Say your 15 yr old daughter requests Birth Control



  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Aww maaaaaaan, I just woke up to all these new pages! All the good arguments happen while I'm asleep, haha.
  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    Say YES! then reinterate the birds and the bee's talk, maybe it's too control her cycle, maybe
    But just incase reminder babies aren't the only thing you can catch when you have sex, there's the diseases and then there's the talk both are insidious and sneaky.

    But at the end of the day I'm an aunty not a mum, but that's what my mum did for me & to this day I'm disease & child free
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    And since everyone wants to go to the level of crying prejiduce I'm going to go along with your desire to squelch my voice and leave. Not one of you is any better than you are deciding to view me based on your willingness to climb on top of your bully pulpets and attack my character and place words on me I didn't say. So feel empowered that you attacked me out of here because I will not participate your words of ill gotten desires towards me. Have a wodnerful day.
    Just want to say I THOUGHTFULLY approached every one of your comments and although agreed or disagreed or agreed, just because I don't necessarily agree with you ( and I have my own, JUST LIKE YOU, life experiences( in my own city/county) to justify my own statements does not in any way mean that ( even though you were rude and dissrespecfull to me) that I as an individual devalue you. All though I don't necessarily agree with you it doesn't cause me to want to quelch you (as you were all to willing to do to me vs understanding my point of view. In the lazyness of this day and age. As I am guessing you were all too willing (on your bully pulpit) to do. I don't have a problem of people disagreeing with me, (although I am passionate) but I do have a problem with personal attacks (which I guess makes PC in the way I WAS TREATED( or for THOSE uninformed, Politically correctness) ill advised. I love a good conversation with ANYBODY but when you lower yourself to name calling, (to which I did to nobody!) You devalue not only your point but yourself. Be mad at me all you will ( insert obvious insult here) but just because people have issues does not mean I DESERVE illgotten intensions. So have a great day and irreguardless be blessed, and yes I know that because I am willing to say what I feel that I am open for attack and probably will be. But after ALL the open minded people on here< I AM NOT WILLING TO CALL YOU NAMES. Instead, believe me or not, I WILL RESPECT YOU weather or not I agree with you. GO ahead say what you feel but just know that even though you might not agree with me I won't tare you down, which most on here are ALL too willing to do JUST because I am WILLING to see things a different way. Either way, I truly desire you to be blessed and live life to the fullest. So in the meanwhile, in the event that you ARE calling me evil, my spouse and I are donating our time to helping the handicap and the less fortunate. So keep going and be willing to downgrade those who ARE doing for others. It tearing down others) really doesn't boost your appeal.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    And since everyone wants to go to the level of crying prejiduce... really doesn't boost your appeal.

    Is this supposed to make us feel bad? Yes, most of your answers were fine, and were just discussing your opinions. But then you wound up talking about "the problems that the ever growing melting-pot created" and illegal immigrants. When people called you out on the inappropriateness of the comment, you cried "victim! victim!" Be honest with yourself - if someone else wrote that paragraph, would you take it as anything but offensive and, honestly, off-topic? It's not your different opinions that people are upset by - it was this singular comment, and the way you reacted when people pointed it out to you.

    Most of us don't mind or care that your morals may be different (because that's what morals are). But when you say something inappropriate, you take responsibility for it, like an adult, and move on.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    PROVE to me that I'm wrong and not just in the sense of (pride before the fall)> No NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME but if you read back I was attacked BECAUSE MY OPINION is NOT the PROTOCALL! NOT being offended by you, again just passionate. There WAS a Cry of prejudice against me IF you read back through. IT got real mean and I can copy it for you. One other person who dissagreed with me AGREED that my innapropriat treatment was undeserved. WHAT EXACTLY (and this is my making sure I understand your point) is/was my innappropriate of a comment? I have a right to a comment and if you dont agree that is YOUR RIGHT!
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    I didn't understand that "in your comment"that melting pot was offensive. Sorry
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    And since everyone wants to go to the level of crying prejiduce... really doesn't boost your appeal.

    Is this supposed to make us feel bad? Yes, most of your answers were fine, and were just discussing your opinions. But then you wound up talking about "the problems that the ever growing melting-pot created" and illegal immigrants. When people called you out on the inappropriateness of the comment, you cried "victim! victim!" Be honest with yourself - if someone else wrote that paragraph, would you take it as anything but offensive and, honestly, off-topic? It's not your different opinions that people are upset by - it was this singular comment, and the way you reacted when people pointed it out to you.

    Most of us don't mind or care that your morals may be different (because that's what morals are). But when you say something inappropriate, you take responsibility for it, like an adult, and move on.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    And since everyone wants to go to the level of crying prejiduce... really doesn't boost your appeal.

    Is this supposed to make us feel bad? Yes, most of your answers were fine, and were just discussing your opinions. But then you wound up talking about "the problems that the ever growing melting-pot created" and illegal immigrants. When people called you out on the inappropriateness of the comment, you cried "victim! victim!" Be honest with yourself - if someone else wrote that paragraph, would you take it as anything but offensive and, honestly, off-topic? It's not your different opinions that people are upset by - it was this singular comment, and the way you reacted when people pointed it out to you.
    Most of us don't mind or care that your morals may be different (because that's what morals are). But when you say something inappropriate, you take responsibility for it, like an adult, and move on.
    And as your statement replies, NO I don't want you all to feel bad (insert as I'm guessing you will, bad hick joke here as your all too willingness to put statements on others, and just so I don't offend I don't men you.)I don't want you all to feel bad for me (I am confused(insert joke here because after the treatment I've received it's expected now) that you don't get that I am only trying to get to a middle ground which based on comments I am now convinced DOES NOT EXHIST UNLESS you agree with the other party.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    When there is boundaries everyone knows the rules but when you take that standard away then you get things like prostitution of children in foreign countries.

    Divorce is rampant and the studies done prove that a majority of people who participate in premarital sex end up divorced. I can't change the facts simply see and believe.

    I have only quoted the two lines of this post that made my eyebrows shoot up into my hairline. Are you seriously suggesting that the choice to have pre-marital sex in one country produces child prostitution in another? (And please do remember that child prostitution is not only a 'foreign' problem.) How do you make this link? Please enlighten me.

    Secondly - that's a very sweeping statement to make - where is your evidence that the majority of those who have pre-marital sex divorce? Please direct me to the research that shows this. The divorce rates are high, I agree, but research published this weekend in Britain shows that the rate of divorce is climbing fastest among the over-60 demographic, who are statistically less likely to have had pre-marital sex than those in the 20-30 age bracket.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    I am now convinced that unless your opinion is with everyone you WILL NOT be accepted or heard. Thank you for submitting with me that people of DIFFERENT BELEIFS are NOT accepted or heard. Thank you for makeing me understand that. Go ahead read thru and ignore the dissrespect that illuded (the appearant desire to change me) moment of typing.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    When there is boundaries everyone knows the rules but when you take that standard away then you get things like prostitution of children in foreign countries.

    Divorce is rampant and the studies done prove that a majority of people who participate in premarital sex end up divorced. I can't change the facts simply see and believe.

    I have only quoted the two lines of this post that made my eyebrows shoot up into my hairline. Are you seriously suggesting that the choice to have pre-marital sex in one country produces child prostitution in another? (And please do remember that child prostitution is not only a 'foreign' problem.) How do you make this link? Please enlighten me.

    Secondly - that's a very sweeping statement to make - where is your evidence that the majority of those who have pre-marital sex divorce? Please direct me to the research that shows this. The divorce rates are high, I agree, but research published this weekend in Britain shows that the rate of divorce is climbing fastest among the over-60 demographic, who are statistically less likely to have had pre-marital sex than those in the 20-30 age bracket.
    Enlighten me is a derogatory term. and how do you prove (other than on word of mouth) that it is only those in the range? and again I am only interested in talking if I am not going to be torn down. Prove that divorce is not rampant. even if not married seperation (divorce same thing) is on the rise. At least if not less here in America
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Let me ask: what is the standard of sex? What does it mean to you?

    Because it means commitment and love to me. I won't be getting married before I'm 30 at the rate I'm going with school, so is it fair to say that that expression of love and commitment is wrong and off limits? What makes marriage so much greater than a long term commitment?

    I also want to point out that it seems like many of these "wait for sex" people get married very young. I would go as far to say that sex is natural and biological urge. Marriage is an institution based on the collective advantage of the families involved. What is more sacred? Love and the physical expression of it, or the legal documentation of it?

    I couldn't agree more. Thank you for expressing this so clearly.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Let me ask: what is the standard of sex? What does it mean to you?

    Because it means commitment and love to me. I won't be getting married before I'm 30 at the rate I'm going with school, so is it fair to say that that expression of love and commitment is wrong and off limits? What makes marriage so much greater than a long term commitment?

    I also want to point out that it seems like many of these "wait for sex" people get married very young. I would go as far to say that sex is natural and biological urge. Marriage is an institution based on the collective advantage of the families involved. What is more sacred? Love and the physical expression of it, or the legal documentation of it?

    I couldn't agree more. Thank you for expressing this so clearly.
    What makes one qualified to deem an age to have sex? I personally rely on God and I don't think that is all bad. That (BTW does not only mean a thought life but a higher being than me that is MORE capable than me to determine the meaning of sex and morality. I don't believe that anybody is really capable of expounding on it. It really takes something outside of ourselves. Something greater than ourselves because it IS a gift.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    When there is boundaries everyone knows the rules but when you take that standard away then you get things like prostitution of children in foreign countries.

    Divorce is rampant and the studies done prove that a majority of people who participate in premarital sex end up divorced. I can't change the facts simply see and believe.

    I have only quoted the two lines of this post that made my eyebrows shoot up into my hairline. Are you seriously suggesting that the choice to have pre-marital sex in one country produces child prostitution in another? (And please do remember that child prostitution is not only a 'foreign' problem.) How do you make this link? Please enlighten me.

    Secondly - that's a very sweeping statement to make - where is your evidence that the majority of those who have pre-marital sex divorce? Please direct me to the research that shows this. The divorce rates are high, I agree, but research published this weekend in Britain shows that the rate of divorce is climbing fastest among the over-60 demographic, who are statistically less likely to have had pre-marital sex than those in the 20-30 age bracket.
    Enlighten me is a derogatory term. and how do you prove (other than on word of mouth) that it is only those in the range? and again I am only interested in talking if I am not going to be torn down. Prove that divorce is not rampant. even if not married seperation (divorce same thing) is on the rise. At least if not less here in America

    Erm, I'm sorry - how is 'enlighten me' derogatory? May I direct you to the Merriam-Webster page which gives the definition as a. to furnish knowledge to, and b. to give spiritual insight to. As for the proof - here are links to several UK and US articles from various sources showing marked increases in divorces among the over-60s, despite, in many countries, a declining overall rate.

    If you wish, I'm sure I can find a link to the initial research, which I would imagine is calculated by the government from census and court records.

    I have no problem with your having views different to mine and sharing them - in fact, I welcome the opportunity to see things from another viewpoint - but if you wish to make sweeping statements like that, and make links between cause and effect that are not obvious to everyone, be prepared to back them up with evidence.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    When there is boundaries everyone knows the rules but when you take that standard away then you get things like prostitution of children in foreign countries.

    Divorce is rampant and the studies done prove that a majority of people who participate in premarital sex end up divorced. I can't change the facts simply see and believe.

    I have only quoted the two lines of this post that made my eyebrows shoot up into my hairline. Are you seriously suggesting that the choice to have pre-marital sex in one country produces child prostitution in another? (And please do remember that child prostitution is not only a 'foreign' problem.) How do you make this link? Please enlighten me.

    Secondly - that's a very sweeping statement to make - where is your evidence that the majority of those who have pre-marital sex divorce? Please direct me to the research that shows this. The divorce rates are high, I agree, but research published this weekend in Britain shows that the rate of divorce is climbing fastest among the over-60 demographic, who are statistically less likely to have had pre-marital sex than those in the 20-30 age bracket.
    Enlighten me is a derogatory term. and how do you prove (other than on word of mouth) that it is only those in the range? and again I am only interested in talking if I am not going to be torn down. Prove that divorce is not rampant. even if not married seperation (divorce same thing) is on the rise. At least if not less here in America

    Erm, I'm sorry - how is 'enlighten me' derogatory? May I direct you to the Merriam-Webster page which gives the definition as a. to furnish knowledge to, and b. to give spiritual insight to. As for the proof - here are links to several UK and US articles from various sources showing marked increases in divorces among the over-60s, plus, in many countries, a declining overall rate.

    If you wish, I'm sure I can find a link to the initial research, which I would imagine is calculated by the government from census and court records.

    I have no problem with your having views different to mine and sharing them - in fact, I welcome the opportunity to see things from another viewpoint - but if you wish to make sweeping statements like that, and make links between cause and effect that are not obvious to everyone, be prepared to back them up with evidence.
    BTW (even though I know your willing to not respect me, I still respect you,, even if you don't respect me. Even if I did come up with different statistics (AS I DID ON THIS POST) I know by EXPERIENCE on this post that people ONLY believe what they want, (AS I DID PROVIDE STATISTICS). SO when someone of an (appearantly) oldschool belief comes along, they are unbelievable or untrustworthy (fact or not) So I will move on now and hope the best for you all (And I am under the impression that (my well wishes piss you all off. Though this is NOT my intention)
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    BTW (even though I know your willing to not respect me, I still respect you,, even if you don't respect me. Even if I did come up with different statistics (AS I DID ON THIS POST) I know by EXPERIENCE on this post that people ONLY believe what they want, (AS I DID PROVIDE STATISTICS). SO when someone of an (appearantly) oldschool belief comes along, they are unbelievable or untrustworthy (fact or not) So I will move on now and hope the best for you all (And I am under the impression that (my well wishes piss you all off. Though this is NOT my intention)

    I didn't understand any of that. Less caps and parentheses, please.

    One thing I did get... how do well wishes piss someone off? >_>
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    people who HATE other oppinions dont' generally welcome different opinions/ well wishes
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    BTW (even though I know your willing to not respect me, I still respect you,, even if you don't respect me. Even if I did come up with different statistics (AS I DID ON THIS POST) I know by EXPERIENCE on this post that people ONLY believe what they want, (AS I DID PROVIDE STATISTICS). SO when someone of an (appearantly) oldschool belief comes along, they are unbelievable or untrustworthy (fact or not) So I will move on now and hope the best for you all (And I am under the impression that (my well wishes piss you all off. Though this is NOT my intention)

    The purpose of communication is to enlighten and entertain. Disagreement does not automatically engender disrespect - merely a differing point of view. To paraphrase Voltaire “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” I'm sorry you feel unable to continue debating this issue, and many thanks for your good wishes. I offer mine in return.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” I'm sorry you feel unable to continue debating this issue, and many thanks for your good wishes. I offer mine in return.
    Just for that I totally LOVE YOU> Thank you.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Maybe another time, thank you.