What are your "Turn-Offs"?



  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    Now, I'm not trying to stir up the crap...I promise.

    But a turn off for me is a woman who thinks she has to have a job and contribute just as much to the bank account as the man. Stay at home mom/home maker, is a honorable and tough profession. Doing something like that would kick my *kitten*.

    But I have no time to procreate OR clean my floors to my anal-retentive standards! No man will ever come between me and my maid.


    Not to say that I'm against women in the workplace. Far from that too. Heck, I'm looking for a sugar-momma. Just don't care for the "I feel inadequate if I don't make money" mindset.

    My geeky boss married a millionaire doctor/model. Millionaire doctor/model is not a turn-off.
  • essjay75
    essjay75 Posts: 77 Member
    Rancid breath and messed up teeth. I had a couple of FINE @ss guys I turned down... just because of that. I couldn't picture my mouth on theirs.

    ^^^ I love all of this.

    Umm, do you have highlights and purple contacts? Yea, ya do. Keep walkin' dude. You're suffering.

    Holy ditto. I call them 'important teeth'....and it applies to ALL of them. ;)
  • Katielou112
    Katielou112 Posts: 55 Member
    Now, I'm not trying to stir up the crap...I promise.

    But a turn off for me is a woman who thinks she has to have a job and contribute just as much to the bank account as the man. Stay at home mom/home maker, is a honorable and tough profession. Doing something like that would kick my *kitten*.

    Yeah that is a tough job, but I don't see why it's a turn off if a woman just wants to have a successful career. My motivation to earn a lot of money would be nothing to do with matching or 'beating' my partner's salary, it would have to do with my personal aspirations. Plus, imo, doing what my bf's mother did and be a 'stay at home mum' when both your children are at boarding schools at opposite ends of the country, is not a tough job, it's just doing sweet f.a lol.
  • UkaLailai
    When he does not make a move
  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    i am completely turned off when someone is arrogant and overly confident. Its a good quality to believe in yourself and have some confidence, but to be so arrogant that you come across better than everyone else is very unattractive to me. I dont need someone to tell me or prove to me that they are great........i want to learn it all on my own :) There is something to be said about being a lil humble :)

    I totally agree, very well said!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Am I the only woman around here that likes "COCKy" guys?

    I like a confident, cocky @sshole type as long as he's a loveable @sshole, who truly is confident and not just compensating for insecurities
  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    Now, I'm not trying to stir up the crap...I promise.

    But a turn off for me is a woman who thinks she has to have a job and contribute just as much to the bank account as the man. Stay at home mom/home maker, is a honorable and tough profession. Doing something like that would kick my *kitten*.

    Yeah that is a tough job, but I don't see why it's a turn off if a woman just wants to have a successful career. My motivation to earn a lot of money would be nothing to do with matching or 'beating' my partner's salary, it would have to do with my personal aspirations. Plus, imo, doing what my bf's mother did and be a 'stay at home mum' when both your children are at boarding schools at opposite ends of the country, is not a tough job, it's just doing sweet f.a lol.


    I posted this later: "Not to say that I'm against women in the workplace. Far from that too. Heck, I'm looking for a sugar-momma. Just don't care for the "I feel inadequate if I don't make money" mindset."
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    - addicted to smoking. i don't mind it the person occasionally smokes cigarettes or cigars, but if they're addicted that's a total turn off.
    - this is weird, but I had a crush in high school who one day wore a shirt that said "Grab her booty and pinch." If you say that out loud, you'll realize it sounds like "Abercrombie and Fitch." That was a major turn off.
    - also, being a jerk to people who don't deserve it
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Now, I'm not trying to stir up the crap...I promise.

    But a turn off for me is a woman who thinks she has to have a job and contribute just as much to the bank account as the man. Stay at home mom/home maker, is a honorable and tough profession. Doing something like that would kick my *kitten*.
    what exactly do you mean by "thinks she has to have a job and contribute?" does that include someone who has a passion for their career and would not be satisfied staying at home? I'm honestly asking, because it's your opinion so you're entitled to it.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member


    Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    people who don't read the entire thread...
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    Insults, stupidity, dirty...and guys who are mean or rude to waitresses or their mom
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    guys who are mean or rude to waitresses

    are THAT many men rude to waiters / waitresses? I keep seeing this
  • dcarreno
    people asking me what my Turn-Offs are!!:laugh:
  • Erdfisch
    Erdfisch Posts: 13 Member
    Men that don't have an opinion on anything.... Or just go along with whatever you say all the time.

    Yeah well, the same thing she said, I guess.

    *ducks and runs* :tongue:
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    dishonesty, lying, disrespect and ignorance
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Ego. Confidence is important, but ego = immediate turn-off.
    Sexism. <--probably related to ego
    Lying. <--related to ego because they think I'm stupid enough that they can get away with it.
    Being pedantic. <--definitely related to ego.
  • luckybunny84
    Biggest turn-off a guy that cant hold a conversation with me. other include:
    overly needy
    guys that cry more than I do
    men who treat the women in their lives like crap
    guys that think girls can be bought with gifts and the such
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    having to look up words because I have not either a) used it before or b) had it used on me before or c) learned it in skool:blushing:

    a pedantic interpretation of the rules overscrupulous, scrupulous, precise, exact, perfectionist, punctilious, meticulous, fussy, fastidious, finicky; dogmatic, purist, literalist, literalistic, formalist; casuistic, casuistical, sophistic, sophistical; captious, hair-splitting, quibbling; informal nitpicking, persnickety.

  • andreacord

    Guys who get more emotional than I do/too clingy
    Guys who try to force their religious beliefs on a person (Nothing against religions, I just don't like when people try and convince me that their belief is the best way to go and I should do it)
    Take no pride in their grammar and other things like someone else already said
    When they'll say "Whatever you want dear" (I don't want to be the one making the decisions all the time)
    Too egotistical .. confidence is one thing, self obsession is another.