Ready to Say I DO?



  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    is it just me?or a lot of these posts focused in getting a ring? its just a ring, material possesion isnt everything in this world. do you want the ring or the cmmitment, cause its two completly different things. want a ring? buy one? i dont know, ive been with my partner for 7 years, 8 this year, no plans on the table, why ruin something thats great with pressuring them to marry you? all situations are different though

    good luck an hope it all pans out how you wanted :)

    ^^^THIS!!!! Thank you so much for saying this. My husband and I got married on our 12 year anniversary. We'd been living together for 11 years at the time. We lived as a married couple (including joint bank accounts, joint bills and insurance, etc). We referred to one another as husband and wife. We committed ourselves to one another and didn't need a ring or a piece of paper to show it. Our families saw us as married as well. When my dad passed away, we were not married but my husband was right there in the front pew with my mom, my brother and myself. I think when my husband proposed he surprised himself more than me since the ring was not purchased with the intent of being an engagement ring but just something he thought I would like for Christmas. Marriage is not about the ring or the piece of paper. It's about knowing that the other person loves and supports you unconditionally and is committed to you and only you. Does anyone really need a piece of jewelry or paper to tell them that the other person in their life is there for good? For me, the fact that my husband told me years ago (and has said it a countless number of times since) that he adores me, will always be there to support and hold me, and loves me more than life itself is far more important than the paper in my file box or the ring on my hand.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    You always hear people say that marriage is nothing but a piece of paper and it's what's in your heart that matters, etc. etc. I am very happily married but I always felt that the previous statements were true...

    Until last year when my friend passed away at 42:cry: . My friend and her boyfriend were together for more than 12 years. She passed away of a stroke at a bridal shower. (Healthy as a horse, or so it seemed) Her family went crazy. At the funeral her bf was referred to over and over as "her friend", they never even mentioned his name! :noway: His two children were sitting in the front row by him and they were asked to move so that FAMILY could sit there... several of us put a stop to that and they remained seated in their places. They wanted to sell the house out from under him as his name was not on it (he paid the mortgage for those years though). All turned out ok in the end because they found her will. But it taught me that marriage is SOOOO much more than a piece of paper, it's protection for the one that you love:smooched: .

    :heart: :heart: Good luck to you! I hope you get that ring!!!! :heart: :heart:

    I agree with you completely, but.......... A friend died at 30 leaving a husband and 3 boys under 7. Her husband was told by her family that they had lost a daughter and sister and their loss was greater because he could always find another wife.... Unbelieveable! Presumably they were saying a new wife could just slip into the role of replacing her as a mother to her sons....

    Marriage can solve some of the more practical issues, but it can't solve a crappy family....
  • BritFitB
    BritFitB Posts: 106 Member
    No! I seriously hope I never get married. I think over years, the institution of marriage has diminished to just being a union of property and a business transaction, sadly. The divorce rates doesn't really contribute to it either. I can't vouch for every woman, but having your own identity is much more important than having a ring. Besides, all good things come in time.