What do guys want....



  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    A good mother to my kids.

    Oh.. YOU are good!!! :flowerforyou:
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    A woman that tries too hard

    :huh: A guy WANTS a woman to try "too" hard? I'm confused...not trying to be rude, just asking for clarification.

    I'm referring to a thread from yesterday where a guy was rejected for bringing flowers to a second date

    proves my point before too... girls want ANYTHING that they cant have... they will sit there telling their gf's they wish they had a guy that was romantic and bring her flowers etc... finds a guy that bring flowers to a date trying to be romantic n she tells her gf's they laugh bout it n she doesnt talk to him anymore...

    i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation...

    had to add-also they are NEVER! wrong NEVER EVER will they admit their fault! they will rather jump off a bridge or look stupid than admit they are wrong! their princesses.... for some reason their always in denial....

    Hang in there Euro, we're not all that way...you'll find a good girl...wait a few years until they mature...they get over that BS you're talking about above...or at least some of us do :) keep your head up!
    Sorry, but I really don't think someone with that sort of attitude deserves a "good girl." I think he's getting what he puts out. I know I sure wouldn't be with someone who thinks that way!
    Agreed! Why are people trying to comfort this guy?! "oh you'll find a good girl one day" If every woman you run across displays these characteristics then YOU are the problem, you are obviously attracted to this type of woman, so maybe you should reevaluate what you find attractive in a woman and maybe you'll have better chances. You get what you look for, look for some dumb barbie at the local club, mall etc. and chances are that's what you will get!
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'd bring flowers on the first date. Chivalry isn't dead, it's 26 and lives in Chicago.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I'd bring flowers on the first date. Chivalry isn't dead, it's 26 and lives in Chicago.

    I don't like flowers cause they die :sad:
    but still think your a keeper!! :love:
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Rare. They are not going away. Once the weight is gone - I fear I may topple down the friggin stairs! :laugh:
    I'm talking like... fun house size boobs...
    LOL What about some perky natural normal sized boobs??

    So this discussion happened in my house when I lost my boobs along with the weight...

    Rarely can you have it both ways boys- unless you want to pay the surgeon .. not that there's anything wrong with that :tongue:
  • statikdog
    statikdog Posts: 21 Member
    Like Groucho said...

    "I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member"...
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    I thought this was myfitnesspal not facebook. For real?
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Lol see, now I am confused. All my life I've been told women nag too much, want the man to pay for everything, always want to know where the bloke is, are jealouse etc pp.
    Now, I don;t care if you go out with ya mates, I actually ask you too, as I want my days off as well. I don;t have to follow someone around to find out what they are doing and I don't start a fight if he looks at another women. I pay my own bills and sometimes let him pay the bill, so he can feel like a man. Only on occasions I will accept gifts. I am not into pink and hearts and... sunsets and sunrises unless I happen to have crashed at the beach over night. I happily play nice now and then and let him be the male around the house.... now here's the thing... apparently I am not reacting like a proper woman should... jeez... someone explain the whole thing to me again, and maybe this time around I'll take some notes.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    A woman that tries too hard

    :huh: A guy WANTS a woman to try "too" hard? I'm confused...not trying to be rude, just asking for clarification.

    I'm referring to a thread from yesterday where a guy was rejected for bringing flowers to a second date

    proves my point before too... girls want ANYTHING that they cant have... they will sit there telling their gf's they wish they had a guy that was romantic and bring her flowers etc... finds a guy that bring flowers to a date trying to be romantic n she tells her gf's they laugh bout it n she doesnt talk to him anymore...

    i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation...

    had to add-also they are NEVER! wrong NEVER EVER will they admit their fault! they will rather jump off a bridge or look stupid than admit they are wrong! their princesses.... for some reason their always in denial....

    Hang in there Euro, we're not all that way...you'll find a good girl...wait a few years until they mature...they get over that BS you're talking about above...or at least some of us do :) keep your head up!
    Sorry, but I really don't think someone with that sort of attitude deserves a "good girl." I think he's getting what he puts out. I know I sure wouldn't be with someone who thinks that way!
    Agreed! Why are people trying to comfort this guy?! "oh you'll find a good girl one day" If every woman you run across displays these characteristics then YOU are the problem, you are obviously attracted to this type of woman, so maybe you should reevaluate what you find attractive in a woman and maybe you'll have better chances. You get what you look for, look for some dumb barbie at the local club, mall etc. and chances are that's what you will get!

    If i talk to another female it means im attracted to her??? Where did u see me say that im referring to everyone ive dated?
  • shasha_84
    I'd bring flowers on the first date. Chivalry isn't dead, it's 26 and lives in Chicago.

    I like you! :flowerforyou:
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    If i talk to another female it means im attracted to her??? Where did u see me say that im referring to everyone ive dated?
    It's your entire attitude about women that is the problem. "i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation... "

    If you've got a huge hate out for women, as you put it, you don't deserve a good girl anyways. I can't think of any nice girl that WANTS to be with someone who thinks that way about women. It's not about who you're attracted to or who you want to date, you made a very hateful and narrow judgment about ALL women.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'd bring flowers on the first date. Chivalry isn't dead, it's 26 and lives in Chicago.

    I like you! :flowerforyou:

    lol, I like YOU.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I'd bring flowers on the first date. Chivalry isn't dead, it's 26 and lives in Chicago.

    Chivalry rocks! Yay for keeping it alive sir!
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    My wife.

    this rules.
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    A good mother to my kids.

    aaaaaa! FTW!
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    ...in terms of a girl?

    (take 2 - this thread was accidentally deleted yesterday by a moderator and they failed to restore it, *grumble*...lol)

    So, once again, in response to the 'what do women want' thread. This is a chance for all you guys to break the sad stereotyping that says all you care about is t&a. What qualities are you really looking for (or been lucky enough to find)? And if you replied yesterday, feel free to respond again today, lol!

    I've already commented that I want "you", but since that's not enough lol

    I want someone who will accept me for me, allow me my quirks that make me who I am, I want someone who is as concerned about being healthy as I am, I'd like someone with skills in two specific rooms in the house (bedroom and kitchen), someone who realizes I'm not psychic, and that I will change if you want me to, don't just expect me to know you want me to, but I will not change enough to compromise myself or my morals, also I want them to be caring, loving, giving, but not to the point they feel taken advantage of, I want it to be as close to 50/50 as possible, a love of animals, and a desire to spawn some chillens... I think that covers most of it.

    And yes, unfortunately I'm single, and I would bring flowers on the second date... maybe even the first (per another thread).

    i always thought men like you were mythical. Where do the men like that hide out?
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    A woman that tries too hard

    :huh: A guy WANTS a woman to try "too" hard? I'm confused...not trying to be rude, just asking for clarification.

    I'm referring to a thread from yesterday where a guy was rejected for bringing flowers to a second date

    proves my point before too... girls want ANYTHING that they cant have... they will sit there telling their gf's they wish they had a guy that was romantic and bring her flowers etc... finds a guy that bring flowers to a date trying to be romantic n she tells her gf's they laugh bout it n she doesnt talk to him anymore...

    i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation...

    had to add-also they are NEVER! wrong NEVER EVER will they admit their fault! they will rather jump off a bridge or look stupid than admit they are wrong! their princesses.... for some reason their always in denial....

    Wow, with this attitude, it's hard to imagine that good girls aren't throwing themselves all over you.

    This has to the most sexist, hateful, embarrassing thing I've EVER read on this site.

    If you're not already seeking professional help, I strongly suggest that you do.

    I wouldn't let a guy like you within 100 feet of a woman I remotely cared about. I'm guessing there are probably some women who have already courts in this country agree on that.
  • Lopezc75
    Lopezc75 Posts: 12 Member
    There are multiple answers for this question and all of them are right to some degree. I think the age of the man you ask is the variable. My wants change with age....me at 20, 25, 30 and so on are a totally different person.

    Now at 36, with a wife and kids, I can tell u I have what I want..their love and acceptance of the man I have become. The understanding that each day brings new challenges but nothing we as a family cannot resolve. Love and faith guides you, never dies, and never leaves you.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    ...in terms of a girl?

    (take 2 - this thread was accidentally deleted yesterday by a moderator and they failed to restore it, *grumble*...lol)

    So, once again, in response to the 'what do women want' thread. This is a chance for all you guys to break the sad stereotyping that says all you care about is t&a. What qualities are you really looking for (or been lucky enough to find)? And if you replied yesterday, feel free to respond again today, lol!

    I've already commented that I want "you", but since that's not enough lol

    I want someone who will accept me for me, allow me my quirks that make me who I am, I want someone who is as concerned about being healthy as I am, I'd like someone with skills in two specific rooms in the house (bedroom and kitchen), someone who realizes I'm not psychic, and that I will change if you want me to, don't just expect me to know you want me to, but I will not change enough to compromise myself or my morals, also I want them to be caring, loving, giving, but not to the point they feel taken advantage of, I want it to be as close to 50/50 as possible, a love of animals, and a desire to spawn some chillens... I think that covers most of it.

    And yes, unfortunately I'm single, and I would bring flowers on the second date... maybe even the first (per another thread).

    You sound absolutely lovely, I'm sure you will find someone who wants the same things!
  • DarkAngel525

    proves my point before too... girls want ANYTHING that they cant have... they will sit there telling their gf's they wish they had a guy that was romantic and bring her flowers etc... finds a guy that bring flowers to a date trying to be romantic n she tells her gf's they laugh bout it n she doesnt talk to him anymore...

    i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation...

    had to add-also they are NEVER! wrong NEVER EVER will they admit their fault! they will rather jump off a bridge or look stupid than admit they are wrong! their princesses.... for some reason their always in denial....

    Yeah, many women (myself included) I don't think fall into this category. On the flip side, I've actually dated men that were alot like that. It's a learning process and no matter how good or crappy someone is, you just have to wait it out and see their true personality, how they handle all situations (good and bad), and their love for you. Certainly not going to hate on you for your comments because holy hell, I've been there myself! Just try and keep an open mind and don't let those bad apples ruin it for all the good girls out there. :heart: