is sooo much red tape here) - when your child looks at you all they're going to see is Mommy and the method of how they came into your life just isn't going to matter! Definitely take your time though - it's not something to rush from one to another - they wouldn't have approved us as adoptive parents if they hadn't gotten the feeling we were past our infertility issues. It can be a lengthy process though and can feel very lonely because not many people have gone that route (compared to pregnant friends, not many adopt). Make sure to make use of the groups in your area to help you deal and come to terms with the loss you're going through now as well as what to expect in the future!!!! You WILL be a good Mom!!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello all, boy this board is really busy! Hopefully it will thin out due to lots of BFPs!!! Well today AF is due, I tested this am and it was BFN, but no AF either. I still have my fingers crossed but not really oppitmistic either. How do you handle the emotional rollercoaster of ttc? I think thats most frustrating. I'm a strong believer in staying positive (and the power of positive thinking) but in this case its really difficult. If I'm too positive and I get a negative, I'm completely heartbroken. But if I'm negative, I'm afraid I'm actually hurting my chances. Any thoughts?

    LOL First of all, it's doubtful that it will thin out ;) This has always been a hopping board but most people don't stay too long - we just bring in the newbies!!!!

    Second of all, stress and negativity absolutely can hurt your chances so the key here is actually an easy one. Luckily I'm well versed in the "blood test" letdown and have a good strategy for avoiding it. It's the same as we use on my 2 year old cousin (forgive the comparison :)) It's distraction. Find something that keeps your mind busy or something that "needs" you or something you really enjoy. Think in terms of the future (not the near future). I tend to go to aquafit more in the 2WW because I need the distraction and the whole time I'm motivated for my "future" children, not the next HPT child. Exercise is good, but volunteering is better. They need you and you are able to focus for short periods of time on someone else's problems......The final thing is take lots of time for yourself....a bubble bath, walk in the woods, visi to an art gallery....just remember that while you're waiting this might be the last few months of solitude you have!

    For me, it always hits hardest around the events (like Christmas). Every year I tell myself, this is my LAST Christmas without a baby.....and then the next year I'm a mess.......I recommend not doing that yourself if you can help it.

    AFM: Just found out I'm going to the baby show on the weekend!!! YAY so excited. It's going to be a great time!!!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm glad this board is here because it is helpful to know that I'm not alone in this.

    I'm having a rough day today. Kind of a pity-party type of day. I can't seem to concentrate on my work, which means that I've gotten nothing done, which makes me feel pretty much like an unmotivated waste of space (short story: I'm finishing my dissertation, set to defend in December, but I've hated every step of the way the last year or two and yet, for some reason, I am forcing myself to finish my degree).

    Then, I've had a couple of crying jags mostly related to NOT getting AF (never thought I would say THAT!). I'm on CD37. I'm having some cramps, so maybe the crying means that AF is near.

    I really do need to finish this dissertation so I can throw myself into something else like volunteering (as fitterpam just mentioned). There's an after school place in my neighborhood where volunteers help kids with their homework. I've volunteered a couple of times and it was great fun. Can't wait until I can do that more. Something to take my mind off my stupid BBT chart, you know?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I know what you mean about being bummed about no's crazy when you have long cycles. I finally saw her today......4 days after the provera I guess that would make my last cycle 50 days.....booooo. So fertilityfriend is showing that in the last year, during my "normal" cycles, my cycle was 35-41 days in length with O happening around CD19-20.....My August cycle was 26 days (with NO ovulation - confirmed by blood tests...many many blood tests) and my Sept/Oct cycle was 55's hoping Novembers is more on time....And I'm totally going to splurge tonight and get a DQ blizzard. I'm freezing, but I might as well.....LOL I'm retaining the water anyways. Tomorrow I'll swim 5 laps in the pool after aquafit to make up for it!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    GBOH- I’m so sorry. My only suggestion is take your time to grieve and don’t feel strange about grieving the news. I spent a long time knowing I felt like grieving the reality that I probably won’t have biochildren but feeling embarrassed because I couldn’t explain why I was so sad. It is completely normal for parents to go through a grieving period when they switch mindset from biochildren to “heart children” (that is the phrase I LOVE for “adoptive children.”) I can’t endorse the book “You Can Adopt” enough. It is a great read, with good information and topics to discuss with your SO.

    Pam- sounds like the renewal plans are coming together! EXCITING! What is the “baby show?” I’m guessing similar to a bridal show…

    AFM- Made it to both days of Zumba this week- WHOOHOO! I’m throwing out a challenge- mostly to challenge myself but see if anyone wanted to join in. The challenge is to go to a new class at your gym or do a new form on cardio. Have a great night everyone!
  • mrsjenfrank
    mrsjenfrank Posts: 1,016 Member
    Just curious, those who tend to be 'in charge' around here... (by in charge, i mean the people who tend to start the new threads and keep everyone reminded of the rules n such.) did you guys know about the new 'groups' function on the mfp website? Is there any thought to starting one up?
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi ladies, would you guys look at my test? I really think it might be positive! There's definitely a line and I'm just about certain it's pink!

    If you guys don't mind I would still like to stick around here for a couple weeks even if this is real. I've had 3 miscarriages this year and one thing I've learned is that every group I join makes it more difficult to leave. I have never made it past 5w so if I can make it that far then I will graduate and leave this board. Is that ok? Otherwise I may just be back in a week anyways.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi ladies, would you guys look at my test? I really think it might be positive! There's definitely a line and I'm just about certain it's pink!

    If you guys don't mind I would still like to stick around here for a couple weeks even if this is real. I've had 3 miscarriages this year and one thing I've learned is that every group I join makes it more difficult to leave. I have never made it past 5w so if I can make it that far then I will graduate and leave this board. Is that ok? Otherwise I may just be back in a week anyways.


    I cant view your link, but Ive got everything crossed it is and it works for you. xxxxx
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Morning everyone, thanks for advice. I have bought some prenatal vitamins (in Boots (UK) 3 for 2). and will start taking them. I was telling my boyfriend about getting them and he said he thought it was a good idea as he gives them to his sheep! (He's a farmer and got 1500 sheep lambing in spring) I suppose in theory its the same lol.

    Texamissy - so sorry to hear about your loss, I cant imagine how hard it must have been. I hope evrything works out for you this time.

  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Just curious, those who tend to be 'in charge' around here... (by in charge, i mean the people who tend to start the new threads and keep everyone reminded of the rules n such.) did you guys know about the new 'groups' function on the mfp website? Is there any thought to starting one up?

    Hi, I dont know about the group function so cant comment. Ive just joined this thread. x
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Mrs. Jen Frank - Jalara tends to create the new threads, but I know she's super busy with school and her stuff. I'll look into it, from what I've heard, it's probably a good move for us (I know some of our preggo boards are moving that way too possibly), so it makes sense. I'll report back on what I find later today and we can make a decision

    Smores - *hugs* I see something, but I don't know what that is....I hope for your sake, it's a pink line and that it stays this time. Hang around all you need, I know you've had a rough couple of months!! My fc for you!!!

    Helen - they say that every woman of childbearing age should be taking them (because it takes time for you to start absorbing the nutrients and adjusting any deficiencies). Glad to hear you've started on them now and aren't waiting until after you get your BFP.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Hi all, sorry I've been a bit quiet over the last couple of days. Trying to catch up on work stuff after being off sick!

    I don't think I'll be able to catch up with everyone's posts so apologies for anything I've missed.

    Welcome to all the new people - Helen I'm UK as well, I think most others on here are USA and Canada. Whereabouts are you? That's a lot of sheep, he must be kept very busy! I have a lovely image of them all taking their morning vitamins now :smile:

    Sorry about your news GBOH, take your time to adjust to it and look after yourself. Big hugs!

    Smores, I think I see the pink. Fingers crossed for you and hang around here as long as you need or want to!
  • titlich
    Hi ladies, would you guys look at my test? I really think it might be positive! There's definitely a line and I'm just about certain it's pink!

    If you guys don't mind I would still like to stick around here for a couple weeks even if this is real. I've had 3 miscarriages this year and one thing I've learned is that every group I join makes it more difficult to leave. I have never made it past 5w so if I can make it that far then I will graduate and leave this board. Is that ok? Otherwise I may just be back in a week anyways.

    Smores, I do see something... I hope it is just the start of a BFP for you !!! Good luck and fxed for you !!