Can a Fit, Sexy Girl Like a Fat Guy?



  • BodyUnderConstruction
    My boyfriend (whom I'm madly in love with) is a little overweight and he had no problem getting me (and he says I'm slim and sexy, so hopefully I apply). You'd be surprised how women don't care about the body as much. But people who are "fat" and are gross are a no go; but if you're "fat" and well groomed and don't act like a slob, I think you're good to go!
  • deegarcia19
  • SingSmileLaugh
    How about guys going for "fat" girls? I feel like it is completely opposite in this situation. I have always been the "chubby girl with the cute face". I get attention from guys, but have a hard time finding a relationship. I'm the cute, funny fat friend haha I shouldn't laugh, because sometimes I wonder if I was skinny if I would have a boyfriend :-/

    Haha we posted about this at the same time. :laugh: You're right on the money....I hit it off with many guys but never made it past a lot of first dates or hanging out. I think a lot of men, deep down, do not want to be seen with an overweight woman. It hurts....I went out with a guy a few times who said that I had such a pretty face, but more guys would want to date me if I lost weight. At least he was honest...:cry:

    Oh hey there parallel life partners! Fat funny girl over here! Holler!
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    WTF! Next goal is to gain some fat!
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    Yes! It's not all about looks, after all :wink:

    (As long as he takes care of himself somewhat... I don't want someone who will be loading the house with super unhealthy foods. My will power isn't that good yet! :laugh: )
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    Sorry to be shallow but, nope. I work extremely hard to keep myself in shape, and I like having a partner who does the same. I could not live with someone who does not do the work to take care of themselves. It is not a matter of looks for me it is a matter of having enough respect for themselves to be healthy, they don't have to be ripped by any means but they do have to care aout what they put into their bodies. luckily my husband does try and he helps me with my goals too.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    It's all in how they act.

    There is a VERY chubby guy that's a friend with my husband (he was so big he looked pregnat no kidding) and he can't keep girls off him! He finally settled down and got married and she is so tiny I wonder if she eats!!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    I think it's more than possible... But to be honest, What will come to be an issue is that the fit woman will want to be active, the overweight man, not so much. My hubby isn't completely out of shape, but it's hard when I want to run, bike, snowshoe, etc and he has no desire to go with me even when I slow down. I love him dearly, but I've made being active a LARGE part of my life and I'm starting to get lonely doing everything by myself.... (hard part, when we met, he was a was one of the things that drew me to him in the first place!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    WTF! Next goal is to gain some fat!
    Nobody wants to just admit that fat on our bodies is ugly to most of the world.
    It's a sign that we do not have our act together.

    And I would never want to be with any lady who found my rolls of fat
    What breed of sicko is she?
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I am married to a slightly over-weight man who has no interest in health and fitness. It has been my experience that our completely separate life-styles separates us in so many ways. I do everything alone, hiking, kayaking, exercising etc. So I think I would say in the event that I am ever single again, I would tend to want someone that shares my same interests.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    if he is funny and self confident yes why not
  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    I say yes. Love is not suppose to be about looks right?

  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    believe me, people are more obsessed with their own body and often not notice imperfections on their partner's body
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Okay ladies... I thought it would be interesting to hear what the MFP ladies have to say on the matter.

    Can a fit and sexy girl like a fat guy?

    Why or why not? (be totally honest)

    Sure they can.

    But with me, I would want a guy who is aiming to at least eat healthy and exercise. Maybe at PT school next yr ;)
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    MY DH is overweight and I met him sight unseen after we "talked" for months. It just was not an issue with me then. Now I am afraid for his health and would like him to adapt healthy habits (being a healthy weight range will naturally follow suit).

    I personally would not date a bodybuilder. I have seen to many players and men who ran out on their wives or long term girlfriends after acheiving their physique .... so they ruined it for all the good guys.

    Strongmen on the other hand seemed to be more into their sport then into their looks.
  • sreed12
    Funny is the new sexy. I am happily married and crazy-in-love with my man. He's hands down the funniest person I know - He's not fat (but I am) and I'm pretty funny so I'm guessing it works either way.
    I'll take funny over anything
    and, look at every sit-com on TV - it started with the Flintstones - hot wife - fat bumbling hubby. other shows? Happy Days, King of Queens, According to Jim, Fresh Prince, the list goes on....
    find a gal that loves you for you - not your body - even if you're rocking 6 pack abs, you won't be when you're 80 :)
  • sreed12
    Funny is the new sexy. I am happily married and crazy-in-love with my man. He's hands down the funniest person I know - He's not fat (but I am) and I'm pretty funny so I'm guessing it works either way.
    I'll take funny over anything
    and, look at every sit-com on TV - it started with the Flintstones - hot wife - fat bumbling hubby. other shows? Happy Days, King of Queens, According to Jim, Fresh Prince, the list goes on....
    find a gal that loves you for you - not your body - even if you're rocking 6 pack abs, you won't be when you're 80 :)
  • KristyJoy123
    KristyJoy123 Posts: 84 Member
    My best friend is adorable and fit and very sexy. She is WAY attracted to big guys. She likes the way they make her feel small and protected.

    I think personality is WAY more important than looks. I'll be the first to admit that every time I've dated a guy based on looks it has been a total disaster, but every relationship that was based on personality has been very good.
  • JDF0621
    JDF0621 Posts: 1 Member
    I dont mind dating someone a little overweight, but it would be hard for me to keep a healthy lifestyle if the person I'm with isnt doing the same. So I'd rather be with someone who enjoys working out and living healthier. Doesnt mean he has to be buff, just healthy in whatever form that is.
  • MoneySavingLisa
    I have dated some guys that weren't fit and even really not all attractive but what attracts me to a guy is there personality and humor. Hell I bet you could look like Golem and if you got the personality and humor - I'd date ya.