Tattoos - sexy or not?



  • layindoor84
    Super sexy if they are placed right.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I just got my first a few weks ago for meeting a goal. LOVE it. IT will not be my last!

    Sexy Tattoos = PaulyD

  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    It depends. Are they on a Marine? :)
  • I don't mind them, my husband does not have any, but is not opposed to getting one. We have been trying to come up with one that we both like.

    I have one on the back of my right shoulder. It's crossed checkered flags with angel wings. Initials on the outside of the angel wings and his number on the top of the x from the crossed flags and the word forever on the bottom of the x. Then there is a red and black rainbow on top of the 45. It's for a fallen race car driver. I just got it about a year ago, I've wanted it since I was 15. (NO it is not for Dale Earnhardt. It's for Adam Petty.)
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    not sexy on girls.
    a select few can be sexy on guys.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    not sexy on girls.
    a select few can be sexy on guys.

    Totally disagree
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Hilarious yet so trashy :laugh:
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I got all of mine done between the ages of 15 and 19. I still love tattoos, but got some dumb ones in dumb places... originally I planned to be fully sleeved, so I have a couple of random bits here and there. .. then I married a guy that didn't like them, and I didn't get any more done. Now I'm engaged to a NEW guy that doesn't really get/like them. I'll probably get more as I get fit, just to clean up the randomness of the bits I have.

    I think they can be very sexy on men and women, and they can also be very trashy. Depends on the person and the tattoo.

    I find it hilarious that I'm attracted to men (to spend my life with) that don't much care for them. I didn't do that on purpose.
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
  • mcmahonclan5
    Totally agreed... my hubby is sleeved with amazing work and looks incredibly HOT!
  • mcmahonclan5
    Agree with the disagreer!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I find them VERY hot on guys, especially traditional Sailor Tattoos.
    Well done sleeves get me everytime.

    However, my husband doesn't have any lol.
  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    Depends on the tattoo and the placement. Some people are just a hot mess with the crap they have inked on them!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    My eyes are continually turned by great tattoos I see on guys at the gym, they make me swoon. I'm thinking of going to the next tattoo show they have in my home town just to perve.

  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I love them on guys and girls, but I don't like someone covered with them. I like a nice one on a guys in the shoulder/arm area. Don't like them on their necks or fingers. Girls are nice, but in moderation. I have dragon flies on my foot and a lady bug and flower on my lower calf. Still planning one more on my lower abs, just enough to peak out of my waist line.
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I like them on places were they are covered up easily I have one on my shoulder plan to get one on my ribs I love when guys have them on there ribs nothing is sexer then when guy pulls off his shirt and you discover he has tats but I have talk to guys that were covered in them
  • darlenewanamaker
    darlenewanamaker Posts: 162 Member
    SEXY ! on a guy I like the back, upper neck area mmmmmmmmmmm m.. :love: I dislike the name on the side of neck SORRY that's just me
  • Icklemellie
    I think they can be crap or so beautiful depending on what they are and how well they are done. I have 6 myself mainly my own designs. Think they look super sexy on guys and girls.My man has none :( but thats his choice so thats cool. I want to expand my collection though to a large pair of angel wings on my back over my shoulder blades but could never afford a sitting anymore with two kiddies lol.
  • darlenewanamaker
    darlenewanamaker Posts: 162 Member
    LMAO ..