Men Are Husbands, Not "Hubbys"



  • edonald774
    edonald774 Posts: 92 Member
    But either way, I find "hubby" to be a touch condescending as a man. I have a feeling most women would feel the same way if all of them were referred to as "wifey" in each instance.

    this made me laugh as in Scotland we actually say "wifey", it's kind of like a friendly term for any older lady. We tend to say "the wee wifey"
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    I hate when women refer to them only as husband or boyfriend. They are not objects! When did they lose their names!! Are you so proud of having a man that you need to force it into every possible instance?! (And I feel the same way about 'wife' and 'girlfriend')

    FYI: I am a woman. I have a boyfriend. I call him by his name. Not "Let me ask the boyfriend". It's "Let me ask {name}"

    But, back to your original question. Yes, it annoys me when I hear people use 'hubby' all the time.

    I guess it depends if the person you're talking to knows your boyfriend's name.
    If I tell you I'm having lunch with Cyrille, it could be my coworker, my husband, my boyfriend, my grown-up son, my boss,...
    Personally, I just think we should be calling people by their REAL name instead of labels, like "hubby" and "wifey."


    If I say something to someone who I am not very close with (a co-worker) who doesn't know I have a significant other, I wouldn't start talking about Taylor because they would have no idea who that is. I would say "boyfriend." My boyfriend is having a party this weekend.

    I agree with both of you. I guess that when that comes up, I always say something like. "So the other day, John--my boyfriend-- and I . . .Then John spills water everywhere and . . ." and from then on out always call my boyfriend by his name. I figure that after I've told them his name, they are smart enough to remember it and I'm not going to insult their intelligence/ gloat by saying "boyfriend" or "hubby" all the time.

    That being said--
    get over it, you aren't part of my relationship & I will refer to my hubby any way I want.

    --I agree with ^^ This 100%.
  • NakedLunchTime
    Silly. I've used it - I've used hubs - I've used husband - I've used *kitten* head - I've used "my penis" -

    - "so the hubs & I caught a movie.."
    - "WOMAN, it is your HUSBAND!"
    - "Yes, I'm quite aware of that."
    This is hilarious!! Im so using "my penis" when I get home!!! haha
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    You don't have to call me Darlin', Darlin'...
    You never even called me by my name.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    There are a lot of pet names I find obnoxious, but I don't really care what other people call their significant others.

    I'll take the head off someone who calls me "ma'am" though. Ugh. I never want to be a ma'am! I also hate Mrs. MyLastName. That is my crazy mother-in-law, not me.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    I see no issues with hubby, if I ever said it, it would be as an endearment. However, if any husband of mine didn't like it, I wouldn't call him that. Simple as that.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    I have never heard someone calling their hubby "hubby" in a condesending way. I signed my husband's christmas present "to: Hubby, Love, Wifey" ....and you're right it still can be like nails on a chalk board for you but my hubby seems to like it and he's the only man who's openion I care about :)
  • louisau
    louisau Posts: 159 Member
    Personally, I just think we should be calling people by their REAL name instead of labels, like "hubby" and "wifey."


    Totally agree
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I would much rather them being called "hubs" or "hubbie" then "sweetie" or "honey" While talking to one of my gr'friends she does that all the time & it makes me gag. She's newly married, so I hope it will wear off, but seriously, if I know he's within hearing distance, I will not call, for that reason alone. Now I have called my b'friend (when I had one!) "honey", but not much in public, it's usually by name. Maybe it's just the way she says it, sounds so condensending. On here though, who cares what he's called, I prefer hubs to DH. That seems stupid.
  • Katefab26
    I hate the word "hubby". I always have. It's on my list of top hated words, along with other words like supple, moist, etc.
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Online I call him The Hubs.

    To others I refer to him as my Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love... you'd understand if you ever met him, he's totally hot! (and this is after 22 years of marriage, and I'm not kidding!)

    But apparently... at home when the kids were growing up... I used another term a bit much...

    When my oldest son was going into Kindergarten the school provided a list of things the kids should know before they entered school, such as their phone number, address, how to tie their shoes, etc...

    On the list was this: Your child should know their parents' first names.

    Hmmm... I didn't know if my 5 year old son knew our first names, so I asked him...

    "Do you know Mommy's first name?" "Yes", he said, and he accurately told me my first name, which actually surprised me!

    "That's right, sweetie! Now, do you know Daddy's first name?"

    "Yes... it's HONEY"


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Silly. I've used it - I've used hubs - I've used husband - I've used *kitten* head - I've used "my penis" -

    - "so the hubs & I caught a movie.."
    - "WOMAN, it is your HUSBAND!"
    - "Yes, I'm quite aware of that."
    This is hilarious!! Im so using "my penis" when I get home!!! haha

    I would like to change my answer to
    "my penis"
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    I use the term 'hubby' often, and when I hear others use it I have always gotten the impression it was used as a term of endearment. Never realized it would even remotely be offensive or condescending unless is was emphasized in such a way that there was no doubt that it was meant to be so. It's all about context. ANY term, for that matter can be used in a condescending way .. even "Sweetheart".

    When a wife is pizzed .. There is a whole repertoire of terms that reflect how they are feeling about their SO .. that allows no confusion .. like .. somb!tch (SOB for short), jerkface, d!ckhead, monkeybutt .. well, you get the idea.

    Using the term hubby or husband no differently than when a person is talking about any member of their family (or even a friend, or anyone they know) with someone who does not know them by name is very understandable. What's the point in mentioning them by name, when the other person has no idea who you are referring to. All they need to know to comprehend what you are saying is the relationship that person (you are referring) to is to you.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I hate when women refer to them only as husband or boyfriend. They are not objects! When did they lose their names!! Are you so proud of having a man that you need to force it into every possible instance?! (And I feel the same way about 'wife' and 'girlfriend')

    Do you call your parents by their first name, or do you treat them as objects?
  • bigbugboo
    I feel the same way when i hear men refer to their spouses as 'The Wife'!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I call my husband "hubby" all the time. It is a sign of affection. Just like when he calls me Kel instead of Kelly. Only my close friends and family call me Kel. To me hubby is like saying daddy instead of father. Less formal and more personal.
  • BattyMama
    BattyMama Posts: 136 Member
    I refer to my husband as hubby when I am upset we use it as a code word to get me out of a problem in public. However at home or in normal public functions he is Mein Mann (translation my man) the German term for husband.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Online, my husband is my "hubs"..

    Because I don't need to type out his real name...or say his name and then explain who he is in reference to my post at the time..

    It's all a bit trivial.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    When I was in a college fraternity, the old joke was it was a "fraternity" not a "frat" because you would never shorten the word "country." (Maybe I have the joke wrong...that's what college partying will do!)

    Anyway, as a man, I do not like it when women refer to their spouse as their "hubby." I'm sure in most cases it's meant well, but in many it's not. I'm talking about the women who don't particular like their husbands (and I've talked to some of you so I know you're out there!)

    But either way, I find "hubby" to be a touch condescending as a man. I have a feeling most women would feel the same way if all of them were referred to as "wifey" in each instance.

    I realize most of you mean it as a term of endearment and it's shorter, but that doesn't mean it can't be nails on a chalkboard to me. Could I be the ONLY person that feels this way?

    (Let the flaming begin.....)

    Hello and good morning,
    for us we tease each other and rag each other so much, and yes sometimes he does call me wifey, but knowing how brilliant, funny and sweet he is it makes me proud to be his wifey. :happy:
    We have learned to take things easily with a grain of salt, the only thing we make a big deal of is calling one another by their name.
    I know it seems odd, but culturally for me to call him by his name without title or pet name is disrespectful so I made it both ways.
    Just remember there are a lot of people on this site and we are all very diverse, so just take things lightly and enjoy life, especially when it comes to these things. Some of us adore our husbands and call him our hubby. For me hubby means husband and it makes me proud to call him that, I think he is so brilliant and wonderful and just the way he makes me laugh every day it actually make me happy to call him that.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    5 pages of responses...not going to read

    But my husband and I are very much in love. I refer to him as the husband, hubby, and hubs. He doesn't mind one bit.

    Don't like it? I don't care.