Men Are Husbands, Not "Hubbys"



  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i agree with this but i also hate when guys say "the misses" because its normally when they are moaning about them or being sarcastic

  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I used to think it was silly sounding, but I realize now I use it all the time in conversation. I don't say it when speaking TO him. Just when referring to him. He doesn't mind. I think I can count on one hand the number of times in a year that he calls me by my name, it is always babe, love, hon, sweety, dahhhhling, etc.

    Some would be bothered by being sorta nameless, but we're pretty cool with it, our identities are pretty meshed, since we've been together since we were 16 and turned 40 this year.

    (not a flame, everyone is entitled, right? there's words I hate too, like quaint, moist, etc, and phrases like "touch base" and "moving forward")
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    there are a lot of women posting here, when they should be making sammiches


    I have a hubby and I'm proud to be his wifey! I usually prefer to just be babe!
  • Lozzielol
    there are a lot of women posting here, when they should be making sammiches

    Dont make us go in the kitchen, that's where we keep the knives! xD

    And no, they wont be used to cut your sammich. :P

    p.s I call my OH (since we're not married and probably never will be) by his name, or Honey/Babe. I think calling him by his name all the time is a tad too cold, really. A term of endearment never hurt anyone! :D
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    Well, Hubby, Husband, that's just as OK as Wifey or something up that alley, in my opinion. They sound affectionate, like it's someone close to them using that word for them.

    But what do I call my boyfriend then - we live together but are not married. In Norwegian we call it "samboer" which directly translates to "cohabitant" but that could mean just room-mates as I understand it?

    Should I call him:
    Significant Other
    Better Half

    No, no, no....

    Or My Man?
    The Man?
    Boyfriend sounds too "loose", BF sounds even worse, he isn't my Hubby or Husband, he's got a name but that's not the point here. What would be best??
  • shazzahare
    I think hubby is a lovely term .
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    It annoys the heck out of me. Really, really annoys me. I too find it nails on chalkboardish. May as well just go around saying, "Saccharin! Syrup! Suuuuuugar water!"

    Total gag-me-with-a-spoon. It sounds like ******* baby talk.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I personally don't have a problem with it. I'm not married but if I'm in conversation with someone who doesn't know me well or doesn't know him I refer to him as "my boyfriend" or "the boyfriend", such as on here, or to people I haven't known long. It's just easier - yes, I have had people continually saying "who?" when I use his real name :/
    To close friends and family he will always be Tom though, and I will always be Heidi.

    I'm referred to as the Missus a lot of the time to his friends who don't know me that well. I don't find it offensive, it's just how they all are :) He still calls me by my real name half the time, depends on the situation. I'm assuming a more serious conversation would be using my actual name, and more light hearted would be "missus".

    We don't call each other "boyfriend" or "missus" to each other. That would just sound silly - we just use babe, or our real names.
  • mrdee555
    mrdee555 Posts: 178
    Wouldnt bother me either way ive been called worse lol
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I've never been offended at being 'Hubby' - But then I guess my wife says it affectionately!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I've been married over two decades and have NEVER called my husband "hubby" either in talking to him, or about him. I consider it as bad as men who call their wives "the wife" when they talk about them.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    i call mine "daddy"


    edited to read: sadly, he is not my sugar daddy tho. :)
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    When I was in a college fraternity, the old joke was it was a "fraternity" not a "frat" because you would never shorten the word "country." (Maybe I have the joke wrong...that's what college partying will do!)

    Anyway, as a man, I do not like it when women refer to their spouse as their "hubby." I'm sure in most cases it's meant well, but in many it's not. I'm talking about the women who don't particular like their husbands (and I've talked to some of you so I know you're out there!)

    But either way, I find "hubby" to be a touch condescending as a man. I have a feeling most women would feel the same way if all of them were referred to as "wifey" in each instance.

    I realize most of you mean it as a term of endearment and it's shorter, but that doesn't mean it can't be nails on a chalkboard to me. Could I be the ONLY person that feels this way?

    (Let the flaming begin.....)
    Im a married women and I never used the term hubby, I dont care if others do its just that I dont, I dont need to shorten every word , another thing that I think is disrespectful is if someone refers to me as "the old lady" (ei.,a friend of my husband) when I was first refered to that name I was like 20! even though Im 30 now Im not old and if I were I still wouldnt like it one bit. Im his "wife" and he's my "husband" -guess Im just old fashioned in my thinkin- It also has a lot to do with where you live.....Im from California but have lived in Florida for 15 yrs. and here the term "Old Lady" and "Old Man"gets used alot
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    It is just a word (not negative). I don't think I would ever use it simply because I dislike the sound, but if other people want to use it, who cares.

    In Japan, a survey showed that men would prefer their wives to call them, "Master." Frankly, if calling my husband Master made him happy, I would do it. It is just a word, and not meant in a negative context.

  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    I've been marriee 27 years and have never once called, or been even remotely tempted to call, my husband "hubby" and he hast certainly never called me "the missus." I can't even imagine how I would respond if he did so.

    I have several siblings, most married, and can't recall ever hearing one of them call their spouse "hubby" or "the missus" or the like. I have never heard of my female friends call their spouse "hubby." I have heard a couple of the non-professional staff at work refer to their husband as "hubby" and a married male support staff always refers to his wife as "the missues." The relevant variables might be that they all live in smaller towns and are in a different socio-economic class than those who don't use those terms.

    That said, I suspect the use or non-use of those terms reflects many factors, such as where and when you grew up and overall cultural norms. In my community, it would generally be out of the norm t for a woman of my age to call my husband "hubby".

    In a broader sense, I dislike and don't use pet names or slang terms in general, and can't think of even one friend or family member who uses them either. As a result, I cringe when I read "sammiches" or "hubby", "better half,," etc.,. I'm trying to train myself not to react so immediately because this is a casual forum and people often write how they talk but I have a hard time getting past the fact that even casually my friends and family don't talk or write that way, so it's just so unfamilar to me that I have a hard time getting past the immediate reaction.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I think this is personal preference. My husband refers to himself as my hubby. It's a term of endearment.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    i call mine "daddy"


    edited to read: sadly, he is not my sugar daddy tho. :)

    Now that we are parents, we probably call each other "mama" and "daddy" more than our names, too!
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    My husband doesn't like "hubby", as it sounds too close to "chubby" for his liking. And he's sensitive about his weight, as we both are. As newly weds, we are still working through the novelty of calling each other husband and wife, although it seems weird at the moment.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    i call mine "daddy"


    edited to read: sadly, he is not my sugar daddy tho. :)

    I call mine "Big Daddy", but in quick online conversations it will be DH (Dear Husband, or D!ck Head, dependent on my mood)... or Hubby...
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Silly. I've used it - I've used hubs - I've used husband - I've used *kitten* head - I've used "my penis" -

    - "so the hubs & I caught a movie.."
    - "WOMAN, it is your HUSBAND!"
    - "Yes, I'm quite aware of that."